T6S MfrICRI1GAN DAILY- Reduction Sale As we have too large a stock of fancy SUITINOS AND j on hand we will sell to make room for or Spring and Suinmer Woolens. Be sre and call in before yo place yor order..4 . nlA - .G.H. WILD:& CO.,3 108 E. WASHINGTON STRET3 All Ihis Week, rFIICARY 15TH TO 20TH Demonstrations of F'ontiain Pens hy an expert from New York City. Allowance made or old pens in exchange. SHEEHAN & C. University Booksellers, Sta- tioners and )engravers. 320 South Slate Street.j 01110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS C. 11. flAJOR C'COMPWANY Secialy of Fine Interior Decorating Complete new line of Wall Papers. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. THE MICHIGAN DAILY The uner Prom. comm te atl Cornell have issued a statemen Of the Entered as cnd-c a sater t the Ann receipt and expenditures. They re- Arhr Cst Office. ported $.74 oni hand and $7 ecnint Pahlished daily tMndayexceeted dring the in on programs. $50 was also givet college year. tilt E Washington street, to the Fencing Asociatini and $501 to (asementeaor, side entrance) Phane W2 3r aid the Junior Smoker committee. MANAGING EDITOR: Each of the sixteent men on the H101 S. ESIOLY TIOMTASON committee will recee a5watach foh BUSNESS MANAGER:s costing $10) apiece. ---IIO00E B. HiUSTON ________ EDITORS MICHIGAN NOTES. Atittteim. - - - RlOBERvT. IWA~os At le ameeting of the Society itf Noe,- J. S. RAYYAnercan Baceriotlgists, held itt ASSOCIATES: IPhiladelphia, lDecemer Hltasdi3001, Clifford Steenson 15Ro' Peeles, Dr. Freterick G. Nsvy, pirofessor sf A. M. raver, Henry P. Erwin iacteritlogy itt the luniversiy of Oic- A. C. Pond. A. H. Ortmeyer. gnwa elcd Josepht Y. Derr, Stoddard S. Mre. pgn a lceilresident for 1the Ida1. Browrigg. I. Waite Jayne. coming year. Geo. A. Osorn. Harold C. Smith. Harry H. Andretw. Alred i. Koch. Five htndred dollars was recetly Thomas B. tRoerts. Clyde L. fow. added to the biii futd itfit'e mtdi- BUSNES TAF: cal idepartmen of the Universiy 1to 1be BUSINTh SSpSoAF t R ly sted b he1 deipartment in keepig M.t. K ttslsita. I.i. latleretle. 0up its files cif medical jturals. Thas. L. fakets' ___ Editor Today-A. H. ORTMEYER.a Lewis Foite, a grautate' of theIti versity of Michigan in the engiee rigs Susacripissn-Twsottirlisrear o,eaable so classsf 1866, recessly sentlseciese adeance. If deigwntl after No. . 10, $2.0)sit tver two thousand species ittpstall _____ ts the Stotanical mseumnofsithlist ni Office Hurt-i2:30 to 1:30 and 630 to 7:30 versty. p. m. Daiy.grto itstrm osthtaysslyl Address-ROSCOE B. HUST, Bsines Man- BRD CLU B. ager,331 ackad Steet. Mr. ''ranseao gave a very itterest-1 Teephone, 461. in talk on weather stps Frisay sv i enng. Next Friday nighi Mr. irasst N~ e will slektothe rela istsosf irs i-isi - ..... ...cottling the weather mais cat ell CALENDAR. whenthe birds will cime. FTe meeitg was atensdedi by usrus Feh. 21-7:45, .1mu. Asdress y Pro- es itt the fasly and stdsetts. tessosr fGeorge W. Knox on "The ( (Continued from pae sont.) I Christiats emands up1o00Educated___ Men and Wonmen" at tUniversity TOASTS. Hai. "'the fay we Celera.'-I.. t'sl Feb. 22-2 p. t. Wahington's Birth- ton '6iL aw. say Celebration. Address y Hon. 'Or Fturs Marsalls-Prsesssr Joshn L. Wester in University J C. Kniwlon Hail. Music-'Old Alaama"- Harmonstic Feb. 22-Seniotr Law Dance. Orchestra. Fel. 22- Junior Law Class csntet in "Slme Lawyers I Hats' Ktswn- oratory in Rton H. Law HBldg. F. D. Paige of Detesit. Feb. 22-7:30 p. m. Celbration of "The Universiy 5f Michiga"---4N. "Fouinders Day." Address y Prof. S'4' Weiemsyer. Flemming Carrow, in Sarah Ca- Vocal Sl- Th'le Bansdslerss"---sob well Angell Mall. Suject, "Or. Parker. Geo. E. Frothingham," Proector "The 'fi6 Laws"-Prssfessor H. Al1 in the University from 1867-1SS9. aes. Fe. 22-fi06 Law anquet at Oyster "Ost e ssts-Jsini Esudi, 'fit Law ay. Piano Sls-E. Mititemats 'fit La. "Th' Prfessr adsiths Unsrgras- Lasiwelc a repssrt reachesd his tat"-P'rofessor RH. H. erlt. country oft the sdecisisn of the Geman "Th' Old Faclty-Desans H. IB. Federeal Cousrt forisding American (Htchins. denists to practice in Germany. The Instmentl msic-'ft;Law tiost teasontifert his acliti, the Csirt sat' Tse' ItniciStates adthets lriit" ad, was the inefficienicy of the Ameni- -Hot. John L. Wester. can Dental Schols; one exception, Te cntrac is witessd stis te hotwever, was sasi-that of Ann Ar- ailk by the commite Massom, sair Sit, whosse gradusates alionss may pa- mats. ansi Parier, Hugess,. s-ssiist's' tics' in thes'Fatherlands,.and YXsoung. ________________________he c onmmittee is iseet so lcs)Iry its GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. j getitng gSp ieaers 01111msissc that ________ a very lssng lprgrant is te reslt. 'lis I banqiet ill teresors begii prompn~tly The faculty at Cslumia tUniversity Monsay eveting at 8 stclocks a1 fystsr intend tos hold the regular collegs' se- ay. Any who sdesire tickes cats get sion on Washingtson's Birthday. The tem by aling on1 Mascstm, 22i S. studeits have petitioned the president Thaye. to give them a holiday. So muds interest is asouse ithsts banquet that upeelassmen atdieenl The Opera CbS at the University of Lis are buying tickets. Other clasess Illinois expects 1o present the opera are begining to wnerhee tssw fsreshs I"Erminlie" soson. Laws got aheasiossthe dhs'ues ias' ______stieS a goodI menu, nvel prograns. The Woman's League at the Univer fie sdecorations, wad ntespessaker. sty of Minnesota intenda to give a The answe is thalte 'fil Lass are monstee sping carnival inthe aramo- a patriotic class ansi elieve in laviig ry in a few months. a baqete which cannotilie slelassel. 777 New anid SecoinlItasnd LAW and MEDICAL BOOKS and TEXT BOOKS 1F01 all deplartmenclts of theIUniv esty lOi SACL AT Water's Book Stores. Keerisf pyorinace m si f a Up~)3se llas ' Tis ai o ug Stic.~m 203 E. Washingtonn. Phone 2371 NP@lNOO@O@@@@O@OONO@O@OOO@@@OOOOOO@@@@OOOO@@@@@@fN! I ! THE S~TUDENTS' LECTUJRE ASSOCIATION F.fHopkinson Smith UIE[RSITY IH A L L Saturday Evening, Feb. 20 DE7AN M. 51!AfIOLT, Macnager Wednesday Ev~ening,. Feb., 24. RETURN ENGAGEMEN'T German Theatre Stock company OF CLEVELAND, OHIO IPRESENTING CLIt 5IIANN S -MAG1 DA r Prices : - - M5, 35c, 50c, M5 Beason Tickets.$1.00 ,. At Single Admission, 50c *iw w w w ww n I***...*.*...(*..*...*.*...iw 4 « TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHER1S AND HATTERS. 334 5. STATE ST., Phone, 342-2r