THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 'The Niagara Folis Route " Qj f O r-eat THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to Mr.I ,ntion BUFFALOII NEW YORK AND BOSTON 20 to 50 p. c. DISCOVNT with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas City. St. Paul snd the Wet. write to W. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Arbor IVIOCITAAND JAVA 'trousers, House Coats Alnraynf tN D j Underwear, Bathrobes 214 Main S. DEAN CA Co.$.0,is. FanShr 79 New Brunswick TablesSAEBRt.W RH REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, 9 e' ' ooooso~ooo. Fine Cigars and Tobaccos22 JAS. T. REID, Prop. 312 Siae Sl.,S. SIAN STIRrER, Caterer, SOUTB 2SiwTTE S. line o1 Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes! (loollo oetl from page ote.) ever broughttothe itoty. Fine Lunches in Connection,. lroftcoor '1n0x pointd lll 011clettily Evserything Neal 11and Cleata. Iwo diffl=enrto 1101011110exlericllees. 308 S. Slate St. R. E. JOLLY.,Tb- 111irs011a1dluniversal reigion wais 011w1at10s 1-ulled No)tt11 iiRelitgiton1. Awe NE[W T[RMrl t it i0 1 llllttlly inspirtedlin111 00151111- I t).yples ity te til) heightso f DA N CIN G n 0100in51and he d1-Il 101 haelns 11o)this sIegort . T 1111es 11110oleve Office and 000111 iii, groun loor 111111111 ua ~etio.Bt hslae B -530018 St set II11mit1of 11110111ra11)1111tle supreme111 t-- YOU CAN lGET A 1!not 1111n10of gving;vhl expllets slit- to lot lttbtlthiks n t of duty. 11)1~ X ...ANCItlllthat highe11101 oerl-hich1110asll "' ' 11. r-+ r' ufo 1111il~olferlee . IVRtY ACADEMY, i-ate Street lit isthat -lig 1l-fwhich11110allh t.10 } e o to l es1 ll r t ii nllle rtill l ll' PALACE R& PARISIAN th-erl llliriev1of (ul eIra, resntl- ing1n1te 11111ianreligion 1as iIt hso IAUND Y AG NCY.,b('01 t 1111o.the rttine}. NOW ill fitre 650Nlst Wiffa it. 1 nn ii. sarches1of 1 ell 01111100anoter Wor t ifled for1111d dl ivred s 0 p111ompt1ly 111 i0 1 M1. [. DOW[[R, 'At. '11101agethalFrltfesor 1K1111will -- - --- - - - - peal in is 1alk 1his eveninlgl. ALFRED TAIL[ORS N[W YORK. CJ: UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ' 700O Pa..vk Avre., New. York 10111ork1, the 11i1 s I of the t ri s-i ' 11111 eneb riesof."i va11 locty.11in111lose1 1 II ad ilt 'lloro -a SIXTY-NINTH YEAR BngievsSept. 28. 1904 tidlrst h III 1111f he Vaul- Rev, Charles Cuthbert la1l, D.D. F. HOPKINSON SMITH. mlagazine 1101111 1 y hs111111trat1o1101 0111 tas al1s11wri11t111several 11111111101 bIIoo. IItewas no11t, wever.111111 ite llterarywold~. lHe11a0 110100alken 1to Iel-l1Iintg 01111as a readerorfIlhis 1101 w011110s100as 11at~tained0a1eIarlable 0111- 0111110. ho-i10a,1verylmodlest 10an, 5withli a perona111lity 011 irreistble111 1101t; charm0s tll. Free-A beautiful colioction of host old sogs wiil ho given every plor-1 chase of ono doiiar at Root'sMuisic H-onse. wfs. 1007 ENG-NOTICE. Candliiates (torrelay 100111 reotrt at gymnas~limlat0 5 p. p. daily lor tear-I fiee. btlARIfliE LAANEf.,bige. I Your eyes examined by an expert optician. Aul the lat- est approved appiiances and methods known to tho professon are employed,. New eye giasooo fitted, lenses dupii- catod, frames repaired. Hailer's Jew- elry Stoe. tf. Fresh Lowneys, Alegrettis, Spar- row's and Huylers Chocoiates at Cush- ings Pharmacy. Typewriting neatiy done. Senior, theses given speciai attention, W. I, Willis, 1247 Washtenaw. Phone 803. tf. f t .___ j }{ I AFine Clock mr°S s saro- 001 IllighltSOl 0010m1111de o t (-ll lelot lroll]rob.i16to Fob27, 11111 PUCKWECK B9W[_IN6i A[LEYS f'e'llclasse11 1101111Forl thet pots111111111 ttf a1 balnelr towhic-h is fastfeed 1ona 9'KATONAH" CLUETT BRAND I I 1 flU QV~1 K U Q I u I12 ' gl)lllI1T1( v11- srapllloo-,th0 irt)y ~111 , 110 Bath sopplies of all kinds at all CLIUJIEAT T fLOkL5T. NO _E prices at Cushing's Drug store. tf. MARSOCLETNDOACHHIS CHOICE CUT FLOWER'. & PL.ANT: Th- Not oYlrklao 111ub11will 110 Pme iuet .sat.Ceaig thainSt. htlect 111011 1.1110 illt te.11110. allr~aY.11 ItIl li 111101 Pressing and Repairing. Clothes P11_1__Rllilr l_101 called for and delivered. Leave or- BACN-OE ONGT des at Cuohing's Drug Store, or THOMAS ROWE, Proprietar '1 l-oiocil11phone 582. $1.50 worth of work for DArirrt TITTTTl' *-wighE . W tkns Cf lcnyat Gi031111 111,1 11 110I gro wll111$100.jYr4 1.INI.I Dtrop usa etacd 011 323 5. Malta St. si. ll I t-elbalcony, 00 a genIeral JO PRNIG-MY S, 25 36 .5tAv.BlPhn47 and ha ve us eall fot-your wotk. JOItoRlNlyNG-ooo-d lSt215i326IN.05th tvMaleBSt. S.oPhun57281 tin~lg, iigcoe ovstr. 9. j anS.S hn 8.+ .+ . . - oWAONIIR C&COMrPANY, Importing Tailors . 123 South frain Street, DOWN TOWN. W[ [[AVE NOW READY - our entire stock of Z°ioi a _ Examinations, Ques- Law D OK~ tons- and Answers .: IiAN ABO BACH Sat Sret Opoit LwCALLAG HAN & CO. I AN ABO BANH:StteStee, ppsie awBuilding. LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO I WE ARE EVE ER UNDERSOLD-GOOD YEA RI'S DRUG STORE