TheMchigan Daily VOL. XIV, ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1904 No. 10 'VARSITY ME[[T. CLOS[ [lGHT. PROFEiSSORS UPHE!LD. CHIICAGO L[TT[R.. Many Entries for Saturday Night Con- Result of Election of Managing Editor) Figures Submitted by Professors Ad- Washington's Birthday Prom. a Great test - Fitzpatrick well Pleased of Next Year's Michiganensian ams and Cooley on Railroad Pro- Social Success-First Prom. to be With Showing Made by Men Much in the Dark-Editor perty Declared Fair and Jus- Held on the University Cam- in Fresh-Soph Meet. Chosen from Junior Law tifiable-Railroad Tax Case. pus. ____ Class. I shonld say that the Fresh-Soph. -i In the recent hearing tst the rail- Ciicago, Ili., Fel. 28. meet last Saturday night was one ot A pretty joitical fight is eing wag- road tax case of the Michigan Cet- The atnals Prttm., oes- of te tmost the hest ever held tn the gymnasiutmt el at prese-nt inthle Junior aw class I trat and Pee Maruette againsst e lbriliantttc ,.vents f te year itheto so- beteenthetwocanidtesforthe Stte hevatatis oithlit-physica bo~th in competitin and the records titintevwtittillstt ieStl.It ii tttsiyPitso at calendar, toot place last Ftiday pttsttitin tftatiaging edtoft he;t ttrt iis ofttt rad y rfesrevenig onthe tmaitt tlttor tf Barttett. establtished'" said Trainer Fitzpiatrick 1t04 Mi-higaensiaii, Ihe ttmn ttttitey atd ttoIit thno-pthysisal tr- - yesterday. "it was certainty a great rttntittgttr the ofice are T. 1) ltttte-i peries ofth ie rtads ty Prttesstor A-i gynnaittn. Ftr 1the irf timle theii improvement over the peimn r omtttt salad Pty, Itaho aittlC I.Sit t, wire inttrotittetd as eitenceiig Seitir art y isas give-nsotttIhittt- meet alihotugh there were no arsi b e, frttmMilwautke-e, Wis. Bthte OtnitPofesstr Attattsmadethle careful est -tpts ti hersl s ty track mhen in it. The -iork one b are strong men in tke etass-iattttas'sstttdy of the slt-Iks atititttnts sr a imlh lt- - - te i the freshmen was entirely satistacti- - each has a large foltuwi-ng deettmtietlteitdiot five years te asis Oils -ePo.wswihu ob.b calulaionas o te ttalvale o 1tar te lie-t that htas evr tae-ntpae ry to me. iito adothlit-otfice for their antiditat- eandertaCittasga'iauhipiteasvants-ttis The indirations ptittotwarid a;the fight isvktentsat itesi.(thi lie erteis-ofithfle Michigan eni-itse-tll-atoasiceait li very successful ms-t fr next Sat tr- (Alithough the itffici i iso l pt I ita. Onliehe, atitatiaioti ofithe net wstersl f- w atr-h n icoe lan h oate tei vareaseaborateness--i-thtItwhicht-leli-arranige- layinight. All the "M" mniwill blie netiis-itiart-tidepenetsi-everytboduy mt-tunntitatirlit-rriacdioui-it-nvdtthett e -i- - a-blet-ilan(]l(lila sholdiatdstuconsitder- in the juntiolteass i~siit it to vote $:3,693479t. Forthe(lii-Pre MaqtiteI tinto-covi-re cariedioutireaiet Its-hte able interest." This tact servs ii t-ireaseantd coo-theilues-t -rias-li-it$4t)ii94. ance by thle surroniniltgs.Tfact-i The entries tot- the meet wiltectose plicate the struigge bythe itriiiui-sIt Prfessotr Cooleygbasei his figriestht i-taiywsgititili-ti- Thursaya night, bys-which time al tin oithle tfatenitiy viti Tt- ele ist ontinhi-ecar mileags- system, at-ittfr Ita leprt wshotintendl us compete must liat-i-oliii cans ofthe.leass are ngaest mt I90ltSgays- as the cstsoittthe Mihigat-I tetits'its-inituiltigmai- it vey their natnes onutthelists wshich ars- le cotetisnnesideslits he oi ther Centttra rairotait$51,272542.Ast-es- lasant.t-iFvrul fis im h afi il Traittir Fitzpatrick 's offlee. lBe- antas a ri-situ ires-utigitiistbeigir- arandhsr atthhsoaughtit tyer Pr. ittwe -li t-t sitss hi-reguttar °ittmnn early altdonettio ia te-at ei-sit-t.the- rodsha-i-i-tirnierty ee. taxi-i. attttiihltr-s--i vit--ttii thotsewho have done wotl in the twi thuiiietxac-it. nimoftheiiiisitettin a- this mteants a goidtdeat moe mouitiy hr e n l(-rgamwe he previoissmeets wiltecimpe-t. The ri-i is nttianinounciied, tbuitwviiitprobah-tiinthel -Stats-treasury. The vaues set-i - si ursistgetiia semi-fitials in the class retay races lyhi- Saturdttiay li byte titititStates-scetmmissioniont nehail exprssionsibutsasashu vill tlsou he -ritt.ffoffice tl-I, it is theitstititmtsi at ihe treads is $5,500,000iiforsteI li hi-ij-ansi aprueiationifthirle Irt. mail- Inithi 401 yardi sash Halts, Steswaritu-nitsn ie SMichiganiensiat ti-etlanstu$;7501i,000lfor te a - h rm.wsgve e tutd Keeler- will bits-he ipriniplitcssn- Ilug ii4i ts- itienttagreenionti tit tiePert- .Marqette. the dirtct initofthils-Sitristolletige testants.. The three are siting abot.itfaculty thes-manaigdigstor tilt r--{ C xci iiAtis .Etwir ist li sanetilnieandisholdiisgive sites-s cerive 500 5for hissricets. fl Asisantt PAPER ON FORESTRY Miss (itt-a Waghoptledtihellgratd citing clashliothe ii-lhoo. editors till hitsls-teditcont te Sallie m____ tarch. Mr. Elswoirth issianim-nmber Stewart, Shule matt Nicsl-isittlttlk ic-ket as le tmautagig eitort- ti sitnitiit-i-ls- i uuss-utIleihDi tTi-tt-i--ityat afterthe us-irles.switehs-Rilstuiel, their-etuttca-nd t ut i t-s-tis n tbennuttut -t-iuatss- i-tutt t-i i iisWttgistitiiMsiitiuas Noreross, ShatuktCarrels andui hovltil . Liuiti.Profetsssorv Fitir Iih, tt it-t. iii alt omem-u-inithe quarts-i-.Mitcslgsitriadapatertutu'Mihigat'G he Jislacriats, mu ntw muscalsitd Thu haltsile tromnises tto bes suite CERCLE FRANCAIS-r lii ofth os ectigraeso tecok-Imeteuh ut in iiFirstry-si hea- damatielt~ubhis tben orgaized tat it hi- sut -slltugi-ce o th csm tit-ei-i-parit is astioltows Chicagotolitfill a watilosuitelt-ti tg sitias somtei-oiftthe most evetuly tottorn-iutit i tartiels- ,-itts Sat- "-i- lst-,00,000ife,iiiu uouf fisisthi tututultiosuitsitlight tilts-a Sits-s mtcsthus-mn-iwith inter this evnt. tits. moditiesclansue anceu-uextr-situtimbtut-valonetiniiMichtigan. Nvr the Damatic-Ctutb aoudcidedti- o Hiat, Rametuy andth uhai-ietsstatesdhe tAsoeunibheu-geuuu-au-is((Ate in ithu-i-storuy itt civiliation has this- tresetuonlty seiotus tar, a tutu-- signilfied ttheris-vnten-ttinsioftakentt i 5 t aeunlu-getierteselat-me osmpinbets ra.-mn;hsbensedly'oigi part. Ranmey is a utuw mnwhoutsuis x ti-i uen ereannuellteeud i(Manty ates itfipeplie live i-ithoutiavor sita ctutbsu-ti as Blavki-iars. It tueledhtishush 'uhlhet" Hliiio Iii humnasa it itturis. saltes- hics-ints vs it- whal-ab-dlitconel-lisethsvut.uuiwottod. r-esnt, praticsally svs-y- ushe-v hbst n u-iltuusuuts-eithss uitnt.e Ttaaniat. tWvuhavet-olitoy i iun ur wot-iovduula t u gvuututu uci-citi iilt univrsity- Dun ilntcmeei h ieOrdre do Jour. a geatucv-tofutr atstptrtat-itt.For-uansi-itwith ampltutIalt-thu-iplttu- tf tit becatuse-of a aut tuot -,ata:.Kellogeg It aportut Presiden-ut st-teset-ieeeetry is aart u-itagricuture. Te l lub hu Iit-it uiresnteit tili-Auai-t Psri, SionteSintr antiCofuse at-i-511 0uSCfoursis -a tprodisui f thu sill, flue-!he Acheis" andutuh"eitfstul Irinsting touttftrv(lila event. 2 apr il' eoir hut hus hih ituuut htewt Milet tilurt titfresuuev. ulvl itthirat"ts- sundillis o suututruilus is' Danwith sit tutc-i sucess itstut-- m te ighjup rewrMiler Eeti-nt.-It I va is2-tiree r I e-iuninprvedulsit-ilwe cant uaise timer. et- years. Walter L. Gregory an-i Shutehi, ShianksTutu(sit-il Kellerswho d'administrua-iittioraiti-s-i-1914.'We havethe still sntthe elimae. Wle IFrank H. Hutchinumsn are writing a are all douig arundmuufisthutet-ti-en!4 heis tlits humlahqustiontde thetiuee ashouul aise otur ownu suy. The! comcspera tutu prutmsionun ithe at- iches, will uenter. mitt tutle (aut a uederatitotude Alit'Stat u-itMichiganm shuldtut leatist take is-vripar.itt May. Hlbrti-B i. tlatuy The econtestantstfor-tie hule vatuti ance F r atmeist.auatin-hntestihrhulath(viS-t-i -uiiugIt wvllhe itteidtiHendir, Taiti smithd-5. itetiutsdt munutres htuutuuuares.jsit-itvsort- thuetfrsts we so st-itely ei-foru the titus-a. Tithey. Ihe Seetairs, u-u h-t i ustt hsot t h Rose Dunltapianti tarrels wilt take ls-. i)P S1 nieua edtusevoatn. imeorm-theu utsiynitshugtuthes care u-itthissulsh t, __________pu___ hs rsisatyiuhti tsuheis Thhemeuet withl probasbly heuone of i _harctcll__iseissheue tie most interestinug anti houtly con-t GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. PHARMIC EXAMINATION. tnly a ti-v gameis nremuainig toi be eted tot the seasson. From the point ; ___plamyd. fThe- hague has atracted la swinners a tmacts team vill he picksedlThitshightbowlving recrudfr it- , Ousthundulru--i Phiarumissart IiiiAm- itgria-i sial ou-intturs-atsn suowlng. ts coumtewith the isne frosm the imvevfily of thiesgo is 258. ecntl y Artbosvtakting the exanminathionf rm Sies-thu mussushave becoeusedusi ts First Regiment of Chieagosthuetfolow- Ina-itt i-i- Walv er tucevsu-ittthuStats- hBuavd f Phamacmsy. The Ithe new Reynolusub ualys the ime weei. -age it apicantls-surang frosmm i55 yasscores have shotwn mnarked-uimpsirve-- P_______________ ie is us bi missie sum imporssanti fta- iuswn to131. Frnth itst imtms- l uset, atm-itsssumu-hight idiiuuawurk MICHIGAN NOTES turesitfthe mnutssent-eudtgb--t-eguttng;miumsaneeqv-uieditohisthusactual uphar- I has resulsed. iles ositlu-andmtutanufodUinulivesigmie worvk au-itmust itt-spaefoutistpre- Ni. Parry, Delta Upsilonti footbhatt. sumnt- day it Labosr. flithlautsag alt criptiluns in uorduer tsipass the exami-i sayr--ansi hanmner thrower, still has Arthur T. McBride pharnic '04, off the mu-nmmfut i.ts- tutitrsit g withl put nailsn. fle regular State examnem-) a high score 240,thitis ritaning his St. Lotus Mo.,has just receivtedt a suit uverallhanadh usethiti uit andth slum-tou fun Michigan sudehnts withlhe holdl slnmThueIDaily Marus1 upu u. As itmrsiveofem-ftnm isliilit c elm simun making sarios aimnpu-svems-muus; hi-I tom is-iun- nilwitproubhaly he sitf ssuly a fewv ganesamurswill tbu uroled cern,stud his decisdedl ts scetit. Me- at-i-it timeecanus. The girls have the sane nature. Parry vill probably wits the c-ip this Hri-hiswill eave at mnce muocmiier ttuponagreed ts furnuish andulsenseea-auselat- I -- -year. Thu standuing sit thus-fraerniti-a his new suttes.urate tuas tuo st- woriers at oo- DEBATE WITH WISCONSIN fullowsr: ime.Thissftiash winlie served in j NamesuWsonts tt Pt Neil Snowi, Michigan's fanousullis- t uinic style out unier the trees. -Te deate his-iweeni Michiganm adi Alpha DeltsPhi--...27 tiI8(8 hack and all around athlete attenduesi I Wisconsin is tshut heist hee hum An Delta Kappa Epsiloun.25 8 752 the Feshman-Sophoimore ms-t Satur- Aim anti-profnsfiy society hsshs-uusn Arhrsitlancs 25. I. will ie.thie!Psi P ....1.....i 9 ti6l say night. Snow went to New York furtmedtat tColumbsiia University. first inttercollegiate- deatsuhdhire Phi Deli- - --...... ut2 10 666t city after his graduatison in 1901 amd ini tv-t years suit'theettori sit the (hi Psi .......u..l.2 flit66 remainedt there until last Decembuer,i Cornel withlits-t rtw the Wisconsin, greatest interest to udeaters and n-I Phi Kappa Psi. .21 12 63f;~ vwsens he returnedh ts Detroit tohbeconme crew at Madison lime 911h liming tm this-uedtou alt Mishiganm men. A onuuit- f Dleta I.......18 11 6I:.3 secretary of the StsndardtSi-al Fur- - VWiseonsin ub uhiee week. Eamnis- et-f asumni frosm listtwit eusleges , Phi (Ganmma Delta. .I1 hu6 47 nitture Cut ions onse at Cturnell just abosuut that will chetss the judges for tie deate Delta fastDltam....12 1 4811 ____time and the faculty will nut- give thesn- ith is censusn that thes jiuges Sigma (tll - i 184, lt MsGetue(Smtu-tKpacrew a eave sitabusensee. wilt he distinguishedmnum. The twouS5 A. N ........... 5 28' 178 MisGrtueC SihofKpai iichi.sut alumni acmting osnmthis cs-m ___ Kappa Gamma sorority entertained at Three hundred asuents at Wiscoin- mitts-c are, the Hhiit. Siney C. Hasht. hsagtv-teit iu-isusu1itr a dinner and dancing pangy at the sin lent most valuable aidh humthe re-'titan of Chicagot antiFranktsP. Salaher r lChinagosrwetsd werwindofrusitumrhi KaippasKapspa Gamma hosme, 836lTrap- cent fire there that sdestrsoyedlthe! alsos uf tChicagos, who wtasihonortruialt-i usn iettistastt asnlg pan sthreet, Friday evefning in hoonrof 'State capitol. hg fornming a loug limeitnis'14si-itdushonthu-liten ini'95. Fstrn iscon( fs teadgrSaturtugh, MsMay Toac fMusigoextendisug trim the stawlbrary u-itttime Ill. Miss Trohascus was itsten n-scsu hsu u the usutit sttme FENHLCT E OA harsh fon every pinht, houwever, anth versity last year ton possi-radumate lsi iugtle rrt hetostu-atiiotuntsil Cahill ecrsssed theisslue fit- wontz ansi is in the city for a brief Itime bookuis. Matng slas assistedsinhumcar- Thsis afternoonuuu at five o'chlckTnu--sra-istu-r.mue s it ea visit. Dinner- was servedlsi 8 ocluck. - ryin ulmt te furnitureu atm-i dragginug Hamniton, instruceimstorofFrencht itstime race was miss-result sit thunutei- The decorations were its iint: and !the hose. linivensig swill smuealt sn Frencehstermnusedi. I hulieity garth sash, Rice, while, noses lending their beuaity and IJ__ otunnals andh.Jounalism."Tfhis lee- hflairs freshman teant-mate, won at- fragrance ho the festive scene.,ttov- Csornell sdeeated Harvard its a dual sure is osne itt a series sun insuissutisuns I yen a nechs-andu-neckl race with Dlirn ens were laid for twelvs guest-i At fencing conest hug sne tbouut. Each'1sofecontemporsary France which has-c smit in a preliminary hi-at set a new the chose of the dinner, Miss Smith team hash atn fourmnbhuts asmithtie hash, createdu much interest amiong the WVesiern marts at 52% secondts. Miller, had a dancing program arranged for hout hetaeen the twus captains wass I French students iftt he U7niversity. t he i- Wiseisusiut law, huiuic ths sixteen her guests. Music was furnished hy: tie. When the tie was fenced oft the The lectunre tituar will lie in Ttappan htofund shm-t 42 feet 314 inches. Other Mrs. Morton, - Cornell captain won hy onme point, Hall lecturne rxon. (Continued on page three,)