TheMichigan Dail TOL.. XIV. ANN ARIISR, MICH.. SATURDAY, FElBRUARY 27 I90-1 No. 103 FRESH-.-SOPH-. M [[I. 1900 P1[IC BANQUT. [[WIS WINS. VEiA[ POISONIN. Close Contest Expected-Both Sides Banquet Thur day Evening Mre Defeats 1. W. Jayne for Business Man- Sixty Students at one Boarding House Confident-Rose Will Compete- Largely Attended than Last Year ager of 05 Michiganensian-Miss Poisoned by Infected Veal-No In- Great Enthusiasm Manifested. -Faculty Soy; the Honor Sys- George for Associate Editor- vestigation Ordered as Yet. temn is a Success. Important Election. - Thire will b lie l i Int ga clorei- iij - - I iignai imof ciamoteimhtcor t.I I\al cr01011gymnacioliltonightii whlen For theiseontime I owin isIitoy J. Flecher Lewis, of Covingon iinilg voicedt by the studentts of lh- lhe clasiof lt07iwill c iii iiof toijilie 19IGliedAlcialconssassembledlatoInl., yeterday afterniioni ins elctediliniverity over a coe of poislontig ((1101lie eatol I10ast ar's 1fieshmiani thle(0Acii rhay .r a lanqit.l s bsisnessomnager oifItle 'us Michigan-Iowhich hlaliely comes-to light Lst. (1050sliy Owiiiin iing xli rshSillili iii iiI I'hrsdaly 0 ---iniig la.Out oric if Ie- noan alli-i-cni-ofi the. iwarmsolcon- Motnday noon a el sten waervei spleciaitiiinteriil in giii 1 ili thisalcasofve- igui niearblysxityme- ent i inelitoiry or (hte c-ios. Low- 01 oeif le 1m1o1t poinlteni t-il-r tiial eietubt hIle tait ihat bori Iidesiili were prelnt-n. in n-s opotosei by 1. W. Jayne. Bth utlh tousiie in thecity. In leon than have in quaelilly tood chace i oli lli A i a I sai i-progranm of' ltosisant mneclstron gly supported illutLew- Iwo hours sixty- out11of the oe hum" lihe- ioitesit is icertin tio iiiixi c nd musi c wasreionded tlol iiby- liemorce ,swonioutubiy a najoriy of 2Alotci iirIedtud 'twenty sdenis athItoard-i ie iresulii is idiiibtifl. lT i 1 iltfresiin-iii iiir i unhlsoi f lie (lans, lThey eleictio wits attendo-il by ling oustone were- taketinilthaitsa ait lianeimiiiiinivliidulisas ul :l e nioli ofitheiiiclty iA tiihing sophi- lo'elis-teninsiIouhailI to-e-choiceofto thest symtomsiofto poiisnooing. ii sopomittotre- have11a1tter iiI lla 11101 lillilri ci clic 110-1iniieli-il theto-a mtaniager-Ithin0y11.Theycng ai- sateoilthai evo-ty pesotntwn-hteas-aty 1t0111.bettier1t11m1irc aI 111ini081add i- ss oflthe claonsibut ointg to a ien it the ltasnori-prent inttlarge (iftheOtovsal nan affectedl ittlii i- 1 tion 1011have iiii iithe 100111100neftitt ase-!il A t~ill-iilg ica-ldfo -iglt o'- nubers. attitwi-to-asnitetesl-istO net'. eiene. Iclod., were11'lt io e reseniniiiho meno-tf te despatmnt.-Thu phyiiatnsnwhot altots-iedthe The c nis letwien the1roofers0of theieail-yl-rt of1 ii teo'i-io11g. Htacs- Pi- iayneitic-ko-i nithIJay-t orto-sikt-udtoen s diagnoused t Ihitrubl lie wocl asses-proises to rival he. iiafterarifullyimtingolotthlIIle ci -so lianaiger,011111A. L. Chtubl, an aItytica aseofotvcoal toisoning one0 beteno -heliiath1lililes-. lihe-t l-ld 'consi"0a111dillidingitiheii-fatliofit'a1('Cha. Sipiout attbissAinLouiseino hutge Thi-tieiical atthoiritienasert-ithat eigty iiitig inti ill11111i11I0-iitoa di- olloioit oasts . man. HutgSonictititin l cetoi ticase iitocatme infetel 1a tonite lag- ci-itiilIc1toll ii itill-e~tin-it 0oy 010st 000'-rspondeditoibyiC.IAI. ointon th11eliLioti ilet,- iithti tee o-lootneout'arktt-Ihet- ins-i-A' a111d (i-ilily theieastern1por1ion1 10111h11 iii- iii orolt ii: . \'.Cildsui. CtassnSi1m1'Lewsobsillt iieiissnoImaalge,. atitS.,trason tisuppioe tat ooto-rinutot wilt-oi ll the 0111 i hieo' . }arklo-lslThe Latoles:IL. t. tolurtin J.1 Y- Ker-att is ls tIi ya 1a1so0bcoomeo-nfeued oItitt ito - 11 s in iir oooioio- that1111st01 0 le i --- - kill etics: .' . A. At0111. (iii -'idnooti'lll'associate- edioors. lite0r r m a btoit,01- 51iett edi win,0 tg es inill huh o111 to eji-I il the11 reiii iiYreio 11011lDas. ''l- Austaliatt ballotl cAst-ei was ot ltioatisy 000110tilonts tprevailig la 11ar1110n ike will' 11f1 11101. Ilerry'ancog scl-l- oscolou; sdaters u 1111li--ntilwnan010 folows : 'Teaths'wottul atlsoo-tol-if lii- lit. 'h las el llay races ia-e01lw1ytoPiao scoloos wir ri-oil 11011 IA'W. Fl - Lo'o'ic;lOT: Jaynes'71. Ki-t.I TA nIetal nas ifecte-dlaftet- it reachedIthelt i-ci-inlg aodtioIiisi- tonight illnobiiein;ii Ro-eer a1:F.IG. Balsamoo. Sproahl, A1. lRotis91: CItobbthu.AT Ioatiltg htuuste. lot in eitotr0as -le ti s oi ta 'llthn1110011 '0 o a er yA-. Isti olenol: .1 J . , o ll Toudtelu-u 'Theino llnes oilthe l ec loltin acor-i-i- ly in tosotn apptaentoanl alt10. Ianic 1111 c illhol-il. 11-'lirsocoill, -4iisongs u-u oil ou t chie uuiooprogrm ot- ilic 00edito oa-.RobeFtos:on-toownoi aner stoic alyito-itai -oo Ieons whhch is ihelolby tho !)104 r,\ i iroaiveil(111class ot fatissAtior h-ig-,i teiphyiianyestrday lwsc,010w1111 madie Alas't00 i'liii in op - lI 'lk 00111 0011'. wil1100proia tool Theiiliton-yIA' 'tofio sto-nr010all Asn astiti he Oto isoinig 1acdin- ii11 lion w it be19:; Lifx. 11111110 lihi repuiitatii1 ctioniisiihtor ' pou 1101a 0-n-owloli-ild foo t heierto-Icovere tehelth.Fofficio' of tis ciy Anth etuire o f'torsiiiii' s oilt telleriI1Or. itoAt ioh. r. Nio to l lind oioc Ator,-Liscis a pooobiettnias notiied attotrqueoss-iltoo lookti- iili ho' thoei ii11iia it 011011s!,-! 101-li had eso'od1111toiitioass. it embier-oilliItihe -'oi-, laso nhs a ian to11thio- tatt.Threelan ft erwarl Michtigan's new00 phoot putter.1'iHe ias j igC -;ory oilillialt oil toabtmast15er - xpher b-lid- 10aslpubilcttiroof in high wettaskoothoaltueasurs of inesi- beii-ting bgreat woil o ou r act 1 1 ie( ht-l iannutal 0111dsit itoilofhis high galiotohatheec taken, repis-olthai he 111110t10ee0-i-lon oto ill 000ehoill i THE BIRD CLU B. as'hoohpauer I-hois a rosrivi-on the wosul nullalk for publicailon ano esioablisho a neows -\'ooosiyindii Ioorri-i- utisersiy footbalatsquadoohando is a wioutlrathsr-that ntohing boo saib ord11foo the hio t oo l. ci t- -t N 010 'o lelo 111 llaof theii work 110011 i iailitui w orkero'o. ie opromuboise ouu- habooullthe- nate. hi-propruiorioo of record, mit feet.1' iches. wn na 100co'byAo 011doonelava-bery tadeby lt heiorbttitforotis unhi-ni abiityA-tho us tobte- hsIboatdintg' luhouso'waloa lsoo iclinetd .ohitoS. ioiixobusoil1000 19uii oil lu-I- co-ill - 'l he ougt zti 101( 10slowedmiiupo hi. Thouffieiaylantoo makeo-lightou thOto-affai althoug Itis 15 I i i bliuoiinni l , tii iui 10 ou-c oill iryif a'I oh ne a1110 perlii10011 $20ooo ndohn:p00 ct'--iOof Oio' aolo'o''is- fat Ithat ttooctatl evo-Iital of tis oato- custofo uthou-meo'et owiletihe boo-t100nterested oh irdhooos ipritted 0:joilin1010tic. SprotanodIfolRobers aol-well-es ni-si-eu-ounfndtso eirbo roios at th0101 teiresull of o- I-er 01e110ilocet oio -ti-bo. hio-majority noil heio n- 1 Ilouoovandtol sill cit huou obbe to'at a rsto-ubof sotmeoy'supapable-ars-- hio-shot pu00115 ill doubti. 'Ohe io-ooI io-es of lthe' o'ganizeatbioni ailextdono10ho nortot-hio-clas.Atioisslortgo- s leosntes. IfIthi toisontingchas reccult- 110- i iithio 400 Aitldabus hno1100lob beofio llogy, u ti'.hu OOiA ' owhooaruot'ooIiot-ieofl 11 he i Iboo- h testbuo'o gils inu teui-eIi c frtoot unsaniay ucondoitionus- ii a good raceoooao d ti seiemsii probleob'igs11101ono-evrobolirtoh ous oil oil ho I 1-i-ibA'antshoe sill Il, of aloabloileleat makotsiof 1tho- cily to-ehyi thlau io' iglht for'firistOpuce.' i llon i bo- o lll-ilul-Ils Ithanot hio literary'[)(lonoog assisce in-- m ainiog th 'ou05 Michi ciats have tounedl out that to-e hoalthi bewe Itho''ouO. tKoelI -iofi liifrel-oilIlilliTheo'directionouoof heloworkis ifni thi itiiftl ial It ouu--s. f tho-wholommuonttiuity la n oexs- lutugloa ni-iii-roil rioheOur bonioe ' la d