TAlE MICHSIGAN DAILY. JUSTIN A new let of the famous B. S. & ZIi. Black Suits, 4FAL 5 ITN J )UINin Vicunas. pii hts. bvos dWrtdmaile . Dorothy DoddsSHE in single or tdouble tireas-ted. 4 Varsity and ]tegolar Sack Style, $.0 [O AI[ 30 t$15, $18, $20 IJTZ 14 Ihe only shoe in the world designed by a We have all sizes in stock now and can it you ?hie Clothier women---f o" women. Snicely. ('all and inspect themi. T4 C o - oeA et 217 vouth fMain Streect.:1 lA Kt.C , --SleA nt 4, "q°t4,..°t*.+tXto4 4NON NNN ® NNN*fN ti' r +r+it+ r +*r+ir' i'F'.+i " ri$r+ar++, t ir+ r+L r+* r r+ti *'H+ir' 1ri r +Nir+i4 ir ? iZ #" " ?° T .. RANDALA L, THE t IOTOGRAPHER 1217 E. Washington St..~ Established 1881 106 Huron Street, Eas BUKcHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE We are prepared thin season to meet every demand, as we have increased the nnuber of workmen. As usual we have M6e Finiest Liii. qf Woolems in the city. Art and Sikill trill predominate in our work as in the pant. We respectfully invite your enquwiry. S. W. BURCHFIELD 't r ra t #tip, ts*t *si < *riyts*t *t ra*t+4 *ts i *ri*r *s *+a ti? +C *t' ' f 'ii r ti* . t H*t ti*w+ t Mi itJ' r *f i t t 1634 OYNSTER.BY IIN SIRIZR, Caterer, 12STT 4S. CA E I G C . NEW YORK STATE CLUB. LEFT FOR PHILIPPINES. EProfessr Av M.Xl(overswhostradotit- *f l ii NewiYoit Staitt Cluii) ld iiits iii fromtet'ii i I i sitty ini '99llaiidhlio tot eit s.. .1 i an dsuit ectlid the sh iin e d nin strutri n tshis alma APA ALtlo ig oti crs: mater i r hi.1assistant to Dlr. Patui (. AS A :ir,,sidett IDr. J..It. Xilhiatms. itf Fries aitid utit.-rreeitly lDe. tig.'loisv Rocheitisterc. N. Y.ithe chieiisttry depaitrtnmintltelllast AND B A N Q V E T Xi Itc rstdE~t-t " 1. aer l'5Tirsay evenuiig forthe liiiliitiiiiis. -v " HA UL1 L Lit, fiii tutu N. Y. wherec le liona ussvsI'ttiitis'itpt inu Steitetoary- A1. Niil0'4i I it- ~i in ithe (scs iiiitii'ip strout acse artmnt, lii c tii ' AoSif ISiitvei CreekN..Yiswlich i s ii stetiireion li ofutDi. M-P.M.Dil, 5 sms Tliii iiS ilti' i-A ink it'0 Frheliwhis tidi ietioft oe r ittt t lt Special Dimm.eres 12 to 1:30 Law, ofsi'hurli iiN. n.ti-itIltbortoitries isint'e islandis. P. . ail, 5 C nt Athitugt h cltus is ill its tinfanciy _________________________________ t isr iiiremanyiic t nss that it still NOTICE. ~ .dl. ~ S.SIS ht,. oris esi oftstie most sucrcessiful iofits 1I04L lits--Theriv sill ibe titlit hr 315 S. State S. Phone40'7 titi t hests 'ivi-esit betorsith lo se r-ii irelsalyta ttt11 si t lii stllsage yeas, i. Tuetsdiay'. All catidasteis aottaskedss lTestis itmritt ee i-'artitattiu t-- ar to beitpresenit. stRA Y. un iet s ftile a nttqut wisch isvll- paei.o l par ith othei c sieal (Coti iititifrom t oe ,). New Brunswick TablesKttt miiiawiiu 15 tyiacl' REID'S BILLIARD PARLORSevety loyal Empire st~e man tledgettitag'. P.I. i';OT Fine Cigars and Tobaccos f ilb edStraFbur JAS. W'. REID, Prop. 312 Stale SI., Si. 1el t'h-ltSts-ly ilesr residetiChotratlUtnin. 27. at 2 ps. ii. ini Rsism C o iittcesit y ________________ tihvus t, asiecu-cves t liii arnei a ]vi n e lsst TItal andit i slst' is h pd t -ct ey-Newv Gor tiltou sdsaiin-cplts's ssitutt at. line of YorketsSsittat istan inttereislt in ite clisutb us~.99Sis Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes. rr its piisii'ty trill its'preeintl._________________ '555rubtt hect. I Fountain pens at Cushing's. tf.' Fine Lunches in Connsection. '' 5'i 1 tttts ileeytiiussNi-st n-isisti 5 y n5$.0 p atSun e's 301 S. Stale St. R. E. JOLLY. 9 -99i NOTICE.; -~ ____ _________ All apiplicant s fur the Chicagoiom NEW TERN" 'MAGDA" 9 ~ ~ * (j listli rsanTilistat re StoetkCo. sit ('leve it lan ,Oiot es amo' 5t ii ' eauicatitut 6iR4NGEIS Ihaf ltsatsd a versi-c ie'ssfult censagst- Oftie snil Xe ids sits grondifci ot o n met stin Allt Itsisi l .t hesus0 5liAties Niaystud Street.i t 'hlitrlilt 5 m5nthtisill stay 'a riet ttt..t..t sits onisis Vt'tnstiay iveinug, r'1 + 1 r"1 " Fbi l'sii tv 24th. '~T'e offeiringttcsuitthis YOU CAN GET Pt, iscav s iill its'Sisdsemnnt'slpoiwerfull $ ~ ~ ~ h~ of ".#is N IX agda." The're'sevedl sate slotL .unlch ofit .stwill oseitoisissiow'its'rnuinltg AtTuttle's, 338 S. State E5at590olock. vi- - .aw is ndissing sitsyoiurslass li'e- lstri s at Skinnse's. 98-99l. 4 L[ESSONS I N Q3 SNO I ...DANCIN i... tENIORLAW DANCE. UNIVERSITY ACADEMY. Stale Street aelg'trlnacalestlls fsis-the 'Watshinlgtonl's liethidayloncer u-snstuu'sesuurt~n'clss wis11 v Mosns Fellowship shosul hand theire names to the committee at 151cr. University students desiring to se- care positiosn to teach will find it to their interest to write to James F. McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- cago. tf. d 'lhst' Xi is- Fousstains 1e,.spoonit'tefdi, is telteins ilt utaint5515nsmasdettday. 'Try ioi(' at Skinner's. 9991. Fresh Lowney's. Allegretti's, Snar- row's, Buylers, chocolates at Cush- lug's Pharmacy. f. ROMAN ART. The couse in Roman Aet, illustrat- ed wih the stereopticon will he given in the Musseium Lecture room Monday, Wedinesiday and Friday at 10 oi'clc. Souse lecturen will also he givent on the L'niveesity collection in the Art tGallery. The course is open to all sttudents who have 60 hours' credit. FRCANCIS W. KELSEY. Los-At "J' Imp, a white ats with long golid chain and a three hutton white glove. Finder return to Daily l office or phone 311.1 For Sale-Bigh grade piano, practical- ly new. Cheap. Address Michigan Daily. Money Loaned ON Watches, Diamonds oOr other piessinal prperty of ovalie. Watches and lowelplSi- paired. Barsgains in Wthcs asd lDiamonds. 0f1icc at residence, 3111E. Lib ety Street, Ann Arbor. Hurs 8 to 1130 a. nil to :301 p. m,710o 9p 1.All ltusinss Cs onlden ial. JOSPHl C. WATTS ELE~CTRIC £AN5 ]ectric Cafing Disi'e5 Etr{ic Tis le Lotsp5 ro. Citis ,snd x . erdi.,55,y""". WA5HIWNAW LII-T & POWER COM"PANY. SPALDISOG'S OFFICIAL INITER-COLLEIATE FOOT BALL Used by all the Leading College. Fat BallPais-Lsecfront, hipsutndssknsl'tadditetwth ie crletlhair and higuhs withc allstripls. A. . SPLIN I BROS. ew Yak, Cicao, Deve fplits ist cialsttiFoosct'ltGide Prie 50 cents. Phone 5812 Pantoriu m.I Cleaning. Pressing. Rparng. 336 S. STATE ST (0-en.-C..aniea'nh Clothes called for and Delivered. $1.50 worth sf wrk tr $1.00. Leave Orders at CuiSne, or I hne 52 QUARTER 8111:S QUARTER EACH Wm. bocrein, Zanitarx Plbumber, steam & Gas fitter. llbone 667. 303 Z. M~ate St ! PAL.ACE & 'PARISIAN ..LAUNDRY AGENCY.. Office 65sits illt Xihiamsnt. t. 'uius is. Wir lt iedh fuor ausd telivere'd' propettly fri. F. DOWLER, Aqt. PHOTOGRAPHS CALL AT SIIYPOU V'S STUDIO 3168S, Oain St. .,,X L1H N N TRAL "M73 Niagara Falls Route." THE SORIT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct cosnections st Cliiiage fnr St. Lasts, Kanusas ily. St. Pastlsaud the XVest Faor inormationsantahrouesgh ticketscalloease wriet sW. W. CASE. Agent. Ass Arbor. st Il-antge'suitnIMonsday eve-ning. As us thu cult' ofi thu class, nu tlicets fur the uc nctsseions will lie sosuldt pesoss outssides'ouftthu class itselif, thus plue- sevingstoghisslt'gresatest dseee- that cl- emntshofi'soci-abilit y whcih eharactie- ies all lair gatherings. 'ts- music will lie rieredlby an orchestra sif seven pieces and sveral innovations us the line- sif proguram are in prospect. Puns-h will he served shring the even- ing.* The comnmitee in chargie con- sists ssf Messrs. Sehaburgs, Dvorak, D~e Vine, tRicharson and Suttion. "ALLEN'S FOR QUALITY."+ $10.00 and $1IS.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS We give She Best Clothing Values, saving you from $3.00 to $5.00 on Etverg Soil or Overcoat yuu Buy. The balanee of the month our Annual Sale is on we give you the choice of our, $10.00 Suits and Overcoats for $8.00 $15.00 Suits and Overcoats for $12.00, ALU~ 111 113 ~t~,iS frAIN STREET 1 WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE