_ _ _THE MICHIGAN DJAILY. * WH1IGAN SENTRAL, "The NiagQara Ficts Rote- THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEWXTYORK AlN D BOSTON, 'iitht-ict connectionc,'It Ciltcii or t- Lois. KalliasCity. St. I c!i id te 0Cc-a s- sin i ,Lics and t rli t- icto istallon r wrt -'V .CASE. A, Act Aticti COFf - ,E LYJOCHA A I)JAVA Osss'own P-0Rstisog Alwsays fsensh 28aC per pounrd 214 Main St. DEAN eL CO. New Brunswick 'Tables Ar REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. 1 chave listcreceivecd the lat-gist adtns line of IU ish Cigarettes and Pipes evrbor t i c hecity. 0ine Lunches in Connectio. ccerythinrgNeat anCleaniti. 303 S. State $t. R. E. JOLLY. 6RAN6[R'S f A A4IY1Y ORCHE[STRA! Ann Arbor, Mich. j (Mce the Oad iii (m ii i lardit tr- et. !!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!OAb I tI S Our Great SPro-Ilnventory Sa le e 20 o50 p. C. DISCOUNTI I SUITS, OVERCOATS ~ Trouosers, Houose Coats Uroderwear, Bathrobes t STAELBER CBS WUERTH u ....sa V ao~~,orro ~s s 1 1 I i I h ALFRED 1 1 h 1 1 nE "JA 1 N MIN 1 1 I 1 &Cos 1 1 I 1 1 1 TAILORS 1 ! s ! 6 1 1 1 1 SINGING MEETINGS. ity the Senior Mtetiictat (tass iniitie formi of a weekiy singinig metig. The cclasts oirtunat e tn having a nuimiier ot exceltentvocitesowthicth iaveibeen tiruitiutirritgthit-ar iios ii ttiiiiii cncerts tiefore iec- te idet eit t i cttoiig a choruic wvitintihlecasssuggecstcditscelt to severattiofithit-tmembers cwhoi clleida mtecetig tanit preeted iit itformallyito i tiettcls. Tthe tltnivas enthiaii tictt- tly rocctvi-tiatdtilacedciniithei-thtttds IS YOUR NAME HERE?I sout-tte in reality. Tot give ccietitndivarmtih itio thlist, tate tias Ittitly atdett pertitiianiid V Mtardct-i, anti to keepiit intaictisite N I W gite tai Loitcattmt Keys. Niow riay Ish idyke h esfo al FOR SOCIAL REFORM. ulliuiv R000S GRANGE,Manager Ittactoct"c"vit i-c it tc . T E LO IA i fc ommtiitititte withtcvcrc i-cest iplicati to t TH EOLOI AL teatrcats andittthogh Profescor SOt- S MN R 0 YOU CAN GET A !l otsr~r isoi~rthietic scc oftie itptiao yt t itiii adic thei i worldttilt h i s; 700 Pass-Is.A-ve., News'Yorsk AtH oAt L u n c htoit it iiit-t tt i- it-tcit.icititibn-t yi t tti.ild sllat iy pt t AtTssttle's, 338 . .State t tthe icharsalsantut i iiuglih istic d.i i-t iititc serices o e liue Iiii it-c ci t c--o's kt:t t 0 -itit, "k- a a i -t t t- ttt--,tt ct Ilt- i i a i [IiSSONS IN * c- . . ,"+f itettaSi i it-ac -i. t cciii inr1t dIttittitoy - c assItc tic- (ttio-ot cti rt i i h ;lit - Se' tI TY-N~tlIN l EA ,t~f' R tljt' !allt unitit's t'ttritItottltirictcct it cutD.tot.ct-i DaySO Y CArogrSataSree h otc ittttc (,t -tictct ic etst e ict n tgtheFtim dTitct-tion hstettirc-n ofa Clktinhmi" t:ti,. PA LAESO PASIN Chit men! ttwiic ccurdin t cet 1 i i t---tonda e- akeibiCicago t'ititi ity t he SIXTY-NINTH- YEAR ttc Actto c iiia i tiitt : r 'ItIti - ititttlicl Ifccrmitcm- attiition ofaclrst-itt o ciaccserviit Sit.1 .sDthe d[sirAwo. aigreatittnc.t hrau- test iwhio fid-i-i tiveat pcciti onsii maii e tecoruscac percc enttitgo tttttt- itr ithemti Thc ii it-ccolitrciis at tin t dd'',lc '''it't 0 lt fl A NI[ ESITY C ADEck , tn ae y e ete t t-r-t c t tlac;t-i itiitit i-u- t iii-oittt tgic ttc-- c Cititiii IHE M iiitit il li it-c og tte ttitl a cs. tie rgit- ttiotri-i totits vgretsttoc oii. iT A hut OoTHE BES cttitt ic a reti c t ortantghttitit- alcli sciictoward-c neededii rtcfort catit -t F b. lin 'eb 7, ii. ii- tinc a n i ncretittt at- init i cl cticspir i -c.ttscaro y iattie.T het stig onI! ~ Gh loe elao iL beLUween the g be ite, iti t h) be foundikinigtti L ETPE B D & ,.IJA D R Y A G j N C Iitt-illtintnd t e liiion p rtose ('.an-iti a aat it CLOETY ass ARROW COLLARSto C'.h GEORGEJBISotOFF l to inthem coetoti-ieter cvtii lt aoii;catc Wokclld rL. kjs5eliere irmp l o ii ngttaciimee-itigtith to scit-eii- Po.ttlrtgteAum iro m a CNOIC ICU .tOW. L ,AN Ai tt atbl e tiuti it ht--itheitcy ein- d os-ot hisct uretig t i chal l-int iltciTttietGiv ntitittoit tvy twor ttinted evt- ytiesciolg tdns.Tentd THEAS AROIA o ng st lassur ic-i-i-i- t tio this dea- i sio Proprieii o i Ab r O HE B - t o Tmf I PEot ct' lRmade onGeAle; urittiicihithe iew of atku ting te ii- i t areaddE S LotheU N D RYty cc cu eb 1 od Fe.2 7 . Is p.oISi. gttilhtittl-citi tt t-itt tao iiitt i t ctiiito i t i itt-c istaipro cinet atic tti fii the-ccc titxer ugcise at Nwberri ity Ha ct-t yi h~t. ,P Ii 3 6 t iv c H l P o e 4 7 WAGNER & COMrPANY, Importing Tailors ,4 23 South Mrain Street, DbWN TOWN._ Ni14Niiiiii iNiOi l+.i®tNNii iiiiNNNNNiNi " so®eooo eioooaa w .a . s . iiNiiANi N Ni i e Ni NNiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiA i Nia iioii410 NiiiNNio iN NNiNNNiNiNiiiNNii Ni1 iNNNiNNiiNiiNN TV VIW WW"WWWrW lwwlw wlwlwlwwlwwlwlwlwlwlww ,w wlw- w ----------------- :ELEV NOW R[) ' z T' 2 . Next Thursday A. M. with ~ our entire stock of Law Books CA IANN ARBOR BRANCH: State Street, Opposite Luaw Butilding. 11 ADY Illinois Bar ~xaminations, Ques - tions and Answers ~ iIHAN & CO. LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO' i LLA( WE ARE INEVER UN\DERSOLD- . GOOD YEAR?'S ODRUG STO RC