THE MICHIGAN DAILY. FUN FOR TWO DISSOUJIION SAuLE 51111ON + FUN FOR A CROWD + Some Special Bargains Left in' IR SFLANNEL SHIRTS FOOTiBAL + AN"SEAER POKER.*. - ___________ - Combines all the interest and/ fR I CUTTING, REYER & OQ*; retAricanetw Li nen (andC U FF S gamesRE THEBUT W at in , 01 bh p lobhes Sold by 'Wagner & Co., 2 for 25 cts. B u s . TVii 01vv il- 0 x11 111 C). 01))u 1TY d t32_%S. M aj1 t . F.can an laD ty -,11iral.yELl Wrk ( {, _, (>f ^c £rA L B E K F > L ! , L U T Z, { y p lsass RENTSC:LE1 1 o to.:ln }i.initheL e !it 7: -aen- h ea at ilI',° -I0 1 \ , 11Cllll l'0't1 h e a r. 1 - l 1111111~~~~n 1111111110APAE ETN.10 N -OIE EAESLAET r I c y a lli llI il li 510 N oliI 11 1( 1111111111111111and Iilal ioi . 10 01 1 j'llablloL' cs 0011Iloo 1,11 N 1'>1 11111111 1 l; 00 I(W~i lpioO ad mtid Ptds inu ii'tllrs nd F yi r ae Ls-l"' 11ti( 1onto h p10son 00lilyd 11111.1fll 1110 Now I^ lti 0 lit d boo a 01111 1111101I)011111y ta111111 011115 :i.d1mos11R11N1T1s1C11L. Ltd ra thion reir ed.t Hle r JefldS d D pt s t It3 A~r cirirt 5 T~kl , 01 1114110 ak11111 o 1111Phot o ilhs I ry mitorloo.Re tscler tildForLt nSat ir-zll i glI 01111. 110111.CornertiliMain05 andHyl rCoolaStres t vo"h ta j. a.k 'lt ~i 50 a tiii 11 y011 ( tlllAIIu 051OligOlb hitay "~I hos\Vid igc i~ll t's Daily. LOV[[['S CORN[R STOREI. Typewriting neatly dlone. Sonior Fountain pont at, Cushing's. f. theses given special attontion. W. I. Y Willis, 1247 Washtenaw. Phone 803. CLASS RELAY TEAMS. tf. Thursday atl 4:453 p. in.All eandi-' B athsles 10 roftall kinds at ll ACO50O1RS11 11 111111 "011.It1111 ,II .0ia- ~LCU "Itiohing'o Grog1tro.11WSUL01 New Line of report at 1.hegmi. tatlie. Bels ndSkit ag Pantor1am, u36 S. State. Cleanin'. Freh. Xone'sAl~grttis, pa- Pessngand IRepairing. Clothes 1110s1rIeceive t row's. I-Toyler's. chlocolates at Cush-'caiied for -and delivered. Leave or- ng's Phiariacy. If. ders at Coshinogs Drag Storeof i At Darling & Malleau x ' phone 582. $1.50 worth of woola fox STUDENTS-Insore ytouookosand $1.00. 0 '11SELL COR ASH 111 WSardrobec three yearn for $3;00 at a01 ELFRCS oa littc l ____________ lllll'1ly coot oif $2. Removal permits granted JOB PRINTING -MEYERS, 311 froe. H. G. Sellman, 613 Williami St., Main St. S. Phone 281. Your Business, Reoal Estate or partnership e. o. d. 124._________ ti11c 11u111lars. 1 Il ll 10 ~lI111'University tudentn desiring totie00 co lor Es. 110. 10 dress oo ree-..A heautiftul collectiiin of hoototuroelpositions to teach will fhndlit 10 C HA. BPOW L1il t,t .1li N'{ old songs~ will be givon ever pur- their intorest to write to Jaynes F' chaoe of one dollar at Root's Music MeVlCalloogh,6039 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- Hlouse. - wla. cago. tf. 'i~liibitldig to A:ph tw ;lisyS fisoe t wi t r o} 1100 111-ro - e11niiovetlr ilc the slit 0iilY3 (f1b11 ter 0sericethanIi wso 10v000 thouight possi11boleore.Tlo be hoorab~o le mirttleo11111 just ii eeryasdetail -T'o antIiia00111110iremeitso Iof 11 t e i li cdlas. lTo b10 Satis- fied swithi iothinig soirt of tth oifl iI 1100and oliodl 5will iof eot-rya'iizvii iii the cuniity. WASIII[NAW 'H047l- TE[EPHION[ CO., TP,-M lORAiCY Oh iICi:L': sony' oty treet,1101a0 Foiirthi. as the principle of I--"-----'-- --' ---'---___ President Suspenderts CYTA What one sade gives the other side C~rotxvn in 'Turkey. takes. Comfort, stIe and servtce. boltlGurnee . .Perfected in Lgypt. Meotly aoGuaone. 0 nonEnjoyed in America. and,al ny stao,ormaillprepuid. "OGLSMOKY. 'MAKES EC YIAN SMOKERS G. A. EQtARTON MFG. CO. Box 286. Shirley, Mass. 10 fr15cetst. CorIOTpsor Piain. Save theCouponm 21L 3 24 SOUTH STATE. Arkansas, Texas, Mexico and California... Are aest reached via St. Loois, World's [air City,+ I ron "ountdiD Route 1111 11.1ailytrains tol(talifiornia. 1 ''ll e calytin100t011Mcxiio. + i'1110l11.11 y tri 00 5to Texas. ll'11110daily traiii o 1[tot Splringo's. 4 Six dIllily trins o 11 l.tlo' rich. TOE BEST OF EVERYTHING. + WRITE ME. a11.0D. Armstrong, T. P. A., 133:1 Wiobtoosu Ave.,~ Ann Arbor. ich." Vaew Plhotogsrwphaew i0w001of city and mu05105. Flaob lights, lIn- teriors, CGroust. 316 S. Hlain Street, Ann Arbor W~ithi SeymouarStudio. 'Phoaie 81t i 1' Always Ahead The Best Al ways Ahead In Styles. In Stles.of Eerythng TATaiorin The Best of Everything in Tailoring