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March 06, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-03-06

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The Michigan Daily



No. 11 0

B[ST IN YEARS. 1 1551 tt tclat at the start brke
_________ and hIietta nable to rn bt sas
Was Last Night's 'Varity Meet-Ha"altlwedtoite('51 I<t' in the finals.
mey and Rst in Star Rls-Twa Final.
Deadtl bet tt '.1ween1Stewart awl
Reords Brke. Nico. Iteiten :;r. "- s ec.
Rn-ff of Ti.
Last nigtt 'e 'arsity timee t spro-Stt'ttr t t1Niol 2n. 75% see.
bably thte mot succeessful affair osf is 44 Yard Run.
keit ever teldl it the e iitttettt~ni iss lt: arelso2nitBt lstti
iEery event ewas tll itf exiei itent r1 isc
stit pat ndtthtatt' ittet'rewere bit-MieRn
tk-ti, Ratet'y svictiry itt t the fInt l loggtstyi e ts t ils2nitt Ce: I rdn.:
event and Roste's putt itg Ite solt~ tttt it. 37see.
feet ltt'2 inches'wereto'sen'tatitonts PolnVault.
trtvesd his ttbtlity it l the e ihui twotitfet tsinttc te: 'Ilten ndtii 1eitry tie
amtiiniseredtto stHtll. te Weteri 880 Yard Rn.
otim tse frmiatd iit oss pr nt O0it iHigh Jump.
at thtt'fiishft. tn t ' e ts ittmittItttut i eb Ier ttIdAMile tintd 'tir lst. " eel
stronstg rates'atidt hadieutalty isatstod Ii itthest.
reasle yI'atiecondithe oIti ltdttrecord I I, f, ichets.
twhichti sas isasi' by Itotiledi}iivesy- Class Reay Raes.
t 1901t. t1 silt ilsis OiI tan s a ise' ,i!,- -"e,
f ts to 10 i les
performnc e wt''itll ii is i t h t ihthIts ess'
bsean last Salurdayt niguti. i it -
efor ws liPet iiches and sUti ri BRYAN 10 SPEAK.
itha l'''ttte " aiforn'ttiatwtnder' dill not ______
greatlyextend hims I, a s irt ot
Under ten Auspices of the God Gv-"
'vt e ci etti si' s ae r. Hiss's', -ti
wer ur'as tiluwse:+c fet r wihe: ermn. Cub in University Hall
4:, fes't I icess: 5e: IA feet; 4: Net Saturday Evening at S
fest 7 iche: t1,5ifieet ihes.iRoi' Occk.
Ies isi iti'ht swills6 feet, ii' lattlJulsn_____
itytitesk1 i Ica Is i ll-tni CI lusts. W iliatmt.Jeninstgs B lii
Anoste et fth's (its iswasiastllistis ectures-itis' ' iveittssiy stdettis
iits ttlsIII(, tiilt rt tar ly won ouits's.1 . I its u citiunssi o l i is-el tr-j
ilAr c it sant lt notie I ts - iite i tieted ief .re tiht stldeitu 5's5on ev lt5 ocs-lii
151 itofttinjuryin Ills lhe it lt isls'''ll heI lit' Cd he as isgtetss's IBirtit
thuse asthe issntils adstil is do el ;s ayit oraton. Aw'ayen'ts'lie has
it ii to hav the issinul iiilspcrint1 et i li'in o e o AnitArtist e Is'has isistes
Iht tie ( 1 st-t IihelitI'on-it ionlil wheslt hsel uphtnhicesiutgIsaltohils iciwni exptese.tast
ietshis I s acts'sts-csats at PhiIliii sts t ll 'is sil'a ls'on o tte onittiosi ull1o5n
tith ia tAla . T'i't lft It'l ita rsilco i se iiish Its-os nctteditolit e t h'iis tise.
sos-iswonby 5~i Ir5l tel-s il' titmargi to aloe whoils wiiss-tocoes-l i i~
isagittitli In -s forteis is i t o AnniiiAibortir it.
Anth er' bbstet'it i-i titi et tilt Bits an deoste d ts-s ,1 procieeed esifthIte
itt i li-Peat itin the si . ee tisshen tBi'wesr li-itile t it isndsthesint rist tes fu
lilir. Hoe''ve'sr Ithe'formerl ha (lobe'1111111 li lif piz'eeforithe isblst essyisuso
('rac talitly teno ltsiu-e i t'tallth11 s tieat ttlePhstes it'llu icipal Goven-it-i-I
itd learli s huts-dis I lackiftpt ac me' ."ti'bes hsit'. o e ac ya
ttte. sii sy se-t si is' e he y-- t ittme tofth~e'fund.s i
'at in Klt ggsi' won tte I mile1111irTt eIplitzlit his lnost asiyt e istSalt's
is inteats-st ie s'f 1s mint es'3it s - e-s tis sit-lIlI- ii ' lii es l si
t i stoe ritu n ' 'r isc 11 tittical l ln' i ltl(he iri0Ity it uislia s it 'ic'ail
othr ' his tie illshit il i litailsc ckily sisit .s. I ts tt hiei is tstw e l ie
srs'e-inisi te facsifytsits' d stsisav l e its izodsts reiss i n It uairiv a steise
a'nditt lit'f i s'sh d 'ls-layto te i l sltsde istsu utell at hi s siythe- ecpt ionthe
s-st einil lit-quaterli ile lilt'css(hle s'reIi s's reent sic a.roa. (His i ittea
24wa 'si it5'i ute binraentolastotells hl'ic May (It. aist ta ilty
cl'sar.h't itteoo (tis'the udg tilt !,tlt ese'-s i S'sortt tnit hic]] eqlly
decisi iio swsinallsyt' iv ts Goodwin. i i sit oci ne lss rd'yti' rist' lt i'the
s's d c te a l sithay hoiihi d fe ,FrtR gm n et
Thel mse SummarInis.e aue fONrtieaRCPIN
he'.19t04tlLu-'1w s tledthe itrita tTe Go ene nts'tlt 1 Ch-i'(-lubitty'ises.
recrdislireel2yitrate:, I to teti ittc stiannouce'sa' t is' tesista t; the
ts with let-I 9ill (it its.T cr. hae ssss it i t ' "assilt. y ctins o se
40se Yrds, ash-Trialby heats tettshesulsd hrtMayi7hlis t'hi"attey"
ya- 'Thie b est imuelThty.-ins pte-l e Ixpscel-sillysetyso1 hefrie-i-nly a
seons theears let;rd\orlte 19ot7itsits'11i-a-cisc'lito01t-cear.i
ef.r els-i Strdayligh I't. A sssestis b- tnt' eit' a
Hea t.iScondnisas. ratri ty 22. ne Fi
Roare,ty4isfAee. ___nhe_________ayevnin, _thrratrntyroms
F et 0inale.Scho NIVERMsic aty Y.nM.tC.sA
4eele Yard Dash-suTrt-(tiaHe tssisti'sat uil pea P tene

(cii. e4' sec. 'Psiete1tin tt ;: I> 'rofsesor Sc'itailei
40 Yard Hink Hurdles-Trial Heats. Ma~thessosi' (hicagos U'niversity silij
1. Nicoil, 1st: ilsusgoi. '2us. 5 sec.sp iesai as the titiversity Y. M. 1C. A.
2. Kahle, 1st; Quarles, 2nts. A52% set- ' ss"'Te iile ansI huw In Study it"

The Jtiorss-Lawse lsetsitt fC'lichi-
Soi-lniesi itunaIunigeutor se-itch wse
Renewed Interest in Work of S he-hIy'l, ua sutitsgtseslts'
ties-Plan to Unite all University ills'tichoice'osiThomattss D I. Jlns'oif
Organizations Progressing. Alututd, tIdaho. 'Thu fluloinsg' assoiaht-
tosle(, -I-'sld: IG. A. ('utrie, I. C '.W
t ista wellet sabslishets fati thal Stesig"s-cantilC. IE. Wilcosx. 'Thees'wite-
.the educatissnsone receives ti-oitsani ; eu sl''us sIi~ tse usIss u'
caslionedt inthe la 'le s sissts shwnsy
attiv''univsitsty tife is as impoat51'(hett actithsel ait ouIt sisis'me2Au) stesi-
atndl 55rounintlg as teacualluass beuse. 2291 utots wt-ecu- t.i 0f(tis
roomssi sork'. For Iti tiOisstnsoieiitit'e st i i 1stilt'r ans receusuid147.
sosgassizetes-witadetinsites asmlit viewe. Its'. Jonsuis oe f l o sutut t'titte romini
stunt iit itt'05Isaw astses. i-I
? layansit prtn anspart1ud ites' 55wasat ositu'Iimetprsiden11'51t fhe' Wol-
test's lift-. Andt snwheei-ucanilih.is-srSusis-t di"siu eetsariysof lt'e
Itbe sles bter se-shown tan itn tu-e studenit l~ttcu l lilti('tutu. IItHe isalesa101-
life atshetUsiversisty os itcitg'an. lue iftt' e tsLustsPl'ssiet's (C1111).
AstIthe-lue-se-nt Itits' it swousldsiesem .1 tutu-preared5t'tes 'sil tahhi ssAgriuls-
thasttis i nte-u'sst.ini lstut, usgesi-'turtal Colut'u'tslege duss'or5atme- les-u
zaltioseis sin a dleidedt incea'ts' trusty t'tt't'to'uthe usDistr'5c (lisCsout o
sif lt-el-t'resas beessn aheago'nus-ssss sttit.(it.C.luIdauo. Itesis stusws its
ber of netwits-se' l ti u s s utmedu ()us sitolut Iis class. + iat a It oditi u itiltt anissi t h
inses-ivted. iForemosssls ~t s m isissiusdt mat l fsasitistils .
lilithoe'oista josunalist ict-uristis Ithei 'hu(slultung wasile ithIlls- C (tl hti
Pr'ses 'ssl sb whichs is snssy itspros-u ss iallti yslut-i. ('tll ussis is It(us --
ill' useguuious/lionu. A commstnittee itst.slteul
Ittessenttupreptarsinies sel tttissu.'The nghu' tsuisu i ttor-'].I. AJolutse117;
Ni-snYorkereshass'rcetly bandedisu C'. J. Sil se8l . Ceesciatu-- I. I'.
tosge-ther-ttkeep asivt 5'h ts-adutiltist isin ;, 1s~., GA . It Currse- 1t4: .
oflitheItEmpire'Shat-, while' thegeisha- ,IE. EI-Issue.Ct . L.'Frenchu 1l5: 1'. .
gistssare tormingiaslusbli. MAbuttice-u'. A .C'. .Si teger,111tiC .IE.



'isiseneters'wiltlhlwobabetly tseCC Itscos 144).
eseeralhlays eussentslus tuevausious s-s-
Site.'Chss Cosmedy ('lust is noiw ANNUJAL BANQIJ[ f.
busily iss s ili 15ai Ilayi'toushet-_pre-
I et4ills-e shearsc turelist-
tDestsr~el scVes-cu-its le reparusingto 1;Of Young Woman's Christian Asoensa-
ehage ia tGermasnuslay-probalty "hDle tion iHeldFriday Evening-Lead-
usurualist iTh'FNts' blteulit tssuult It es-s in Associanion Respond to
whoisse'aim tis a se'sviva tlut iafrstit) Toasts.
shut Englishlaytts, issidutohe it nit
,ieigthis' preusentat t io it muiracle'
Lashs s u' i~hll t Friu idaytbu'night, h(b' soi-le e t
The 5~ u-'litr r so i t-es. thlAlha -o th ' > l l ousa5'\V. '. N\ sis-u'le, te
Nsult-e Adelphtii httth's'5sniautt. andutannsuaitanuet, s -lstt his-u-c. Sixty
st'eCCl'tbter,'taeu-islls'e mnsltt I l(' ull-sicIll-ti upresen st, among xvh
wesiusu'r torsical eeu-s. Cutlt'e pros-, c si sbstu se t
wcequt afwtlt-ftonaumnussi,
ets Itintl drawss e cbeinug madeuls str;
possitiotsn s-lst h'5culuiubate us--tlit- ad sget f-oo;Ms el
nt-iis it's heell5su te its'ou'us lit loitnt\tush lil cltiie'ttlli tt (hit'
heieeliltg oste' s and5511(he ahttil5151' suitMrse Cl lelt iatuu vIrs. ftinsdale
Tihe' iit'ere sttrosed b y 'ts'esuit brncio thue Y .- .
is the- scientifSt'c sscist ies haus b1 s Cu ttuil is itue i hsI lst -ts
keessl. 'Th' fillt'('lusts huts especilly eli tutu "th ittdhitll) t~caistmarched
shotwntshuts. Sitlhugs' hsenihtshi- at Issowi to the timetiof .a.-rsuidst-uri-I.
tesluss IIut ht' llslps ulst latess by i ss lutist susandtoisis
has proved i'tosms a ussllIsis'thu t- nus theh'us''e is a tet-' lll - Thus- a
Stihutsiwhortialreadusy its thi s ltdy oftheii Bou itlit Nlon Slt CafIs'
early ecu-tug isigiratlustsosf'btrtdl.. Al (ii-, Iuul t '-s
ithl es-u vidente- itt it siset lit sceisill l Itt sit .st t hue -ti'(tssh-litaC
oganizatioseis thiutin stIhesFo'ustry Jolly Picttes
('flus ih Ilessaesusimeullsear of.'sn iii
nmeber-suloth-thudehas'sinsnt sitFo'st- Ch 15 utit i- ' Cits
ry, 'T-eclsuble. ssies lisenuings us Ieid utus
taices, sisssoings ssoetllworkct. Te'Iieape'c
uhco ntmplated-ifosrnatillsho 1 5'i uti-faioog hcl hi - I'aii -(u I lelt C\\sluttak
ctl ('fisl)s is anothers-inicali-utisontofst'e Candstuhuii lN,
iteestte4 xhibhittd aSthsent inso-1 it
hiltise. (:ti SittCul was (otuset Masset erIsis'thus
itswssuldseemhuthardcly nectes-sanryI()
inhil iis stu-lishili-sI i-gsuici evseninsg, uandssteiglltuttse lei'' gi's
evilniosite pol~5 iticl s-I -ui za s us yhus 1 (tulitu it Istlts he stf th' e essi l-
wihctuhesures'idets-ial-eistsion'n telilt.IlisscRth iDiietz, the peie
s cat)l. I t heiit os's-c' tt .uriui
sarinillhisosuit-l. 'T'hesrecsn ts '--. 0...... rl~ciltrc 'I h A

jghisdlllstio itof aHestsli eub thdn itiy os ~ r.Dvs 'e
Slus (it e ws thebecli hhtofsito suut isy
smelintug s usutuilic'ate-thc'e stuattituon t 5 tc l t Ihst il-e
! ashnduakse thiseintersets ttian o ulus s Crit iers.Niit ClMstisa
icurse thie clubtssill bhis- lusthes' ie-s lsitoa st h ,It t i' s.ti-uc' stt -s e's- a
heaest this eueli ust i-he coingitig Iwts osttt 'I'hut 'ssscitat isn IdeaI'
Wtilliamt I. Bryans.asubleIisutistlhititIs-'A-
''itsectial urganizat isoselishar-adhs 'neytle fte"d
j igihuseblackgrundust.hs-Y. Al. C. esi A. n'.Ihseuu us tsl
thu Y.XW. 5'. A., andshsie S. ('. A.. artushiusnits CissIDsoughty an'sMsus Rog-
I all actively ensgagedl at presen't iul i uct, wsre u' ''lB tslher s,"andu"Mich-
wall.'ieyaegiit Colc 511. (Ilgc-si piriht. rustshigh alter
her osit trt'hainints sandhesias H isoshtusger's tloyaul toast.esand thus
sshich sirtu wet-hIat tendsedu. I 'stle-i 5thcir tSiingt ofsut 'i~'h lles's-he's lus . " b
combsisned-u sir'ectlionu sssomesv-ry lts-fam i' tst' ls-Yu sslt
sus i'hligi'ltis tush suilh ws-ite'h s S traselintl age nl
sitY.SWSC.1'A. smemhbesrsc s ithe city,
frosm alt sver Itle cuntsury'stie' i oll ' re' te Fomtiin-Ae
Sdrtessed tht'sltudentis.ssuse i' itss-
Amouungthue senOitt's-lasshit'aniz'a-intt h (its- lutssst isy illnsse.wesre
standssout. It has talet-uponsss iself -"'-
the almttu er cusleaun itaisitof tund-u SECURED GOOD POSITION.
ing a Mlichsigan ('IsuitI lonuse. As ans
aisin iithis woritisis seeklinug ilobindti it's. Sylv'Iia liserts- 5,sIssi luteas-r
the'nariouues organsizations soft hess-lii- usouhi;-his-cMute'soDegcrese(from lt
ver-sity tusgethito t a sucrt oluionl~
ansi by sit cluing lbsetundertcakuiig cants of sh b.,cutes unabl to ssiccs'e a huosi-
his lutier sorganizedi.Is thss'eis-scfu- I ionsis telaceiur.Situ'etere-bi. Ali-
tutre there is huh he a tuanqutlat enhichstache schoolut utfslsorithandusfie nhs
ipractically alt the organizat ionascut the agos. 'seuslay slu-eswas((elettes-ihi--
jUniversity with he representeisue n l( o hit t-bahisnidinoslush- hlii'largest.
there active ineasutres s-ill huetalien ;andh besthsigh scbhools is this cuntsusry
ht futher thetprojlet. a1$S1115 ter e sar fori'the'fScst year.

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