t THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Pritan Shoes tJ5YMTAN CiGARLTTLS G;rok'n in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. r MOGUL SMOKE. MAKES EGYPTIAN SMIOKERS Cok Tip orPlirn Save heCoupeon. From Fac- / " Spring Styles i The W. C. KernlCot . 411tE. 57th St., Chicago. tape and Gowns miade to or- der and rented. Pennants for all colluges mind fraternities carried in -tock ('foe- Pins, (lass and 'Team (Caps Senad for' Catalogures. 1111 Arriv *f -t . r. ,u , +Yol Daily $ MONEY LOANED ON + + V'r arrh~, l ir~e iorroile 1 } fJeweltyarid all High . t'lass ahittel ai11id 4' t Colrlateral Security. ~ BUIESS STRICTLY CONFIDENItTAL , A nA b rS oe S an .J ,RM +Ifacory--Brockton, "ass1t rir rrcni iiBock.I 1rle. ratero r o1:0 ' :0.+70 o93 ar f ---.- . .-s .a+- - a ."--r-a.r - " r +r ---- ' ''j''r'j~~jj' j' j+jssj+ i j~t;++sj + Foe a (''ood trup of +'' R E Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, N CHLE o ntigi h ioo t 4FE OR + ' Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets.4 # CHOCOLATE 4.....44444t'444* Mai{ ih ndSre ih HOUSE TRACK MEET. Fountain penn at Cushing's. tf. tCall on Tire st ertrr who rnnui at 814 S. ; Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar- ; P[NNYCOOK, + drSarte srreer ti r otlifaatrearckrmeetoft: row's, Huyler's, chocolates at Cush- * ' the ,y nit. Satrrray mornrrntg. 'Tfhere ace ing's Pharmacy. tf. T" eCrrrtrrer 10 tlr f een freffows in ftre hourse arnilsorre _______________ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vr ____ _______________ r rrrtes ir tie crrrw Tikefr orahapos-Ln D A J RAL A Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near Quar- } + i A. J.STUDENTS-Insure your Booksnand ry's. b TNA( adoetre er o 0a ?rtrait haftfhourfy from 61arms. or.ntil rerost if $2. Removal permits granted Pantorium, 336 S. State. Cleaning, fiiotlofy~a l~rl a. m.ad50 .M. RorIfee. H. G. Sellman, 615 William St., Pressing and Repairfng. Clothes Jackson hourry from 6:155a. m. until 7:15 p. M. . tos d. 124. called for and delivered. Leave or- then at 9:5 .m. ad 1l15ii m ~ating oom. Huron St.. W. of Mats. --- - --- _ - ders at Cunhing's Drug Store, or _._..___ ...........- - ---__------._.__...__.. RNOTICE. ;'phone 582. $1.50 worth of work for MA 1 RUG htoi a (Dfictfor arid Usage),.00. _________ rosay be elected by students who have I find Rhetoric3aOtesflllnth Unvriysuetderngo - I iaf ri'qsr-reien for Rhetoric 3a cure positions to teach will find it to 2 i c aOLJTfl f1AIN ST. wrill hir'arforirird. their interest to write to James F. R. R. KIRK. McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg.. Chi- _____ sago. Cf. Presidient. V Pre , . ;Lar'ge wefflfirnished suite. Bath, S. w. srrRaaaNos Cashier. ; gaiii nace heat, telephone. Thre 'rypewriting and Stenographfc'l block. fromm pu.$.0awek Work done neatly and quickly. Walter FIRSTNATINAL BNK sq uric nat331 Packard street. tf ?I"L Willin, 1224 Washitenaw Ave., Tel. OF ANN. ARB4OR, MICH. -____1___38'7. tf. CAPITAL, - - - $100,r000 lre-rh Loweneys, Allegrettis, Sa- . Yu ee xmie ya reg's Piracy o expert optician. All the lat- S tae S vin s B nk. athsupl~e of ll ind atallest approved appliances and methods Bathsuplie ofall ind atallknown to the profession are employed. nivkrcToikt Nweeglseitelnssdpi W. J. Sooth dno. V. Sheehan prices at Cushing's Drug store. tf Newaeyfaeglssrespfited, HlesJe wf- Win. Arnolda Dr V. C. Vaughan __________ ' caefa srpfed Hil'sew Jas. H. Wnde E. F. Miffs !IlySoe f. N. J. Kyer John Hasarer JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 21y5 tore Jno. Koch Prof. H. S. Carhart Frank P. Glazier Christiane Martin Mlain St. S. Phone 281. r~}Ml /l t M~~llrar Arkansas, Texas, Mexico andlCalifornia... St oiWorld's FirCity, the IroD frountain Route ; ii r ii iit ytri n-.to ii i fni iii n Three, daily rain'. to Mefxico.i 1"our ii nhIirins toiii I s Pr rr'dally tr'ainiseto flit Sfrprigs., Six rdaili trainsito ittleRoeIi frk. 4 THE BEST OF EaVERYTHING. # t WRITE ME. + Hi. D. ArmstrongT.PA. 12:t\Va irsan 1Ae.. + Ann Arbor, Pitch. 5PAII iOFFICIAt N = IN1TER-COLLEGIATE + FOOT BALL + I Used bhy all the trading Colleges Foot Ball Pants-Lrrretront:, fifpsoarid knees. padfdedrifwitih fineecurled ir r andrthighs weftir cane sterips. A. G. SPALDIING & BRO5. New Tork, Chicago, Denver Spaldinrg'srrOtliil"riot Brll ruide Price irr 'erits. .. School ar smtmsfleihsfeing. The strnuos lfe f te aerae suant L xrat-he 1d1 a i i docor oe quckrlifan icr ifr allsc ls ph td n wl a o f~olo~ Etatahadi elpoepoore- liev paintoldsuffring lteres uts hrnse buns;stos bee is e liveCche, tNothacheISrheuma an SELL F OR CASH woa u Your Business, Real Estate or Partnership No matter where lcoated. Sed ore fauflpie'- fleolars, prices. etc. Address CHAS. E. POWIELL,. Y 1904LAW NOTCE. Guitars that we bought at a remark- 1904LAW NOTCE. ably low price and will sell them at one-third the regular price. This is Rentschler in the official photogra- an exceptional bargain. All Instru- pher for the 1904 Law clana. All ments on easy payments. See our members report for sittings an soon display in window-Ann Arbor Music as possible. tf. COMMITTEE. Co. Cream C eindgCanllytBAILEY f. EDMVNDS, the ATHENS PRESS Salted Peanuts, Hot Buttered Nukte Orindingq E Printers t Popcorn, Crackerjack fr'esh daily.t 121 E. Libeirty Sot. Zm2rd Ftoor'. Atkens Tken5 nidy. 301 S State t.If. B.(GI LBER T.n.,...+.-.--." 44.4. +4 f4- 44 44 .+4n4ne9494.4 Electric and Gas Fixtaures aal Construction. * - Plumbing and Steam Work. Alt at Rx as t i tRn'-3'sad First-Class Order at J. .21HH 57 ?E. W sulnlsuton. NHOCKING VALLEY BI LER'. --YOU WII PHYSCAL R l~ING IH RITIGFOUR TRAINS DAI PHYSCAL RUNIG 19WRITNGCarrying Parlor Cr L the hoot f-re aif the p pie all the time.: i- r '' i r~i1 ofrrhoma imiprovementnSleinBarOn ' p pa iiasnr el prime1.Tastel1 "35 ye" itrea m)nithi' eorresinurriesee coarse by Sepn aso & author $17. Fo' a brief timoe iril sen Kok-and coarse for Il. Wiif lecture on an, pslt reatigre fo rkirtinin.to--...i tla wefr I.,i ii.CneuivPenmanheandh UNAN DPO SINID TOLEDO ap sioit re I forapnd writfscr fo'1.".a'~ inn t frsr+ . _ . Cri i ve eaith NIN D POBS.I OLD one iesisen,105« k4.-tress ro°. '.. % I' ,"r ,,tusAre., Chicago.,II. .- L ar Ji ... R y Continues Its Excellent TRAIN SERVICE 4 ,L FIND-_. LY [ROM TOIEDO ens on Day Trains Tight Traina J4 W LANDMAN, 6. T. A., Detroit. Always Ahead lu Styles, 000 .0-40,-.41.r . + 0 MLLWARD, THE 'TAILOR. The Best of E~verythaing in Tailoring~