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February 23, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-02-23

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Puri n oes I j.CIGARLTTLS
} Crovnt in Turkey.
Enjoyed in America.
For FrogCor t,__ Pin
Mel FaC-The W. C. Ken Co
411 E. 57th St Chicago
auii1 4r1 / e ad rtemdt
* .j , Penant for all coitg- s nd
to ass itoirtock
(1h Pns Catss and ITeam
&o Cp
11101 You ____R
t MONEY LOANED ON e Arkansas, lexas Mexico
«Complete Line of Dress Boots. J elyanddi California...+
Hccl~ndilTigh 3*1
C lass Citattel and , Are est reaed via }
Ar orCollateral Secturty k:$ S. Louis, Word's Fair city,;
} W. J. LOURIM. tef
Factory-_BrocktOlo Ro-Henn Bok h~n * Ironfrlountdin1
Fttr Hoo Cupsi ~Route
ETSCHLERFor anything in the linonof 4 1 1CdtixPi}toitxet
yf OR +I Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentshler, 14 four t illitr ttin, to Txs
W J.'.J~Ji4 Phone 3892r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. +0'fouli daily t loc to IllttSpriog.4
CHOCOLATE idti.tri"tLitehok
2Made; Right and Servetd Right Switch made from your owo hair,! 1904 LAWS NOTICE. WRITE E.i
1$1.00. Miss Vaughan, N. Univ. Ave., ,
Call otl+t near Quarry's.tsM.DAm rogT.PA.,
t Rtentschler in the offiial phoogr a- .AmsrnI. .
PENCO,-phr for the 1904 law clas. All l2ean\\'aslitenas Ave.,
Fontainopoen at Cahinges. tf. membrs report for sittings an00011 Ann Arbor, lich.
I'h Co fetiner, 3alS. StaleS.
an posible. f. COMMITE.i
AThA.WFut Fountain Pen, spoon fed, IJstrcivd23+adlisad .'...gg4"« gl'+."II
D, Y. AA & J.DAILUJAY to the besitfounanpen md oa.Js eevd23Mnoisad1Fd: A' a -
L1 l & A. II PrII oi(, t aSkinner's. 98-99. .SAS 'OF~A
5TA~D~kDTIMEGuitars that we bought at a remark.
5TND$DTIE'-ably low price and will sell them at STA LEGOFIIAL
For Detroit half thorly row 015.in.a muatilI Fresh Lowney's, Ategretti's, Spar. onethird the reular rice. Ti sFOT BALL+
lasttonly, at 1105 a. m. and t'145a. amisforosHyercholtsaGu- an eceptional bargain. All Instro. Usd by all te Leading
Jacksotn surly from 6:15 a. i. st7ll15 p i to igs Pharmacy. tf. mets on easy payments. See our Colleges.
Then at 9:15p. i. and 1I:l5 p. FootBalPants__cefront
Waiting Room, Hsron St..mW, oC Main, display in window-Ann Arbor Music Fotwt'ns ith
VttlCO. ht ips ttttd Ir aerptld tI linh
9AN '.99G SOR , i~t SPoeAtDIN.
B4N ' RG SO e Hst Lai hbindingotn yotr law lee- Large well furnished sute. Bath, let srtio td.
tlsrs at Slititers. 90-99. as, furnae hea, telelhon. Three ew York, Cicago, Denver. 4
blocks frotm tamptts. $2,511 a week. Stttlttttt, tttti F-,l ,Itt i dt) I te g.5
2 13 SOUTUU fIN ST Ticket for for shampoos-$.to) Iqulir at J881 Packard street. t. Prrite 5tts.M
Soft water. Hiss Vaghan, near Qar- ., g; go A
lKINFlI~a ONStUL ry's. tufr Typewritinog anti Senogaphjeal
Presicient. v. Presitdest. Work done neatly adq(itckly Wae
s. .eCARN asie. (iliPantorium 3$ Slate. Cleaning, 1. XWilli, 1224 'Washettaw Av. i'l
FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pressing and Repairing. Clothes !'l87.If
tOP ANN ARBOlfR, ICH. called for and delivered. Leave or- - olege
CAPITAL, - - - $10,0 ders at Cushing's Drug Store, or Your eyes examned by an
SURPLUS AND PROFITS, - $40gnog' phone 52. $1.50 worth of work for .; exprt optician. All the lat- to r"
+---$.00. st appruved appliances andImethod
State Savings Bank. ~~~ ~ ~knwn o the profession are employed od1v itL vr si~~-y
Sae Svns B n.NOTICE. New eye glasss fitted, lenseo dup- uocllg datsThykw
nlr~E,1904 Lis--There will e another sated, frames repaired. Hallers Jew hii iocc eid o h
0v. J. Boothltno. V. Sheettt try-ott for rlass relay eant at 4:41 p. aIry Store. ~i,, eldefin+rfe
t. Arsold Dr.V. C. Vaughan_____ire_____
Ta. . TWado F. It Silt it-n.-Tttc!ay'lAl-mightilen aelasked _____p___piet__e
N. J. fyer Johin 11- are tt lite Ireent GRAY _ l1 ie l, lscdot roe
Ino. Keeh Prof. IL 8. Ctrlari Fresh Lowney, Allegetts, Spar >0c. , n' itt~thi r. on
Frank P. Gaier ChrltiaeM-rtIm--row's and .Huylero Chocolates aCsh aiuoflr-ungu .,s
Getc your dra'sintg plates osnd at
cany SELL F O ASHloclottt SitinerItstudensIdesirng e.99 og's Parmacy
ryu can " titutlicity nniveritystdns eir g to se- Bath supplies of all kndn at all 1hli ol ot i lene
cure positions to teach will find it to prices at Cushing's Drug store f in i hoaderSe h .e
Your Business, Real Estate or Partnership their interest'towritelto JameswF.h
Ns soletleeelcttIed. "sedtiseftil ptr- McCullough, 619 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi-1 JOB PRINTING- MEYERS .26r55be tis n- on'
leo<:lars. prices. etc. Addresso{t'.IMain SC S. Phoneie281.
Crai Cieig aldl AIE 4EMUD. if.AlES RS
Salted PeanutslHot Ifattere
Popcorn, Crackerjack fresh fkrteridi, U; 1rrtls o 14"mose

daily. I 121 L. Liber-ty St. E 4 grd F100,-. Ahesk. trCcy. °e5St- t rcn~82-'C i7r> it trr>9
Candy Kitchen if " g [" GIL i* T I ACCEPT NO SVBSITVJTE.
Electric and Gas Fixtures and ConstructionI. - --- -------
P207NngI:. t as s In ton-HOC KIN6 VALL[YCntiRy.It Ecelen
PH YSG H TR AI CarryingNG Parlor Cars on Day Trains
oh. bo) orCaItthe pa-tpoilltitbhetime, inaliwtirms o r hme 0tOimprseent.6 Caerping Cr nNgt Trains '
p.lilotratot plts i. ir3te ni year,. ft ow mttit 0 torrso i course bySleigCronN htTa s '
athor I. roe- 0 bC ticso i wilseai the stilt an coure for I1. Will lecture on NO EOS NTLD
o sic',r ite Israitd writisg fari -111>raeekelifoe $atICotidocive to health INIWN DEPOTS INTIALDetroi6
P~a eait l o d gisd 8Ktv ldo Ciikor tm&ged Savicagnmnland AND COLUMBUS. I.WLNDA, .A,Deri
onIw lseanttdl Co ~C~t i~n t&OlesAe. 1iego, IllheBes
n Styles. * 1 . i-r~ e of t Everything in Tailoring

o. - - -.

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