THE MICHIGAN DAILY. r+---+-t-uri"-.- +tan - r" -- r _ r- o _ Sher+r. sra .- + 10O --df i Yoll Dail Ann rbo Stoe, I S. rlon.# [actoy -Bockto, ~apo{ URC L G;rok'n in Turkey. j ~Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in Amernca. "MOGUL SMOKE PtAKLS EGYPTIAN SMOKERS Cok Tps orPinh.- . ' ~Ste Cupos. xMONEY LOANED ON J("ell,)"anid all ~i~ (lass (.h att i a.11 BUSINSS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.I W. J. LOURIM. ~ 4. tc.Eoi 59t 71 1 t-:11' t .10 :00 to 8.30 ;; i For itGoodICup of M FFEE OR CHOCOLATE MadeRihan Served Right PEiNNYCOOK, 'Te confectioner. 31o S. Si nci. D, Y., A A. & J. RAILWAY STANDAjkl)TIMEI "or Diet roit half hourly fromn:1 .t~u.n. u ni01 6to p in. Then hourly until 11:15. tor X >sl- aut nt, ait 12:15 a.m. and 12:4ua, m. For Jackson hourly from,00110a. m. until 715 p. to Then at und 11:15p. tM. Waitting Room, Huron St.. W. of Stan. v' R E NT SC H L ERFor anything in the line of + 4 Maker of Photographs Framing, Cull 011 Rentsnhier,4 4 Phone 389-2r. Corner Mlain and Hulron Streets.4 NEW YORK STATE CLUB. DON'T CUT YOUR CLASSES OUT - -----BUT GET ONE IMMEDIATELY. 'ihere w1111ill be0aiii 'Ills of ill Nowli 'tor tate C('1110 day(107201)7 . in. inl S rlgl llilb I itllriia lss osollCIt 1 1111si11Iy Hall. 1'06 lied '0't lobs are 1now11ready 01111 1or sole (50c.) 01;1the l'ilill'lsily All. Your eyeu examined by on Silore. 102-101. Sexpert optician. All the lat- eut approved appliancen and nmethodu ' Los-iilack leaithler ilurse with1 1met- knowon to the profession areemployed. a1i5snake1'chai. Filde1)please return New eye glasses fitted, loosen dupli- lhliOeaHue 39Wl wint~d, frames repaired. Hailer's Joew0- iliO(h 01511st)1:11 VI elry Store. . oilsle.11-17 Thbe W. C. Kern Co, 411 F. 57th Si., Chtcago. / CaIp and 11(1)1010 ns de toor t~''and ''coled. it IroD P lr"oulfclt gri1)rlt Rraoustecare ~ ~ ~ ~ i t)11117 1(1s s Ark.Danslexa,IexiA, and :Caiforn... 1111 1. * r Aetoearbr, via ch ar Usdrl l Iuncteolg 1' rt A . tr i.ts t (aC i f &onia. Shew Yn61- raCinsato, Devr 6e N .11).0 111'11 ' 11I1111 IsRTEM . .5 y 11.'D. Ar sng T P A, -w _7 - . iJust received 223 Mandolins and ibhlGuinars that we bought at a remark- MANIN'S DRUG S1UTRE ly o price and mitt seil them at one-third the reguiar price. This is an exceptional bargain. All Instru- 213 SOUTH "AI N Sr. otmens on easy payments. Seep our, dispiaytin wi ndow.-Ann Arbor Music Co. sCo0)KNNr, a 0'. eiN i-.o aUCuhn, Presden. N. P~sidtit ouufl~n pes a Cuhin'S. tf' SW. cLARtON.11 l i 1)1'. I lonaoll Pantorium, 136 S. atate. Cleanling, P'ressing and Repairiitg. Clothes Called for and delivered. Lease or- (lersr(over ('ushling";lCI'l'4 SloneC)' r lpltne'582-31 r. Typlewriting anid Stenog~traphlical Work done neatly and tuickly. Walter 1. Wimi, 1224 Washtenaw Ave., Tfel. 387. tf. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF! ANN AIt1J'lCl ,Mi('t, CAPITAL, - - - $100,110 SURPLUS ANDS PROFITS. $40,000 Fresh Lowneyns, Allegretti's, Spar- -o'liwo. Rnlyler's, chocolates at Cush- ng's Pharmacy. tf. Ticket for four shampoos--$1.00. State Savigs B water. Miss Vaughan, near Quar- 55i.i Arnoild. Dr.CVaughan i niverutty students deirintg to no- i.& It. Wade E F." (iils ('lre pouitions to teach will find it to N. no. lec Prof' R.ii1 ltlltvr their interest to write to Jameo F. Fratnk P. tilOr Christian-Marlin MlcCutllougb, 639 Fine Arts Bldg.. Chi- cago, tf. A. J. WATSON Fre - Frs Lowneys. Alegrettis, Spar- WoiiPa~ r, I~I~lT% rows natd Huylers Chocolates atConh-, dnd OI& jng's Pharmacy. and O ls I ath supplies of all kinds at all 216 East Huron Street. prices at Cutshing's Drug store. tf. Creamu Che wing Cady jALEY e&EDMVDSi Salted Peanuts, Heot idttereilCad Skate G idn P~opcotrn, ('raekeijack tresh O idn daily i 21 E. Liberty St. 0 Electric and Gis Fixtures and Comstrnction. Plumlttg aoitteStnsf RIch 4')atcR'aost ths'Rins oil 1iest-Cl iss Order at sJ. Jr. SCHUll'S. 23~7 E. Wash ieston. PHYSICAIL TRUNI1G IN WRITING, pt . lia t sr ic +1 -t" 1,fl i tNE . i C n)to t;' t s rr.'pm 1. O.c4 orso by .stbi)r $7 hi abshti al'tI jItis' ti. lst'i ira P~eorft). Wliileturt n a p idi1", of Ot1111k r t p I. ti,'-idt t~ k .r) . ,))rett;l .Iisi 0 et o 'i hii e a th an i p 'iid it ii-areit'. ,it coo 11"i 'liv' i t'Yr''0,11 1 . 1 ii 1c C t he ' ishan )n o4 t , S Hi't 7 . V t, 44444t06,i;.I ~la v, lap l.17 Large weli furnlishe~d stiie. Bath, gao, furnace heat, telephone. Three blocko from Campus. $2.70 a week. Inqutire at 331 Packnrd s1treet. tf. NOTICE. Rthetoric 1a (lDiction iand lusage). mtay he elected by stiudents whol have had Rhetoric 3a. Othero fulfilling 111e usual re'quirements for Rihetoric 3a will he admitted. R. It. KIRiK. HOUSE TRACK MEET. 'Ihe students o hiroomC iilat 811 S. Stati' street, will hold aii Inltmetir)at te gymt. Saltrday morniliig. 'There are eli'ven fellows1 iii'1111ost'anai isome very good athiles iiinteowdlsi. MeATHENS PRESS 2 .sud FI p'. A0tit..s. ~rt i31a (4. 444444t4j4444t04"z4'I'4t444+4444444.5' ii 't' j a k ' bj; ktv y y sM Ste WL^ ,pit rt(t re or Frcshman-first clay at (w ia't, oil i ra ,just its li