THEO MICHIGAN DAILY. DISSO LUIION 541L1 TILL ON, FUN FOR TWO Some Sp~ecial Bargains Left in ~ U O RW SFLANNEL SHIRTS ~ FOBL A ND SWEATERS P KE.. ~i Combines all the interest and +1 CTTTINCT REYER & CO.*~ excitement o h w great Americanw 1 09-11 East Washigton j games. .I x t I ' i S irainlS and 'J"e neenan s -w am s Dwight. .~ E. VWatkins7 Il 1 1 ('tof11.ii T PEWR.I'cIN G 3 li,%so tx c. Dr~11101 11 )op us zcardo 323b S. M ale . 8,drs S t lllo1. C(W1,o 'alf tos ent L ather Shurs 1 typtito01 ollle,1110001'lolltocsntloi i 4 44 444 4 4 4 441 4 ,:d 0shourld01100 T iC m'o1 y 0 O5 011 fori md teap-Jw cio'n. Noth0111.10 4 R NT C LE o aycigintnelneo edpsio 1015 11 0011 10rianA L B R T V T Z I ' ae fPoorps Faig alo etclr lao. F. Orio IL.' rl. THREIABE'SOE EA'111011UT MAN SREE "M10a 5'10111 gi(- Egyptian Oil- with thy greasy offesiv lnimnt tht oilr1o e 111' 110cg,01 , 11 o1 111 Jewelrygo eyeso bya gs cga and1stai110h0 clo1l'i rfel is 11 n o gease0i h 1101,01 H~e'sYur ea ind a essential1oilsan sorne of the rst andoorgm ____ st ilRE LERFranytroved n app line ndmthd exp11ensv ling; and11111h1'1 rel'11es 1Maker of0Photgrap knownamtogthe aprosin Resepnyo k ir.wn'O illl' cience.1g11 t, p1011111110s01111 oldhongoe il389 ilI-l2vry. 11 Codnfraes reaiHrd. Haile's.Jw o n a n d o i l e a s n o 1 1 s t a i n . 11 1 l ~ h o c o o e 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 s u i J a . E e f , G n e a e r t a y Y o n e ' " r s t a s o i t o , - c s r , N i h , . . . t r St o r e.,t f . /COL-LARS Linen, and C;U FFS ARE THE BEST. Barker's Collars are S# a m d "Linen" (Ahet 'brns , dvrtise rd ow Soldw irs inenar 101 I stmped "11001 "'.,Vh Sold by Wagner & Co.,' 2 ;for 25 dos WAGN[R 6 CU. -- FIN- Pictures and Framfes 217 S. Fourth Avenue. A. J. WATSON Wall Paper, Paints and Oils 216 East nluron Street. PHOTOGRAPHS CALL AT S[Y V10IR'S STUDIO 31ltib Main St. Som~ethling Nev ini Micbiqian rillows At Darling & Malleaux's JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 215' Just received 223 Mandolins and Main St. S. Phoiie 281. Guitars that we bought at a remark- W ra e _______ - ably lwWrierndwilaeltsorda - -lwpieadwlselteaBath supplies of all kinds at all' one-third the regular price. This is prices at Cushing's Drug store. tf. an exceptional bargain. All Instru- Tot ments on easy payments. See our Typewriting and Stenographical display in window-Ann Arbor MusiclT ot Work done neatly and quickly. Walter Co.0 I. Willis, 1224 Woshtenaw Ave., Tel.- Brushes, 38 .t . F u t i e s a u h n ' . t.Fresh Low neys, A llegrettis, Spar- Fresh Low ney's, A llegretti's, Spar- rows and Muyler's Chocolates atCuish- row's, Huyler's, chocolates at Cush- ings Pharmacy. lng's Pharmacy. tf. _____________________________If 0011. of our 250c f , 1icket for four shampoos-$1iI(}. brliehs shed's bri- UNO Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near Quar- f,~ l ole-i ___________________ 'S tlsw il C plae t THEOLGICA CUniversity studeots desiring to se- '- SEMINARY cure positions to teach will find it to their interest 'to write to James F. 3700 Pee-rk A-a.. Non.' YiYo'k~ ! McCullough, 1639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi-, 'I ltly 1.111 11111fog>ol lc andI7 lua+1.1 cago. ft.a 10 Nork111lll'rvliil. offe'; o txt Pantorium, 336 5. otate.Claig t11 te folllr t11101110f10e010 of i. I).. 0 A1. ,Florssing and Repairing. Clothes 324 S. State St. and Ph D. 11x1n1-i equal1term,1to1' :'called for and delivered. Leave or- SIXT-NIN H YE R !dens over Cushings Drog Store, or SIXTY-NINTH YEA -'phone 582-3 r.- - -- -____ Begeme SaSpt. 28. 1904 .+ .:. . .... '.10100111 lrlOlll'11.1 11 01. ~l , Lost-Lady's gold 'w001c1, N.A. L. 00 ev B 0 utsde.Jon, 901,001110 Arkansas, lexas, Mexico ReCharles Cuthbert flall, D IDindelr0r1t1r0 to 120 N. Diviion 11street't and rece.iverwarid. [ ,fand California.. 414511 Are host reached via 0OUJ PO'LICY1 t.LusWrd' ar iy 110llildinig tu of a 'Telepholne System witls every possl~liblmod-+ I erii improvemnent; the giving of better service thlan was ever thought+Ir n H u t i possible before. Tlo be honorable, coullrteouls and jtust ill every detail. j 'To anticipate requirements. 'To overcamne imupedlimenats. Toi be s'atis- Duu-I- ied with iiothing short of thse confidence and 0(o01 will of eve~ry ctizen ot iin the counfty. .1",o ally 01111ainst lif ttiil11. WASIITENAW now TELEPHONE C0,1 14 ' "ohree(l' aity tf is ti,to to Texas. so T.EMPoRAIOY Os s ICR:Libterty street, near Fourth. il'ur10d1111ly1tr11ints totocSprings. Sils a111'traitno 11 i~ttte [ook. THE BSTsiOFlEVER'YTHING. 0 WITErxME.1 H.D. Armstrong, T. P.A., : SLGYTTIAN 12331 WashtolitasAve.. CIR TFLS Ann Arbor, Mrich." Qrolvn in Turkey. "Perfected in Egypt. Ejoyed in America. AIL S A.IHALE~, r MOGUL SMOKe. MARLS LCYPTIAN SMOE'LRS Viewi Photogr-apher toris ,5 eee. Views ll elty a' ampus 11. Flash Ii-11110 1In- Cnrk Tpsnr Pien.teriors,0Grops. SSavoe tbe Coupons. 316 S. (Main Street, Ann Arbor Witbl Seymour Studio. 'Phone 019 Always Ahead InStle. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring