Tarte miCHi 'AN DAILY. Reduction Z S ale I As we have too large a SUJITINGS AND on hand we will rsell them at reduced prices to make room for ooir THlE MICHIGAN DAILY feel Michigan's needs of an institu- tion such as nearly every other vol- Enorei s. second chi (natcte atthe AnnllIpe oheriprac nos Arkbor Pos1Offi r moraceejos uaily (i~ondey excepted) during the college year, at117E.. Wasdington street,I (basemrn eno, sideentracee) Phone tliih.r MANAGING EDITIOR S. EMORY Tl'IitMAStIN B0USINESS MANAGER: RtOSCOE It. HUSTON EDITORS: - - - Ito;H OnETK. WALTONw JS.BALoY- ASSOCIATEIS: Cifford Stevenson. Roy Peebies, A. M. raver, Henry P. Erwin A. C. Pound. A. H. Ortmeyer. Joseph Y. Kerr. Stoddard S. More. ' Ida M5. Brewnsriggn 1. Waite Jayne. Geo. A. Oshborn. Harold C. Smith. Hurry H. Andrews. Alfred B. Keelh. ' ThonassIt. lReberts. Clyde L. Dew. ' BUSINESS STAFF: We. ins. It. Lloyd H1. K. Lturette. GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. Two new prep. schoo:l recorvds wereI estahished at the games given hyj tolumbia University recently. The h~alf mile record no:w stande at 2 min- ttee 34/, seconds and the mile recortd is 4 mintutes 34%. seconds. The rec-j ordis were made on the indoor track: ,of the 22nd Regiment Armotry, New York City. S An agitation is heing set up at the University of Illinosis to secutre a set of chimes for the libtrary tower. The faculity of Intdian University has adopted a plan wherebty a sttudent can complete hoth the literary ant i law courses in five years instead of seven years, the lime it tool: former- 4 Woolens. Be snre andt Editor tobay-HAROLD C. SMITH.',It is ptropoisedl to levy a tax of fiftyI itt ~ ttmienspte 1'v::l)':t::e pe sm, paatd 5cents ont each stttdent at the t'niverei- yottr otrder. A sdetuedfvients.littr :e.i 10524 At present no provision is matte to IOffice Sours:-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:301 care for any of thte sick it: the Uot- Tp G . p. m. Daily. veresily and on this account many have j~j 1 J.U tddress--ROSCOX S. HUSTIOS, Business Man- ' jn ( ,ager, 331 Packard Street. ivo leavte college. 108 E. WASHINGTON STREET.Tephn.41- cleeadat Neraska have finally hltc::mpro mise d ontthle proptised estsablishtment.tof the I *@ OO *@~. _______________________ Physic's bu:ilding 1)0 the athletic field. -' - - 'The butiling sill occupy part of the5 ±CALENDAR. I field atnd allosw just stufficient- r~om The 6re t 6dlnecat:nott brace themselves against their March: 4-8 and 11.15--Ferry series of i own goal lines. lectu:res hy Professor Shailer Mat- day at Ujniversity Hall. of the 'Big Fotur" railway andptest March t0-Thursday evening-"The Iteti of the Americatt Railsvay Ungin- Evidence frtone Distrihutiotn." Mr. Jerring and Maintenance of Vsay A'. Adams, Mulseetm lecture room, socialti:onspoke recetntly lteftttetilt University. enginees at thte Iniversitof Wiscon- [xcGitig fun [or [veryo Rralr t~SchoolP nf Addessat eon b sit:.kHisa Civil Engineer onthevAmer- March 11-Chtoral U'nion concert by 'rotlt:nt(orelsttesa- I k lAdele Atis 1ev Ohe. venweoltheoustnitrnesmu~enits at- ~ Li.March 1t-'05 Medic party at B~ar- welt(. The punrpose of the sttoker huti gymasitol.which is an antttta event. is b~est 'x- ______March 12-Adress by Mon. Win. J. pressed iby the words o~f the loasinias- Btryan, in University' Halt. tee. ''At. the Jutniorv Smoke:r you ar:e Pockdt War Maps for the March 2.2-First Rtegiment Meet. togeth~er for tile pttrpose' of singitig * -- the ptraises of our: Alma 'Mater.' Far East', I Sc. Teiawen'tin:g'of new inter'vet it j Sptchrlt:'en'retmade by Warner. the tnivl:rsity :orgatnizationts itritngs to: ie' (lotbtall coach:. pvomnenstprfels- 11u0nion f eli '-Mich~igan:societiv's wiih - the aim of ev'etually' obtaining the A tianic was nearly' caused in lie SH E At&C . ln., - ii ' lul':.111"t Iee:'.' itversi ty libtrary at HMinnesvota lby SH EH N ulnder a cotmnovo~f all the different the explosio~n of one of the nndsx I::nve: sits 3,oksellers Ste- tphase of colle'ge endeiavorv:may' be censtlot:: ninthelap explodetd all th~e retwnouanapniws tbonet :ttd Engr'a vr. fosteredvanat irit utandl untity of it- elwnn ~ ::laIalcea vi:vi.,:l~t ~t hik wlleflta tatwell u:nd er way beorne the tights came teet"o pwihwl qa ht320 South State Street. of atnv of lie lontg esteblished Eastern onl again: andestowved tile stiudents jI colege's.'lThe last: whtich:'sichiganeua that. o danger existedl. has ::::iciiat:en hbeenev::devcrihpd as i -- --___ __Herculeean. It is unidoubttedlly dificu~ltj FRESHMAN BASKET-BALL TEAM.j C. H. MrAJOR jo COM1PANY 1111b1t thesamebt' lets must have 1. Specialtyj of [hne bev'ei tresen':edito ether :universities. 1 Thle firs:t(If the basket-ball Itcams Interior Decorating Itn nearly every" intsance the difficttl'Ito (organize definitely this year was lie's were o:vercoime ii)y aluimni prtovid. the freshmnt. Membev's were p~ick~ed C('::e it:' 11ew'line of Ws st allPapers, ig 1111'fiundse for t:'ilding theseeclub anti officers were elected Saturvday, IP'ainl.t, ile oet \ 'sreivties. ihouises. It1is:1)nio t t e :doubttedt that Match 5th. The resttlts vere as fosl- 2 3 E. Washington. Phone 237 Michtiganhtis m:aniy' wealthy alummni, lows: Ii .1'bes:fcvlyitrs~ in For th~e first team, tCaptain, Flvrencve U. of M. Antiseptic Barber Shop ilthirtAlma Mater?' If not. perhas Carey; for su:b-captain,. RenaMohr as guests at the 1:1:1 ed Michigan cltub for ba~skets, Miss Carey, Mbiss Clark. AND BATH kOOMS. ibanqu:et, ideth::v e itflu~ence of t.he Miss Yorkeer; fosr ceintet's, Miss Eshet:- JR . TROJANOWSKI, proprietor. goodl o licltbigan son~gs, andi undter burg, Miss Shartel, :Miss (Grace; foer FaeMsaeaSpecialty, tihe spell oIf set associatio antigtuard's, Mine Jaquet. Miss Rteizer, Miss FaeMsaea322 SOUTH STATE STREET tmeniories they nmay be indutcedl to Mosh~er. Of the sub~-teani, Miss Rein- Sweaters and Sweater Vests 25/ OFF For a Short Time Only $5.50 Ones for - $4.12 $5.00 Ones for - $3.15 Colors White, Gray, Ma- roon and Navy. FOE SALE Al' Wahr's Book Stores. SPRING STYLES VARSITY HATS Now ready for inspection. You're invited to look. _4. GOODSPEED & SON Hatters. 117. Main Tv: keep youtr face in gooti codition, use 'Wiliamts' Shavig Stick. TH[ STU1?tNY8' LECTU21 AsbOCIATIONI The Next Number Will Be Announced Later. DEAK M. $CABOur, M~anager Wednesday, March 9tianeeNgh Stetson's Big Spectacular Double U~nde Tom's Cabin Company 65--Mlen, Women and Children--65 20--Sieclacular and Specialty Sensations--20 PIES."Eenin-g, c,10c.; .dulta, 2c on ne,33 Eve. ning, - 10cre, 20co30and 50c. ee 3:3 1 :3 Nights, Commencing Thursday, March 10, RUNT STOCK CO. aud Miss Marie Fitzgibbou THURSDAY NIGHT--THE RANCH KING, Prices:--10, 20 and 30c, Ladies Free Thursday Monday, March 14, THE GREAT LAFAYETTE Season Tickets, $1.00 o1.A Single Admission, 30c ~mmm m..mmmmo mmgm IZ TNN *M1+ N UNN N+ NNNN TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHERS AND HATTERS, 334 5. STATE, STPhone 342.2r.