TrHE MICHIGAN .DAILY. DISSO LUTION SAL II STILL ON . Some Soecial kiargansief t in SFLANNEL SilIRTS AND SWEATERS +t + CUT TING, REYER & CO,. 109-11 1[Eat washii on o A Word DihEadn, To Students (jTPERTII FUN FOR TWO FUN FOR A CROWD FOOTBALL POKER... Combines all the interest and excitement of the two great American games. Sheehan's - Wahr's IOr Sn ostpaoI~ioilreceip 0 50 ovil o ' 11-: Mo N .pOOKhil ) 84 .hills . -I (Ilog LienfCOLLARS Len(and CUFFS ARfE THE BEST. # 8arke't llrtIl dfe I111 thetb.' -, gt1 1 , o t '-o o n 1 . rn ar NO)1 '-Impeol t,- jSold by Wagner & Co., 2-;for 25 cts. _ _ t * It ,, nt r11' l ooo' io 1 I' i nn F le1 11 .n.11111 hl'loo 01 ' o " at1(,r h a 1 10' 1,11 00101' oo olio (li 1.ypt01'to Oil 11 10 .al 17r. ol I{b111. e'l 1 an' l e 1 rol IM .1 L IIl,11 1f1'[1Y PictuL~res a<"dtooid Fris ilames A. rc tu~eJnen . WanTSoN 'l ~ Wdu AlII Pftrrz naiter o ints h, n .se i oiy n :Owism w 2ln e.tic1 [akt hure Iotn Street.rri S1 1".1~ onotl-ill 1r.too'i-l ' MI- ~ihn i at lirilowsl Ai~rtheDar~ifli~ na~ng &th Matllux's Tua ry'Cmins nntrugStor Pictrs and Freramel~rs TR4A.J.DWARTON F.O, Wall 286apere, Paint. F t 27 4 1 4. 1 Pae tLeather Shoes W$ ire 10111il rle ,lee11r A LBSERW T LUvT Z, 4 , SPR101G NEGLIGEE SHIRTS IRE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER. 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET ' f11'1?f 11'I . 'l 11 a,' R EN T SC HL E RFor anything inlthe linle df l 110,:nd. rI,1,;l(alas1 Mae fP oorps FlamingCall on Rentschler, ofl 4, 11'111111 the '10111e III, I ll oill i -1 la honep:389_2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. +4. f 1111t111 1 i1f1011. t5. .1 i '+ ...... 14 4 ti, 1111 "II STETSON'S COLOSSAL DRAMATIC! Your eyes examined by an WAGNE+&iC AND SCENIC PRODUCTION. expert optician. All the 1st- 4HaRberdashersof ,4ofHallers ;, _____est approved appliances and methods 4 1)1ar to the'111 1111''11110 1 nrfe aan aeem5oyed.1 y 111A11 ~eloe'r101promNew eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- +j+ 01ated,1frames repaired. Haller+S Jew.1,11111reated frames*repaired.iHallers'Jew.+ + t+*r +rt+ + + H* +zrt+. 4+.+0' 11( 1111101 0111110001111 lry Store. will btbet -l s-11-10''ll here. Special Just received 223 Mandolins andi 11tention has ben0givln to the1-stag- Guitars that we bought at a remark-i Arkansas, lexas, Mexico 1111 of hepie1,1an eoe 11 0111 ra o'sc ably low price and will sell them atr -S a re-said1t1 i1. III'allnlil t file 011-one-third the regular price. This is : ndCaliornia... thIrilling lig 1111111s1e'n0(11111 thoeOUio an exceptional bargain. All Instru- $i ' nts.(lir.on1111 1111s1y .See our Are bell reached via 0111011111 Iarelby 1111111111111 oa,)(1-e o-display in window.-Ann Arbor Music ; St. oiWrdSL "-' 111 1ton 1fields fb(11111 al1l(] 1111'sup1erb110 Co. I1 +L~ tran111f(1111011111sc1111101t1the (1en1 of t111the8 1l1st act-1areong011110 grea1-1es-0. (1111'Fresh Lowneys, AllegretisSpar-++ oftelargest o1rganizations111of owhiioe Iow's, Huyler's, chocolates at, Cush- IroD frountain t adclrd rtists1 eveor ,Ialhered11t0- ingot Pharmacy. tf. 8 1110 inoecobntinhs0enR0t ngg1).Nhr\I r. Leoon W. W, slolorn Ticket fnr fonr shampoos-$.04.+ for1this1seas1n. 'every'lIoe of1 who11(1 oftwater. Miss Vaughan, e Q uar- 18 00as, sol t '1'111'l is 0' ororoooloptilili- ?r sftnear I 100 10lo 010111s to 0 Ililfolnia 4 ty' for 111e parotoaosigneold , A cleveri' ___y______________I11oire a ixly t ooo sto lb 01111 Illo'olorol 10000 olooo100- University students desiring 1o se- olr1il'0011 wrialy t theprogrnniby, memer cure positions to teach wll find it to *i11111 11dailo Grinsto1110 111 ",s o i ghcls sopecialties11111 (. lool. Sa110110' 0trinsto1 itllo Blocko. their interest to write to James F.881.'+ 1 011 1111 11.1.o~' 1'111111 SloriloMcCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- + bloodhunds,'0lot ' batflSet g.t. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. 1011111 ponies, trick d1. InlotyS.l, 01,a1e!- tWRITE ME. '1101 with11tlis gratoo mb oo~linoation~. Tho- 8rim i6 .Mte enng 111 1110 l loos111 1111(1 411110 Patorum 23 5 Stte Ceanng 18 I[I) Armstrong', T. P. A, 10110111111has o band1110f11 nsIlPressing and Repairing. Clothes8 lenwgn n i(?crigs ul called for and 'delivered. Leave or- 1211t'11t'1"1Ao. ders over Cushing' s Droug Store, or 8n ro ih atalreotalo oemkn hone 582-3 r. " n rofth 3 young an old, and01101a01notbo'soouldo' GLEE CLU B-NOTICE. 10110000 cooldren11 1111t11ir10des oowtloll mmbrwo xecstotk ness0 111100will be tI ono a pleasulre t 5111pringtrillrept011in10ltoooo C W t lo1 ln o erooooo olo oto. FToe 1at1in1eTuesda y, Maroh 8. oal 7 p. 10. Now Wa an will ooooooo con e l t ::'O,. m0e11also rort111. 109111 0 URPOLIC Y Tooth o . i illiini o o Iof" 1' 1p 100110 '10 n:>tem with every posiliod-11111 Brushes 11 ernlllnrot0110001; 0111 gitvloog of ortterl er Icr Ithan woo &VerIthouoghot p.oosil l'O le-To 10be nooiloralle, otoortrollI 011d1joust ill etcy c-oltai Puo .Otllia110 e1quiremetst. 1'To1 Iov 01Db oilmpeoliilelts. o lboeosais- tieod widi ilot011111stort of thoe conffoidncto acotl goool owilof cvery citIlO ill the coounoty. If 0111 of ouor 1.01' NAW 117 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lloo~e 110"A:-110 -ON C . lrsl4 l( lo lris- WAI A 1 Aii[Pt N Otees we ovill r1101ace it f'otCxtP O ! sOsOi c: Li erlr streetIInear 1-0111 lb 'Xitoliotrcost. ,rV PClr~ARLTTLS 324 S. it I1r So. G0rok'm in Turkey. __________ Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. AL MUJ& A. ~LE, 'MOGUL SMOKL MAKLS LGYTTIAN sssOasLVo. ~mtg'ahe Cork Tips orPlrise. tiors:i ool, 01101 Save the Cupon,.. 316 S. Mlain Street, Ann Arbor II IM' I ---- 5.'. j - JWithk 0yom'ooso udio. Aiways Ahead In style!. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailorin g