THE MICHIGAN DAILY. *a ' 4 ' 'H a i' i~t++ , ~o+Afs a+ t Wt+r~s4°+t r, r +f+_____________++___s________+*:+ ~s +irtl !4 1i Y ,;. g. f+ DISSOLUTIION S4111 SlILL ON Some Special Bargains Left in FLANNEL SHIRTS a AND SWEATERS 1 CUTTING, REYER & CO.I 109-1I1l1[as~t Washington FUN FOR TWO FUN FOR A CROWD FOOTBALL POKER... Combines all the interest and excitement of the two great American games. i j WL . /'.COLLARS , Lin1en and c-UFTS ARE THE BEST. Barker's Collar a. ° St fi iiped "Lfien" Othe ut o oh~aaItitvc 0 l it 1 44 r ( (((0 4( MkeoonPotgrahs FrmigCal n e:s11e1 l. (((4((((44((((t(1(4(4( 4 Phon 259w .tCitrer Mai and Hron Steets.h Il(((((n(4 ut1 4 (, ((4 t tit'TH(ELA LES OED ALR 14SOT(MI(SRE :k t(ntit : 44(443.l le(i'isno It :s S NO S O IE ~ > Y u ysea ie ya es, 1i I[,i i i Id w (4(oft ie 1 b:1 o st o44(144R((E(N Tl S C H((((L(clE SR t For T anyexpertiotic ian.e lltho lt (I (((-((h( 4l(0441n s( ((40 .4re tO it o0440 (, 15t i4( 00044t Phoorallis est aroved aplanescnd lethods ((44 4( 0 lead(n4c((ytin.tlt((t1APho e38r. Co s tvll .kowneto thenprofession Sareepty.' J0 i t(l(,t(n a (444r(44c((4 45 (44 Id -(I II 4(( 0.(((00 100 Tac- N w ey lse ftelnss dpi 1141'(44 l 1sini tu .l(4- ~( n;, 4 N 00 A t-l.o- i aed ra e epiedhaie's J WAGNR Co C- Qu.arry"s Coo avpss ud Soe..'-eeryow__e.____ Chaltt..1(- dses1atHailer's Jewelry Store, (U. Just received 223 Mandolins and I14,N l- ____ Guitars that we bought at a remark. Warrailted { an a p Lost-Saotray night a1l1dy1s0-g(111 ably low price and will sell them at Pictures and Fralles ' atach, i'e ob.t Name int 1ac14ofl one-third the regular price. This is caseT~k , oNltf Apel,.420 S. 411h ave. an exceptional bargain. Al llnstru- ToULII D RU AR STR, 1510.mnsoeaypyet.Seor217 S. Pouth Avenue.-- display in window-Ann Arbor Music NOTICE--1906t GuRLS. Co. __Brse A. J1. WATSON Nlass inet('ittg of all Sophomoirtte! Fountain pens at Cushings. tf. - ~~~~~~~girlIs W\ednlesdaly.Ila-e retld. a1te p . m.__________ wallPi i ° P np It n carott 0gytlltasiuasl 10-1 ((Ii. Fresh Lowneys, Allegretti's, Spar- ________-row's. Huyler's, chocolates at Cush- nd is Free-A beautifutl collectito of best log's Pharmacy. tf. otd ld sonogs wit]ltte given tevecy ptu. rice o orsapo-ttIf our 01Of tt 25C 2 atHrnSre. House. ofo. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near Qtuar- ties we swill replicerit MICHIGAN MICHIGANI JOB PRINTINGMEYERS, 2151r'. -i ctttl lo MainNt.RS.Phone281.University students desiring to se BANNRS C0 L0 R ath of a al cure positions to teach will find it to ..AT..Bahsupplies o all kinds atalIheir interest to write to James F. prices at Cushing's Drug store. tf. McCtllough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- OELSCR RST E.;cg.t...akn 'Typewriting and Stenographicall atru 3 .Mt.Cenn IWork done neatly and quickly. Walter Panoriu, S. 5.StateeClenin .1. Willis, 1224 W ashtenaw Ave., Tel. ;Pressing and Repairing. Clothes 4.SteS. olnt4e-t114114Nw it c f alled for and delivered. Leave or- Ne;ttti? eco over Cashing's Druig Stotre, or __ V hia! I rillowsi ~~~~~'phone 582.3 r. + "ta- -a- - to Lost--Lhdyls Tldlt walt, X1. A. L..+ Atlarig& alau S roFresh Idlowneys, Allegrettis, Spar- o tiloutitlt. Tine. 1(1, on isidoe. Arkansas, Texas, Mexico At Drlig & all a rows ad Hylers Cocoate aCush- .Finiter rt'tutlo I12I6lN.IDivision tre1t.4 _ing's Pharmacy. andIrictive rwaitd.(. anClioi.. Arc best reuched via OUR POLICY f St. Louis, World's [air City,j 'Theiefling~t tip of a Tlephsone System woith eve ry posslile 1mod-(1 ccsiiern improvemtent;Itse giv ing of better setsrviithanowis eer thoutghlt +Iron frountain possible beftore. To be honorable, coutrteou~s atnd just in1 cve rdtaif ToInic~lipate reiuiremnents. To overcomneimnpedimtIls.11To1(0 satis- o t fled wthttiniothing short of the confieiite aiid good woill of everry titizenll iln the counts.t 1 1 (dailtratintsltsoICaIifornia. tWAS~hT[NAW lOfriCTEL[[PH1ON[ ico-., tr2 it111tttlytis toit leleico. FoIurtdily= trinIs toITexas. ' PT.iuPON RY 01F1ICE: Liberty street, neac Fotsrth. Forlrai ns410to Ilotoprinots. 4'siv4(a iltins to Iti ttleok. PRESIDENT M G L RTEm U aO .....aoUny.n 3RT ME.At~c~ the wearer's every movement. Comfort, Style and Service ABSOLUTELY I GUARANTEED I Timnscannot rust. Prc oe nd.00,ny stor rmai,.rpad wl-lp Qrok'n in Turkey. Perfected in Lgypt. Enjoyed in America. "MOCoc SMOKL MAKtLS LO-rTIArO SMOSLRS Cork Tipsor Plain. Save the Cou~pons. Ann Arbor, Mihh. 'ViewvPlcotogs-anna,- V iuw1<)C1cty and cat im sh 51lIihts, lt- Ieri o, Grosups. 316 S. Hrain Street, Ann Arbor WiSeou Stt u 4diot. 'faoil '1(4 ...... Always Ahead is Style s. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of. Everything in Tailoring