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February 26, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-02-26

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The Michigan 'Daily
Yeserda Edwoard I Ialot, a Junor he1nq1sis0s)ow1 fl
LreNumber of Contestants in Sat'Mdc arden of the Chicago Commons will gvng1111 fln ewycondcone; m;ai111eacI classn10 is i fl
urday Nights Meet-Relay Races (fl olin the1111od il11Monroe'0( Lecture at University Hall Sun w(of les elaorar1dinn1es, frhe 111 ilr-
Arranged-The Entries srIe 11Th Illar al been(dropped( day, February 2, at 3 p. m. pose of cemntI ing frietstips and(1 pro-
___ring_ tergtri t 0 11 wIasaotnlcol 111111 (11''clas-s piri. 'Ioniight ay 8:301
Entries o, he o -oh . 11, elilll 1110 by1itho er11111 '10 fee.IProfesor otiaham T'aylor, \t 001- sIh11Junior1Lath lass1100(ill give its a-
cl110( at101 h ndthe 111 ll) ag.n _t he1 1 con111 was) 1 st(11 mp91d1111 71 but1 its1{11 f t h tChiago (11( 1110uon , 1(il1 oji00 101111 aari iillillhe-Oyterr Bay Bo-
her stiows t'" realintieresl00111111i10appteara1n11( 1showed(1 thal i10was fresh 1 (((((ay aternon 011the, 'Social So 001 t al . Ase11n111 u s e0( 0(11dinerOwill
beitng taleuit h lis ev(nt. As uiual. Ioth(1 1 cou1(nerfe1it 11111.'This leds' ie tin l'igiam. 1 otu ('0001 l'yloI be(ser1ed(1 nd an laii ra te i'm s111000
thlere 01re 1(1ore conlt(esantslo in te oti th le(suspiionlit1110so9011( aty Iy s not a 0sairgn'"-he re as he 1(a(0It'c, 1(p001r11(1s0ll,111
(ash 0011 (11110than, in1 ill(, o ter part-ies ae a'k' ig1(1 og usnosiler (1111 (('Id a) 11(1't1 1(10(011 lo, ie last, 11(10(ts will be givni 117leaditg 01en
eO~tiiO.lsroilli or 1(near 1Ann1Aibor.The 111 00'9(00rs(((0e]0(1(11' (10 91hluaship'((of(1(e tio'iiat bar as (ell as ly
Direcr tt~i(iri'l( imade i' Itdra- .a1 iif(1fh (((111utefilj iece 1of1mo1ey0nsSoilo"0 toas loen etablish01e.,1im'mbers 0of1 111LawIdeatalleti'tfac-
inigs fothe('relay 1rarese st'erda'1(y0andis to 111(0 ((O('probably of lad ada ].l j .111(1 aal( 1dor stilt iielquent'ii(speak il(0y . 5( everiira(Ilhe cls
th111' tests wil ae plc (0a 1111- (1111(1(1 e and'o get(h"ero wih 'Jane: dd- ((15i(0w(l11aloo be'heard fro nd11(1011enjoy-
1(1(lor:will( send01((1 "(1 dol(1 to1 1 1 e"-ordd as Ii(e leader ofltisor1(k ablesocial ime is 00011(9d1
1. 19071 ies.00s 101111n)tiers 1United(Sta1s0( epo(101n1(10 l ii (0i'n1" stho Weit.1Amon" hosenh)) sill respodllarr'
S. 105 Engneer1vs 1140 En i- e fo111(1 (1hat lte dollar sas, as isl 'roe ratlioni forll about, f1 ig yeli, to '1' 0'Pr'f' sorsAlit) Art, Saea,
ies bhIlo0i'lld.rshly ('(110111 HIo iadIS 15pported bi9the Stts'iiBog10(,0 Tuner a1(11Thompson. Among
1 14. l is vsI 190 11 lsguoo I0carne (0to (1e toigini thero(li i s 011 m0s01(00 0 it 1tia1 1Asociation.It is (cu(10om1 h's1ude1115who wiltle hard from
b. 1904 La1 0000 . 0 0 I a ,1( 1 i 11to al~l(ip i1 1asudent about11 11 I (u(-j 0 are 'Vi esIXW heetr. ( indtr 00(
7. 1917 tMedics, 1100 [L[CTION 10 DAY liis tlicao an ld makeols hi11home11--
TIhetials for the Allresli and(l Al-t___-a0tte1 Chicago Com(1mo1(10for (11((10 JANkSGiIVINGi GAMl.
9(11111 y ((1 w re l y.10, 0(0 (00'111 'let, Selection of Business Manaer of 0(5 x miiih, 01110 1( Ii I ((((((0a 1(11usphis
Mihiganensian to be Mae at 5 t (1 ul ~~~0i,11 ia~o Manager Baird Denies the Report that
11(1 All-Fresh1i tea'0111n11(0(0(0 11.Itudo f someii 0101sp1ecial socal quest1inl
Relr omunney, 'atlett, WXok ..an Ocloch in Room C. IHe i---igates-9 111 problem111thorotig li M ihigan ill not Play One-StilI
I 1oe 'e (it'll en 111t'eSophlilom1(01'eI - - v illlian1d111(on(1h i lletr pear; a 11(0 Hope for an Eastern ame to
((-0(110(1'e\Norc('1100,IHogg1(01111, Th1(0electon 11111 business manO~ager sl0'is0 wh ich he subits to11 the fii 1,1 1(119 Wind up the Season.
IlT h 0 l i a d l1(111) osig he las (lift'e '5 0-1ihigaesian 1i11l be fi ld I I c s i in his ire lil 101(1t1111'o
In' (01 il en iuiuosi" (lt' n'l Roo- ml C'f niverily lll, 1his ater- 0911ial 1(problem (01(1hich lh - ha 0selected 1I '(he 111or-
(('1a11tea0s isiashillows: noonl ai 1 1(00(1. Tte,, a prans orliii' i is vn sx hu s '1011 (11iii h In 0(1(11 edi(ion( oif' 0ediesdasthee
1505 Li1t 1 Shari;,ih mlciih 111( (i'((ilM 0inor.{th o-fce001'"oe'1Jay e a d J. filcrloilI 'I( h esis is1s(11pul-l 0101e a arti-le id t log till' as
111111 Pluss I' lethrLi'o l'1010 lol nen hom te(,li t)(101(1 i thei 0("C omm lions" 1(a1pal 000-1(1ing lal Iihiguii wouli11100111
1505(T1 ng. -atelolil, ilillOn ld - ;s 1(11h ('1(1nt('s1 for- 1111ps1(itin. (pu Ilihed'l 1y'(111'sill( il 1111o1o1tbal l ga e h 'I l hanksgiing 1D 0-
H-ayes, arneso rae lurng the1p's11('01t1' fren (liTe iameiiif0 he st(lit'1((I-lswh (011b is vI iiand that 1I 1was(1opposediitoBa
1111406'' Ilsl('lBar ly,( I u0d 11 '(1 1(both1 uou'hae been 1(1(90-elon11( - oo'ove e cood l ii scholasip to l 00'on Ihl(110 0( 111a a
Lamb, Sm(1 1 1(0 10 non (heIi 11(1 1ill'l's 0 o 1' 1the I 11e (i"i -ame( (lonI 111ha0t)1d11l0(( .11 III 1111' notlll1 awareioi
1(( 190 edot.-- XX aol I10( 11e. 01rol , c]'I -an a ol e restl'(9( has liien sc i(111115'9j-w1shoholot01011 hal Ili0never' 10(11'such
.Nicol.(., ii h l1lls ia(,ililltwediin (lhe srifle Nver' 110' 1"11e 91tud ( heo- Saloon (ue's-a 01 al l'Iiniii an0((1th10(.1I 01m1not opos-
111(1(1 Kog SI I'llill-INor(1cr(os0slahle, ((ole(ill the1hi111r11100 1905 l oll iticos has' ((edtion il iii ago" lby It.S Xl el lo to(I footba1 lll gall(190oil Thaksgiving.
Ker-t. (Goowsin.s cpi 1(11 l been1) ish11o00n i 011l(110 I "T-tnihgs 011(1SlonngsofS choo91(111 1aolt 11111ember00I1fi-dle the(1' otiniiLO
1904] Law-HahniiWaltoo, Hybe, j o 10Boti adidllaes5aie l stronltClildten'(0bylo1l ss Ilno,I oi'i (01111 111t11 ehiga would eihet ply-
Genet(all.e '<F.K5(e1Lgi sppotdan oh xe oscre 'lT1( 1(11(01( (15091'' Iho'S11(119o1111(1111(11 1no Is lo'bin 11(he1e1s1 on(1 haitsgioingr clos
1507 Lit. to i-Invote. Mi1ss Edith Clark. eas01n0011(1 tile111'h'ian' g onat
lhlorn09011(1 Va ((I'llhe 'irb l:;o he ('10ss have gone in 11MOiss r1(/eXI tI o(01(11(0c(0 0010011Ann s /srInr No. i Cicao-'hashes
ltI a w-Ilo ('dIMarl:. , 1 0 ). oI110'01(11((01 till ho'i'promisdi~l 1aol yai01111111(1tle mn, (i((11' 11o 11111g1 ofi111(1viewon ti1(siihb-
lhshoI tolii(1(1IR'illrdo , e i'idene ''a, 11the 'eciltn 1h(s9oh-!Ition oh the chliliie'n ofi lthe (0(loot lI- llii'li In l' ( 0101' li t-
14II4 n1' ---Hail.l Perry.l0 'l'iiiI's(teI ('1 lil I 'll 11y1oungi( ldi e 011shv'lll Ias ro 010 X I jooo ii-nt-(0,1( alhough 111' 0( 11' 711some is 0-
10 1 I'll. (11ll ''",Itoul ((('10Ly00(01. 0111d1m 10h enthuiamllsll has ar0111 0119lnel E s o M c l T i
Coe.111 ( isplalyedI i 1111 selcion of ila HONO RABLE L LWRIGHT aliI'.~ ~ I(( 11 00910111i
meet11atetas follows: 0 to10y 00111eeOile11'largest (v il'te lo'ld Honorlesi L L' I rI 0 (-"11pr'silentiasi n 1101t1h 101(11e 11,111 ohNoo'l'llbhc
1Referee0 Air 1(hIie liii. in th existeles'of io 1I0Il 111111 0 1ItliiSt1011'Board oh ~dltato ((iand111a-(1(1hal i10I1,li atIa(so'"'-s lrachti-
SarI r Keene 1F1 itzpatilk .cls.(Sueitndn f ,t('ulcShol! ally ohall f 1Mhgans injiie (c0ame
ld. 1,11u91 ili . i- tech ieofm nae hi eatll I go uiencl(i n Tappan I lll Le- T1eho say0,1t(110t1[ diI't. iiak' 1101
lad oI andlato beng lchosen' 101111 11at1 ie RI-tillns.lTheMsson01of 0t(0le 01aistatement 111(1 oill 9(1(1kind~ly oo-
Asislli ClrksV.C.0it D1 av~o i. C.1 1(1)portion)(1f (Iit IIass Pu li Sc1010s00eefI'l i 1011'( err Ililiughi yo (1r'1(11(11111.
iay'es, FitN IUhfl(T 100two tes in (theld, fomtn Irofessor(l Wrightid, Iiil work0(o, iiCHIARLS IAIt.
Track J1 d es-1+'I L.0D11lIii ' M wic as elec'ionis 1o be ma( e tlod((a the'public scoo((ls is 1(0(111(111along!
Tlhomoas C1'I.'Dlora'o.at (11(11 I. 011e05slfollows: 0 11'linofd laring 0(1(1 (10a01ila~ii" ' TO REMODEL ATHENS THEATRE.
F'ih iie -N.C' oe . A a n Ickf 1 N J e oittos X 19151( - on f1( hI-aesthei side,1 to0trin g
lhuIt;ggI K Sloim.1mess0man(ag1r: 1'' 91(09 t i e t'uge i whih the111homeof isourm1(10(1 onloll)- lalilel 1D(0(1 '.ISeahall-o1uitheii
Scorers(' Prank Ho ainto Jr . 1f. 91a1(1 A I L. lhub and ('has1Spr((lt 1( 0 fror'uu' a1'1(0s-uuo lgr (i Aaiu00h1111e, ai l astih111nigh 0-Ih
(110K.,h A ~tto -001 I hi our publilc 01chootss Olil ((il 11151 loll Ann Aror theare goers
Timerls-F. W Shirlei' Pru.9'.Xao, 5wloti c et1J. F Lewforlbu s illettyswll in 9101(1g,1111 sholurln((1(01 wou(IldIurobably have a thatr worthy
-eo.Haller. moosmatager;- Alis Liey I VeenolI lomfi'i(( llu'iIigllInh 1(1010('
Entries-40 Yard Das. K err011(1 S.1H. Rohertshofor1as00 trainmis andhwomenIfeul hloa thea o)1thAthens
e rens. 'The p~~~I uub~llli' 01hosls oh Anon 00I sepetdtat h ldAhn
11506--Barclay -Igg. P S 111reet, 110110 -mo 9t0 tas (lt'raalI unuu-co'o u. Iw il e thotong1y remodled
en, Ken, tliiuooiwn, KahlelGoron __st__unteratthe__acil_______ces___
Wils finrib , ' T"h'eoplul~ic ochosh -anillanu expotndite ut $2o,(10 is con-
91197-nesNIocrss, O ' OFF FOR DETRO IT hoohavbe orn pareii toruaIi 0'lI'( 1111- h necelIorssry.
Ito iaidoll X iliuroti X~u017 11 --- i 1pe 1(1into which ire Ilpoluredmen oh all ''i l''e( 10'i olerpae
Kele, arletRohshidWaIe, 't1 ib erily y (i71111001lear00111n(a1(111s. trin"'0(110groiud I le y 011ew00r111(10sta0e., atdoll01arranged
(11 lo iClark, Msh ert Perin.l'libbl X o leaves Ithis aternoon fot ll tro1 itflltiib hi 1(flour ll'lured nht 19is A mnen ,thtI lreIi011scenes5 cal be set up at
Wher thea oil givetn exhibtioniof cilllctIzens oceItus saving the audienci from
N(111(0 their sill n ho-'alll b lars oht he 1111Bitotr t puplilsjiof hih thu' 1tireolmewais 001twen 00c00while
40 Yard High HrdlIs (nalerhlasic gylilnlsili memet aohthe ruh e1s(1cotenery II0(0 li 011171 isbing shiteid.
101-SItret lodgel. Kahle. Hieild90Wetiln1igi Schoolthhis evtiing01111(1t'.1Thi' teahIer m1st91ehit' T rotiil 11 Oo the hrls is also to e
lito~l. Th'olowtilIsig imenlwe(0r e clreil eli mrily a schiilar' ho' 1n11st iu'a iat -d(ompltely '0'angid excpit the ti1pper
40 Yard Low Hurdles glhe hitrhhe (c0111yserday': Whih 10- bdh irioh a 111 iibhtOgallery whchi will e letI prcticlly
I1906-I-Nocross, Street, Hoigon, lil 1rF ' V es ') ong alOhleder,'withalho't01(110rm1 11(1lul 11 onu ei i0ll00oo ilh
Kahle Hincts, IRead, Willis1101(1s Walon, Il4aw Weiland,'14 tr orall the,1gre0101n; nt1elreally gl h t. mdld io a(0(10fisi acny andl thin
197-Ruonney, Vail, PReland Heath, VoAmelsgan 'o l.aw and11Dvoa, 1 0 ot111101( cuul-' h- h 110(i lll'lwri
Howard r'feo, Quarles Fur1oht, (r-14 1 050 D. May will 100(1 101' Iiam a dvroitye711t101moe r manual sthdl y o giv lprolrion to the
hatm.9arren, Nicil, Perti, XVaioo in le "xhibition CYongI iFI amngaiu5llEnl'-l11111Od ouse(11000111 ma~le to etlrac( much
- Pole Vault. intl r wi111give an exhbitbon of In re doig mueh towardt 0ranog yoreng 1nearertoro ntfloorllIis.
1790 90-'HIenry1(0011. lta d lb swinging Ipeolle f11)0hee101pto 01 hxecat eio'd'0500 51101tii e
I- j the coymmel 11 i ________ ____ li'dllllrial sclho hrItshul l- omletedll'l'during Itle mmer so ta

High Jump. '04 LAW NOMINATIONS. ' ways lii'remoembereol Ihal busimes the'iiuew thiiatre will be1'r0e0(1 for use0
I1906l-Ramloey, Hodgenl, ,11(1Gtoodw 11100 iin, 1a1 110109 Opheo'plenngof 11(19tall seasin.
Dlunlap, Reoid, Pinch. - As fiorth~e wok ot the publlic scooul Itis1 also rumloreld that if these
1907-LTeete, Howard. Qlarl'. (In Saturuday the sen ior bow class-
holls ts lecion fo th ofice 0in trainting, in mlusic, and iti art, in plans shouldl through some unforseen
Shot Put.Vldictorie.le tiufrothePofices odf(0171( l'ioti o0otimscircumstances111fall throtigh, that the
1906-Kahle, Durnlap, 15Edmo(nds, PooValedi heoria liig hellr1ophFt01and 'beauoflortsliiit 9 iu otti 51 ht'I'i lse, 1 SaoI ilo
hayt. At-he e 11'smeinatiholdwi emast 010;t '0190'01'reloenewlrcud0ll: is 'le('05' ((10n10xt1year0, hut111
I 11-~o '0oh ~te a il.a gretldeal lit inrest woo shiiwn 11 ohle1hi;0001' buoiltri ,10 1 1101(0 ((0eiithrdongon o p willpbiln
Three Lao Race,. 11 h'coths sblol ol liso 15in thre lihO hsoes lbegetla10rue a -luir0(0r li501lo, r bhos
10-Lamb.o Hugg. Palmser, Nuor- -to~i~ i'lt ittb hlil~on istoio 01eno)Ase.111 ili tiilhl>0mr
asshrw b te umerofprmien cnne ntiol lLocation 1b11fir tOeatre goers.
01os10 o001_1 hl l (I l'h ifdo Proiiess~u'or Wighircoludedl hlrlhis toe
11. 7-Bartlett, Theele,. Vail. L.Il0'000. The1nom10iations15arel 05 tolows: tunel'byrtellingr what sort lite1090e0010I-
Rlad , Richardson, Howell, Stein. Vaeictrian-E. HR.lRngo, .1.A.Iore watedt 1intho'pulhic schooilso (f theINOTICE.
XWhipp e, Gsrrels, Thomas, Hall. Hell, Hall. Harrison Johnstoin, M. D.Wile;hl W aiteOre~i~s 0
Lewis, Graham, Perrin. Historian,. F. NBurns, .B. ohbi ly me0n,",he 5sa1d, "not norn bhoiad-'Tthu lul ofut the_- 710 Law tBanquet
Rix Lap Race. Prophet, C. A. Fisher, F. S. Gedney, cloth and the hlaoir of dead languiages has heelnchanged frolm 8:3111p. in. t
(C Itino npgetro) Poetl,.BH. Eppotein. { (Continued on page three.) S p.10i-.

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