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February 18, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-02-18

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The Michigan Daily



No. U


Victor Herbert's Orchestra Made a
Hit in Choral Union Series-
"Parsifal" Selection the Fav-
orite With the Large Aud-

Girls' Mast Meetint in Barbour Gym-
nasium--In Favor of a Contest-
improvements Over Last
Y'ear's Affair Discussed.
't'tiesdaoy os-i 'inse i otl5:30 i . 0.ii i t

'the tPitsburgh Otchestren Coniut- eing-ili'of tihe'girls stho tak'gym-i
i'd by Victor Herer, gori' tbe-4t i silm wri t itas hili intI- it-tttii
(oncert in tbe ('horol Union os-iest room a1t Barbourt- (ymonasiumisihe'ol-' i
lst rugt, An textep~tiolly fitt' pro-, jeri of theimetinilg wto dis-us-t
grant was rentlered to a frge ndt ot- tdvistbiliy of hling it girls' to-et
Jreiaise anidience. Eaorliuiiti;ntis livyear. 'lih(,lt-ilieti-g as ntieLaoge
n-ao gisen genes'ti pplttiaiie thi'1 enoiigtoiipermlii itnth-inlg deii u b-li'
"Prsifl" 0s 1(l-ition rerseiving aviiei- iig gri-i-il on
pertal aoutnt,. -An e'ncore- wa00givenit Iir. Sniytr oaddrssed ili. t-i-
io bhe Violituanvi Cletioiolo. ],I]ow-it crdv alkedi abi u l styteti-r's met.
ing i t titisthepoga: Latoyer'smitti-.Dri. Syetr's-it,
Program. w51-vo l aitineci ieiissfil ta is it t li
Sympnoty Ni. 8 itoF ntjojr.lei- li hent -tlt -ltit, lit-usie-if tti- Masitutmbitr
Prelude, 'ars'ifal'...---ogitr f events ischerlediitt. 'hisieuse
-.Rchrdt-lSrtus tmelei-lhie m-et tr- ame o0bot sp-
Btallet Stiti1 , 'Rsuses it' odAttti "noii lostnrc m e -i. ]),' n de-
a. La Frcasoee. -tiut Ilttu if ai)'it--ibe- itluld r il
b. Grantd Pan deIia 'inces. Feir.terelt- w tilil be ti-its-i- an
tCellso Sol-It-. Hi-niers-I. avitt ionfsiion li.
. IBallatbiles- tssPaysastivudlis IPayi IOnly gios ilwh ior n i lt-gyittt-
i'ttl i- ihi ilworn iand-ill lt- tll iti-i-i
LECTURES AT NEWBERRY HALL.!('cniinwl lalwdt -)t
________lii The lii Iit is wiill h lonili~g iii
itis f epeialiltres a th prs- lne of -ith t'work idonet re ii tl i n i
I'1,tlim tfe to ne a tht's Pri fessori- flt-i- eI gvi- pra iii tuig. J m ig
oni Fri'day Sal trday vandtStiuly,- ti - o-~ntlices-i ronteach of gt i'
its-nthe ausicises ofthiei' iS tuets'i rer tcassw r akd t gv
Christiani Asociiatintotasirve i-i ipiin usote disbliyo
tong onid huoinurbletcre sr ifi tianasi!os tilinga i cer. iti IAl1 l tioke i ittator of
i i thIl regulaitonus wtilit-li
a missinary ond tdu-toiir 1l'r it;
while be heldthetb- shair tf Hottitlilcts, snulut gwas te, wichiwastif lit-te
in U'niotnTheolosgiral Seminarviy ito''i-;titit tttitL i s itl it it~i
Ethic initeIIm erialin visi ilit ;app l'iod cotitteeiisfr o t-iteli-i'
swas calesi to the chair ofiflotsophity.
and Hitortyiof Rlgionini itniontit
'theolsogical Semiar ini Nei-is Virtp- -
lHe is ithe. viiaut'riof i tititi-uti arn-d T H E M I H
liiu ok;bt nEgihadIJapanes-.lteariniigespectialoly-upoithei
relation'fChltstianitttI-iy iltotegat- -
In 19031 he heldl this-Nthvnel'TayloDEIVRE FR
lecctreshipt at Yats-.Iihsprsn
itelof asset, 'PtfessorteKnoxuhs it e sit g/I PI
excepioinsally nsuccesflt.Hii pa $1.00o M RC
ablity anti his itt- teroaiyh,
won for hint thus-intenisi-lveanad
mireatiotnttf his studetslt-ti r, MAIL IN ORDER
that falls ti hlt ottfewIte iathers.
His success upn nthe let-ct-tur iltfoirtm '------ -.,-. 0 -
is attested by the fat that le is oneir
of lbs lavrite speaest CooIpiert Il-ift heclss glthe-i, op p i n ilon ofit e i iti
ion,.whselt a a n'sit abvlity, o hut to irl is ia iwihtoloniii lt-" t-
hoist a atge audietici- attitsits-tisltl Judtgig fs-tt -tiepitio sti 'viiiat:
lytii oi ga tlsw eeso dd 'len que tigins tel- O N A O C A H
suth, Theting, st is tea('nablytcaitaMt's
hs aervtli"'l'ied('trioi u usuaioit atti theiii' Pitith tut w me-i ill tutl-I
I-toe ntteal ci a fei ir tin a mtet fthlii y -ieair. ts 12ih ji
PofesreiKnlitwislsdelivier te o- ~ uitsit tli tt iuii 'isti
these "thieFs s ti v-ChistiVi gee-, lio tivtg iliv'i}tiit--'y
ssa e. igndiThse C' itmsas titnd ',y loliv-d if}as N-it-St coih
ltionghiunit. 'Ilis- FofilvyfahtiooSotlltetitt
Heens rilly nits- b e pes onali ii- vt lx l ai-sli o 1,5 , o
s-one1ene withtere iterestdinyMSeCGInalsoPEDAsitgoY oaThin.
thesengmaneersln iigilaly ivlpoAitin tuh'vig closedit vth-iyetir ti
wha ai he cal - th -svuton f iconr t tit-hitig ttnd it il i it t ry a t- li
MAYhrelgoTpolm sT.LOiSly bel ofsh-irjoi Tenntis. tiri villt
me- etleds inlbehs- the ul i d 'tira S1P ttIAtLtrPt Dlit-listil Flp LT-Ii.ut
evtiongsmetime agonses hlli Anbe cure nthesur.e n
stil ope, an tutw whtherit rto'Ibeacink trll tbtentirfatigediris
MAetrY ilGbOmTi SopUttSl it aoigeit rtave.lTs o rw wil 0bue
The threesiinsrfuiteiplte'theits-rlie les irlexSecies.Ngggyo Lt
cLors.Epstonwihws ea le n nitl occiupryli-itntsouifau-et-c-
lys-atldnh te cegofthe Cthaoal, atanitoir to ibev-it-robytif ,itr i-
theonsbjetiwas agin beeghitoupetohri. s'sils-illi itult-ii
trtilonanprobly eatenh le - 'no bet-rwiltldcsuositno f lebturvauts
thebps-wstle ta iswopoalwleth signfedrueadaigssandrporvtst andit
the tmeme nr to emers(hi- qneitratttiyl veilrtfiols-ie nous.uetiht
byorot. HIalenabnies tet- h isursev uthierhmesioitt lit-r'-
Lngoftnih Ct h ralgtlarsiIteheFriayal ine-st-i tit-actrts t ls-ft-ri-nt
teseng as'cockin botheScupuobyofheihso lteillscbe conbuis its-rie-
Mitfictatlywhhtimnhn wilunpe - tht enelfomtheipcritcisgifal stnin t.
trpred oriveablpositveentmaefThr isllheroiscusio n-anthlitalue ti
therexpeneof heatipo Atdte egn-oofttnstatueiscvlei'narsead uture tf
tarheeabrslo ne-iTesdayeentiongsteetanf telain lsantminitti
eyve meicallabuesxleet- lscthemey aicsnieuautnofthewuil-i
vngoan fntehrly deide s-h Fi-dqnen-thttestrsentonbe laedlaog icofere.
s-eion cn e the7 tripckis taite achol'o'slstesuwiljnet ethunFedsayfpeb.
Member atwitiroablypaywisbepow nt,at ivciicinmroftem2xhtoset.
texpense o H ti. A h rg-pallf etoeragcheshonre,nw f

Intenesting Lecture by W. M. Cheneryj Eloquent Speakers Will Respond to
Yesterday Afternoen-The Effect Toasts-Among the Speakers are
of French Nattonal School Hot, John L. Webster, Dean
Upon Arnerican Architec- Hutchins, and Profesors
ture - Public Build- Knowlton and Bates.
- -f Iho-fInst year L ast class, durinug its
Oh 111 ntil' (1. iCti-tny.,Intucit'or infshortI existe-nce, has bl-iedthsu title us-
tkreiilctue i th t~iv sit d ins-trshni'n"anditsston itself one of
this'ost toiginal anid enthusiastic
'ru-il ti lecturetins-tutueiiArcht uitt-eits-:slasses ututthe canspus. Ithitsnow
Frnct-'etsini-eM st u-im 100ut1tins0-rolom vuantcipted-ulthe senittr class* and se-
lat eu-ut tug;'this lectuii's'itwis tutu of s-tnt-ti lsn. Joihn L.Webster, the oral
'hut --ntis-fli-nitrisonii"('tnteunuit- lt tar \'ashingtttn's birthday, an the
'tiny I-naiut-u''' iv hui-li is lu-hu tuu itltlive rsinc-ipal itpea-kernat the banquet ito
!ii the sutt suifthe it-'tit 'iuy Ithis; hut-ldlitviOyster- Bay Monday eves-
wsiter. thug Ater.Webster is tine its-the hbraitn-
hlir. Chiut-utudywtlt-u at iluntist1 upo iutlusimnuoutuf lbs coutryantihis sut
thei Shoolof Arits-eAt-lulur inuPisavis. jut-Thett i tietdStolen and the Or-
Ie dli-sc'ihein'iihuttilthe wa- toy ht i-,it''is t-sttllyappuropriate as- a
wihh0 suden-utost-tiektadissiotol lthis lmoetwhtenthens- is tntense interest.
renwne school ttuI uta Iit-i tinit I rl tin-ri- inIte Eostei-in qutestiotn.'The class
'I Theii utnut-nerioftfori'-gnersi'whotuarveuav- will alsouterlut-Iainthe members of
lowe itou-littil unhats hut-u-utmited-i lto 60, thu facutywomuthey bahthe first
{-a yeu-ti wiitlet'e lit-uotlu'uuiuui-er it-flngw vt-muster, andthI)e-an Hots-bins and
tiue isallowediulto u'nroill u-au-luyearu Profettsvsors KnouwltontsatushBates. hays
is limtei i-l fouur hundredl.uil lT'e lint-a-buhst-itstubjects vt-ny itetresting to
tutio tutu onltili 'in utstudenu otsvws han-s. ther','AW . 'A'sWedemeyer,
lit-ibeoust' tut'oreiers threteneu-tt-tits-heut-lueh lar, a veryaituy and s-to-
Sto u--ttuowd t li toIhu ntittudtltus-tin thgunt spesaker-u, thu F. 0 Paige, atn
cii thtuli sc-h-tt I so utighily hut-':alehibustiunss mntauosf Detrotit, mens-
tnd. Otfu llttu'(lust' foreignrs whit'lues itiths-class, andh tther spleakers
gaint ii ilaut',a aritt najott shutiyavI whouuntths'comnmittsee has strsong hopes
thei litsen ot ime arettu'Americaun.IlTe aiof' ptItitle still rsponduito lltoasts.
inirutstioni iin ci-iiuuttuu' u-its u'noi tiherestill alsoi ill'atn elabotte e-
sittaced iietu-usut hatt nutsitu'is ial- u, ptot tis'ditoat-aitons, atnd gosod
lu-it t o studyvi iy t shutli- olaI fu-te hat'- ;mrtois-, hliin luing sutlotit by ''Bob"''Par-
ill'g eacted theuge if tlitiy yearIs k,-letadlrisis-tlbsGlee ('hltb.Matty
In regardutol lt ii ttlipar it i tt lutist-I fet-urittssaor-eteing tdeveloped,
OV(I' ttu I i taltosin architectureiandtinte liresisi orunnilng high its the
Mr. t'iu'uui-uy sitoil iuth itntrest.- Its'tclass. 'heti commtittees- tesires, istt es'-
Frnc he t itt-t ltui no1 ttunly ttps ii', to impreisis uptosnall membters of
inice=t of utt ittut' hut uilhihibuildl- i tt-classothts desitvability of gettitng
lut'ins s-si onitli t-tinsuresofty thenirikets as sittutsas possible, as
f -----v_-_iarragemenlts acording to the number
- --- - - - - -~.ailttdiug miust tie matte. Ticksis are
- ~$1.001 each aututcaii le securedtof s-he
commttee.i Malcomuu, Parker, Hughes,
,G AN DILY _____e>an Ytt'


Isi I ~tv \\Wvde has rccived the
$EO E 1.000 riiannuncet smueit of ite antiusal fellow-
FISTfi teIEast'5s-famous swsmet's col-
Ilueu-s. 'lteve-eifsellowships worth $52.5
ORPH N 41- ii u-evae-u-us-us-tr cotmpetlitinho 5th-
.SORPO E4$ht whit have gravuuatedt srom atty
hut gs ngouodsistandsitug ansi have
- - - - --- -- --- eursu--lat Iseast a year ottasdvatnce
siuTuldy vftein obtaiuing their first do-
-itt-l uti- uitt tgauinstuliii- tut alsit gut-i' Thiese fellouwshipus at's'awardedl
Ireii e i thes ei- ughi tuandto son'(s'jt i nut'eek,Lust in, English, (Gemnuaiansi
exen sithe l g-uu-uu styli- its-thu'esc- 'lu-itttumlt-Phuilology, Kusmatice Lan-
liii lilt- gistr't-es, Ihistuory tin Economics anti
Ster.1Clwnetry illustranuty-dlisly lutre hutlius's, Philosopthiy; Mathemaics,
lwith 11ility ves-u-to f tpublic hitiilies Phuysic-stChetmistry avtuiolothugy.
hut 'tunis wh ilt-lui suit'ifts- eii-motst 'The fellowslhis are itntetidesdas ats
1 atut iu if u-luiti- Aimontg It-e more houun, vutulare vwarudesdin tecognition
ntedlsof ts-ele-i-et-s wi-rn' lii-Htrteulif lureviusisataitnments;I ansd, gener-
{d it la ltthelii- alutis dei lst is-uutuhd -lly stuevatinug,they will be awarded
lbs chuuui vilu-uurc hc otintheii tombto thi le sanduidavtes shah, have stodied
if Nuitiu n" l hu onugest-sin whose work gives most
01Sfhte hutilittut t-wuihhtr'tut- Itrse-- uronmise-its-fuitusresuiccess. 'The hold-
;itt-cuturn- isluauvtug upon arcth'siltec'itune'eriu-ttsf fllowsshipt is expected to take
in Alliha Ale tuhuiery soul drttuvi- as- tryst tue fall gradutate course in
thuc ti-'surut alre-ady turn'vstlet-itt 'hts'thus-deprtensit itiwhich the fellow-
itt-itoh uitle-saututli'is tIelit-iy ofittshipu is awardleud,vnd to show, by the
\\tsiiguuu swtit-luis blilueatutifiedt priesentavtsiitnofa thesis sue in some
hut ussun u-uwilt h-euuelih idels.'lbs othernmannuet-, that lieu'studies have
saitt-is tueit- ithitues-itit-saul ut culnt beenutwithotut result.
jltime it mutuoni-sut,' th Amuesritants, - _____________
trill vdotulthin Fr-eh ideutauuandtitulto FORESTER'S CLUB,
vri io ri-ar bildinugs 11n1otutny int oc-___
t-lieudancei'with uiity pbut wibhutneyse At the' regutlar meeting sof the Mich-
aisi toli ts- vesthetic, Figan Forester's Clnb, the members
as-re fortunate in having present Dr.
ATHLETE ENTERS COLLEGE, Clark, Assistant Profesor in the New
York Stats' College ittFotrestry, who
jITenttik suauil has ru-tiin-t a is amtipuesettengagesd in worttfotoeshe
The i Un~~~~te s ,adto inheUited-ulStaleshBureauotf tot restry. He
Iuuluiiu ut ht utths- snitoutflgate a vry intrestinug talk dealing
IsRou se, ' alifourunv iarepahatotry schoosl wit.tioresury wtotk in Germany ansI
vtbltt- who lul-sht's-uso eluls-nthus-liii- v-is-bhue Butreats.
versity fur thts-s utsont Isumsstu- lie' ir. Van Fstssen sit Ypsilanti, gave a
tas muadet'stimlii phe-unmenal recostrus shunt andu interesting talk on s-he
tbis sit Michigan which was listened
with thle Itele-und uut lsht vdusul to wills pleasure
le Ks-thus'Fitzituvrit-I's coavschinug, he-1IResut iossuwere itiroduocedhs-atik-
vsuull elu-n-into a sivtnve it thseitug the- Lufikn KRuleCo, tort-hue sam-
weiglul uvenuts.ItRuse is six fueit six 111les- ofcale rutles which they hash
itches it buight antI weighs 2.35 lbs. puesentedh to the department and also
andu is sasidlt bseu-nry fast.iHe ahso, 'hanking the Cloquet Lumber Co., of
havsv conusider'abule reputha~ton vs a :C'louquet, Minn., Es-ale of David Ward,
footuball player, Al prsesnt hue is D~eward, Mich., and Stephens bomber
Euofinedlt(.} the houusse with an attacka Co.,.tif Was-era, Mich, for conrespaes
suf tonusilitis, tush sxpecus toi hisostlisa showns meunbers of the cltb during
day or tan. the Chriatmna vacation.

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