THE MICPHIGAN DAILY. Z N 'f T'E M CHIG N D ILY COLLEGE CLOSED MONDAY. t VftI ufIff aneeirsIsesmlbrl s ofttratthe An On Monday college will e cloed R; GldI ci on11111 * rhr YPtot fl5. for the celebration of Washington's ± ~PI ollhed daily I. odyer.eeptd Sourlg the brthday. There are many among the true.y stttll cWshig too steet stdents who will take avantage of Salo hsele loo ieeac)PoteR2Orth oiday tomals short visits home, MANAGiINQ EDITOR: tt the gret majority will be bige S.MttY THIOMASON 1o remain itt Att Arbor and will e BUSINESS MANAER' able to tals advattage of te ifret j tioo11,. IHUSTON exercises ant festiviis. The exercis * As sve Iave toolareaseso cotted bythlbLaw deprtmett tokofttyEITORS beits at 2 o'clock in University Hall. stc*ffny (llttv ttat, o f. wLT The address iill e delivered by Hot. * ''0ASS IATES John L. Webster tof Omaha who in at- : SUTJIN65 AND tiltsl'ioo. tn eha, so to speak at the '0 Law banquet. >*V Grace, enIroy 1'Erinti At 7:ii is lbs celebration of Fond- 1 ROU[RlN68 A C. found. A. f. Otmyes. er's Day and address by Profesor (Car- Joef1 Yts.plt]'Ier, Stoddard S. Mo. rot,n Sarah Cswell Atgell Hall. Id M, d 'itnrioigg. I. Wolfe Jayne. Besites these exercises (ances, sleigh onhattd we will sell Go.A O'kott. Haod C. Smith. rides and other ejoytents are being ii'o a teduedj~te Harr oy it.Atdees. Sitred It.Koht. piatned so there will e no lack of di it I totoi It tot'e~i. cyde ..eliti. n for those so (ipitsed in this = to ttake room for otr BUSINESS STAF: short Holiday.- ' 1U .1. iioietpoi itn. t. ILloyd - Spt;d S utm n r it IS. olliyTts t )lI. T. tLttortte. FINE '06 LAW BANQUET. Wooletts. Be 5 su itan Edtor Today-S S. MORE. ' lEvryting is jreticaly riady -for * call iti efore youilplace the '6il Iaw blanuiet 1(o hi'giet ot f. lsoibcrplo 'rl"Illlrte Jeeear. mtike ati Oyser Bay. Ferary 22nd a 5 Ii. you L-de..A "A4 'A "A tie f lltettitttr ts 1 93.$.Sm. As thi'menbers of le class etier l - - - -the banqete all.they will si's a room Ofilca Soarsl 2:3tolt:3and 63o t 73 tasefully iecoraesi subflags.vellis' /r H li(_/ il p. m. alyansoiluettsbuntig 'li6Law anti ici- (L 1 Addes -RSCE B. HSUTN, Business Man- IOG. t. WILD &CO87 f. :Telephone, 461. tolstd Cooley. They silt then par 10s .WSIIOIN31 akrttse a a teitfuireld btisutteooantlinc- *1~~O ~rA 4 reshment. uring whlich tm h G Hrmototi Orchestra will play. Ateri "@*@*@ @ @ O @ SO@*@ 4 'this. they will lisen to Hot. IJohtiL. * -~~'estet the orator for Wasitgtn'e CALENDAR. Birhday nt some lpronntittmt F ___ I lits if the factly' atd lar. It sholi All bis W ee t'ili. F'.Hoftittoo mithin L.he'mentionedlthat Mr. F.o. Paie o *H'11SS151i 111~ ir corse, ittit5~t as a buieststnan atiilsek Fe b20-aturay-reliinay inooroi Sote'Laysro1IhavelKno'tn." * l~'k.2.-Stordy--reiiina' inoorNeiher sold t itbeiforgotitnithal meet, Waterman gymnastom. Wetywilttstsefrtt _ Feb_"o. 22-7:20 p. mn. Celebration ofPoesrW l01ilcm vrfo 0 0 'Fondrs Day." Address by Prof.tlb Literary Dcisatisetit anoil 11iht Cart'On aa a-hekn~os aottlLaos. 0 FemmngCarowinSarh Cs- The1' tittica a tt 'the rgamitis wli Atgell Hall. Sbject 'Dr. xotiil onally itit' itilh lmetltts by O Z9 o +.Fohnha, rfso pre n~teaitlls ogo DeostaiosofFunan uthei.Un.vFrityioghm"86Profe.aor PoreJnlitotawsill'hae im51go *Fel. 22LL--in6Lawo' sqttstsat.fOyster aonteisfir't' lit' 1155 0h1eiriebatqet; ~ Pttt'iits Otts'Xp't feott Nts'pt .-(tersswill alsi le ele tis fottai 1 totmanoltin tri tnsuit oic-Aesra. 4 f'ok ity . Alitssocs itaie NOTICE. Sutteatanqetti tatis plannedtl sill f r l~d pen l ie XS'.linltt e. 'lhere' iwill bi'ei seill'Itillgof siqual aly eriserceletioti vi gitett le lDaily odot i d Eilumee til ferS15'-ittthe Uiversitaly, attilall Ihal is ni. tooiitaiI ocikri t he Campu' stiieoffice. 2555C9 itora gordsimeiot'is tiativery IH vierg i t'itor ir-ilind t ' e it hstitlloyal ii ome iut. promit ly.i - - _ littthi' reetthilei Carivali at iiiiestttet'ietleiti ~ osBtton. Harar t siPntsylvana in soe uaprh11insem t h iule relay.estaisihing a new re- r hav isen i. iwith regreitoiiheii tior al a t 01 2 hci iatpered lin yeeiirday';e sil- I-lii:.liA 511 EHAN & CO on of tetai lit'A ewinedtl ithes ThE DE (LUTOii iSINGa t A111 Lillitii iimrsionhroDaily.eA fec' e Glee Club i TO SING.a t 1 015 sestts tikssl c n eta pessed tt heieiui bjieit'iof ilhe Washington's IBirthtay celebrtio,4 L'nt itid Ixpstigi , Sa- eitial was i to lisiitir u sefa tinal est' Monday ii Universiy Hall. Memlers1 itt' i i Itseahleiclelecitie. Nthng met in Rotm tCat 1:45 ws fsa1therifrofeits tereal aslut he( ________ S320 South State Street. l etintereiIss othi' oathleesoea- A SPLENDID ADDRESS. 4 **iotiwecithelii'stle Iprouocautn oithlie____ * o N i* N A.i** edit'ial an td whistever sintuimetile (CottiniiidIfriotm 1pag1elitn. witeeex'piessei seresnaie itiaspire- I. 'he Ann Arbor Savings Bank. ly nolnpatisan sirt. The Diily t- not o iiir wealth ani titral re- andobvousy mst se- solutely sorese woli he tf no aai. We are I 'oiitw VSit. '. iouutitsurtlus iit 510Sii.nitrl siittaslimatsteshi'efatin timke eillres tiiuet' wtmlekesito Itt-otiurcet-s. d2.10 GNRAL BANIINi BfSINES aset'concseted.svhattvetey td. Withlliinelectial TRANSACE.Howtic'et'ie hi'teireoaisisiato- lertning stients rums to realie tlbs tltt''-.0 (Iliruet t>. iis ,ktse.'et. . I cotittedrsei'ecioinsitend stoitinishvalits ut all wurk. Let its leroid iarrirttan. Sv i' ct's.: ',5..1. rilm.Ca'shie.Igeteral sitetitiniresi ithAt hAlet- 'fatsuch a callitg as os amttiwih "--1is Asoitiitu o tian iihesooter , tit e ti example'5011 if lbs.(Gret Teacieitt 0. l. M rt UNER1AL tltienfile the athetic oiches increases str hers elis reliz' ts igthi- I R he b'iterefote li'asoialiti 'Pbshestiss e.of His ssieest sworis: I'is 0. in. iniuu, rtieily suggeedeytsteday may nt]imortee bleseditillgive than t receive." fie 219 . 4th Ave. IPho t i. Rea- be the best foe th' diseases ht it is Presient iAngell's aduress was te dettec 902 tiK5t Ate.lPhone 14. lbs otly paiale onei hio h'lea se heirtun a sirieto lit'given itt tititeo Ambulance oo call bien utge thits tr. 9 ofi Peagogy. Nest atid Seitid-baltd LAW aild MEDICAL BOOKS and TEXT BOOKS Foe all departments. of te Univesitfy tOR'SLE AT Walr's Book Stores DO YT' NOW Cea'roee.'leiisrotttesiottf.1. ,. Me Moe'lt. Eamiiiiof0 Nei Yick state BantDtti11.11 rfi iapa r. Ec fe ret itt a mte l(i clerctat host-ee delrr trg l it'nos ug litaper. glartrice-i'.3.00, se- I~litto lit(e t. . . . . TWO DOLLARS Marshall tn Private Corpora I tint eus e t o nnetitihclol 3263.)Stales. Bca l. * ANN ARBOR, MI. p*S*04@*04l@4@*0 N* "Be fair to your face." Use Williams' Shaving Soap. Sold in Shaing Sticks Tablets, Etc. THE 5 TU1IZNTS' [[CTURE IAbOCIATION I. Ilopkinson Smith UJNIVERSITY IH A L L Saturday Evening, Feb. 20 ;hhvT'HEHU hETR. DCAM MI. 5I2AIOLT, Manauger To-Night and To-morrow Night THE SHOW YOU ALL KNOW ' SWATSON'S .u t OrietalBuresqners- 2 BIG BURLESQUES 21 An Ollo of Exceptional Mlerit SEE THE GIRL IN PURPLE Prices : - - 25c, 35c., 50c; a few at 75c. NNO N~fNwO N~r N NNN N N'N4 Season Tickets, $1.00 AeO AttSingle Admnision, 50c HENRY'& KYER; MERCHANT TAILORS N.9UNIVERSITY AVE.