THlE MICHIIGAN4 DAILY. *:*+ 4+4444'i I as - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 DISSOLUTION SALE STILL ON . SomeSoccal Brgais Let i someS~ecal Brqans Lft i ~ + SFLANNEL SHIRTS, + ~AND 'SWEATERS + SCUTTING, REYER & COU 109-111I Eastl WashingtonI t 4 FUN FOR TWO FUN FOR A CROWD FOOTBALL POKER... Combines alf the interest and excitement of the two great American, gamnes. Li nen. UTd LA ARE THE BEST. ,.I ~ .~" s +« e a +4 ++4+1Barer's (Cllaro i Stampd "lien" Sprains a d W f1rlr^IY N4+1' Sheehants - ahr's Iob ran aedo-r s io-0a inO ~Dwight E. W atkins ly, setpeasiiItn, itsf0s Sold by Wagner & Co.. 2 for 25 s. iruses TYPF2WR.IT5NG I '1I 1:MI MSNI 10011.. Dro s>'rd to 3253gS Msim S. R; dmst v'I~u 5 ART S OZE Work done neatly and quickly. Walter an exceptional bargain All Instru 3t ~l~ AT 5~t I. Willis, ,1224 W1ashtessw Ave., Tel.i ments on easy payments See our 21 .11 ourthll 5 o 8i, i. display in window-Ann Arbr Music Lotrgo well furnished suite. Bath o.% I 1ou11 s11np(s5wer at(S 1101The .1a11 io gas, furnace heat, telephone. Three Fountain pens at Cushings t XX 11111(1 1 blocks from Campus. $2.50 a week. 1(1(1no cean you 111Xtoilli Inquire at 331 Packard street. tf. Fresh Lowney's, Allegrettis, Spar- knit. 1 1ITere ...AT... ~~~row's, Hyler's, chocolates at Cush- inSansht NOTICE. ing's Pharmacy. tf. 1 1110~1 LOV[L'S CORNEIR STORE. Reoriclle4a (Diction aiid Csage),I may be elected by sudents who haveI Ticket for four shampoos-$1.00. Ne-w 1Line o had Rhetoric 3a. Others fulflling the Soft water.Miss Vaughan, near Quar uual requiremens for Rhetoric a ys Bet idS irt ags will be admitted. R 1 IK Belt an Skit Bgs R R.KIR. Unverity tudntAdesiring to se- Jostrecevcore pos LWStions. (to teach will fSd it F1V.1( J~.. eel\( 1194LAS OIC. their interest to write to James F. I(llt l. r fRentcher is (le official photogra- McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi-UULJ. I Atlaln alax pler oc t1904 Law class. Alago. tf. memabers repotRfor sittings as Bonn 3 24 SOVTH STATE. A. J. WATSON 0111sfssble. if. COMMITTEE. Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar _-al__ansFreAbaltfi row's and Muyler's Chocolates at~ush- Wal P oc , P it (FeeAbatflcllection of bet Ing's Pharmacy. . 3 old songs will be given every pur and Oils chase It(of neollar at Roots Mlic. Pantorum, 336 S. State. Cleaning, fHouse. wfs. Pressing and Repairing Clothes 216 East nuron Street. JO -RITN -ERS 21 called for and delivered. Leave or- Arkansas, Texas. 1eXICJ JlanOt.S.PhoTNG-EYES1. 15ders over Cushing's Drug Store, or j atCaiori Main st. S. Phone 582-2 r.anClioi.. Are bsoilrcached viay O U)R7 ? .? 1 L IC IY.St. Lois, World's Fair City. 'rhlebuildIigtip of a Telepfhone System with every possible mnod erni ilpr(Iveliet; the 'giving of better service than was ever thoghlt Iron frountain1 posible before Po bc honorable, courteous and just in every detal ro anticipate reqltirments. To overcome ipdmns ob ai fled with nothing short of the confideince adgo will of ectie Route in tcrycoutt. e wo1 daiyt ra11( i:;.t(0Califonia. WASHlitNAW 1101[EITELEPHUONE CO., :'chedailjtrin o (1Ml 0(111 f }I'Idily trans t1 o txsfog TRIRYkvOFFItCE: Liberty street, near Fourth. + oul1ailytrins10( totlSewiock. "'Give and Take' Tax BEST OF EVEYTIS. t Presden isth ricll o _" ! fWRITE ME. } 33 li1C P1111"PIC Vi President Suspenders What one side gives the other side takes. Comfort, style and service. Absolutely Guaranteed. Metal trimmings cannot rust. 50c aiid $1, any store, or mail prepaid. C. A. EDGARTDN MFG. CO. Sax 288. Shirley, Mass. HOUUL Qroivn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. ''MOGiUL S4OKL MARLS LGYTIAN 5t-iOKL.RS Cork Tips or Pli. Save thiCo Cupos. DI . Armstrong, 1. P. A.,; 12133 vliobte-aw -Ave.. t ~Ann Arbor, Milch.+ Vies','PkIOtOg.'-Epise. 316 S. Mine Street, Ann Arbor IWith Seynouur Studio. 'hone 0111 The Best of Everything in Tailoring Always Ahead In styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR.