THR M1OR1IGAN DAILY. TI-E MCI-lGA D~LY of tse Association. The reason for ft ff _ thi conitio ofaffairs is obions. cttI~lion l Fotend ae r end 'lass5iater at the Ae The offaices rotate with moreorles ReduAriiir ost (tficis iret.regtilarit y among gthe fraernitiesand / elisgeyeareat C I 5Fsi ntoteet Thert is onet r emety tfettis tate *J G lor bl e ae Caet0S ot affairs-the greater Iar citat ittimi I l MANAGIINGSEDITOR Athletic Asciatiospoiticsiaby tnon S. fEMORY TIIOMASON raternity men. Inteenients git- as; _BUSINESS MANAGER:s lmtch it not mrtsprt i tirheAso- As we have too large iocoaII.IUSO iatio t hat raternity men stw liat sutbsripions have been tant away; stock of faticy i EDITiOS with, and it is no mire thai just tht fle - - - .-S. IAI.RAY they shodstihre riually ii the hli-) ASSOCIATES:l in of olties. SUITN68AND a hrnr stiensn. oy eebes- Thene is a committee of thret i S~A.IN S A',I. iratierucln1ry5P.-Erwin e ach itt the ftiiridetartmesaoatath- TROIJS[RUN6S A. Po.unad. A. L.Otmeyer. leticappiointel by the ieam atiitt, Jseph Y. Kerr. Stoddrd S. Mre. and these commiteeships are stil- .Ita M. lBrosrito,. 5. Waite ayne. ping stones to attletic tffie. I is ots hand we will sell Geo. A. Osor. itrld C. smith. ime he not-fraeritiymiemibers f thut treuedtics 11iry It. Asdrew,,. lfrd 1IeKlii. the Asociain were taitg Otplica- ffff hmjtreuedpirsiiuciusesB.Robtets. ClydeiL. Isisy. lion for cmniit(ec taittientsadi 10ostake roomi for oulr B. USINESS STAFFt participattng in affairs itfatleic Ihas.'1'h I..ri ais i-l'.Llyd aagetent. Spring and S u 11t itter i51. 5.ioiilitz. To H . Kta. Latturese. Woolenis.lBe snte siu Editor toay-HAROLD C. SMITH.', GOSP _FTHCLEGS call ini before a'Oti place 5 ii cripti i twit filnultuira per lacearesle Ineresting statistics have jus beets yoit ssl~ advanc ue.e iuitat ier Na.1.1903$. rAcompilei to shtw tie epeniitltres, at- pan r order~-4 A , largest a~thedace an Ti Palx a a'participants at variiiii S Office ours12:30 to 13 and 6:30 to 73t ags sehaeti erwsa p.H IL m O.qi. Duly. lthe last introlgit hotalt ei ll IV1 i Address-ROSCOE B. BUSTON, Business Man- seroteaae meui GaHlWID & COt~eer, 331 Packard Street. where 15,11111 peotie wereprsn.! 3108 f. WASHINGTON STREET. Telephone, 461. Seveny thousand hittrs a year is' - spent in California fr fotsitll. Thi- oci.5 spectators at the gamte aggrgate 90l: 2011 nd the lartiiants22,0ilRitt _____________________________ aning tracts athleics,.thi'statisttea f i-coil ...- ra : 100111 taricipants, 110 slut--- Z * ALENDAR. tutors, and n extenitulire sit t$600l ~ All ~ W eek, - 1(i--8lit i. mEngineerintg meting.iettt ano l~frnitha a sihas an I, i ailt5Vi l ii TO21) itt Prohessorlenteswill speaks tn the athletic satei. Ftutueir Plants f the nstattDe- cael Alt hisme ftotball geis atiLl-anil 1I'eh.19--i7p. m. Flint ictibimeeting Stnfordtwill hersattir its'lay-sdioni " i Mt usenm. tie-tniverity Cmpust.insteail itat *I e -i 7::3i0i11 p. it. Adelp-hii Sciety San Francisct, as has lit-sn t'litei, * mnit ingiteviostcomin. Feb. 19-7:30) Alpha NitSiciety meisting.iPrfestrFieeriklTuliriserfthei loch1-157 80 pti. m.ChoralUtineUniversity tf Wiconsin, will tatti DemostrThen oAFouiiiniaties ietig.itarAnof thesum rcutesini a YorceCiy.iiilsanci Yell- itRelivio ?"iind atItru'loskio Th3 eiiosCiic"nNw e Tedscatiorstrmsaltit- iisUi-- Letctaitioom, Tatpan Hall. iovitaildlt tt-auce-sofa it iuuiee-. Fecit20--FI Hopkinson Smith in S. L. ,city. A Larture cutrse, is niveritt Hal 3 FthThe B. &. 0. taitrouadthtsofftil-i-itits $ ' I eb20-Saturday-Preliminary indoor xhibit to l~e Is-tnviraty of thictleti- to 51A EH N&iO, met~Wtermn gymnasium. rnia art oithi- tew attscho ft it - Fondr p . elbato 0 itttii. "odesDay." Address by Prof _________ UiversitsyFBokellers, Sta- lemming Crrow in Sarah Ca- tioneis anid hEngravers, well Angel Hall. Sbject "Dr TRACK NOTES. Ceo. E. trothinghm' Professor *320 South state Stree-t. to the University from 1867-1889.1 The tractsmnptisn111Iisi-tutore A F etb.12-li'06Law hbanutet at Oyter hard wrts yesteeitv andt hey shoeii O*o lOOIi4i®Oi ay rhitntgoodt cioapt-liy-SSturuafr te 1 erce cntes f the preiminar EN RA 0j A situatin has arisen lately in Ath- meet. There are atrocity many c- lt As-ociatin tpolitic whicth is oh uits antI the numbeutr wiltle gritle DIE ) soehit en tillthsew o s nraedtdv'sthetis scls SLEO O OLMBSatliert This is the gowing tetden- cv mtiss yestedav antI thefolwn cy o the otfiests gt by deftault. men wee selectd: IL. C. Hulil. E. P-.,sC.- osn T-;- u nhiseiilast itecton nt on of the hank, . 9'. HDtemmier. V. L. Minut. tfur oicecs was rconestd. The re- 'nd T. H. Sehltsse..Thelt str fut-r C. M. "AJOR &s CO"rPANY stit is bathfin more ways than one. will run again ttdav t tcie wtict Before the Junior fop Null only lues iteret in the affaireccus et as alterate. Hils Liei h si goodth tusr tot u.ote--yo 5utile ate- iiolt-Assciationitwane' becauset-ohuwas 1% secontswhile liii-othes fity- houtue. t ophuse p-27. quiet eections, tuti thtcuters have to idlu 1195secondsl. Toay. trals will C. 11. lAJOR &. CO. choice of candidates, and the ealst e held tbv the '14 Laws. '14 Lila. '7 t0il14:. WashigtSit moens arc not broutght into the services Lila and '06 Engineers. LAW and MEDICAL BOOKS and TEXT BOOKS F ot all departmtentts of thlt Unver-ity F1R0K XliAl' Wahrs Book Stores. rt I N i i-m il igi ci iii'i wee. uis uit i-i l li~tci n ll tiie n Tia is. : >Itv 110 gsW a sgon DLus srot riflA"e wh- or a ~~cc.' Jby atal Taili110E.a shaingn Stick. THE[ SITDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION sooooo000000000000oooooeo ooooo®oooosooooooeooooooos DIEAN M. 5I7A13OLT, Mahaoger ToNgtand To-morrow Night THE SHOW YOU ALL KNOW .WAT SON'S Orielltal BllrIesquers I . IHopkinson Smith UJNIVERSITY H A [ L Saturday Evening, Feb. 20 9 3 I 3 9 9 I I9 9 2 BIG BURLESQUES 2 An Olio of [xceptional M1erit SEE THE GIRL IN PURPLE rSeason Tickets, $1.00 .4~s Single Admission, !50c I I Prices: - 2Sc, 3Sc, SOc; a few at 7Sc 5 0 M MQ , 1 flMN '1 Niiii#iNiiNiN ii#1NI iiii ii