T)11 MICHIGAN DAILY. 4' ' '''a "'y'" ~ +s.ei'''tas :+ i'' +' j'''j if +t 4 J ' A nw lot of the famous H. S. & N1. Black Suits,; ~1 inticunas. Thibets, Cheviots and.Worsteds. made in single or double breasted. Varsity anti l regular Sack Styles We hare all alzes itt stock now and lcya it) yuen au nicely. Call and inspttct themt. ' 217~ South "'ain Street. BnM' AULThEbItITTI ' $3.00 [OR LADIES $3.00 The only shoe in the world designed by a; I ~women--- for women. i :rMACK( & CO., - - Sole Agents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tl 4.4 .**..+ *1i.*+$b***+*4*.i.. N ONNNiN NN N SRAND ALJ .w UTHE U 4OTOGRAPHER 12 r E. Washington St. Established 1881 106 Huron Street, Eas BVKCHIELD'S FINE TAILORING, TRADE We are prepared this seasotn -o meet every detmand, as wve have increased the nunmher of worktsen. As usual tee have Ele Fiest Liss. qf Woolenss in tIse eity. Art and Skill will predominate in our work as itt ts.e itast. Wec respectfully invite yttur enqtsiry. S. W. BURCHFIELD + +++ -* *- * * *- -* w 'r W -Ir Ir -V 1 54 [OIYSTER.BAY CATERING CO. IAFE ANB A NJQVET 0HALL sV t0 JUNIOR LITS. Thte'05 Literary class is pttantning i a great sttcial event fotr Marcci 24 in hetttrnm tf a dattee ttt ite heltdat Glrantgers. Extettsive trepatot ions are beittgstmaste fttr titis taste;s-;ptecial at- t entitttsbting taildto the entertain- mtesti.ttf the guests. The Juittttr class htts gaittetdsntentviabtle reptttatittn fotr its ettertttitsmestts andtthttereftore the ttettbetsstko ftrswardttttonetnjotya- ENGINEERING SOCIETY. i~e~cil21.~,s,-e52 ~n :3 5,I Tsetrssotttm or te Frisissy tetssg P. rM. Daily, 35 Cets ssechitts tty Messrs. Prttzt-rMcBaist, itgs, atttiDewey. The tttpics are FOW L~d1,e ~ ..o51,e'sRdiitatittttest s,'' iJtgittand otttilier 35S. State5 St. Phone. 467 Tet S." Steel (Cttttrtete" attd"irri- gati "Thst I1t etintg will its-held itt meetin mt-tiatt-ly fssttow- New Bface l t-ble JAS. . REI, Pro. 312StateSat, the081St. t PpesLoui Ex~osiinncansecsire further partculrs romtheClarkson ('onces- II'vrythn;; e~tt:tndClen. lon C ., 1005 arl ton Bdg., St. 308 S. State Si. R. E. JOLLY. Ltttis. Mo. GRANGER'S ROOM-MATE WANTED. ACADE UT ORCHES[TRA For Ren-L~argseteil futrntished ron snie. Nw cutais alter, anti Ann Arbor, friCb. elsscartets. Sitngle bedts, itatit, gas, fur- tttttttttttt , ttttstd ttt i h li 'tren5t-e .I tate iteat,t telttttttt. O( l ocssk frosm ROSS GRANGER, Manager 521 E. Jeffesnstssreeti. tf. "1 - + 4 r- 1 " LostBr est ittwitisitiats H. aT. YOU CAN GET A LosRtulreatot 125 S. iitsion.t~t f. oHot Lunch ltssanA ssss,198awss "11 1 ittr. itt' for tpascticetof law in tse Wall Street Extchantce- Building, 42 Ex- chantge itiacot. atsti43 Watt Street, New LESSONS IN York (Cit y . Mr.Mortonstwilite re- UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, Slate Street }stchtoot. i1it was a memher of Michi- ________________gai's team iite(Central Deitating - Leagtse last year. PALACI &PARISIAN SENIORS! NOTICE. I.AUNDRY AGENCY.. Do yous intgnsi to teach? Secure a position now by~ writing to or railing ioffice 615 East Wttitms St. i tttttc0758. oitetn A Piteec, til5 S. Ingalls street. Wtteis catted fso- and seivered promptty N.F. OWER, At U.of M. representative iLewis Teach- erFAeny.w. at. MICHIGAN MICHIGAN' STUDENTS-Insure your Books antd BANNERS ifl COLOR S Wardrobe three years for $300 at a coat of $2. Removal permits Eranted ..AT...free. . G. Seilman, 615 Willilam St., LOVELY'S CORNER. STORE. e.o.d. 24 Fred Hail, the Chicago two mile+ rtunner has iteen dismissed from the, University fttr crihtting in his wttrk. ENTRIES ARE IN. { Mite Run- Kellttgg. ilsasts-. fer-ry. WVarnetr. i-iistt-r. KEsays. Dotdtds. Starter-Kee-se F"tzpiatriet. Announcsser-'iTsts. Stirt. fitenikof tse osie---Sitd \V.liIi- lard. Assistansi ('terha Vfi. C. Davidt. I'.i. Htayes.,.N1. N.Ul. lTs-ck Jutdtgtes -. iL. iitslatt... t iiThsos,t'. N. Dvcorsak. FieltdtJtutges-=W. C. C('siT'.'.H. Mtaddosck, C. 1G. Reddes-n. Scotrers-Frank Raint, Lonsgssan~t.. A. MdcAfee-. Tismers-Dir. Sadle-r, sitstrgt- A. Stlay, Get-trge Hailser. REPUBLICAN CLUB. 'the e- publttsitcant C'lsbsregistratitn toobtisanotw at.Qtuarry's drusg astre. 'The ansnutal electitonsof officers wilt he hettd Mare-i 19. Altlhtepubhicaus in the lTssivs-rsity wshing tksjissthse clustsasset rote at this electiost h iould register tttfotre that fint'. JAMES C. BYTERS, President. Id NOTICE! The :following vacanscies are nosw in the fT. sof H. Hand-B flat clariotnet, pies-so, ts, wos altos, tromhonse, and ssare drum. Ansy student wishing to try fosr membership will report at hand rehearsal Friday at 7 p. mn. at the School of Music on Maynard St. With the excepiton of snare drum, ap- plicants ssfbring their owis instru- ments. Chafling dishes at Hailer's Jewelry Store.f. LADIES TO ENTERTAIN. 'The tattles of Granger's Schosol for Dancing wilt entertain their friends next Sattirday aft ernoton from 4 to 5:20 o'closck. This includes alt former pupils. Invite your lady and gentle- men friends to he present at 4 o'clocsk. lClass lesson at: 3 o'clock shorts. d 107-.1t5 Chafing dishes at Halter's Jewelry Store. tf. Money Loaned ON OrWathes, Diamonfds Orother iersosal proerty o0 value. Watches and ewelsTsie paired. Bargains itsWreschss and fDiamsond. Office at residesnce, 3181EI. Lih- erty Street, Ann Arhor. HoursS to 11:30 a. in., I to 3:30 p. r., , to 9'p. T. All Business Cotnfien- tial. JOSPHl C. WATS. LEfCTRIC PN 5 Electric Cka f i'sg 1i~s Elecr ic Ttable Latnpi5 + m r. Clt in a d +.. o r -ieiayt'.---- SWA5H-TtNAW LIGHT & . POWER. COM5PANY. ± C- Wshinsgtst and 5555As.. Pt-n,0813 ++i+++ I +++++T4++.+I+4+4 4. I SPALDING'S OFFICIAL INTER-COLLEGIATE FOOT BALL - Used by all the Leadig Colleges Fst Ball Pants .lacose-uts ,I ips adsthtntes padted wit, fieiCredshir an std tigss wit cnesstrips. A. G. SPALING & B50. Incorporatend. Sew Yrk, Chicag, Denver for 14103. etited tby W'asltestam . 1 rice 1 ces. 4 Phone 582 SR Pantoriumi.I Cleaning. Pressinj. Reairing.3 336 . STATE ST. (OverW Cushi-g's) Clothes called for and Delivered. Phone 52 3R Win.RESWbELn, ANiax21~Lubr sLETeam & ABODittCO., Obone 6067. 303 S. Stat St _1 XLIGAN C]ENTE "The agwara Falls Route'" 'IHE SHORT LINE-- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago for St. LoussKansas City. St. Pant and the West For informsaion and through tickets clsnaor Write to W. W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arhor. M, S"L rSrO VLT $10.00' wid $15.00, SUITS AND OVERCOATS I We give the Best Clothing Values, saving you from $3.0I0 to $5.00~ on Every Sult or Overcoat yuu Buy. The balanee of the month our Annual Sale is on we give you the choice of our $10.00 Suits and Overcoats for $8.004 $15.00 Suits and Overcoats for $12.00 ALL[N, TH[ C[OTI[R,,13 S m1&lN 512Tef! ALA fN NN WE ARE NEVER U1NDERdOL V-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE~