-T119 M1CHIIAN DAILY. Reduction Sae stock of fancy SIJITINO AN T ROIJSERINGISI ; on hand we wilisell THE MICHIGAN DAILY cote ed asscn-class.mattHer at the Ann , Es~i Arbar Pest Office. III niilhed datily (ManSay'xcepted) daring the college year, at 11t'E.t .,oI i ngto n street, (banctoent fSoar, sidet' ca ane) 1Phone ,142-3r $ MANAGING EDITOR r . EMORY THOtMASON '1 BUSINESS MANAGER: ROSCOE IB.IRtIOTON EDITORS : Athtetico. - - - ROERTK. SWALTON 'Newso. - - - - - ...LHY ASSOCIATES: r tClfford Steenst::. Roy Peebles. ' A. M. Gearer, leery P. Erwit: *A. C. PanS. A. Ii. (trtmeye. Joseph Y. Kerr. s+ttddard S. Masi,. ' Ida M. Brownri-c. I. Waite .Jayne. 1 STABAT MATER. 1lossini's. great comptosition, 'Str-3 bat Mater' will be produced Stunday night itn St. Thcomas' choi.rcd. This #work has neveibefore beet: givet: in its entirety in this city; fotr tis rea- son it will tutdoubtltedlly be receivedj bty a large audtience. The choir, con- ptoetd ettitly of traitnee voites, ia ditrectetd by Sir. Retnwick~ anton th ii otccasiotttwil;lIbe asistedtby Mr. Ho-- mtat: of the Scho:ol of1:Music.'T:ea:o- lots will be:Miss 'aspari, M.1c.Sie bins, Fred Killeen and: Earle Killeen:. All mutsic lcovers realtoretttis rare opt- ptutnity :of hearitng the t'reproductito of1 tecot ire Stttiat Matler. 14 thet at reduced prices to mnake room for onr Spring and Sumnme r Woolens. Be sore and call in before you2 place 6. H. WILD & GO, ml r. WASINGTON STREEIT. The 6ireat 6finlie IExciting Fun For Everyonej i Geo. A.Osborn. HlaroldSC.Smith:. SHOPS ENLARGED. [[airy H. Andreso. Alfre'd 13. lKoc'h.___ Thomas 11. Rob~ert's. Clyde I.. De'w. Oil: acc::nt ::f the litnitedl atmount: BUSINESS STAFF: :1f room:init the' l'Jttgineeritng Shop:s a fA. ''att:. XV: in. .loyd ag ubro tuetleiigt M. 5. Katlit,. H. K. .L tat:: ectte. ag ::m,'': a :l:lslsrte I Thos. L.. Pel~ele. take 'wor'k i: intet::were focetott ut: 1I Edior Today-A. H. O RTM EYE R. , iltreeeriuitil netxt. year. This has been k partly remedied by renmovin~g the par- Sahscripthtr-'Jw" Dollars per year. psyslte it: titiatt ntln cotnvertitng the whole' see-;j advance. If Scli::t::a ftr Ntgc. . 1Y)3.,$2.5):rinod floor into otte large space fo:r the# utse osf the wood wuorkers. This makesI Offic le lura: --12:30 ta 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 room fo:r abtont donible the numtber lot'., p. im. Daily. merly accommodated. Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business Man- The Enginering Department has ager, 331 Packard Street. grown as: rapidly in the past few years Telephone. 461. that the shops~ are very itnadequtate to ---";the demnands pot upantem. This tie- ,N aye ficiency still no doubnlt be overctote when the new bulilding is co~mpe'ted.1 CALENDAR. MICHIGAN NOTES. I March 4-Friday, 4 p. m.-"''The Teach- AtI:meigoIleA:itinst or as a nmember of the Ctttttnn-' mrcnuieste eda e ty" 5:Supt. 0. S. Hartwell, Kala-1 liar:':. Febt. 18 and li9, :tne' tf the mazoo. Tappatn Hall.(ittestionstonst~titderetdwas: Are thle j leg resof iBachelor osf ScenIc'e Bach- March 4-7 ip.tm.-Blird t'lu:l ltitog. elr::of llhiltostphy, a::d Bachlelotr of March 5-8 it. m:.-'Varsity l:ndo:or Letters to: ite'preserve'dlor to: *be mnet. t,:::rg: tinthe::0de:gree' of tBachelo:r March 4-8 and:i.I.1-15-Ferry series of:i of Arts' A ptaper on the sujtttel was lectures by Professor Shailer Mat- iresented for the Istivcrsit-y of Mich-! thaws, 7 p. in., 'Tappan Hall; Suln- igan Ity Professor Rich~ardt 14::tso:, day at University Hall. (leatn of :1:: literary dep'tar'tm:ent. The March 4--8it. m.-Engineerin~g So:cie- ptaper gav:'ete reason:s wh~yte Uni- ty meeting in Physics leceture versity o:f Michtigan: tadlatnsweredl the room. qu'estiintthe affirtmat ise March 4-Wotnan's Leagu:e tarty. March5-S :: I a. .-J:ni:: Law A.serit's of ittbtic leetures upon:: tte? Miehiganelisial: electiton:in Room ,chec':ist ry of a:lkalo:ids is Iteing tielir- B, Law itaildig I er:':tatthe ttie-styooMcia I~wBidn.March 10-Tblrstlar erenitig-"'fte bitatta holdter:'of :the'Steasrns Fe'llow- Evidence 'fro:m Distribuatio." Mr.;slit:'it: Phartacticteatl('tt-mis:try.,:o: Adams, Mu:seum: lectu:re roo~m, rtIturs:Iays, at. 5:p,:in. it: 010('Ctenist- tjniversity. ry t:uildIing. T'fist and:sectondi le. March 11-4 it.:m.-Add~re'ss ::n:"The ' tircts were givent'tt l":' d.11::1elt. 25. Kural Scho:ol of lie Ftutre," by ___ Hon. DiltoFall. at. Tapp~an Hall. 'Te'ap K appat a lotitita:::oro::rit y March 11-(htttalIttnio::n -tcert ity e'ntertain:s thtis :'::-:ingat teir- ho:ne Adele Atts leiOhe. on :Tappan tt:street. March 1i-'t5 Metdi:'tart y a1l, ar- bour gym:nasi::tm. The:::otpera '1State:'? oltwich:wasso Marcel:12-Adll'css b ion Iti. Was. J. S tgr-:l:r 1:Sit : i: March: 12-First Retgimntt lie'. ____ Sweaters'and Sweater Vests 25c OFF For a ShortTime Only $5.50 Ones for - $4.12I $5.00 Ones for - $3.15 Colors White, Gray, Mta- roon and Navy. 1(110Stil- Al Walirs Book Stores. SPRING STYLES VARSITY HATS Now ready for inspection. You're invited to look. AA GOODSPEED & SON Matters. ' 1l7eS:Main Pocket War nraps for the far East, I Sc. SHEEHAN & CO.vriyBokelr , Sa tltitorslad Engrav-ers. 320 South State Street. C.n ii. AJOR eCOn1PANV specialty of Fine interior Decorating ':::tjtitte lien-line of WalI Papetrs, Pinslts, tOis: ndtitti\siishtaa. 2 3 E. Washington. Phone 237 U. of M, Antiseptic Barber Shop AND BATN ROO0MS. J. R. TROJAI{OWSKI, Proprietor. Fare Masa&#, a Specialty. 322 SOUTH STATE STREET i 1 I / _____________________ ' J. 1J. F'ox; trlttst- Catmpu:s act storce IMPORTANT! tais tor five years hb'en: the renidez-.. rttsof st il'i tistvs A::t:Arbo~r in -fou:r at-ets frSnDeoiiSuhr Correspondents fo:r th~is pap:er ace - tcS:li'gI:Sothn requested to write o:n palper ntet larg-Clfriweeh ilml i er than 5x Sintehes anti the'ttthe 'ftcttt ntIt~' 1l:stes long wy of the ipaper. 1Ethelbe:ri t'lon. who:at::: a::weast Keep your face NTC. . health.,Ihas seeuredI a positittt:as All commttnications5 crtcert:::s teaciter it: Arickaree. ('o1:. His he'alth Chair Service shounldIte atddressed t 5 ns:mch: imptrovedlantI litfindis tis Clarkson Concession Co:., 10055 (arle- worl very etnjoyatbte. tie silt retur ton Building, St. Lottis, MO. i Jli. fa ir. _UsC Williams' Skavilig Stick. TE bTLJD[NTb' L[CTURE A &OCIATEON H N'N NN NN Nf NN+N i M lS f44 ® ® ONN N The Next Number Will BeAnnounced Later. ,RATHN~rj @THEhLA DEAN 1M. f!ABO ', Mnanger SATURDAY lit. J.. I:':-Alt-:: ONE IGHT MARCH 5th' Iresen-ts; ONLY "1r. Jobn Sturgeon in Alexander Dumas' e Mrasterpaiece, TeCount of Monte Cristo Io Five Acts. Reserve-dlscat sate at Stetfllt's News Stand. Pt-ices, 25c 35ct-Oe-71e Coming--The Great [afayette I 2 I I Season Ticket, se0o.AsA Single Admission, SOc - - - - - - - - - - - TINKER & CORP&NY.- FURKISLERS AND HIATTERS. 34 S. STATE ST., Phone 342-2r