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February 27, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-02-27

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T EM CHIGAN DAILY' ed. This task devolves upon then
z I _ M health officers. They were made cog-
Reduction f F Etrtr. ascred clss sneter'ac the An niant f te trouble as soon as it
- v Pct~i. - occurred but for some unthinkable
Pblished dly ( Mudyexcepted during tee rrason have taken no steps to discov
Sale(asme 05lorsidk eranc)ionet823 extorting o the imagination to see
MNAGING EDI fOR: what might result from a srest of an
UIUjS.EUosY 'rTOMASON infection tof this kinditi. yithehtiath
BSNESS MAsNAGER: oficr has ailed t act. Sixty stn-
ROSCOE . IRUSTON ets ae tben ill ftr a seek from
As we ave toos largt d --- he effects tf diseasedl meat adio
stok f fnc Aiititr. EDITOS SVA te5 psare takesttprevet aistther
f Nes - - - .. R Acrv sixty or eveii six htndred andt sixty
* ~ASSOCIATES: rom utfferig a le fate. Peols' may
SUITINGS AND i tard te-i ote-osM. oy ieetls, . he seling diseasetl meat here eery
A.M.r tr estyIP. rit cay, slaughter hottses may le reeking
1IRoubtRIN68 AC Pond A. . Orteyr. with tulth ad vermin, set m uarkets
JosithY Kerr. Stoddad S. Moe. may ntttbti kept with any regaritoi
do M. catirico. I. wate Jaye. saittationi, adlteitthelt f tee-
ott hand we will stl teoiAtOton. tartd C. Smith~. tire cityendttatgeredl adt still tttse
theartredyc pic.''i Andr oes relde B.. lieh. entrusted witht the welfar' tf the cru-
BUSISE55BTAF~ inty carenIttita t raw. i t tehart'
to bake room for tturBUIESTAF laws Ithy stoult te eforeidof wet'
tohn iiHtot. :.si. K. tettii hart'()it ers theu tght lto arthte
* Spring ,and eSit tinieirc r hos.e/ti 'i.Fen. tee'.wlfare ittthe titublicientotghit a rat
tWooles Be surier antd Editor Today-HARRY H. ANDREWS) tforce the laws anti prttetile
litres antI health f thoeentrtstedt
call ittbefore yotu plac Sob i-i ttoi l~r tr er i,pay ahis i tltir are. 'lii' Isatter tdistres
your ii de ~ ~adatie If tlitre ittifter te. 1. 103 $250 ittietiat e attintiton~ to prteictt thi'
Offifte Hours. -1230 to 1t30 and 6.3 to 730 ittdiffercet.
' I ager. 331 Packard Street. 1
1 08 E. WASHINGTON STRuT Teepone. 461. Antaolis deeated C'trttll at fett'
=--_- _ lng last seeks by a It to ;tsoret.
(oltibiawonithe 1kr'lay rae rue
*N N N NN NR _________________Yale, Gergetoiwn suit ('tieteltrttat
±--- Geo'rgetotw recettly.
S w ea tersi inte tbasket all setis itlaydinit
I ~IftILIJII~iI'L2 Feb Lr 8sip. t. Fresh-Solh meet n hlienEastCnfimanditlo ist tnoae.*
WI~ ~ 1 k tatetma gyn. en. yvatia ratiks eoinil. whle
Feb.i 27--2:30 i. t. Itunior Law Ora- tritceton antd Yale arc tit fr tirt
inticat'tntst in > BLawe with twit ganes tn tthree tdefeats.
ilitittluildig. lCititell attdl Haradinupe entcdsi
caml Conteast nRo ,Law t I it.I
Buildng. (Sratus'oeemsOt e aouttoutu
AL r 1GS Feb, 27-12. Daily Biari Lunch at mnttls aheil it the tohr Nrttrn
Feb. 27-11:30 a. Il. Cross Cuntry tertainent giveti by a crtaitisirri-
Clubti eetinig ii Trophy Room. ty recetly.
'Sit i5 'I o tO-- $4.13 ham Taylor iofChicago, will le- suepicnic". Thi' ytutg flirssihitat-
11 5001 3.5 *" tre at tiuversity al. Sub- teut the party catu c tatiss atit
A, i tlt )4.30 * Ject: Social Service to England." Icladutntothck and fattel troutsrs.ottd
-B 5.1111 3.75 Feb 2-3 p. t. Address by Professor that was in Northerni Ntti'Yrk
C'tlors nay rayadwht. Taylor of ('hicagot Commons, tn State t.
0cax uid hiti niversiy all.
Oitty a fei'sat theise,'plies,(,()ire Unt'iveursity itt Netraska has t hity
eatlututuie hust/'stitutuk ~ DAILY BOARD NOTICE. 'ti-ut trying fr thr debatig trut.
eary bfor th sies traht~kenwhich is timtaer the Ktsas tUiersi -
_________ Ity lanttnextmttht.
The regular Daily Board lunch will: __
te hid Saturday oon at Oyster Bay.i 'The Japatese andtu ioatistuetts
itilE10-03. JittleUiversity itt Pentsylania cc
SHEEHAN & CO., etyeggd nahn ohn
i.}nversty aokelltstti-Ontot liii'mst ri-retatle cases of Ifight. the rose was catsedbthaptt-
tirs itsIItuasrlt c ta a i crtessnssthat has uoccuurrd to some anese studutnts flautting--ntewspapers
toners .atndlEngtaverr. int, is lau cnnutteuulwit the tmeat, trling itt a Rusiatt iefeiat ithte
320 Sft Sat auut.postoigibrotght ito light here this {acts ittthi'Rutssian st uduntts.
Souh SoleStret. wit.IThi fatsart' that seat was,
M ciii it -t a boaritntg houutse attideery iCollgi jouttnalistm sas itrouucidt
O ~ O M N~l M N petcsutn patakintguot it sas takets ill,I by Daiel Wester at Dartmouthlt't-
rusoe'sitlntly.uothrsolss si.T'he leIge muricthati acenutury ago.
The Ann Arbor SaVingS Bank. sdiscis upon ti he' tmatter say that theiO
tiutiSi,. ..dicos sucthis.Otute. iat war ei'ter iofecteud when Iilleul A 'sWiscntsitt freshmoantifteldut1144
Fe'ouircu'. A42.ottt or afterswarudat thut'slatightrhouset, p1tit t i -ucn uegh ui
AOtoFOAL BANKING BtalNESS uarkettic bsaruing huse. If udiseas- treakitg the tniversity- recordu.
TRANdSACTED.'it when k illeud the chattes are that
OirD:t5555ChlesirKtOhia k ins,'. I', Di. theiii-arty shut soldlthe udiseaseud eat SORORITIES ENTERTAIN.
tisetitot. it- len S. t.kat. tslte-. can tirtaced utu antipunisheud. If t Iheu 9ng lates itt the Kauta Kat-
itfecrtedt aterweartd tnly otte'cotictut- ha tamixa Sroiy etetaittedlat in-
0 M. art 1nFUNRL Sio is posiblut. tatmey that utsani- ntir at their hom on Tapai street
IRTO. tars- cuniutits arc prealentt in tlaee last eening. Yeoterday aftertioont the
1 DRCO. whit-c- oea is handtled. Itt any eveut yuing latietotth iPBteta pii Stir-
l(tlee s 4 th Ave. Phoune 8. Rea- smteoune is guilty of crimita careess- (Wicy gae a reception tt a nutmer iii
deuee 112'5. 5th Are. Phoe 34. nos ~atd whoeer the guly party is their friends at their ttuhmeU
Amuac ncl. he'soutlul tarferretedtnuuttandouusnih- Packarud street. 'wtutetn

Sweaters and
Sweater Vests


25 / OFF
a Short Time Only

$5.50 Ones for
$5.00 Ones for


Colors White, Gray, Ma-
roon and Navy.
ti AL VsTI
Walir's Book Stores,.I
so.@.@.olel~e...el e.~.
uiiPapriuiitre1.ti se onli-
latuuofuntes.iiu'ecks tuddrafus.
Clhers-simle comiplete. be.I.
S.t1Si(.Mlstu t ExainiserilofNeuu
Soul. Suate I Bktept. 'is
violuuiumecotinus Its illiustratedi
viiaullpr iu-chi ferntutingu
t~ ait on3 .-s.privated Cerpord
pa.tutu ctitif aitlcll ice s out . pet-
iatl pr,'ice s t tle ul/a.le
tins 36SStto e s condcFoor
vatucororis. Toe autor
hs cedti) tSC ic lli aftltis
('cslin ihegSelti-i.ofPrf


Sam lack's SATURDAY 2
Own Burlesque Company FBUR
Prices: 25c-35c-50c475c.+

The Next Number Will
Be Announced Later.

LYMAN H. HOWE, will presentt
Amiferica's Gr eatest Exhibition of Moving Pictures
I A Msagnificent Historical ~o h ra
~~~Series in Colors The Rise and Fall of NapoleothGra
1 Picest 25c-35c-50c. SeatosNow Selling.

Season i tckets, $3.00 .' .'tSingle Admission, So 1


* ~ *I***********************************..

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