THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 44 tor i ruritArriv-e * t f4 . tye IalraIrclocla-, Y 4 CIGAKLTTLS r CGrolvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. r 'MO0GUL SM0KE. MAKES LGYPTIAN SMOKERS Cork Tiiipsorelan 1 t ~ Se he Couon. College Base Ball Send U s $1.00 ! . 4 n eWllSn o 43 4 AND ALL OTHER COLLEGE SPORTS ndWWilSdYe$0' * ______________________ The ILLUSTRATED SPORTING NEWS 4 I'Iii i I iiitt ci I isi I i li I iin c lw a- F, tc~ 'iv iris s MLviio ; 1 tieit+Iiicy fiir Iiu'ooiiiiiiv iiiii ei ;i' iill virilt liti c a e i l ott- } * liiioii i,; the only publicato e elles i',lc rt v. ilcss } special attention to college subji°cts. ~ SLITAE PRIGNW 4 Nliiiiii, ; i ii iiiie. 7 West 22d St. New York 4 MONEY LOADEDJON ~ Arkansas, Texas, Mexico t ,tivv Iiccd 4and California... 4 } It iveli,aiiL sil l h 'Lce( Arehbeotreached via 4' ol t'iilatoal -iii ;+, St. Louis, World's fair City, BUSINESS STRICTLY CONPIDENTIAL. } ~W. J. LOURIM. h i .le~); iti v i e l:. 1 ;J) : ). 1 r}I ooD lounidin } , 4.4.4..I4.4S.t4to4i 1:i(), t o it d:'u . >;. OOFFEE OR- CHOCOLATE Nhadet Right and(1Serves1 Rig1ht Call oiln PINNYCOOK, D, Y., A A. & d. RAILWAY' srANOAi( IMEIYt V( )Itii I-i 1 r-it hoi l ry lrooni 6:10it.m il. 6:1 I,. Ini. Thie em l-y u1101i11:i.5, lie Yoii- Jaknlikoui ly Ifromi SollSa.1m. eunti l :1 pii. i The 1t 9:t5p. 111.'i II:5p.m Waiin Room, Hnron St. W. of Main. MANN'S DRUG STORE; ,. R EN TS CH L ER For anything in theeline of 4. Maker of Photographn Framing, Call on Rentschler, 4_~ Ph' n P 380 9-2r. Corler Main andl Huron Streets. 4 Los--I.eiiy's iiol ovatc-li M. A. .. 7 Year eyes examnined by an !l outsi. lee. 1001, i n iside. °"re experL optic'ian. All (be let- l-Fitier returo-o 'i120; N. liiviei srool: sot applroved appliances aind methods aliL ro-roivo-root irS. if. known to the prefession areenmployed. ________________ New eye glasses fittedl, lenses duli~- coe- o~- ~olcieolDi ated, frames replaired. Hailer's Jew- ..i.Olis lIiviorI,.elry WthStore.t. "irlLile u I oo 0u00e 1 e -c i iii i ii iii Ii.I).o airly rino N lexi A 4 ' oo IIivta nn Aibi, 4lich STGDENTS-Ionoire youlr Booksandl IGt Wardirobe theree years for $1100 at a ab cost of $2. Remn val permits graonted 0n tree. IS. G. Sellman, 615 William St., I ar e. o. d. 124. M _________________ di: JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 215 Cc Mlain St. Sa Phone 281. iBath soipplies of all kindo at ail r 1c SOIJTUHt fAIN T. prices at tooshing's Drug otiore. tf. ro inl hIN'NF, i.itci' vst)U . Yypewriting and Stenographical Prvli~eat. V. Pi'~siO ni. Work: done nleatly aned quickly. Waiter C 0.50 00o05.Iisoie 1 . Willis, 1224 Washtenaew Are.,'Cr1. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 'St ill A'NN M-1l3)ili, MICH11.ry CAPITAL, - - - $100,0001 Large sell fornisheed souite. Bath, SURPLUS AND) PROPITS,. - $40,000 gas lollnote heat, telepone. t Three blockssfrom Canolols. $2510 a weeks. th State Savings Bank.'Inqooore at hi3 Packard street. t.M 01. rroS ca;iil ibsS Sirso 00 ii. B5oothisi o V. t1SeehanoiiNOTICE. ii i 0 i I iLs Rhoetoric 4a (Diction aind Usege), , IM. ioii Iti'rof. Ii. s. Cori oinmay be ricted by studenits who have 0 v 0 1'ttiarir hristian Marin lad RhetLoiic 3a. Others follillilog the p A. J. WATSON tlusel rtqiroemlentos for Rhetoric ha mf is il he admitted. a Wall Paer, PaintsI R. R. KIRK. j/ I Pri and Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar.' cal row's and Hulyer's Chocolates at Cush- de 216 [ast Herron Street. ago Pharmacy. 'p1 Just received 223 Mandolins and ailarn that we hought at a remark- t M SPALS ilt'S OFPICIAL 4+ 117 low price and will eli them at IOOTRACLLEO +T oethird the regular prine. This is r sdb l h edn n exeptional bargain. All loslra- 1Colleges+ tens on easy payments. See oar , PotBaliPants s lifont. islay in window-Ann Arhor Music S ir r t i I t tntlii i iithool o. W lic rt St iji,. + -- ___- . t A. . SPALDING & lBROS. Fountain lpens at Cushings. tf. NwYrCicagioDne + +________ 8 Newra, hicagolt Drover(sie fol.1190. t il 0 r) 17 0/lteril ilii ). 4. Fresh Loornoy's, Allegretties, Spar.- . l lr 'io1iiiranits. +,a ors, Eloyler's, chocolates at Cush- + " tgo( Pharmacy. tf. +-. .a *w. . 444* aa. .5' .4+aa oJay.4..e4 Ticket for four shampoos-$1h.00 eft water. Misa Vaughan, near Qouar- "s.__ '*4way University students desiring to se- ire positions to teach will hondit to' oir interest to write to James F. eCulloogh, 11311 Fine Arts Bldg.,0133Ho m ego. tf. 1904 LAWS,~NOTICE. lobr-I I5ho-s~ut u ad Rentschler is the official photo0 - eetmtt te a il t0tie let for the t904 Law class. All \vs-v - I iiid' F~raet-otfemily embers report foot sittings as sonn onrikviviiiiIt iii i. i li lilli hn >u ii p oOssible. tf. COMMIT''RTEE~ . er ohr aee etlinSidii htii d vis. h111110n0 iiiii ii'e s vih Pantorium, 3$6S. State. Cleaning, lou-I I- siear-s itii Ili-ill.ner1-c u essing and Repairing. Clothes disilli iiiriO1111 iii-diit hriolrriourdy 6lfed for and delivered.. Leave or- slh i illitiik, itlellilii ii eiilosiilioe. ins over CusIing'o Grog Story',or - tttl s.-ohs>n 1000 582-3 r. r h. t 1 84..44..44..44.4..44..44..44..44.vieS~i1sli Tike ATHENS PRE&SStitdtttatOhu-i "Pern-tr. ' low 0010(710 Rr Iv Z~ed Finn.'. 005,N.t t io0ldidy ' ii icii i ei lii 2nd4Floo4..4. tt..4...t4t4.4t.4.4 4.4 ' ACCEPT NO SUBST/TUTS. Creanm Chewing Candy, _+BILY EMND'i i500iiil 'oiitrarkeijaok ftech Sk te rnd q daGILB[RJ.+4 121iE. Libert5y St. 4. ' Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. ! _.-_-----_. .- ._ __t. Plumning and Steam We-rk Al;lot Reasoble Races altFirst-Class Order nt PIhPIIIL omtinues Its Excellemt t u~uuis *j TRAIN SERVICE ,4 BIXL R" -YOU WILL FIND___ PHYSCALFOUR T R lN S DAILY FROM 101100 thehoa-l irho il to 100 10 oll ilt110ime0 111 0l ,ltil)is: f1r1 Ilo"01 005050 meit. 0Careying Parlor Cats on Day Trains . p ius l s $o el pre-Is . taste Iic e to s. re t0 )ills I")rs-o oe coursei bySleeping Cars on Night Trains d ..atlor $7. 'uI bi ef11 ti00101 will seal the bS stan tIose cfor V1. SWol lectu rio phyrsicol00'.lid lloo, 00 eiltI rso i e i l t) o~e- II.. 0 0 ief it hisslOotuivoe to health " UNION ISUPOTSA N TOLEDO 1 and )4ivecar fo b at witi intivdualty ot inei B ine; vem:' aid.L W. LANDMAN, G T1.A., Detroit on, li115. 15.o li ess e-o.. i. BlCL; Kttt sv Is' t. &: Owlen Ave Chinags, Ill. ADCLMU.s " x + a.-a 4.9rr a - i as oa*.o*-*0- 4 a AlayALa .TTIARfl THE TAILO(R The Best In Styles., '.-' ~ of Everything in Tailoring