THES MICHIGAN DAILY, JUST I .ii>:. t . Ititok1S.c to Dorothy Dodds t o fLoitm i .S {BakSis "'s AIJI[SSrI IT .he Clothoer women---fordwomen. ® >~.$3.00 [OR LADI[ES $3.00 $1,$2'UTZ * The only shoe in the world designed by a f i*.1 MI ot i~nSr~ lACk ~ CO.., - - Sole Agent s : 21*ouh"anstet -t 1 21E. Washington St. ~ "r OifNi Nioi i iONi®is iOi iOioii ir NirNi iONi®i®®! Established 1881 l1b681uron Street, Eas BURCIIED'S F'INIE TAILORING TRADE -I We re eart ed tk is seanttir 1mUeet every dlemtandl. s we hav Iinereeth e tlt ter o wrken Ai ul c iityt stiti kitt tilt preidomtinate int our work ati in th pitt. W \e respectifuly invite your inqiuiry- ® S. W. BURCHFIELDI AND BANQVET Spe~cial~Dix imrns e12 Sto 1:30 . PM. Daily,35Cortits IFor. Ladies cGeritle.smes SOPHOMORES WON. 40 Yard Dash--Trial Heats. 1.R lt 0, st \'ei;tr,'7 'nl (;ral~a~ni, '07, 1st: ii, '11t;, , d se I i 4ilis. i 1 t1. Soiti ii> 40 Yard Low Hurdies - Trial Heats. 1. Nic l (7 1 t; F rt ), nd MICHIGAN NEWS NOTES. The witi b.laches in itiO iii tl i- iillillhac ibee n si rediifor inerutunhors t i v lil i Thit I ito li o isallide parr Bets are iv ite t toedipyti s!I Prit so 11. C. tt til> i Adli ithaslbit i ll(,:; pincipal0 wii tness in iithet alrt d ta 'oLinss-llttit s saol 0istil i s .11. A .I. t rctnitiois i21 inlhe Mi calts dc-'i supply -wast'liie s \libral oasii ttlt.f I. 14. Soro iy llit. Iivituu Iul ~MoeyLoaned Moe (IN ' Watches, Diamonds pired.. t/Iusriinin l \t i -t and IDiamtondis.{ Offie, it.restiency 311 fV. Lilt) erto St itt. A.t ini A rtur.,h1u-1 .- j: LLCTkIC AN5 +. lectric Chaf itssgDiskles, : E~liectric Tabdile Lastsips, S to fats , .s tiqt o i 5 t n.up y-ur . j WA.5HTENAW LNlx14& PO E.COMPANY . 1' + ,& (C r. -kigtoj ay{ytt Av. P~on 275 135S.S to t~St. Phoe .467 12Ill'i-c, l0, i tiethI17,itnd New Brullswick Tables E I Heat for Seconds. REID'S BILLIARID PARLORS,I Pole vault. Fine Cigars and Tobaccos l . titvs.andutti i iitl *i6, iilied or lst. JAS. 'W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. u. fet3inchlit With, attnd tTalon i'T, lied fit .list Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes lii Nine Lap Run. Fine Lunches in Connectoni. ' t> :r. 2 in 51/-s' uurveyturitti tNeal i t oI. 1t Yard Low Hordes-Final. 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. l.tit t. I si st:Nitcoi.'it7, 2nd: RuIt II~v 7, ird.. eco is. GRAO[R' S High Jump. ACAD[E1Y ORCHE[STRA lit; t. i,+7 n ~t.1 ti i o Ann lArbor, hut-h. Ni itdihtadt'00,iied iifoire li- Wiii ittt(l i t ila(rrt)i 1 I:\ iii - [t i i Relay Races. All-ltFr o lWorkmanit Ba t lett .Rut- RS GRANGER, Manager. III .It. Ktt Ir)Iiliitiltil All-Sophtl YOU CAN GET A Fial i scoespooe 6 rsl $ ho L~I11C1 ~ Class Relay Races. At Tu..ttle',., 338 S. State '1. I ,ttttt l(it iii [t t):)til 54: 2 4 [S91)(; Imy its . tltitl 1 > 2 IUNIVERSYACADEMY, State 5treett { itiiti It. PALACIIe.PARISIAN ' t. 1I)0i1;kaItihratedit 19t; Med Iics.ri .L ND Y A ECY. LEAP YEAR PARTY. W 4 iii61 I t t t iIar S, (m nt 7 fr. I. DOWIIR, App,. Mit Gi hit- l. uivirs al i oitit TTI'r~'ThA1 ~ and l I~pit to/I tteni da It iiiOdecoyi:Monay tilgit (ILeat,)Year Davy. CAIL A-ifat 8 ,) lock. TheI liAratmteo rch- Sill J0II'SSTUDIO ietra will lfurnishtihlemotici. I'lhote _ R2 -It. orii uther int tfio ation. -1104. SERIES OP SERMONS. FLts'eFitI INtTE1R-COtLEGIATE Rev.J. 1. troo~er f (e I~itaianFOOT BALL Chnlell illdeli'el lho secnd o a!Used by allthte Leading s 'c ofse ititis ettittirin- Ini oot Balt Posts -Iatiet frtutu RU I i . lThe stijl of iiI cn x ,('i T ili cle tls on\i liii u~ntiititthe t r" , A. G. SP415180 & BROS. + HOWE'S INIMITABLE MOVING PIC Saittus iG iittl os)(t ItM+111 i, TURES COMING. I'letiii u4"-ts taud iie tute iith oinguspictuesatths tcst iiisg tst he i itexper in tis adap rt clunevst eindpbi dei til. atnsd t tswithal telut he ot mereisytagilitcoi stiislbutoiti ltii 0 theipulithishes at/Icot~restois, titl- if aislitt waill)a hut i 5 iiIlitci slea ultedisuntii ty fhuathytttitsi Th ittis tii m itdeipossltili si nei tit toighstiadatisetuitreultseaOt il so ii atsetrt. intouayitset 3-Ir. 1-luw'eixtihittiti tie AthensPliea- I itrontuttiurtre* Sunduuay) ct-iitt s 1 I PI E Clem k ct i I I k i 1 I I E t 1 Phone 5822311 antoriou m ring. P'ressing. Repsairing. 336 S. STATE ST. 10Aver-Ceuahirig'a lolhes called for and Delivered. Phone 582 3E M Wm. lbocbrein, team & G&D Jfitter. 66'7. 303 Z. State St 3us h , Oain St. - \ jCHIlqAN CENTI at "ALLEN'S FOR OQUALITY." The Niagara Fatlr oue t- * $10.00 and $15.00 SUITS AND OVEIRCOATS T~lEu~l~I~trLINEWe give the Best Clothing Values, saving you from $3.00 to $5.00 ANN ARBOR to on11Everg Suit or Overcoat yuu Buy. The balanee of .the mtoth our Annual Sale is otn we give yo thee- CHICAGO choice of our BUFFALO± NEW YORK + $19.09 Suits and Overcoats for $8.-09 AND BOSTON $15.09 Suits and Overcoats for $12.09 far wih dirtet ceu~tuus it C iilft t:. t Lous, KansasCilty. St. Paul and the Wit. i AIL.INT littI CIO iIIR, S. PlAIN STREET Fifor ma ttiniandthroughticesaionr f wsrite co W. W. CANE. Agent. As nAsh t ~~r 4 N ~r N+NN4 f