T-H M1CHI4AN fDAIL! %A1CRIAN CENTiRiw, 'The Niagara Falls Rute ' TB[E SHORT LINE-- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO AND BOSTONI with direct connections at. Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul and the West. For information and through tickets ca lt on or write to W. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Arbor. Oxa r Great Pro-mInvon-tory Sale 20 to 50 p. c. DI:SCOUNT II 1 SUITS. OVERCOATS ALFRED TAIL[ORS COFFEE ; j Tro LYIOCHIA AND JAVA~i I Always freash 280 per pounsd 214 Mtain Si. DEAN t(m~CO. j - .0. $1.31 New Brulnswick Tables., T E REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, -_ _ Fine Cigars and Tobaecns SAM T. JACK. JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S.___ I hove us1 receised the largest tod finesitiThe attraction at tt' Atheos 'Thea- tins of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes t" o Satirtday, Fetbrtuary 27th. is eer brought to the city. Sam '. :Jack's Ownt iBurlesqtue toin Fine Lunches in Connection. pangt, aoti it to ratetd as onit t he t Everything Nettacd Clean.,' test. organizatiostin tti theradt antttt 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. giaoce at titeipersonnt~el ifttheii'ctompta- ny tostufficiettoli pt'tve io, the most NE YW ' ER"'lseepticltthat antexcellet per'ftorm- atice will he giveni.'The cotsttumets are D A C Nalt the lintlattainet iniithe udress- mrs mker's rtithlieutsttf tt'thorus1 CR N li8 ave ibten selecteti with spittal tare Ofie- nd*.Acdo-v. ~rond loo onwith the view otf having the prettiest ('B~le" nti \ itt roundt,. oor ndauimiiost icharming gathtering'oh'girls YOU CAN GET A 0 a tiquite' mitsical reviewr entitledt "A 0Night at the Circtis" scintillating H z ot L utn ch situhstit anttihtmoso ngSt ani tt oriiy. SAt Tuttle's, 338 S. State Pail s;conti is a ricithllio fnotveties v Vttby stiei rectignizetd artists as Mattel f . . . -. .-.+.+ .Arlinttiioniand iDellnttre. travistr'y j LESSONS $3 stars, Aile Beatrice, the wsrltd's great- ~ *..ANCIN ... +Nttvt'ty Attisical Artists; Ed Swaii,ecc I r~etic ncegroI cometdiani; sisters LFs- UNIVERSITY ACADEMSY, State Stieest ella, cliic citaiisttet I es Sain 'T. ________________ .i act's toriginatlDiving Pictitires, aind a atht'rine West, lpht'oitnial cettit al- PALACE R PARISIAN to. iThe tPertormtatercltses withita rrJA N R GE CY ettr tass.whichl for watotf a ..LAUNDRY AI~bI better titlteis calletd "ilT'eRoyal Prin- ctss, tutin tgwhiihitamtiuple uli'tulnti- Uite6Es t tl i 11 St Coons 6517. tyisgiveii fortIelietodttutttiotn of WoeStibled for anti delivereti promlty intsicalitntmbers, dances sitd allow " I. r.DO/ "LE/R, Aqt"the I h ttitailstt"ringint" thteir cot- A line Clock To 13B GI ei tll lo'- iitghst go"e madtonthettiAllet'. All thietctast's incinlig at (iran- Iln)-m Feb. 16 to Feb. 27,p. p It ge'r's Acadtetmy are nttws tttnt for the Pickwick BOWLINGi A[[[YS ___ _ Gratntger's Acadteity tOtchest ra is GE RG IS HO F comnpotsett it'thltt gh Ititsicias--antl I every lolt a geiltlemni.T'itstttgeth- rLOR1..T. er witht hit'veiyl' atest mutsiciplaces CHOICE CUT F'LOWERS & PLANTS i eodt oei h tt.11 Chapin Si., hetween Huron St. a~nd Miller Ace Phone Silt FRESH LAW CONTEST. 3 ' Tih' fresitna sclnass orattirical Dwight En.'V a tkins ttconest was wttntlast t'veninig by TYI'.T~i Frances H. iBartlett, whit stitke Ion tiht TYoPusa rolt3.ainG St. 'Pirtgit'ss itt Peare." Loiis H. Kate taed ihtav0es ll for yoaurlor. with ainoal ti n "A Natin'tWithouot a Co"triy' was awarded lsecondtltact'. 'users, House Coats derwear'.Bathrobes ,. '$1.00 FansMoy Shut-s 7 9C BEER (ft WVEiRTH DAILY BOARD NOTICE. 'The regolai' Daily Botard hutch awill itt hieidSatturdaynounitat 0OystrB at I 11 1 lii 'i'iuiorte .aiv class siltl ;ti N[WYaR " btanqtiet at Oyster Bay Fritday evening Ferury26 _Tcktsar_$. ac. NOTICE-FRESHMEN. C'anitdtates fitioall deitaitmitlitor the AllFreshl relay leant wilt rept'r at the gynm at 5 p. mt. iitoa uteoriihe time try-outts. BIRD CLUB MEETING. A meetiing of the hinrdcuh has tbeeit calledl for Fritday eveninig. Felt. 26,. a1 7 p.,m. in the mtisetin. 'The tirtogramo on "The relation tif the Weather tt Birtd Migration" has bhenitptoslttnedt for one week. "Mints to the Beginner i tht' Stutdy of Birts'' will hei the stilijeet for the evenitig. NOTICE-SOPHS. } 'iht' fitat trials lto select thei'All- Souphl. relay team wiltliibethetld tis of- ternoin at 4:30. L. i). S'TCKNEY, Mogr. NOTICE. Open omeeting itf Cerclt' Fraiteais this afternoion at. fve telitels in Tail' pan Lecttire Room. Lost-A iady's silver watch with a U7. of M. guard. Finder return to 7511 Arboi' street. 10-101. NOTICE--C. C. C. There wilt he a meeting of the Crotso Country Glob in the Trolphy room Satuirtday morning at t.0:30. HAYES, Secretary. 100-103. ALL-SOPH. NOTICE. Meeting of all the sophomore's who intend to compete in the Fresh-Soph meet Thursday at 7:45 p. m. in the Trophy rooim. UNION THEIOLOGICAL SEM1VINAR~Y 7035 Pz v.kA'a..e., wYonk ' tllt .'qippdt +>iiiti'taltfprr a.it aii ttti tt'. 111 ion ihCoIli n SIXTY-NINTH YEAR Begrns Sapt. 28. I904 u'Rev, Charles Cuthbert Bll, D. TH E MOST POPULAR, SHIRT CLUETT PEABODY & CO. CLUETT AND ARROW CIOLLARS THOMAS ROWE, Prorietorj ROWE'S LAUNDRYr 326 N. 5th Ave. Bell Phone 457.4 .. .1 4WAGNE~R & COMrPANY, o-4 Importing Tailors f. 123 South "rain Street, DOWN TOWN. 4 f f" 4N~s®®s 11 +d*sm Q *N N NN* tf N fN a i NN f N N 4 e o N i $ NN N N N *4 N4NN Nr W[ L[AV[ Next Thursday A. Mn with our entire stock of ANY ABRs RNC:Stt Sret OpsieLa N OW READY Illinois Bar Examinationsf Ques-, Ktions and- Answers CALLAG HAN & CO. uilding. LAWT PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO; WE 4RE, -NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOOD YEAR'SDRUG STORE