TIHE MICIGAN DtAILY. +Puritan ' hue f'1 .. Spring ~Fromf + -ostyleg ' H°° (titor II : I a' ' --$.0 J LCHI6"ANJ "s aCEN es'r+a-a ,... 'T e M g r F ~alls Pally S H L Rf+ O N ElYt L OAI N E U lf '1111 810x IElhle Mkro htgrps Faig alo ntche FEtYf3 IAN CIGARLrrLS Groit'n in Turkey. ,Perfected in Egypt. Enjdyed in American. (. MOKE. MAKtES EGYPTIAN SMOKLIS Save to Couoni T"he W. C. KernuCo, 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. apsand ownts tmade to tai', (N-11 tid rioted. frt(riti ' (.titok e ILdnsbas, lexas, Meic id California... Ariibettrtached vta } LLouis, World's Fair City, Rute 4 ii"((k i r i:, t l i t L i i t i rt iit t' ii 't" t. ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON ILttis-anassCity. St. Ptalad the Wet.t "tr iaftormtatiti antditthrogh tocketstcatttnto write itVW. V. CASE. A;genit.Annt Attoit D. Y., A. A. & J. RAILWAY STANIDARD TIME11 ittn).i. Then httaely uatil 11:15. F~or Yttt- littti only, at 1:15 .at .and 12t45 a. at. "tir Jtacksttn hturly frttattilt> a. in. antii 7:t5 1). at. 'Teat 9:15pitt.ad 11:15 p.. Waiting Room, Huron St., W. o1 Main. MVANN'S DRUG STORE 213 SOLJTfl "AN 5I. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, - - - $Ia,taa SURPLUS AND PROFITS. - $40,000 State Savings Bank. Jaa. H. Wtadte E. F. Mitls N. .tyer John iaairor lao. Kchl Prof. 13. S.Caitt.t Frtiink P. (sitoiere Christian Mtartia A. J. WATSON Wall Pejer, Paints and Oils 216 East Huron Street, Cream Chewing Candy, Salted Petanats. Hot Butterettd Popcorn, I rackerjack fresh daily. Gandy Stitcheri ~ftg ILE RT, 3t1 S. State lSt.* DLUU5U CAPTAIN MINNIS. S Yoreo xintt(yn expert optician. All tho llt IEX-Catain ltiis, it' thteLantingtt t fapproved appliances and methodsl ttatiti ttt i' tt Ot '~ttiti s itti klnton to the professioni are eoyed.tt ifth li 'tulattittits .ttltttts BItiti Iiro eated, frttmies repaired.-loller 's Jew WhIo to'gtitttudtsi to(atti An Aro.#elySr.t. tlitrii .n hIl'1711 intt' litvit ar Just received 223 Mandolits and tltito I tl lt. 'tlt ..42'Gutars that we bought at a remark- leer Ithit teyilttt'io*a ls ably low price and will sell therm at till or"1.'flps one-third the regular price. This is As itt ttltd itndiloyl ichligan ti lit an exceptional bargain. All Instra antd fttr th itt tohquit ofist 'a rk11ments onOeay payments. henear lii ilt lgiitit ittdisplay in window-Ann Arbor Mustc Co. GLEE CLUB-NOTICE. JOB PRINTING-tstEYERS, 215 Iftiox nihlito tt' t ie'apects io ittie(lain St. S. Phone 281. 'Tuesdlay, .,larhIt. a.t 7tt. ttt. Nt'tt .Fresh l..osney'o 'Allegrett i'sopti- m loottport . 1(t!)-1Illowsiduyleros, chtoctltes at Cusht- -_.__..itigsPharmacy. tf.. "MONTE CRISTO." _______ cit'.panytitft recogt'itted1Me5tropolitan j Picket for totir shamp~oos--$1.88. platyttits',iiwi u hol ti(the trittliatlttISoft waler. 'MissVatightani, noarMQutot Unvesty.'Al- b.Stgeonthastti eenii h'1h niveisity stuidents tdesiringto iii o sott t of byttrests ofitevery city dire ponitions to leantwitli(nil it to t iit~ ths saso, a anactr o' rretheir intereot to wsritoettt Jameis I abillity'. Tills .7 otndtcitum11110McCtulloagh, (39 Floe ArosIhitig.,C(i-~t cr igiietada ofomneo ago. ft. Pantorium, :311 S. tate. Cleatintg, lhItnttdo oo Vastymeet at 71liii Pressing and Itepairing. Citeto sottia will Ito heldin itthtltaftetrnootti ciled for and deliverotd. Leaetort thts0y0aristtadlcif' at tight:.$125.0t iota over Cusahing's IDrug Sttoe, tI* 't'_ - yptewriting antI Stettigrtttlttoal til thoiilic Studttstt Liter~aoxrytli Work done neatly anitl qtickly . WValtetr ilt last.inighit at St. Thomasosol. Willis, 1224 Washttenatw Ace . el S AILEY ft EDMVNDS, 96. ~e ATHECNS PRESS a Skate Grindingq' Priirs~r I 120 E. Liberuty St. ~2usd Floor-. Ot,na ii., tro 131c11 ° ' " + +i .t.t"+*i..o.++a J*... . 1 .10 t l t i t ,i -i t IiItit - ' ' O 1110 tiEST OF EVERYTHING(. 4 ? WRITE Ott. 1. P..Armsytrongj,T. 1P. A., r AiiiiArbor, IHich." J a - +o 151Sf COLLEGIATE + tUed y allthe Leadiag CfollegesX ;T Fooit lait Pants-Lt foI1 p-:;i :tt i t c t t UNION DEPOTS IN iTliOLEDOaa~i ( '1 A Deri AND COLUMBUS. L. W. LANDMA ,. T. .,Deri v _ _. _ _.. __-_-_.-_-_..-f..-.- . , Always Ahead In Styles. -MIL WARD, THE TAILWR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring