THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. SIf You Need Anything for FUO W + FUTN FOR A CROWD iHi1[J-1 X In the Line of Men's Toggery Go to the Sale ~ F O B L ' POKER... - -ATCombines all the interest and ~CUTTING, REYER & CO. great Amnerican 109-11 1 East Washington gms S' PrainS and Shht-War Bruises.swxgT B. EW'aTkins, ENTDIWNBOB O. Drp lt, Ia: d o323 S. Main St.* 44 Alsfit.. Chiaaa ~DfLEI.,eyloe if P anatrnsen o ort oLeah r h e ikl -r- t c -iyeia tE ani a ?:llc-F iy h lNd ll A L. E lTaLaV Ti- aaa ala l ' - t male r ilbl k r f Pl o og a hsF a m ng C ll o R n so l r, + Ilsiana 289-Sr. Corner< -Mainnoand.Huronf Streets I( laa I-%- a-icar iA '-earl -na il -ith h a . ed a iim Iff -a al-linit htsi -lay al i. Ii ia - sciene 1 pta tesil a +, +a h I ti M llfllaker (o f otgapyhit-ig -l o enshlr fat 1.Sr l i i-a(i-a-i a w cta-a aa aa u -a a . Ifi al ' W la fr al Mr. (lagr aaiir '1ti hi ti- iiln Associia gea $ .lli alaci isa wlaiirq "fs+ a ++ ++ 'll+ nw s eiiis a dacing ++++iimn-ia+ yeas. Ilvaneerland.ry rilldy't Ilt ll 111a 11'aiiiTYagNRC .a1NEall Elay Sal Nla . t~ 4 (]licI-inilirlieof illibreakingi-iS.avf.d(Is 15 1 ill t'gypi e lilla 'aItIahaasatai oldsonaswil b gien eeryprr 1is a in sg r atttipriina bchase of one dollaria Root's M usi - 11lse wt x~ ln, (stls Id);sc~lI>a s l', -aHilaa-rgi llial lii- & a din i-louse.r wnorse D'at It. ~ 5 ~ tbl - ta Ira Dr.coweI' )I( ,i- ; yptanOi issod ap~ ars aI thoA I~ this a t re onaltl i sad ext ert op tici an. all the t and uarnted to gv(, atsfaeiitby 'Pafrdail lli- isalid tla heli- thic adeyapp ro d p lnces ayand meh ds Quarr I' iampu 1)[] illilStliii crIt of a them all- &aidm lana- lii o n t oee t h 'lse epo esion a eve n. \\ttSe la aiaa. ,aia a -ici aii : l hearth i New eyel aySacsftted, aya dul-94 l- ,IN1- -Ep iIlmipai ofta eS.-Iit . . t ignaica --aed -ra e rpied -a e'sJw this all- o a aai-is-warl-igantatnu el treA batflcolcin o t i t 11 i13( 11( Fram e t a l ex alia s ile.l lli lla I od sogl-l butv n evr p r [OVEL'S CONER SORL llaiockiatta-dg s aSialiI th:tei hs f ont-A oplacebotbuyoppularMahee Ill it onslturdl11.1 l a li-stoftagoof cle n iui t1 et e oy e u 21 S.For~i Ar rn. uic tlalak a'yareuThagaitarco n dow. Annurborye saicedGti. a SE L F RfA H i eanttaig l s inathia t i- . a hecho-Iesaprove _appianesad_ mehod dt h i c31 c 11" s n all that ata iepra. il Fresn o h e ownessioarettimpar-ed \Vlldo%"S lon , i a faiire i itelf for un-irow's y an ssyersfChocolates aduCas-I YorBlUSRa saeo atts i thIoB rIin NGy -coMEYrh rs, kbing' s Phfamrma Hle'sJw i al frcoi aut n ctesiring ^'to f- tee ie pca teto c HAS.. he.crPOWELiLsaiito oaa Y curepositinsCtoteachSillRfid it ouilis, A247las tenawy.pphularsheet lae i rsl inre a t wit t ms f t mscat 0cns*e oy e u l'ttt tulealoigh t.689 e Fin e ry i AraBdgC ind -w. _AnnArbor__ usic_ C cagoR tf Bath suppliel ofdallrekindsTiateall Bels aldSkit B gs asnalenaat using. rics atdGushin's CDrugatst. uh Sold by Wagner & Ce.. 2 for 25 cm,. FOR CORRECT EVENING DRESS WHATEVER THE OCCASION MAY BE WE ARE -IT- WAGNER & CO. IMPORTERS of OPERA HATS [or Rough Hands and face lii It ii. l i-amisI thie ao thin -,dilibrti iii Ii use ad t-(t ,tickst Ireal} 25c l alis 3 24 SOUTH STATE. a at t{I Pantorium, 336S.-iState. Cleaning,9 Jsalreceieda STUDENTS-Insure your BooksandI Pressing and Repairing. Clte ArasTxsM ic AtDrig&:alaxS Wardrobe three yeara for $200 at a called for and delivered. Leave or- }l aifri At Drlin & alleux cst f $2 Remvalpermits granted diers at Gushing's Drug Store, or anClion.. free. H. G. Sellman, 6151 William St., 'phone 582. $150 worth of work for a. o. d. 124. $10.i Are beet reached via } ___ ____ St. Louis, World's [air City, OUR- ?POLICYth 'heb'ldllinipiaiighi-Sytmwtheey p ilk: ud IronF rloauntain er1 improvcmienti; thei gtiiig 4of It tatseravicc than wasieethoullight Ropute possiletbetatre. 1To be hontotrablcritirteoti anaidjust inevryaetnateail. 'o aniticipate requliremets.To, a k-ltrcoiise inptdif esica 'To lie satis- Io atilytlatilns fit Califloria.11 Pied with ntliiig ashort of the ciantiii .en -mad good will oflevary iitin hiee dailtaritnsto Mextao. Fourdailyrainao T~ieI as. bI ' lii tot athIiCE Liberty street, near torh Si diyoranntlitleRcki A OF-----N T THE BEST OF EVERYTHISII. WRITE ME. 1 i r r 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 M 1 I I I 1 k NP Suspenders work in perfect harmony with the wearer's every movement. Comfort, Style and Service C-r ABSOLUTELY Per GUARANTEED Enj n Trimmings cannot runt. OU MX Primee0c ad $.0, aney store oremil, prepai. *OU M THE ii. A. EDGARTON MFG.4CO., II Box 288 Shiire, Maa. 1 oti Always Ahead In Styles, MILWARDq1'4,, THE TIA CIGARLTTLS rolson in Turkey. rfeceed in Egyp. oyed in America. MAKLt eCYrrIAN SOKLRB I.D. Armstrong, T. P. A., 123tWl 'sahteaa Ace., Ann Arbor, Mitch. + View Ptsotodi'ephes' Vis if city aiideamaps.):;lsh lights, Ia- terlars, Grasps. 316 S. Main Street, Ann Arbor With Seymouar Stito. 'Phone 819 ULOR* The Best ~ILOR. of Everything in Tailoring