TeMichigan Dil VOL.- XIV. ANN ARII )I{ MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 190 No. 101 FRSH SOP". fME[. ORATOR M"JPBL[D. THE[ATRES O[IFRANC.' ALUMfrNI ORANIZ. Think They Will Win Fresh-Soph'"J" Law is Made Subject of Joke well Interesting Lecture by ProfessrtEf- Graduates of the University of Michi- Meet-Track Men Hard at Work Planncd by Two Freshmen - iner-Theatres of the French eirn n the State of Washington -Great Interest Shown in Re- Brins Humiiation to Him- Peae Pictured. Form an Association at Spo- lay Teams. self by Answering a Letter. kane - Will Strengthen Yestertay afteroo ait tmo ti-I oh Mh iganrinatht Quar- ittorooc in the Fresh-Soph teet A caeholitwhich otte of [lie lroiti- l a nienIceriwshich ill etIT1 panHafIte r. is contaitly ittreasing, aittlby Sal- itt-et oiatttro of theJi o tttr Lao i-class' ctutre roo lilteed to a ! stre b to ay imight, the e itmettiptrtmtiss asstalcn ott wnt -tantilmade, tesult-Prtoesor- Jthni I. Edon' i-itt li- ftrltiiit i iieol t to ho at fever teat. A treolk ago the ec f a gototujotkeihatojutst hien i-itar- littttoas ta IutlicI t- I- 'iui n i1Iih-eitae n pi~~n ah Freshmtentwere rctnfidentt f wintti;edg uil It iis Ott exellenti eamptle of Fanire''"In ttio iadlttiity havideidedas te meiet, hut secvral tow metitwho "wshert igotrance is bltis" ini therci Prtfessotr l+ftitgi-t-delt w itI(he t- i titittit Itr ~ ilt i art- cutri- ointi-s-imiiis tote itiio(litithanuthieunforttuntate rshmta's icate.. tFi-ttclitheatre ii its o- alti li iit ilt ita lInthuerst siof litiligat Alumn- foithe tic opilhiomoire.t eaman ndstu I te- hitl o bltte b tearing "J" tt- uhoitti ital fi otarisn- frtoim tt i)tt i I iof te11511oigt i. are much ulateri over the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - shwngld- i esrdhe gd uthesp-sn ay ain I it' 1 lanl Ilter ii Iiti- ts itnttmber it Ann Ar- madel-biut-i r m in iiIltin einilt i n iiAntiAiboto haveitati aisr of te itru ixt eex iinh cn itris tierits t ia- iriz ot gautshsbe nraig n mee~t.,nailitre-oidnt ti t-it it hue) iiill is ite rio c- eaves. Th isas all s-try- frandiia sut it-tl n-utowns lit-ioii tlirc Inilaind IEht'-t witstheli ce( itti- I 'ttu uy nighl. Rameutiy twll atie secndyeaia-bousttlgs-itstiiiighti! cltsss w rei esoo i)ii ld. Ten,. lii)ce-p-o i-l Ilic-tily. Ilot init i ndti Iead-ii81illcihow liiithe tpa cae to (het-i-tilie t-cc nii wtihilt attun l ii- ttthetilttr w s 5atpu lic and t,; i -:- - meie1 ttin iswill hit wit h s-ithtie iiiine tion iof detliiverig itt al-inst it i utio . I thits igii lti-il ii i ligo t ga tir lii-eISpoihanei es- ce tu yitwa tranitdo iian c ar d rtut-I ti tt-inorgizist ti ion, -btp i hi- u i - i t i t i t t i t i l i t i - c - i l a - c I i i l i i i 1 i t io a I sis - t fo r l i i o mrtt l l w- a s i l t --l ii ncli i ie ni lt h o ugit tia ti lfll )otlt ubc sotphitmtr- s h a ze bfcie tcn i l itttl iti o-l ttonittttit ttIl ti ten edl ,c 1 it i of l rs nch scal- li- ife. l it;-' i i t- i ii tlttl liiit aitl t~ siit- ott 1111 ii lii ii tt it-ii lii titer if t hm i r e t t orlist-li-i tieN iiittytii , ceititit i libeitter io tiltenti ti s ii cope l t-i- thes- wic-tning ti- three iit i ttt i pl i-tisit-n tutu i t- "" lwoftti h ic ll eic y i atEitisi --ioitptIs - i iiIItls i ii iii i ii ts--i liai rc er til the-slfretishmen t iliprob-j flt-t lii ittiiwithom aytw itgat i th -s ciryils-h tiasle Nfit i agtill e 1ii-itt otu rtowni n lithIl andtti ttu - ihc ably taii-le iiMar t i ink ct-li--of s- ithe tth n te siu. a nchit ofi ati boxst fal rte a d C als I " p ay d tt ii'rht-'cu ste e uc ste lnv ri iinelaprIc- auto, nertilts-li-leav s n t- ou nd yiiiil li li icit ue s o a ipatt inii tt5F -i-s-it iii i - 1' -Ili-i ii is iiiIoti t-is-lh lo mi-ise en, fiii t i its-c-i ncc i i-l ice l lthis maitern offl forg s ~ ever liee .I ig hiuredtpromifentyaliny- the tic lii I ion ts ofl m a s t r iu ti-l th i-S-linfht-i tuictuuilslii cuuttius itu lh ii tilt Tihenithe l it- nst rutuact i ti-htehantt ctitw- c ci.0 [3sc-t iii-an ttitfa l l ien ii l t5 II 111 ul ls1110tlit lattil 'iii nItcw lts .atini- usutie-to i w Iolite rFifal is-.t ic tucle:giiulth ir c t i na, and a I shetis notl fa t a laige r uth I uwilostiX icosto l uidt e e1 1. relacyutiit ii iaititltic t0 h o elessti case, i eug ylietled tou- s--resInseai olei s g t i ii. s-tc i i- 1t,;h: 1.- p, hI til itti i ncI lto s i aet s-ithi E tiiest fot t mc et c will closety Itot ctt tt tt- . lettaliipromp tig an de ic-cl ow fll ryl-r- ctusii ii tutli-. Dt u-cg thet heii ll a at r m t ill)tt aciotu erii. tiha si o'ltcitt I utiltitit. gt hoaly aceugteic-brox i ttg iftheo-cysh n si no euittipoist 1 ft-hg eti ttti i i uanes a d o oel iii ime t is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rg ani tlt-ltli-ii tetititlii tctuu-u ilit ii-rsc l-i--sNts itirii. utalluicilmnhtilt.i iead t euunt -iterd ioi t otuodl-Omt. it htwtita out hitg eliii haigritt-lpptictohvisitn iheie tittiticieiylis it-r tto ui iill huar w rt il uiu tt iiti k i I u fot he ll s iumi hsbihi-ot I umin pii caPilutdemtus trtion pa nig toho(ia eatinibg ban men by i-u-c- dihtancil canit aiitesaIlhtopluisthun ht-h11 ugt of tuhieao fetiue ifI In earieritimeri t hert-ti- atot- icth e Itt-ndut i honiu vy lit alit at wich tutus hav itu-ubeen t iig heularitly tisugu- iuuiughotwevserttiubyuus110ndingt ofeh o prlieliifewtt erin xittu c e. hutn rruaei re nan ?m uuucituiuuc toikefithp u s ith t eu ati ittcl tu c Willi tmu-e t- r sols heleateutiow thi outv r; hut rt e - itta-Ito at tuit ecatlpie t tend. illll--ul csi f ts S I h rtiii5 utluof ushell lasstiutilay raes i laditt's- tuus e l luor ulit-ted u ce ill-openssia tteat ft iihaingtill clariedtIi i te rp sned i he l tof i-itt--li-i I t iltbet i s ii twuhic t tucsrrits- suthiorslitheiirt-.h is Itnin t ouo a rigto I I ii , titus iteigt; a heI) ,All awylit; , is nxins to ear w at ears i h rto ri mat t ig t he a Iusa nttu o w cuti g ; i e t ti i t le ofie o icis i Fn itil T t-h u llo toog 1h a atiaBllitu NOrp. T HAesnK tasGI NG GAe th t i itt miituu ti te sittIl-ut t uhh ii itool U e [care i(tut io byi thtieul,1)11I1t rad- itified t hii tet sino' jin- 11- co es1st wil _,_as it was l i an u-it i s stutu tu-s )hs iu ttu itt- u onsu u blicvttruc ttin in the t ii i Io 5 (t h nttl- enginers an fresh laws ave fat i lll a tne. " es," h sand "sissuititeduto theudats si-ittan-Iittug 5hutberti'99 tutu-tles o- enis tu whIischutl- e o tn er fr w ot aletntutteri tluuodIayt i uh ii 111 r-t atk ig issle tpusi ssed n lefrei- tI isu lo weIdhiu ti c! 111 i iiuuguueu tu (lethY st tltov itsc rion11 i lii c o vewi-nthe oal.t h e - s aithtu hs tuui mi e 0thOS II ucisluc ituJa.iBrow0, huh80T. tt.uAleni 'f8 gust toti]hiI'thouthatiusutasot ticsathis g -Thoety tifa iiitwo c-u-us iis o rn c cuMter ton t iwor hhthu0, hotPd I t.est ut-lllu T HANKSGIVet I N G ittGME. st ai lus -uuitthom gd penh ence CouldI la i t h t s necth as i si hti tcs t s-itta ell 1 law -tuu. t- t IxIi Olawtiti .u D. plaedtiltr eie tuteom en !cosevaiv pliyimtth oheibtISctts8tlw;at[.Coa88meic Ituu me. 1nutaidIihai- tutue-ut 5 utI y acibtrtut tiuucutpoloiY-us ~ canantagerii iuuuhutth-uyusuHhuahiedcutgninnouncestulututatte tuu SttroOD ,PRoRAM PRnePAed w I s0t longts uti Si tuututy Ath Athtu tIshy iiirelitiled.i git contsrvtiveuu oicy fhost r.,-utitoe otcci it t tt sihthere wil ibe oi)his illittteNe -s 'rd, a en ci iii~~~~~~~ tit il Itotit"t.uhulc"i u P lIw MI n stsh R ht a nyli u-usl 5the tlierloi cytutu hile Ili uuhiiliuag suilgotui ttsittattitilssitetutu forttheiii iii noiutouc ion tug f the.isy u i-ut tu is ichmuhus.uu utuuu Thntsgliug git ri-t-hus s tur hich h stuat eds- t hautu i t lii Ihatre 1Is thtus tia u-l 1,t sst uc ieI htiut-ssiuu1.unni lit h hi is htit~sinttit uaofitEuuthehutasbs-mi-ossstunoftsut.muonies o-os lt-huhelitusulo "cNic lione r naizeh tt hne --ones froauiu iytelIauiumnluam- uls 0 umuuith sr- lutn ltuu tt atuih- testtulut Chassis c umiii its andtwiMgos-mi --c u n ito s a e i t c c w t l ll u n e tuf h Iit-h h " ,n e t h l ii v a l uih ig I )n t -n u a ni tc s i h i o ioi s u c i g i i t u s tu t t n t c u c l t n t u u i s a t u~e vha afiancallotrue moe.utr M nny auogu the I ties-intuitr sa e cosi .u-iand uxnuiisteusho e a mtese- ilorittar11h11trueliloryiof hisuty iiesitnutahbtutThistimpliesittatt highrii bii trocottoemn, twit awi-si anueiu ro Las iluiathowintthutyesii f te i mve:uong ti n his eituon ucasithpu h iic G ODu R OGR AM h PREPi-ll AREi D.i 7 I Nonatc h w unc h ecl m rc'I n A br a y. Ie o l;i i oo ntieusti s angduhave a tuglIin hst-cel sitht' iifitui w ii t tgeing th t oven bwall ista snortw lbsat atiuuig-i heutuditusn' t hias io i-t e mouth fasanutc. uuu tuu uic si u n Ohhm Igutwtt cuts-c-oilmelioworsteutueattilsiuunuriuarhsh ciuculI ciotlatiin -Hal te nirio t y o andi thishovehostc w e -oshall iot uiniuutthei ut so muaui-litui i oil moi- egtftrnto -uhthg wish fui r syhuan itt be duut sus oxo indeate lg ru t-i l os hum utres me bfm- turyr !itotay-iher i s birt uitndertheuireAgtsio -t th FAdierpi ul itary gonityimeut-h tis rostili i-ssbtuuuu irotth rilllisuor tutulmusthe yo u i , nuts Altril vei- n r Thesntruu con San L T a Eg iSgterT iNs. h i rt oatog iht Fl-trcorte t i wasi itsgist-o ct tn I otnuot tsiihsmtcf utaccunui f 110 houine hnhis-rnownatutu-i hi us 5 t i f~e ru- Ni- a s stemru biyhs-oele o h "It 'is phystunlwilyatheeFruits-ithecIuoo'rassisrcutm so-iAutwas heldr onlslutisiuts-is meetings ti-ill tcmuitogs ontue Shun- lmesi urwentit iigbyLaw u uir erayas aimuonutn-dsramtic i gin geh i iies o y o rfsor ocut esa fhute usaybut u -xc-ougei their hitits-hi itt 11oomsI;sfhemLaitboild ing.os frsone uofhr1o ugtht ortit (-aitt Frowut less o SLx a Wat n QUhaeTceae them be org 1ta~f~d irr tcheow.rStlift-e situ iliacenexistingrsholstiltillbseo c nnsi oera ul inte mest uuin thes Jubj ict bfun ze u-ifuuuu hto ri hur- toes atefr units wih trillouy htbat gbeomne i stof l tu s llhbs: nxtFita Tiianksgiige ve nnumo lt151 ii tso w1 thhis ongmbuetoratihosat fnas uiml co - te~ s rf reL b h o er it ittuicn ito do si.theiuy must regisiter (Otthin tive shut-snetl is a gil i v-nnahSndi iteOytrBy at ICushimug's DruigShun-elu-foreSau-t e a it joumoutst uduuent. mut ismiuiumut MICHIGAN ENSIAN ELECTION. buutbt ii pon-itusm a st-semumcourse dinnler, and a speciol turthuts-ittihiitimof this ee . thotthts-outng ladies compelmteufur mor - ousit-oh puugram. by the bost, halemt _______-- ~ imhal honors.I muilis mlii irst lathiThes-) ite hcroagvilais elecuutinfur has beenutarramuged.Loading members SOPH-LIT. MEETING. mutounrthis unew Sittt-lcdutt usuusmustgri hs-ttutgitie o -ahom thin stpl amoure iii-to lss wiltlnmeet Felt Schedule. frnmittyearis tiinbigaui-msiot hoc 0andhoitt hue Micbigan lion as well as hit moomiC 5of UniversitgyBoll at 4:151y Fb. 2-Sui-Lit. cntesmttilbitti-itatledlfur Friiay aftenoonuamu 1 5si-vent rephrttivie members of toytm ifor ittthe urpsef pruaciin;uc Ft-b. 26-Semniornlaw coteuhst.- munocc.flue tmo ndiuaesore Ituoc-'Iituloswl eOwuu hthwt yells for thu comnmg I-mcsluSuhlu meet.$Felt 27--2: t1tp.IiItt Jumniour Las Jayni- anti J.-F. Lewis. thus uis--uctmiioWicets-carmseling rapidlyg andl mo (it All the sophooures oitthlbs 1 mivomitl' contuesht, will libouteldit Roouum C. Iinesit Law shotuldmi hss what, promisessto ore invitedlinaotemud. Feb. 27--ti p. m. Soititm Liti countest.Ball. The Inmependeonts of clue class bh ismlti mi t hue must successful social The piano hum anther class huomnut: The final intercloss cnteuistilwill t hove th4 choice. Of. -itsiness mnmugernevntis omitheli-year. Tickets mumsthe siill tmnafably be armanged.lttke mplsce omi Maneb 18.tliiiygoonpumnhased'uyflyTurnsuayoyomtnim