THE MICHIGAN DAILY. * I ~ I-CYI(TIAN PCI ARLiTT S i ! tGrob.'n in - Turkey. 4 Pu lta~l h s +Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. °MOUIT SMOKE. MAKS SEGYPTIAN SSIOKLORS Cak ipsorPlai 'Fromffi ae h ouos r ^";' r-+- --a-rtt-- -4-a-r- a s-a r.+ e S hoi -r -"-ars s -sepiei r-e t-- --."s--- Ariv *Ntrvs each «ivirk or '7t; .w + h i .h tc~will covier the spring "ug til U L JSIRPA t9 SPOVI r * N 7 . 22d St., News York. 4a.. . . . . . . . . 4 ,. . . .... YOI 'Daily !~ MONEY LOANED ON Arkansas, Texas. Mexico } ((ow.0- a nd Zell H ill) «4 Are best reached via } (4 i ia-- ('hatt(i as n d 4Tt to anna rho--il f St. Louis, World's [air City,' An}rorSoeII1 .flan :BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENITIAL .j Ann Aror Stre, 1 1 .Main.W. J. LOvUIM. th} Factory --Brockton,=flass. I ~t . e-r- II 1. 1Iro ,t~sountdiI« ........................ H.III~ 1 out i 1 ICII1rAN ()ENT Al. 'The Noitiara Fais Rout. ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO > R EN T SC H LE R For anything in the line of '4 4' Maker of Photographs Framing, Call (in Rentschler, 14i Phone 189-2r. Corner Main and Huron. Streets. '1' +' 8 Q BUI tALIJ STETSON'S COLOSSAL DRAMATIC Your eyes examtiinedl ly anl NEW YORK AND SCENIC PRODUCTION. expert optticianl. All Ihe lat- AND BOSTON, est approved appliances and moethiods ciii ur I iioieils ii il~iti -a 0111 i ii-Ti ~ lluu' -n- knoswn to the profession areempiiloyed. iah irectas.-,(iiy. Sti. 'oil oil hi ((i-i. t. i fi- X l a m' a i" c m s t 1oIsr lirlis ad i eiCiity t. i u n he\"', h tes'lb ii in- for two-it leforsi- tNew eye glasses fitted, lenss li- i t'rinfc (V. iV. CaSE. Aeiri I-hi~sca lt trc iiI(iiSel'ilylarhli eated, franies repiaired. Hailer's Jew- __h__is-.plrmfuelion farl*surpasses uliti elry Store. tf. Q, RAIWAY ol li(st l ill iiiii ' ypairtiiiiar aidsi- , N LA~l J 1wil h t iebal sein here. Slecial Jast received 223 Mandolies and Y. 'TAADARD TILW a ttentioni haslbeeniigiven lto (the sag-Guitars that we bought at a rmr- b'or Dlr ilt alfthourly fromii:15 uti l iiioflthe piee. aidsiesver-al scenice ably low price and will nel liuhm at t i-ip i . li-anhury until 1int5. I-or si- efferis are sail to lie magnificemnt. Thlii-ose-third the regular price. This is littli iifly 1 a. m.ssand 12:45a. m. o Jac k >iiiii!loirly r-is ill . untai il-S5e. m ililliiloiatiiin ie sciens n- he)ili1 an exceptional hargain. All lostra- Thnrr l1.) ,. p. i-s oii11(15 p. (ii. rir. Si. (lair's plantatioii withilossi ments on easy payments. See oar Waitinr Reoin, HBoeSt0., W, of Main, aiidlgaidien by iiiioiilight and thei-cot- display in window-Ann Arbor Music E tloniielIds beondao. aiid (lihe i s-i-li Co. Q NNS DRUG SORmE{ iitanormat111ion scenaheem nd lii-oi f lithe-___ L1 1 551s tactireIn-oI--ii 1he -neaiest. (liii' Fresh Liawneys, AIli-gre-iii's, par- -egagedl litMr. Le-o XV. (Vashbuorn Ticket for tour shlamploos-$1.00 .i.hi. s. ar ~r-N f (is505(11 -'e'ytSoft wafer. Miss Vaughans, in-rQuar- 1'rsien. . rrsiri i. 0w1a si-I-li-il l our his or -hier ii laliilii iy's R RKii. Cal i-sr. (y fisl iiithe p r.ail ssignedi. A cli-ui-er,_____ FIR3ST NAI ONAL BANK uicIai-ile of colioredl singers adds nma- tiiiversity studeints desiringg-oise C)1? A N N ASIZ B1,1M 141. i-riaIIl ii to i- th eriiam by a numbelisr Icore positions to teachl sill(fuindito of' high-ilass osp-rialtiles. Cil. Sass- (heir inlterest toswrite toi James s1I' CAPITAL, - - - $100 500 rzepcko gnie iera M-louh ,)t . SURPLUS AND PROFITS, - ng$40,00h0 - uh o cnin Slariu6"tt'losgh IIF"il Arts llId., ('hi- biiiliodhoundsialoti ioflibeaiutifuil Sh-I1cago. If. State Savings Bank.also ithths'ru-al: comnaion.(The Pantorium, .33 S. aifne. Cl-muint DIeRCCT-R0i';streit lautraili-has itwo laiiis (if nuts- IPreosing anid lRepa-iring., Clothle. Si-.. hRoth losV. Slierlti ici, a inutmbeiri-of giorgeouisiciariots, tali-taileid for antI ielivceredl.1Leaveior (titi. Arotild lie. V. C. Vaauh-tn tits. 11. i i- I. CWila-ha cgin r itle arracF'. liiili- iers orer Cuohiogs Druig Store. r N. .l. IKyier.loliit Ilurer atla large oiltlay iif touey, iaaking 'ioe582-31 r. luo ohPof l .Crar poeFa . G(so i ChistiainMartis thisthuefitnest: fr-e-st1reiltpageatien-_______ tertainietesthatlcn eat e-ntjoyeid liy GLEE CLUB-NOTICE. j yong attildh, and pareiuts shitilil l 1:v-ry memter h t io pects toi al CreamfiChewingl Candy gatchidrenitntttheir idesiri- itovi-(wit- eSpring II' tri Ie(ortI iil I (((iC i-s ha ill bei-to Ithet a aleiasulre- lTesiday,- Aari-liS, at ip. in. N St Sal tidil 1 eaiititl.hout -rd -lt-tob eembtler-ed. Thle 511111l illii (meitalsotrSIport.-o1011 Popcoinii suki I iilu fresh awill eciomente al :1: 1(1.- Cad .iti~c e-------- ' ------ Bath suippilies of all kisnds at alt at S.Stte [ St 1[[R. Fotintain pens at Cushing's. t. prices at CushingslDriig sttire. If. Wal P p ain AIEY f EDMVNYDS, " Me ATHENS PRESS . and Oils SaeOidrq~rnes? * 021 E, Libersty St. * + grad loo~anr. Aih~e,uThear 4 216 IEast IHuron Street. -f---f-*-o-+t -f*4-.'4--f,*4 .M iiicii- :.... * I'll ii.- - li(i l-. (ri[,ti NlI i (iiili l( I I I I i I ri i- Ito iii ii i } * THE BEST OF EVERYTHING H. ID. Armstrong,J.P. A.,, *Ann Arbor, Micih. PP i TfJR5Gi5 CEICTAL C 111350COLLEGIATE % FOO~T BALL 4 U sed by allthlb Leadiiig ' Foot BalPants i-i-iciiiil ' A. h. SPAL5INO & BROis. 4 r Incorporatedi'i. ,f ew York, Chieago, Deiiver mi ildii 1(1.1s 'liiOff i -ill--i-i 11111 (;a sl fo 93 dtdbyti-sl i te Saill) t *+ as**+4?*+°S l.I-** (sib- +*+rwr~iq ----01 ACEToOSUm TT Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. i 4 8.-. . . ..+-0. . ..4-r--t4---I-+f4P1-t-1 1T----tt °-#+-- Plumbing anmd Stoats Went gil1 at R'asn Ste Rates anailFirst-Class Order at J. Jr. SCHUH'S, 2017 E. Wasiieigtoi. IHnCING VALRtY Ry Coni o BI[RSYOU WTILL FIND----. PIIYSICUL TRINLN11 IN WRITING, [ OUR TRAINS DAILY F'ROM TOLEDO po tII; r o h.I;" . r. I .( I.i t1r!, 41 s y Sleeping Cars on Night Trains 04 ati'l1 7 4, I"i . r 1l.It- Sr 0 i I,-t I tWk. 1 ii i 1 's i for . ill ,Ieeag on1, 110 S~l Nttll .W L N M N .T . eri tuluu t,ui- tCit i i l Iivittu..f v I in i i ria- t I Iri 'I i iti ht h Nit-IOSINTLEO lways Ahiead MIT X;ARf, THE TAILOR*, the Best in Stvle . 4 ~~WL.1I.,fIvery thin toin ailorini .4 -'Vj...r. ".. . r wa j Va+ Aa b ,a ww....av ". as a~