The Michigan Dzii
tit 3()
GOOD GA"EI[Y[ST[RDAY* which speaks well for years to follow. SIR [R[D[RICK POLIOC trtis lotrte t maic h ill h sII
Nor cross soon wnco verItoe a rooc-tlras yar ith I =oe xop m
(own alter a rio of 25 yards, ndart tiher ro it l e wr~(:ltoi
Albion Succeeded Better Than Case- 'IHamrrrrrrdtkrckerdgoatl.igelorw mrare icsrtrngursh-ed Jurist Intervrewed ct<lit ititIin" I hrc ofte
Michigan Held fur Downs-tm Ithe nextiorrchdrown anorrtire goat krck Reticent on Matters Loca-Willt mtr , isiteadcof Ol'inut"he tt tt i
matte tefirral scito oft o I. 1cri;f t I itso tl
preved Gout Kicking. Thtirwro teats irsnredt rrtas forllrws: 'Visit Chicago. ci "r--i-(>i io rhec i rtrr b~II( ir rr ir
_____Michirgan. Albrrrnrr 'io'i r "lIilt(eim)(iot I i l lit' p .(
"I traver't btthtervery root to say Crursi oetty Sic tredeirickr toloitc, itt Oxfodi i rs i ii itttI utit ryt itIijitocu
for every osarnsr on y team. Th ey itirt Schets. G. Dixon 1fitttii, wthottins teen etenurig iihe-i in o t 1 1 l t ~t(w'
well, att if, thern. Corrsidterirrg the II Gregot o B rntarditfore tine law clarsso fittire lirieri xiii 'f'li r it 1( ;Gh (s i t( r i i
propsitotrnrrwe wire tut againsot I IrGooing R.Grrierrlld rite roptstek i ccre in nn r ai i iit it lofgehlts cr,
thinrk the shotwrnthe iy matte wsa 1I Eyk .It Piseflo 1 isoseresof 01te sro~ yalr er-illhec iii) itlth>tcir. i
groodt one,, so the way Coachr Nufer ! Lttsn ;sans R. E. SutherlandtI trion at 4 so'cltoek.Ste in' eeri sets i siitt t()t y(,(itt t irstt
sutms ruprfhe game yesterday after-' tane . . Knricerbtctker srn iterntationral r eputtatrinisr - vi t(c tsn X1a(<n~it 1)(
noon on Feorry Fritd 'tire metsfrirm Heon L.H. at Swios litrestiosoott. ihigan i. s corn 'trit r' eiini~ h'cn~e(1 "
Albtiots certailary tin t ulpiitatgatttl' rave Rti.artitt j sitter'ott tory ftttl inrtit' irs stirs iiiini iii othitt stir I it iii ii1
ganme in spite ittthe sn'' S'scr.Tesu- Gaee 2,OWerstal Nosrrosss asortit-' hi.rHirs iltehaenofgret t 'ii lt ito
ceerest htter thrarnfastrin that tiny 'Titt amonoP i-iisalurttrtt ienlitoittlnt'list dipar tmenrt.Pof s I c l'ut-it I innt i c
made an attearee againsst I itri t"5t 'Summary- Scoret7i-0. shis itefrest Itirs' Ste Fr~re ic'l rtalIn' ti(Il .;) s(.lc;,
atnd in tl ist s ttrhaitfiheti ld ichgt' nirr' rsrr'c Sipp;irir ti rs Hoiteot r h s 'ov ' er nst o sit ri wsti iiin lwI ' ro i t -(Ishturn (ir a~li <<1
ior towns on thrertti sirr'oyadlie Ttir hows, HoI arnnsit iodHetonIts I sitednSt1at'sttttIdstittheiho tiyst illsir t-'etnnt iit i n id ,
gamcen was abrunt, axsifoltors: '"tr otls, ttartrrrrrt1r1t ; ii trtI'i'iio tO1 ye tr sitne('hitt 2lst s-torI othI isiai it rI) Ii~r>tfrl h 1w
HtarstmondsitrckednofrutoiiAlbiontt's 1"~in tiir. Tim rer itf halvens, 20tand triy. PruintAttn Arborite irill o t o
ytardrinte, antiotic hetrrseconrr lary iit' the 7/ iiiiwe. Chlicagos, srwtier'e tie ic not yet dtern yea rri~tii' 1tr(1 ' I
hail was f'umbletdrtasrdtpasseldiltorMih- 'tiere'isuits yesiter'day soweds' mutchs Whertier o r t'not,,lie till lctreti's. HliAnntirxitiiiis i!ti-r,' re tiolcm~ii)
igarsitsn titer visitr's o :1.5y t lie . inn n cm-r- nssnt itn g itt kickingo. anit sill Ithi'tigo to It owatt (itit wh n ( c t h iii' . 'IOhr ii' it tc ort i -( r},,e
Gtraver' madte steets yatr'dcssarund letl itser'enis eveory 'rastion itrn'r to b le e tet. ' w i tlivi'e tr 5ittW stnt',110 c)rW O 0 >, ts 'itt it tt-'tuti't t:I II()iti-r' Irk,
tetd, liesitontlice yartd rrrsaroundriht.tirnsrrt tl Iea toe i tn r(inhe its' taoileetrl uhe. t iiti i rortri ohit<
I - - -
ll / R lilt 1 / t
endt tan isd i itrrtthen ti iii iiiwetttrough ' sis Latwre'nct'. I1tis tolros oiro stitl s-tusrsnisote'Fist, itelit''' illt l< i
trm'a tourchdotwnsater ltttttnd on listoc tutuits itgreaitihrdtilit's'F"ciy ii' t HarvlitrdiitUntitersiti. Itis i iin, i
tratf til m iinu sofply. tmmnsrrfatlediield tris bromne tac'csuistomedfrtoies-ironisiAA eic'' isill probbltitcon- t i
tt kitrioals Screi5-' in' en-r'sand ~it remined for't ~ Itune(' forattitirt ii ttu're'at cost, siti i >r theitii
Aftert'hliii otrnd S rctrlt'f ''t'rNtiorss iitoihetire tian ofi lhiiday.iiheiiwilturn it 't ring ttttO nutit's pt texr
downedrttitiostrati ftr a trositofii errdit. Ao an ll-rrliotrstttti r e toisrtirnrt ii tgittititiciios11-
Alionirrtfauitedrt istireein'tg, lint re- irtayiig end o haltin fi ineft srani nitsrieitSir' iritdIerick' S trw
fursedstotspunt. 0ittrto is idiestirwit itisrow ist theBelist game n'd veiri''s' t't i't i tii ttfi' tinsvieiwson" iii IIIJ
~Ihere itt tr eking' Atlitrt5o str tics e lire of si t'e si'or'c'is tpretty muchrimttr ttisrofinrteireistltoirss-I sir
ene. Italliwent steer toii tch~i sitsgusswork.t tNo tt.tIMichtiganihts dnt. nil itfuedIasoltey st'onnitis-1>e n in
theoir Sit-tacditne.rResitonrmattfeots tt trsnusilsenes rt nitneknows russ otreUnivresisty,'tpladnt-fotral
yards s ot'take draver stfOnit'Ihe'ttjtrt. wharttso expet'. inttiritttgtnuti'xs'n',et'hIththreI dasw sinot itt ae i
went ovrs'r a itouchdn. i im-otrestrdayr'ltw' tr'aiyeexprectlt'eliarnd iesinoghtsitrt'Ise ut Inshlstoinntinorn, stirsl:.I 'II
mondsrike d it-sat. Score,' 11-0. 'liss and ii''rrn rs isurr''ra itslly ttti ''gl'lui hrsot
malces twi t tun ~i ns aftlts tin 5 in l ll t inl tin torus lit in tio t ns resrigtrt Atirt r bo le,:;st t itt I'nul
eigirtplays.______He _______d'insclIirnedlrto'sat htp t'isitints co is Iistc gtei n
tirsmndneiomxitkircik-offseas rci FACULTY CONCE RT. treging Iutatis'esilt er'snr'r'is s re ile
tur'ned 5r ars n tipnt.flraver 'tire Fi'slity concrst, thfitrist nsf thernsto itdef y icompaitorisn li'I
matdeo illyars rondlllttifollotet sesOronrsors wac- tin tenoded..'lTeinn- Uponlutistatins- ofsc'-iir 5 nut strut liofi1it
try a titrie doding gains ty iiiestnthtin-,. lsesri r s tstttti i-t al li iii i is st
noturS'ted1 -yrs.- tns i ithe iuts rlasesginnstmail ipof siirtners try fte 'Englsir 'ii st-s tins' ttsstiotruss
itttttititti played r sit, throe:;" tis'the h a so fnt in th dillsrint deprt menii t'it, coiienlit tiltintii sillsly roil(,, of i
uinitfirs-ittoucnshdandrs ittten kikedtitllowirinng is tttheprnogr-amn: woeinthe ustcollieg'idegreet fotr' nerrntri t--
goalt. Scret, 17-01. Aitr 'fhut nsixt Sonatalfoutriainorin istelnirn, (C nminort, its's'en tleired issuitfoalucassascuo r On-snin' Itt-nit rItI
Rikis -rrff Albirnson rnullc annulNorcro'tss Otilt ... ............ n ig ias flthe In. Steten-irIsrni ns p ist us sirs J. it i
secunrdtnttre alt. iuRensto nntoverAlter o" -iitutii untapparnssiotsnto; Attn- ptasting nrnncompst-imettousAmrcn 'l i
fir'thneOstoucdown. Tnc ime .5secondus. gertrnouespressivor attn tt~onsnra;Al- won'n at.s iitrisoInuiis i ni tit I inn. -It 1
Albioun kickied tuftand ntalter tiree s leintanrinialoi. Itint tint'ibrigtst so rumun -"1o-sn'ev nrutd -cr ro-.
pltays 1etnonrwatloveri' withinliit'in- Allisrt Loekwod at nti Whiliamn tin- sins -in Amricaenn- womusattn.set.e.'d,
terferemnce. Iiantnrmni kickedilgnat, ana.Sir 1it eer-ni i-etc It tints-nit-n-cs- tutu--isy
making sceru 1-0. inProloiguen, ''tin ChallngeofThor,"ut'' npesornalinrsutysand sintied v5ytnitts
Scihuiteowtruss teriand Norcross ............... Carl Bscsh tI rive's'niny instonuntiorunn h t could ie lti
taced ttatt woan ta orutI a 25-yintltros. nilliamtrHiowlandt. atuniwhtsint1ouldubthelpftlin a i.>1t-i r, n <n
After a sorts'srut shturgaimss.A'hirtIi nrsnrnoa insF t ........eethoven ersrnrr'stnsmg rut Enlandl't stndthten
iganm met its Sfirtcheck1 annulwax hldii h'liruiiuiinm. imctsr ihu ytin Ai rr~sInsu-
-rn tine tart-yamd in rie. iBartell ant Sitx H-ingariansDaunes-.....ratrrnus inofniltinenobiirtrybils"'arn-r hIn
vanert1it yinris tuntinhe traitwax rust Albet.tLocktwoodi. inovery democrrraic.insitinotsnoutAins eh sun trit ii
on tine nextridownus. iii t tr ait instiltgrims' Song (Tiulsiuri htshiaitrttisk~y utica win ocsue xnrn ioned ny uvaitltf
lh( C iehigan's tpossessionn iHamndiit WhiliamRowlttcandl.rcumnsanarce's ister thaun mrunt uric
irine irinii atiinrni'i inline Minnrie M. Davis, Accompttanist. loctutiesshin'wsclldnivrou
for a torucheonstanant flltocedi ty Retk- IP E
tig.-gnat. Scoeiow3w-0. DEATH OF A STUDENT. VASIYhOLER
Schulnte kicedlotff anti GraversounVAST GOFR rclsti
seue h alo ube iewi ,tctIpayo hy tieston ansi ianorndre- Rohert Jielil a-memhor of tire
05tel natsriron n lsu a tw classtiled run Saturday at tire Are in Form and Low Scores are ~ t ber
Hiammionidkickredignat, malelng thue ce'honue of his oister, Mrs. Alexander, ini Made-Many n-sd Players ace turn So ,,tin
suit 41-11. Schulnte again icdeleIofFlint, of typhtoid feeer. The funceral ak
amui tfinu ws niumsOcrcriinntuurt.occurred yesterday.u'-i
Hammnd-ru and Graeer was irirstuct The ease to a particutarly sad one
ove frea srscirirs'n ati -immiruifrom the fact that the young man has A ietnu ~~ rahesfn hn r
kicked gosat. Seen working alsumttosc rig Chicagoi gnulIf matchn icihigan'
Graver cotumned the halt after Al- the necessary funds hoc is junuorcacsaevr noraig og a w
hion's ictofn0 in a very olpectacsitar year in college and was lolting for-foe lsaresayre whecee nreue in ingdlie5i is in tt
nmannuer, dodiging right through te ward to iris workthlsthe greateot reamsrltot somens"annull hvealldtn-nc'pri
scrimage.iHire tDarling'wasm subfs pleaintro. thr. Jietlingo hbrotheor, tMr. bst uttswscumlintexithteup tItiono tns11inof nitsri
_ titutieditur Peflb annulinos trusonne Govtii Ticklins, a 'Si medic, will re- truth Berre.iExceinually inow stun 1 tn; ~i
of ito hoot, mn.n Gracer sustinedrta turn anticostume work. raceens' maudenuis tyaltlitutie l tun-ruall]runt ."
curttins the taco anid was reprlacedi ty --' rhiss shoimt'ng- loanthus aresun illit iean il
Wendlh. S. fewtplays rif tcackle tot- MEDIC. POLITICS. wuining fr.W y h ~oe ndHmodwsgvnteB rnuuod h lydhsfrtfoths1o
ball frtanitucmon.desattgiempen eatineon10 idc oiicmtchigae unla is falynpttdin<6,iIn !I
a hic-utbuttplatced she tratlovenr which appuearedt in'- The Gaily a few'antrthstircIely any iotf ' sh uisturol m nae'dunbtteit-ca
Ja mn-s' heart Settee nouw 5'-f. Alion lays .ago, uplascedrithe'six-year menmberrstrut' abovi' i40 'lTe ldinernnwsitr epns.;'itt
lkcd mull tsr tames, whi rertsmrnedtthurorutheiscclass in a serong light as cc- nuwuoelruns linuks tasty aeSt anpi- un I n uuning ilru
hail 15 -'antis.Ilesion sccurdlire, gardth uerhotnoursystem. The tites- harts cutlast ye-ser's tarts ~lthn rsiil, ) I u-nrIftII
Sal just a fesucondss alter tinme'was turn at isiue Stween the tarries toisreloodrr, Feltklerandushititrt. "Il' turinfI
sti ansI host a tine echance tun a tunelsnote whethser the Sunnrysystem stratlIitis riot yttrcaimswhthr u auturn utu tntrinsiin
duuwp.. hue continuedrtor sdiscardedt, hintatndCerry a-ittlInc nusethioeceinntnll.tin)tuin o tui
The second half was almost. a rc.sehether or not a new nmethodurof i'IThe factthnart Eatoni heft htubcuscaititn i( inny
petition of the first. Some chsangstapptlicatiounshaltltnt annot. Thinhomne wiouldtn icter Itat lichtigauu nsist ,it ruieI
were made in theu lime-sup andsige- article ins question has a prejundici' altanot corunt supoun hits. fsr-unli-nve
low went in Eyke's uplace at rigihtrueo anti The Dail tctrststhuat any A large nutmbteerr-f- rienss metre untinseamnustur
tactile and Tec Hi-ammondclwent ortornseooncnsions tsr whirls itmay hnvcdevoiniug thecir soilil. It is tuornly uen Ple"
center. Barrett went in tuft, guard ive n rise are hiureby correctedi. Inn say ansy-thingrdefirniteo regansettg aytus W1 t
anti Bunap tootleright end.After a nu tfhesinemorunr,trustPtessornePrhe- ln
few minutes rut ulay Hestoun broke T'the College fCrth Glee club wilt holdrloodntnubelouieves st fromrrthurcranksIts ilt n(lor ns
awvay for a 60-y-ansi rimarounrnnight: an suttn menetings next: Motnday at 7sme puromrising mraterial may be In-flrthur--rr,
end. After the first toucrhdonlo H.itpu m. in the Wrinen's busitling. Nina drawn. nlihtruurbciiben
Weeks went in anti heston was re-mate'ril is wsantied. Applicants will Thin sabsti frthe' Chicaigointut chiii.a;fo t
tireid. This 1putflue team n so unoiue upresenti ISemselves at this meeting.Otoberuhc23ttannul24-. tigttnhourles Stuntens in1.
condition.'There was not an M. man Frceshmren are eligibleo. owt11 ie played ni unfine in-teruno nilfrnt 1rrunnntnur
on the fieldl ansi a large porcentage of By order of Secretary. O~citber 23 andl the cr'muarulng, IfSunites nussn'r- usr-t i
those playing were fresmen-a thing 11 upon Saturday morning. The conmdi- I t rutuni
illc cillilhml:;t% which
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