THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY. * ~1 TH-E i M ICIAN DAILY The students who have taken coerses in geology or who are pur- Pnerdu s scn-cas datra gthe roomui of the seug tis indatFe BeuU iIUArbor Post Office. jpreaent time .Ill meet io the lecture iotg er t 11'. Washington sreet, 29, at 7:30. A permanent organiza- (batt:ni sattfloos, side entrane) Phene 892-3r tioo of a geological society at the MaAIGEIO: university will be effected. Sale F: Iv Y THAOMASON t - As we have too large hedaaalPoecrRcariHd stock_.... _hloftYaefancyr icar. u .1EITORCS: son itt te University itt Micigan, F t,. .1RBUOY read a paper ott whether the tiegrees A SSOCIATES: of Bachelo:ritt Scietnce, Bachelor of bUITINGiS AND t 11 a '4etenstit. Ray Peebles. Philosophby, anid Bachelor of Letters A. 1.rt tt , Henry P. Erwint shoultd be preservedi, or merged inito TRO1J5[RIN O A. C. Potund. A. H. Ortateyr. the tdegree of Bachelor itt Arts. ,toseptiV. Kerr. Stoddard S. Mare. Ida -'fl Bratetirgs. 1. Waite Jayne. Hon. L. L. Wrighst will deliver his on hand we will sell tGeti.-t. Osborn. Harold C. Smith. lecture on "The Misioni of the Public Harry Ll. Andrews. Alfred B. Koect. Schools" in Tappan Hall lecture retai them at reduced prices I'Is'nas B1. Rbterts. Clyde L. itew. this afternooti at 4 p. in. to niake rotim for or i,* ttt'lESS STAFF: * ..a Wm. R. Llayd The young ladies of Pt Beta Phi so- Spring and Snu to Ite r i.:It. * 1.. L. H.K.. Ctotte L.tate. arte. rority will give a reception at their Wooletns. Be sure aotitl t crto(tay--H. C. STEVENSON. ). teroti froam73t)I6 itelock. call itn hefore you dtace :... ''",. loltctesnpyal 'stiht-r elclrsswl +*} tlnatrf , 1'. II e7ct aftirNac.1 1903. $2.59 'E ohmr mdclCaSWl youre ordler. ,4A AA A ,4__+ enjoty a banquet tonight at 7 otclocl itt' 4' 't ino63nl73nat Oyster Bay. The factilty xiii at- ~N H IIJTIJ\ p. m. G .+ W;esF ,f .HSOBsns a- Four & 00 wire.t3 Packard Street.u iftthle'artists secutredl for lie 1+00 ASlNOONSRI pithone. 461. May festival are tmembters oite liii et- *O E-WSHNTO SR T -- ettJirolitatnOtters t'ttaty. HNe'iN umsN .ar t PoescorTe trutelootttis contfinetoi i Sweaters and Sweater Vests 25% OFF For a Short Time Only $5.50 ones for - $4.-12 $5.00 Ones for - $3.75 Colors White, Gray, Ma- roon and Navy. F'OR SALK AT Walir's Book Stores.. Sweaters r-4 OFF ALL SPAULDING'S MAKE INo, V.1(;. $5.5)0 tow .___ $4.13 B.t). .5. 00 .3.7.5 1.1.15.t)0" 3.75 * A. tO.0'0 4.50 r " B. 5.0 " 3.75 I(tclors tail gist and atite. Only a few at these priii't'om oie I is: i biefore thealioes art', brokenil ISII..EAN & CO0,1j IUniversity Booksellers, S- tioners and Engravers. 320 South State Street. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Capital stack, $50000. surtalus. $7;-'.to0.I Rtesources, $2.000 !e A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. orFrEnsa: Charles E. hllcoit, pres.; wit1_)t. fiarrinatn. Vice P'res.; M. .J. Fritz. Casbie!. lisa ititteo:nSHill stret b'tlin stotase CALENDAR. t itslte _________ Sottiti'eittin tetheli'witrdi"BIrew- cry" in lettirs at least a yardt high, Felt. 22 thitral tutiotn rehearsal . uon tht e lihigh schlaitbutildinitg 'tes- Febt. 2,)--; p. itn. Letuire on "Chem- lay ntight . Undtedti tly asi ttesti- lot rI'"in Getrmian bylDr. IKorselt, (sgaiio viilib e atndsitthe'giltyp in atoin C,tCtetnistry bltdg. tanr t ittiistetd. Felt. 25---7:.30 p. itn. Evolution Course. ____ Lecttre liy Professor Reighard on "'i'S{ tl~tte 'oi. iiltk "EvideeerotttitDevelopment ofI p tlaci' at tGratnger's Fridlay evetting,.1 Animals," inl Mttseuam lecture M arth 11. Ati elaboirate ptrogram itf Ft'trootit. musi ~''tti ip o.L.t~c is iteing arrangetd fur t'eocai 1 WVaright ott "'liii'milssitit of the ao ipB.Crtgr 'Pttlic'Scbhools." itt TapptantBalil-- iz~tit tre roomti. 'The quartet: totm the U.. ittM. tlee ciii. 25 -4:15 ISi t class ('Cltb will sitng at the Mel Gillesptie en- titeetireg. tertainnetit at Athetts Theatre. Mar. ."eb. 25--Sophti.-Lit. Oratitriecal Con- 7. The quartet, composedl it Messrs. test itt hotom:BH Law hbtdg. Parker, Bretnnatn, Bet'ry and Wood-l' itt, .26-5 . I. i.19)05 ichigatiensian ward, was very favitrattly received at eletionl in roontC. the coticert recently given at thi' tni- ea.26- -190)5 Engineers' "dance. versity Hail. Feb). 77-Stacial at Newberry Hall. .1.27--8 p.i. hfrehStoph meet in EXCHANGES. Viterinan gym. 'eih, 21)-'t p. in. Addtress by Professor Mdanagemoent. of the Olymii games '1'atytar of tChicago Commons, in at St. Lous Exipnsition have erected Uttiversity Hall. a permanent gymntasium and a atad' _________________ ium with a seating capacity ot t5,000 GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES.. on the grounds of the Expositiont. The ______statditum being a counterparititt the Athletics seim ito be itt a bad way historic Ritman stadiums. After the iti lih'university itt Nebraska. The close of the Expotsitiionboh: thi' gym- facty b-as.decidedithOat the athletes nasitum atti stadiunm will become the shalt nxtiii ii "etittfrotii trill the property itt thi' Washington Iniversi- '-;cesded ettitietutd that practically ty of SI. Loiis. illts a loi ttfIthi' best baseball mater-___ 'ial. 'he'lt'Iix 'e dleided to erect the TIhe registratioti atliUniversity of nexx' ettysteat laboratory ott the sib- Chicago has fallen off this year by tetie tiels. tditere will hardly be 7)0 Last year the official figuttes itt y,)om enuh left fitr a football field. rgsrto ee25 hl hsya To csathe clitmax tie athtletic asso t'resrtosol2215whileAthitye Silat itolntas tetnertel a deficit of $ te eittshw itlyt8. -ltl enore uoil emsne'enssary' toithe torch +7°i f'" the 1903 fo otibal season. lit leat'tintg. MICHIGAN NOTES. DO IT NOW setur'arucot'tpyttoft'i:Ntaters r- teulratiRegular Comamer- 'iltPtoer. A tre'tuiseoeniithe law 'of tote is. chtetksandaTdraftsi. Clear-simptlt'-compltete. by .1. S..Ieictitee. hExsainer if New Yorkt. Stast' Bant Dt-T.h'is totsmtat-taistitICillusatrated ciltptote'. Eot'Sdiffettrtit i mtarled-tldegrth at hteote n decla're'd irre'gutlar,ionie- table or toit, t'tiltrtit - tatms 3lit4tpaestited on boa TWO DOLLARS Marshall on Private Corpera- tions, to bte ased in cotnn:ecttaot withiPtof. 'iluscasaes o:pi- vtar corpor:ation.Tta'he autbor: has cited ttrac'tcallypall oftathe cases nthte seltectiontstf Pral. Wilguts''aes.Ontetvtlume. 1350 a tges. SIX DOLLARS C. E. BARTHELL, LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS 326 S. State St. Second Floor. ASS ARBOR, MIS. "t'A stiff upper lip" is softened Bud re- freshed by Williams' Shaving Stick. I U.ff. ~lru, DIRECTOR. 'there will be no meetinig of the offce 21)9 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Resi- Alpha Nu literary soiciety this week deuce 302 a. 5th Ace. Phone 314. ute acciuttn of the -oiratorical con- Ambulance on call. teats.! THEt STUIJUNTS' LECTUR[ A55OCIATION rejoicitig iver the fact that the alt- letic tdebtf$42,5110 which has been otsttanditug for several years hbtaetn at last paid itt full. The Next Number Will Be Announced Later OffAN M~. $CAI3OLT, M~anagerj Sam T ak SsATURDAY l( Own Burlesque Company FBUR POLITE VAUDEVILLE AND SAMI T. JACK'S 4 ORIGINAL LIVING PICTURES. '. Prices: 25c-35c-50c-Z5c. 1SUNDAY EVENING, FEB. 28. RETURN OF TSR BEST I ,Y MAN H. HOWE will present America's Greatest Exhibition of Moving Pictares AMgSerices istoor PTae Rise and Fall of Napoleon the Great -Prices: 25c-3Ac-5nc. Seats Bow Selling. Season Tickets, $1.00 .A Single Admission, Soc HENRY &KX'ERIERHATTAILOR5,N.NIESTA.