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September 29, 1903 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1903-09-29

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,,, . ~x .,

,, --

The Largest and Meet
Complete Line of ,
in Ann Arbor will he found
at G. 1H. Wild & Co's.,1)8
East Washington St. Great
pains have been taken in
the selection of all suitings,
trouserings & orerenatings
for this season.
108 E. Wash. St.
h e-epest Place in
the City for all
z Text-BooksI
j Agents fur
KIeffe & Esser's Drawing Ini-
Waterman's Ideal. Founlaiq Pens
Ty Our
One Dollar Fountain Pens
Sudents' Bunk Sork.
e* 320-'South State Street. I

Eatered is sendclis mater at tihe
Arises[lesi Oftice.
liiislteiiduaiiy (CM nut yexeceeiiridturingithe
leeeratut hie Uniteirsitysiof liesis
iOCitE I. ill't'iN
Aihiric s. - --iiiieiRe K. 5WALTON
vess, - - - - - . If. 'DeSrHAI,
tlifferd Sinerensen, MusricerA 1al1,
J. S. Rluey, i10y iPeele.
A. M. Graer, 1I10ipii C. ileisis.
FiranksJ. (lailk. (Geeo. Nt.lieailie.
Editor' to-day, - - ILD' C. HA1IS
Subscriion-'TewoDolaiiis per CC1(ii, paaeoiti M
mi i'esiie. If tC(Ciqt afteirs ' ]'s". .1C903, $?.ii
Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTONi, Business Man-
ager, 331 Packard Street.
Telephoune, 461.

With this issue the Daily enteru up-
io the fourteenth year of its existence
under u now name and management,
aiid inspired by new aims and pur-
poses, it is else desire of the Univer-
sity Senate that the Daily shall from
this dlate assumie a position among the
various college actives which it baa
hithertio init occopied. it is to be a
tiuly re'presentative college, a paper
of ansi by lie students. Most essen-
tial isoCbh' 'ealization of these aimu
is the supiport ansi sympathy of the
stuidenodssy for thse expression of
whsose sentiieiitsandlopiinisos the
D~aily is printed. To thie end of pro-
moing this sympathy it is necessary
that the transacrtioens bey which the
Daily raise into the hands of the Uni-
versity Seiiate be made polic and
the numierosis erroneous ideas now
shroud concersinog the intention of he
present management dispelled.
At the close of the last college year
the Utniv'ersity Senate, having dlecided
hat she- Daily v-as not truly represen-
tative ofi stiident interests, determined
to bsuy teepaper ansi place it in the
hainds of the students. Through .is
board Cue St-nate purchased the Daily
from the stockholders whos formerly
owned she lisper. The Daily was not,
however, psurchiased oustright. The
Senate deterisineed that a coisimitri -e
shldlible formted to masag,, tepia-
per soil that the stockldeeers shoulid
be pail out of te set proits of te
leaper frost year Co year. As steen as
this debet is paid the Senate intends to
turn the' Daily coempletely into the
hands of Ike students. This manag-
ing comnittee is Co be coemposed of
tour msembers of the faculty and three
students appointed by aind from the
student body. The Daily is therefore
sword ley the Senate and is Co be man-
aged by a mnixed commitetee of Au-
dents and facolty, te student mem-

i-r to he elected at a general mass *,,4* f,.4iPi4*iH5,sS5Ss~st
}i ,sting to be called at the earliest Youxr Enlire Needn in
i,sible date. So much for the busi-
nis smanagement.
for the rumor that the manag- , fif i1
tio;g committee-which is composed Medfjjical an
partly of students-intends to exer-
cites censorship over the editorial ni un O~
sewss, or athletic departments of this 081 UH1yerI3lL
papesr, it is absolutely untrue. It is f ,
eo she- interest of the committee thait
theel'h b pidof a sonaspu-® Text-Books.
th etb adofa ona o-sible-. Therefore it desires to stimu-*
late to the highest degree student in- NwadScn-ad
terest in the paper and it fully realmz-*
vs iliat student interest can not be 4 hi Istu ants an
msaintained in a paper whose col- g. lt llutrnu~~ ~
uimnssiie censored and inspired by 4 '5,. Sppie
faut ebr.® fgneigThe Daily is then at the present * t
date smore truly than ever before a f pcily
student publication. Competition for Apcil
its edioiiai board or business man-
agm wesill be open to all, sod more- -eRgtPie las
over the student body, through its
duly chosen representatives, is now 0 41~-Hn B
given a voice in the masagementotfiii pondNad oos
the papter. Its coluemns will, as usual, 0 l oda
be ope to al conerunications soteelf* Bough adI ol a
a peronalsul s ore and it-will endeaveer*
to give lto its raders a true and in-
piartial acrt, of all student activi *A
ties. Dy ministaning such a poliry
consisteisty teeDaily hoipes to fill s
long felt scant situ to rec-ommend it ? BOOK STORES,
sell to every stident of the Univer
sity as his lts UP TOWN DOWN TOWN.
__ 4 4
Aproptos oel elatemest aboevee
niade concerni b- e ciompetition feet
th dtra b>.r fteDiy t iU iest a esi hti sol ta!ymade up at preeset. Competition will
be conducted intshle following plait LAW DEPARTMENT.
Dusrinig earls seiseeer a contest will FIRST YEAR,
lee beeldlot placer upison the editesrialet Aneesn oeC teeteet,... ,'3:.50ee
J*1uIee bet, &. CC ooeeee ileseeit' , sc oen
hoeardl dutriing the 'sllowingsmeste-r. e'onract,..ie .... . e.e..e.0
Each person desirineg to compete witl 0 KC toei Csette tes etettteCii 'teL ieee
place his news iteiten-of any Yar"sut l'eei' etr reea~m'e ,I(..o lit
wvlatever-uipon lie 'hooknob r i ~latoc..!5
videdl in the Dailiy' Ifice on iheIcet f seteySo e t s-Cr, I-t0
pus as soon as a seiiia -Icrotom can it' Ytitl ort s .0 'ie't
tetuint, signiing his oaisi and add , 1 ieee iii 'u l'eel.......... )
His work will be'ciesdited 1 SECOND TEAR
saute, seing radetilttstl as1 l tllrtt'e N tieitit' eee s' t te ts I4i.00
na ebin ga edbohast';ysi e t ',t eeeeee, aw leIcr i ee Ci
anti qulantity. At I i eu Ien t" IeI'ets leer'sttsie *
ruester those who have sbiowai eleeir 'liffly t tu ieesete te 'tet '' u-tiie s.:5t
mtost nmerit will be s<lrsie'ed o t i F ; \*I n5 iii recenJt t tee ttt'1e.e. i9.ie0
Lionis on tue editortal bottrd, jIAiris m, Dun'see'''eeso' Paeel e s 20
'1" ell) Ci st's l t ot tne~ i
v-ill theni choose its ovis ereu lI t iiacsOulns n asso
mtanagers, athletic att e sweedite .ltt'4ks~aeecoteeeeeteeLaePlead- ree
Candidates for the ''i i
ersil will report teto tC tst i 0 TIRD TEAS.
Filistois at the Daily C( -CoolIey s i'Iei eel' oteees l w]te
residence, No. C3te Pac t _ ~itts ~item t5e,lit [ieei ta1Lit .e .,5
entuc itis & 1311thcis s es c
- ? f tly J1 ri~sti'tti C . . '' Iii
-____________________' - i tes G n lt'i tie, . is 015 ii
t\ e sCeysesonietue liiicz-
Y otur faire wsill be C II sees 1a tee ioneee3-uee
fair if yott use Wit- C. E. BARTHELL,
liams' Shiaving t0,sch. * LeaiteandMedisl ittes 'sie steel
03251S. State St. Second Floor. *

osaNS sNSe w w o ®s sse ® ®s ®®® ® "ssfeososess®o



?.Single Admisnion $1.00 Tickets, Entire Course $0.00 Z I H r ,
I~~t~' NDM. I 1. L'', CMlssger
An Essential Part of your College Equipment is a °--. *A,,Io""'H
The Young, Romantic Atsr
IStudents' Lecture Association
I ~ g 1 tsrect from Empire Theatre, 5. Y.,
be brig he\\Anre oso
T ' k t"A®T e A so c ia t o ls tic k e ts , n o t to 'm a k e m o n e y , "' u t oa .I :R C H A R V E L
tors, lecturers an~d entertainsers of flue world, All mo01nc) is re- : :VE
e turned ho tile studeent i11 fie forms of lectue'* *
*~~ dramiatiton of Wistoni
OPENING NUMBER e o / Chluclutl's Faisous Novtl of
f *C w tsaie namse.
OCTOBER 10, 1903! Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c, and 25c.



NbyHats, Swell Shirts, and Imported Novelties in Neck
Dressings. 4
FalWAGNER & rCO., Falt
WV 4 Derby oeAesfr Hawess$3.00 Hats.12S.MiStAlne

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