THEMIC'HIGAN DAILY. FPuritan Shoes r aili Complete Line of Dress Boots. rAnn Arbor Store, I I I S. fMatin. Factory---Brox~koo, Mrass.t I f e I =SWIM -- Qlroivn in 'turkey. Perfected in Lgypt. Enjoyed in America. "MOGUIL SMOKE. MAKELS GYPTIAN SMOKERS MONEY LOANED ON Watelies,1Diansonde. -leweiryand all High + Class Chattel and Collateral Security. * KUIES TRCLYCNFDN I * Arkansas, Texas, Mexico Sand California... Are best reachedl via 4 St. Louis, World's [air City, the IroD frountainI Route tue a C .. .... . _. ..- sissi* t Id 1W- i iI trialt-to t'alit ia + ,( od('p of ~'Three daily teaits to Mexico. f "*;i ,R E N TS CH LE RFor anything in the line of + OR y y gK yFFypEq OR yp q Six dil triso usL.ilse Hock. (~HO IOLA E TIHE BEST OF EVERYTHING. 4 9 ~ 4 +1 ALPHA NU MEETING. 1907 ENG-NOTICE. WRITE ME.r *+oeRgtxii ers ih The Alphla Nit Society will nmeet Armstrong, T. Pm A., + CallilttFeiday inight, instead of Saturday Canidsates foe relay texat repsort at 12: Wltsss.c, PINNYCOOK, ~night.. A Liiicolis peigram will lie giv- gyualsa s m al u tai PENNYCOOK, + en, t'lie. AnAbrKi Theii sitiisiion:r 30S. sMtel-i. ________ ARTIE DIAANE g. gAn ro, flc. -4 Last -Siga Qfraternity pin._- . ~liakin 1107 . Hrsi slet nd c-Your eyes examined by an.I .. ii. t, .& .RIW Y ijelas esei s stfyCo f expert optician. All the let- Plili'5OFCA iSTANDARIMEriX7 ree-e-an.141 est approved appliances and methode INTER-COLLEGIATE + ts'r iDetroihiltfihsurly fi-sot i.cunstil LetA known to the profession are employed. FOOT BALL Iii pis th- itiey'u it.JICawiels et New eye glasees fitted, lenses dupli- Used by all the Leading +I lstiisiy tt Ot L: 12:ositl7. 55. owhite oldhaiu n ctrebutn ated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew- Celleges+ henit 9:15 p. i. ad tied .r wit e glcc. Fisider retirn ts lDaily elry Store. tf. FetBdall kspas ed Lse trust, 'Waiting Reem, HarenStH . W. ef Main. otlin- sirlphosne :155. fih utsrl ses sroade thh I wih ecansrips D' lmwill rtant di meeting of o the 111 Musical Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar- A . G. SPALING & sees. MA N' D UG ST RE Clu wl lehl iIio 2o n-row's and Huyler's Chocolates atCush- lInsortriated. versify Hill Thursday night at 7. i lug's Pharmacy. New Teck, Chicage, Denver. Spasldngs OtisiFotiit ii.uid se M.ID. VEIIER, lees. tor 1903. edtted bo Walteir ttsamp. lN "Typewriting neatly done. Senior P'rice it tests. 2o Iae-l 3rOJhlfnl theses given special attention. W. I, ~pup~.'.+I 8"+5I+ Fe a,-lg grasde piano, practical- Willis' 1247r Washtenaw. Phone 803. ly- tt-i. ('heap. Address Michigan r '+ bbd"+8F irs.ti-nt. V. P'esident, ~il.__________________ FISWT N.A~TIONAL ANK T'a CLSSRELYrEAM. Path supplies of all kinds at allFRS D,' I prices at CsigsDu l s OF'- ANN AlR1101", 1s1lt '1-.11 7 lit track team will be lirked ______________ CAIAL k-$00les'husrsday at 4:45 p. m. All candi- Cuhn'1rgsoe CAPTSA, P-PROITS. $100(00 sldates 4 e-oue at the gym. at that time. Pantorium, 136 S. State. Cleaning. 4 H. G. COORS, Mgr. Pesig and Rpairing. Clothes ain scalled for and delivered. Leave or- Ovt,0yea s a-5 1 conds 1I sirsit-he SaeB n . Trials t select the 19101 Engineer dora at Cushing 's Drug Store, or "I'dtess ldtosit-cameintoxitstente. reaytemwil ehed husayaf phone 582. $1.50 worth of work for lilt. s-tttns.resmedy it sethoolecollege W. J. Bosothis.)si. V SiOssisssus ternouoni at 4:3t0. $5.00. s5n1 asitic. fusstie cr-ief ito lite Wits. Arnoldi iii V.C. Vtaughtan R. G. S'1'EWART. LMge. ach~ stes adt:ceideitti ofso fe talt Iu.Ide E. .Mills ,tsottstesssc .tcieictdh Joh f c ilaa rer__-_JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 2151f st t" esI~tti of si-cey -tcttens-losdy less l1.iclt 'sot. 1. S. CoehatiaMain St. S. Phone 281._ for quc ic sstud :tilield ibefore Fr sik P. Giic-tu is itisn Martini Timtni rials for 1905 relay leans will 1 I 111 fc,,t'ltbaiIe tnSELL FOR CASH l l t Your Business, Real Estate or Partnership tc"lrpitlistIetc. d essdsscl CHAS. E.POWELL, B V.UFi O. Mohawk . Creaffi Chewing Candy, Sa ltedtieasuits. ftluesitterid Popcorn, I sackes t si Itresi daily. Cny0S.Kite t G I[ RI 3 MlS.Sates. .If.BU iT he helsd todsay hetween 4 ansd 5 1) m.' All caidlsates mcct reposrt. University students desiring to so-I STONE. ~geI cure positions to teach will find it to t their interest to write to James F. McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- Fresh Lowney's, Allegrettis, Spar- cago. tf. row's, Huyler's, chocolates at Cush- -_ ing's Pharmacy. t!. t Fountain pens at Cushing's. tf.I. t AILEY M. EDMVNDS. atATHENS PRESS Skate Grindingj PPrnxtersw 121 53. 1L1bosty St. t 1Zead Iloo..Aths+ h. letrc Bs4s.} c (4eaahto-ce,relsesita- {.sn;ln''settb uses,)ti itesil st01s soti ll Iitit A5 Nvonderfutlly eiii- vain srmdy-ue anid istrog. otics sid freshses si fcaftesaving. w 15 sets ~"Tleseseesswd !Iic~ i -iisuie, is d u olasasnbi ltesif hr O ac-t isos sill s-toss o!lc-mis, Subsititte- dC~u, N f rrr xsit seu-l 5 isetiut CcEggPT NO SU1BSTITUTE. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plsumbing and Steam Work. Aul at Reasosable Eates antd First-Class Order at J. Jr. SC HVH'S, 207 E. Washeagtoui. gIX[[R' jPHYSICAL TR UNING IN WRITING, the boot tsr all the people sit the time. is alt vocationes;for hosme Ispovement.i60 pp io-lluastrated, price ,5. Totted 2.) years. Three monts' correspondence coarse by Sathor 7. Foesa breftetime t will send the bitchad coarse for $1. Will lecture on pstistrare EceSrapd wrislag. todiMOdaorlone reted 5. Oonduess osestsod apse regforad writing. sI0nd.viuslt etaestdr . Buses' oPen althd one lesson. loc. Adtdress Prof. 0. IBMER, Mailson St. & Ogden Ave., Chicago, Ill. flOCIN~iVA~iY RYContinues Its Excellent HOCKNG V LLEYRys RAIN SERVICE At --_YOU WILL FIND - } [OUR TRAINS DAILY FROM TOLEDO Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains , UNION DEPOTS 19N TOLEDO, LW.ANMG.T A., Detroit AND COUMBUS 46 -.&-MLAtfte AL -V " I-- - ___ . I_ - - Always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR.. The Best of Everything in Tailoring