- THIS MICHIGAN DAILY. ;THlE MICHIGAN DAILY antiof seeing Michigan good fellow- ship. Re u t o Enteed as sesd class stuftter at the Ant It is of interest to ote that Michi' j Z - g's prominence among educational R ed cton is hhed dily ( die~~tcduring the in'tttion-of th country has be collge yar i 11 I asigtn street. recognied, y reassigning to her ex- ban ltsetent ttloorsite ettrnettiPhntslt5" I i pc ntems eial o @ auMANAGING EDITOR:t cation. Z S. f MORYTtOMdASON BUSINESS MANAGER: GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. * sIOCO I. lHUSTON ____ ± As we have too large a_ stc o aic theie. -EDITORS:t ian Accrding to tD. Jthn Hutdotn in- stc o any ( tki - - - lRttERToK. WL IN c ly president tof the college of the +tF . - - - - -J.. 5 toiYJ City of New Yon, the eolege mas SINGSADASSOCIATES: hias many more chates to succeed it SUIINSAD Clittfsrd Steen'stons.Roty Peles pulic life than the man ntt college A. M. Gaer, ller' P. Erin ret. Forn staistics gahered frmn j ROUS[RIN6S A. C. Ptod. A . trtreyer. lt edn mrcs ttgatia Ida . rsasrigt . Wi. ti -ayn. wrs, lho indaIthat sn' ttoutf every on hand we will sell Oe. A. Otborn. Harad C. Sitt. orty college nest scceess its lif,, lrry I Asdrews. tled It. K,41. anti only one ton etolege miat ttttI them at reduced prices 5,fTttoas It. Ioters Clyde L. es. 10,0111) scceeds. So the etollege sman'sI to tmake room for our BUSIESS STAFF: chates are 250 tias greaer than Sring and S iimmoo e r Att. 5. Ebstit. Ii. .~tt sistette. 15,000 names in tne of teitsor alsl- fs-t~cis-.ical woks, msse thant a tirs were Woolens. Be sre andt Editor today-THOS. B. ROBERTS.!ctllege nmen, ansIostatotf 11,551 aes calf it before yoit place ,SusciptsossTwes, lsttst rs ea, paable in te othee erntos,5,7,trtIt yotur order.-AA -.4,4 , attaese if dligreet ttftr Z!op i. i'3, $?. er tieg e: ± Ptt]coste time thereIas Ibeei Ofi . H m. D230to1ay. 0 0 :3 class fight waging etween te fres- Adrs-ROSCO B. HUSTO, Business Man- I:met and Sphmtres at Waash el ser. 335 Packar Street. ee. The freshmen recetly cpsturei 108 E. WASHINGTON STRET. Telephone, 41. 1Sone sophtnocoes, sputt heavy caiss on tem, antI tries toipaae thet N -.............t -r hrutgt the main siret f Cawfor- 1ville. ''eecity Isuer setstltled ts' a altcics son the cainsos.Whens' the CALENDAR. !freshmen refusel tgivethess so. P. TTT f1(A tey owere areste,putslit:jail, ai IF eb.~ ~ ~ i i 1 - i 4 1 i . L e c t u r e y H n . L A h l a n w ' e f e f ' h i s a I slishtlon sshe"isTasa ftsheaathor lcln, ities threaten ts expell ter Pubic chols n appn. all9ing leaes and fale asay tis tern's lists:: coisol. - redit frot nohslthe star lsses. Isi Iowever:theLectureasIey sar Jol5n T_'4 IFF F bltstI) im'cassistant : t teses stac ohof Htssse is1os lstssy is ontsis :tsThe Theatre as ai IPubilic Institutionstn}rane."j collee i n f os th leic:sststs-re srI ALLSIALDditlMA EatnHall lectte Proom 't'. in elle. A Lb PA(JDINGSFMAE .524-1" rscsh Low Class cntsest in j it tisrt its [lsom IB, Laceblg Tirtisten lhunsdr'dlsollrs tositasbits FeIb.Is24-6: 15 t-.to-Astiib y' 5,N. raisesiIy' sttbsci it t rnthfe NoI it- I$5t510 - $4.13 11l11 associations is sunablle is cntriust' Id(,.)1t00fill Fesit,2- (lstrslt Ilts::'rehearsal, janyhingsoits isuspprt~l alsts fli~iis'o evltrynwa istoi: sseahei A, A 6.011 4.50 Febs 2Z)5) p.itt Lectre ott"Cem- 'BI. oi.00 - - 375 istry" iso Germsano by Icr.Iorif, iheyutnsg wimen at Wisonstsii are ('isors nite) gra'y)'nd whitt,, el iniioom C, IChemisry ilsg, plan~igts girt' a hi;igealiyar'arsoy Fb25--7:0 s. itsEvoltion Csurse. soo., 'l'Is sscril s si ' rels'ssisg its On0l:1 a fewasit tes'Irises, '0ome' Leciure y Prosfesso Reigardion this smovem'nst eal eoethe iss ate broksen: 'Evidence frists:Developmet of____ 'arty toter Asinals,'' is teum ltreIlTe'minimui:5mtxen'dsitr'for a sit- 505555. gls' yaat Yale, $10, wtasasis'bits ets. 2-1915 Egitees'dacte, manwho setI buts$550 ltig his SHEEHAN & Co. PtFl. 27 Social at Newberr'y Hall entire course Te higetidiviwas Fb27-8 p. is. l- csh-Soph meet in al expedifture in a sigle ya a 1I Watermtasngst: $11010. The maximniu s-scst fr or University Boksellers, Sta- elt. 2-, p. nm. Adsrss Iy Professor years was $251110. sd lgravers. Fnsril at red Hall, he Chicagiotog s- Unvriya 20 South State Street. Lane runner will beares frosat- Z ~leticsts year as he hsontly re gis- It is gatifyig tis:ohh:alumtni and i rdforonsis sei onegal~~' f it'eUniversity t t I fv cer'tic n orte Ispatic- knowsisthat ichiga: is to0 hi' repr- C. i1'1.rMAJOR & .cofr'PANY snitam ,i-snvriy xiispate in aity rnc: re tieis. Specialty~ of Fine at thiii t.Luiis Exosition, Michi-I The stssens in Chicago are plas-_ inferior Decorafing gir as: coas at of wortiss felds of niingtsfol a mck political esnvi's- ICornphlete new line0 oftl apt's-. origisal research, whic: in scope and tion soon. Rallies fsc the different Paints, Oils anti \arnishes. real nmeri said se scond~ to that tsf few- candisates are being heli by- tiii var-1 203 E. Washington Phone 237 suniversiies. It is this work which, ots parties. acording tsitseromnmedtions MR. J. R. TROJANOUWSKI, mate y thr committee to the hoard; REGENT HILL SICK, sof Regents. will forms. a large past of The Professional Hai Dresser otr ehliittOn its material sise, aC Sagisaw,-.Mich., Felt, 25.Hot. Ar.} 322 S. State Street, sp stairs), etsspc- Micigan ron at the Exposition will thusr ill, one of the reges o sf tir Ial inittonstlathe ldes ta rail tt tr parh fvls otnvriyo ihgnuiest.hslrntknsssesy tors ts inspet iher new tine of hair ad toilet b fvlet nvriyo ihgnuie'iy a entknsdel gods. and esope atending the F'air. It will pro ill wih appensiciis. He is repores Try my Scienific Face Massagean vie them willshistace of gathering, as somewhat more comforale tday Manicure. Sweaters and Sweater Vests 25 / OFF For a Short Time Only $5.50 Ones for $5.00 Ones for $4.12 $3.75 Colors White, Gray, Ma- roon and Navy. Walr's Book Stores, 0riq-sscs usooos rt51 5 i (, ii'weav s, .- rll'ts-siarldttodi- tsi is sitfstslea p-oa ts:-t issos 55n huts:ol llasotln -'''imi-lo -s anue an -s only to e ppsit uytaI actual irolctIttrssoftthe froossilsotsr GOODSPEED & SON Tailors. 150 E.Washington. ToI kt'ep your face in good t'ondtitiont, use W~illiatms'Shaeving Stick. ----- -- --- THE STUDE[NTS' LCTUR[ ASSOCIAION DEAN MI. .5CAIIOLT, lManager Wednesday Evening, Feb. 24. RETURN ENGAGEMENT German Theatre Stock Company OF CLEVEELAND), OHIO The Next Number Will Be Announced Later. I; I i I2 PRSESENaING 501)ElI NN'c iMAGD A Season lickets, $1.00 ' , Single Admission, Soc Prices : - - 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c -------- ------ ----------- __ ___ ___ ___ TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. 334 S. STATE ST., Phone 342.2r