THE MICHIGAN DAILY. *~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY ly few are acquainted with the ma- B ne inwhich this fllowshipt is nmain- Redu / ' O nered s cd class mac.oeat the Ann stadedtand the iifficltisswhict the SS if" i lrbt Pot as mat estudent committee tat carries the colegeyer. t i hwasthigton streel, This is oe of few ifttt tie otly (bseeni orse den trune ) Phne Olt felosimage whlyb2St MANAGING EDITOR : ! mmittee and maittained largel yty S alseEOY HMAO the studentFo ti~s reasnitaltnetit BUSNES MNAGR: is tdeseritg of secial attttitttt byl AsOweOhveBtooHargeOa Ie stuteti~ttly. Tetfunds swhich AswehTetoOlreS _Ithis cmitte ittust etllect eery stock of fancy f Athletic. - - - RlOnRT K. W~ALTonyear tre obltaitet by Stlscritttins Newo.- - - - - J.. S. Rar from among the stuetts atiti faculty. SIIG A DASSOCIATES: Last year for the first tite lhe msve- CLII6~AD liltiord Stes-s. o, y Peetes mett was started tt bring this fellsw- A. M. Geaer Henry P. Eatin shiti to the atttntitnsf all the stt- TROUS[_RINGS A. C. Pound. A. I.Otitmeye. detis anti met with tcnsiterabltlsc-so Juoseph Y. Kerr. Stddad S. Mre. cess. The committet- witt dtttbtless Ida M.. Browrtxg. . wits lJayne. amltd h atctii ti er on hand we will sell G. A. Osorn. Harod C. Smith. animtisdotsaeti ngtt-ehuitsitetc-n Harry H. Andres. Alred I. och- n ti hpdwl ee hee them at rednced prices - aTots i. tRoterts. Clyde L. Dow. groter sccess. Alniost all tte tih- BIISHE'S STFF:er Wetern Universities minttaiti sim 4 to nmake room for our iaruallwaipsatsthSCicAoFom r t A. lhso po. Wn. i. Llotd irflowhp tte hcg un t Spring and S ini tti e r Mt.S" Kolit. I..l. Laluretlo. mona and an effort sittuld te made to zThos. T. lehele. enalie Michigan's reresentative ttt Woolens. Be stre atid Editor Today-A. B. KOCH. stccessftily conpete with the retre place sentativss of the othter colteges. This call in hefore yotipace suheriti wts ftoUao per ear, paale i canlie asomlishel if tie stdtents your ordr..~,tt,~ ,$ A adance. If etelisoe after Nse.1193, S .iiwl-t regart this felltwshitt as tttiir; - ---- -ti - ow eeatin ant ait tiecsomite- office Ha s 1230 to 130 and 6:0to t7:30n in every way pssilte. 4 11 H U1T~fl (In p. in. Daily.________ G. . fW ILD), X UU ddes-ROSCOE . HUSTS. Busines Man- BASE BALL NOTES. I ager, 331 Packard Street. The coaches are begiting tt tush 108 E. WASINGTON STRET. Telephone. 461. the aseall canditates a itttelarter now. Te past two ectks haeibent * .................... ass ,oo devoted ts getting le mrnito it goti * *NNN i~wO physical condition. Now te titchers - -- -_ hae een instructed ts let ottt their ICALENDAR. seei anticres fotr the tttros ofI ______ hardening their sit cintg m.usc es, s S w e a te rs w eet as givitg the atters a cliatce ts ±Felt, 26-5I, tm. 10 Mchganetsian test their aility to ticetitimit. elect ittn in rotm C. Every deatmntt of ti-aselall Felt 27 Stcial at Newerry Hall. tieidirectiont (f oach tili-, wiItii 1-4 0 J V *tc, 6-etlLao Otatricalttt- Igivigis especialattetiont othe lt *test iniRontBI assBuilding. pitching staff, Te( meiarirgininitg; j ~eb. 2t-Aslt~pi L i t~erary Stcity thiir battitg eys with trat-t-i-atd AL SgpAULDING'S AKE Meeting destit e the increasel ftrts fto ALL SMAKE * 'SFelt,26- -8:30.1906 tt7Low Banqet at ptticers, iiit tsphere tall coneric Oyster (ay, of the ig cage, Sevratlistw tn fFelt,26t-7 p. to, Bird Clut sfMeeting ofIronise have- atteare-ilidrigtighei ±in Mtsetm past week. Not. Y. 17$5.507 not ----- $4.13 Fe. 27-S p. in. Fresh-Soph meet in Klyke, the stihtackleonthi foilall B . f.00t 3.7S Waterman gyn. qad, is teeotinig itott a itcher oIi t 13. C i'.. 3.5 Feh, 27-2::30 t. t. Jnior Law Ora- more than average aility Betfore- A, . Utl .- 4.50 trical Ctttest in Rttn B, tLaw comig tt Michigan last fall ,yKiIe B. Id.09011.75 Busiiling gainet a deal tf extcriceliothetie Coliors nave gray atdwit. Feh. 27-8 I. m, Setior Li. Oratori- winnitg ats of the ittsego ti high! cat Contest in Rooni B, Law schoo. Only a fewat athese prices1t, come; Bultilding. earlty before the osiiea t. hhhtroken Feh. 27-12. IDaiy oard Lunch at GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. _____Oyster Bay. IAthietr Yale- man is vict illsof teI Feb. 27-t:3011aa. Crss Cotntry cliffs at West Rotc. lRoteitct RihtI. C0.1li Meting fits Trohy Room. of Frt Dodgte, Itiua, a Yale sothi- SH Fe. 28-3:tttp. in. Professtr Gra- motre- uas fottd deadtsheoot o ham Taylor of Chicagt, wilt e- \West Rtck cli a fews-days ago. turec t Ineersity Hall. Stt- ick was a sopthtotore iandi a very Unitersity 13 mksellers, Sta- ject: Social Service ittEtgand" hard stden. The ctrtnetr is tlt)O tiones and Engravers. Feb. 28--3 p. m., Addrsy Professor tryitg to find out whether the empoitr- Taylor of Chicago Commons, in ary insanity which unobtely cats- 320 South 'State ,Street. University Hatl. ed his fall frnt the cliffs tice hun- ____________________ dred feet alive uas the resultiof tier *@ . .@ ..O o DAILY BOARD NOTICE. study r inuries receed in t- Frsh-Stiph. snow iall fight whici sc C. I. "rAJOR E, CO01PAN1V The regular Daily- Boardt unch wilt crred a few days preitus. Siecialg of in e hetd Saturday non at Oystr ay. 11-03. 'Thec Universiy f Cicot is le Interior Decorating _________ - reipietit tf attffer frsm Marshall tomplhete tea- int' ittWaltlPaperts. The proximity tf Professtr Graham Field t endw a prftsstrshipintian Psihit, (ilsssnl \arsotts. Taylor's letuhre britgs tt mindt the entirety- new fiels of ciltge istre- 203 E. Washington, Phone 237 fact that a stdet is soon to te chos- ion. This instrutionist is ittendet to en from our owtn university uho will teach the studett-hat1stosouring U. of M,. Antiseptic Bather Sh pturste five months work utner Pro- his leistre hours. ANDBAT ,, M9, fessor Taylor at the Chicago Coin- Mr. Field thinks every sttdttt esfild ANDBAT kOM5. mon. Whie it is generally known dti twenty-fly- per cetst tisre wotr J. R. TROJAHOWKI, Proprietor that this student is enabled to carry than h des and rctmnsntetitls Face Massage a Specialty, on his ivestigations y the aid of tally msic as wtrthy tf stdty in his 322 SOUTH STATE STREET some sort of feltowship, comparative- eoure horo--Ex. Sweaters and Sweater Vests 25 /OFF For a Short Time Only $5.50 Ones for $5.00 Ones for $4.12 $3.75 Colors White, Gray, Ma- roon and Navy. FORK 5th-'Il Wahr's Book Stores. .Yfl i lsfr~tlt sst s(lts mel. is ideto ihst co pth i n dear s, 5-ishc titir llIt lehiss. Toolses o 110t EpmatWooheaono i ts_ tt y Iip.t st itll b fiteciolf vitt nos otl Vil lititieto EjmiVettik. THE STUDENTS, [[CTUJR[ ,a OCIATION The Next Number Will Be Announced Later. 0C176 11. 31H11,)LT, M~anager Sam T.Jack'sSATURDAY Own Burlesque Company FEBRUARY POLITE VAUDEVILLE AND SAM T. JACK'S ORIGINAL LIVING PICTURES. Prices: 25c-35c-S0c-Z5c. SUNDAY EVENING, FEB. 28. RETURN OF THE BEST LYMAN H. HOWL' will presenut Amuerica's* Greatest Exhibition of Moving Pictures AMagnificent Historical TeWeadFall of Nleon to he iGreat Series in Coloros h iead in0Inf itU~I Pricest 25c-35c-80c. Seats How Selling. '4 t I Season Tickets, $1.00 A Single Admission, 50c H-ENRY & KYEbRM ERCHANT TAILORS NU 709 iT AE p