THE MICHI4GAN DAILY, JUlST IN A new lot ofte Ion . . Black Suits A LLS ITN inVeti t ,'he tahios a.d ortes d. *Dorothiy D d s d sIH E in single ir doublerIn vtel. 9R ayamitie 3$3.00 FOR [AD[S $3.00 $1, $18, $20 TI r7 ± The only shoe In the world desigined by a sic. all uisect the0 ir. le lotierwomen ---fo womlen. scl. aiaalloi217 booth]h ran tret. I fMACK( CO., - - Sole Agents R D L0'° Established 1881 106 Huron Street, Eas J RNDALT~l r BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE Weare prepared this season so meet ey dmand, a F e increased the number oi nckmn. nA asual 110T0GK A P H R we have ff~e Finest Line qf Woolens il the f city.Art and Skill will predominate in 0ur001rk ac in 121 KWsigo t, S. W. BURCHFIELD OYSTOWBAY >II ANOSTEtRIIIR, Caterer, So."4SAIEST i oney Loaned; TEIGHOITY TOITY." CHICAGO LETTER. Wths ~I11 [h r fnal scenery andaillight, ef- t'Citiiioed from lpg' 0n.1 fe l s d in th e N ew II Y ork lp rod ne- 4 1 yard lash, sc n in it e (1u1r 11e 1 O r ot e r e rsl(l~ lo l 0pr oerty of c lino H ily oity"at li i'cier & mile run, an id forc i st rlin lihe vale.'Watceseand J.1ewelry iAe- A - lsow roadI~way thelatre., a.e(to Ihigh ajinmp. Lightiiciy won Ithi'halt paird. iBargas in Wetctihe IC A I busdi the'prodctII~ionI lt'e(seen1an1 milelOin (ay fashion, a n(o (1011 and iuhilillmo. 11(0he 11Ath0ns''Thate lnlhrsday, ieigoligd 1to eer himef. ct tieeIt innro . 1 911 lii rs t8i AND B A N QUET o I~h adan entirely new 011(1al- 'The veeran1tak 01(11have Ibeen to ii II 1 . , 1 t ::Q 1., 7to W W H A L L ogt egorgeous 011st f costumes getinlinthocshape raher nlowly p Ii Al l Busines .-a if0~ili'- 1,11dm lre-dd T echrs in"'IImm~y'' 'aylor, will)well Stieq(ar- ialii JoSIptl C. WATTS. - real leastiof ean liv; i'he ll ('(cove s clipped a iififth of a second (ff f ies Spaia Dinerso.'a12 0to 1:30 ----_-_--'II 111 1t 1I'IIy lii elel ie(li'lp cig(edalaiii X- P. M. Daily, 335 Cats U cmeyis refr '(1esigly high 11111 or- 1n 7day117'lar cersall, wo I ELECTRIC FAN5 , . Fo-L d1inGeslesas ta 111'0e(('11 ('''ls and ligh wn t hi'dsinh e feshmnitryout ,5 £IcrCkfir i For efteIllel, dIlillg. All inl all, 11 will h ls 0111o1111a 0fifth (f a seond o Iff 'Tay lcrcCak ~k5i 31S. State St. Phaone 467 adoIl>inl [hlI el, 11111lyfol a 11111 a 111 'lis o nelap recolrd,t tl 'rcTa eLtn sic1(1asl I'lI co'meIy pointol i ew CIS, butl T'elintmerfraternity bowling lague l' crcT bl a p 'I a teat be'(1(11 sow.n',is atrating a great ideal of lte res, 4 -espeialy s 1C i l heoeiniiig (f lihe'al- in f-C -m , ~ i stemIa pO y.r c f e~ BullsickTabls ~ HEARST CLUB i luulpinfil (eReynolds rcnub 'he Daily COind"ade-- tatr l liestd n te en caio~rlihanofeed aia l er Iltrphy ATa p 110'l rolIl 1111'tti" clii bwleo-ir making hi' highet AalNA WH main 1( 1of 1i Ie s '1111 b111will meet' toI'idliiiviulscoe f e (li'season. ,Al ' WAthTL AW LIHT&e RED' BLLARI ARORi "h a 8 I ole ri l itlthe [11all resentl ime lhe highaest score lwled POWER, COMPANY I JAS. W. REID, Prop 312 Stae St., S. sweiai l'JI'l'e ll it eested in his tIarfrarniy leagu' is as follows: *+*t. +. +t+p*2+. y .L: mo e '((('i r iallyli il Ciiiiltilbeii 'dame Won Lot Pct.- 1 hvetes rvoAve th lr~et irli etc~ p Sert Dla aKappa hpsilon Ill 5 791 Iurkish Cigarettes and Pe Si _'l 111 'l\SIll l.S~ el h 4PALDI61S OFFICIAL evrir11i'oteiiy.P i (8 1 6 OOT BALLEIT Fine Lunches in Connectio. Oeavnaei edn eilCiPii 6 tYFOBL Everything -Nati '(l il,, I n 0 daily)newsp' perl i s t ha1t.i al in- Sigma ChiiH 4 61Used y all the Leadine 30 .SaeS .f.J L Y l allmii(Ill o(f ('111veninll legillis 11- idii'a ii'ii a I lColleges C3I'lSI'lS('(117'St. 1110 E.- nOL(L1(1 PiltaKall ta Psi07F ot all Pnts ice learn NE E Mltiile all m m lclliit11-raie'i e rii hbl ldighsli NLW *.-..tertof a lau trainPhPsi ili 1 a i e" 8 tn7wliclh 1 ir l e i th liio' toi~siallII'l if0 ligl ralc hi ianin 1db 5A. G. SPAING & BROS. DANCINGa111i1 1111ela11 31 sAerN~ ('iall st1or1' appears ll C'levry55(11' ofDla ' 5310 444 The 1C1ialloiecod~-ieraldl, 0alpopuilar S. A E_ 5 10 33-;n ew Yoek, Chiao, Dene dRN ER S fature1111f 11t1hat eerpising C'iiciagii RILEY H. ALIEN Sigs OtlI 1(111 ot Ba11111 G11 d daly A ing ille 0sneces'fu1 l lris -[__________________ I ( III(11111y SI lli 11 ((((5 w~~eal od(11,fiI 11 l111 ohich IhaveCbeen recenty ol'lIye'diby A NEWS SERVICE WITHOUT PAR'11 HI11 hi ynrllStort 11 1111 l ItrleadlIes are ''oldiers ALLEL. +. 0 "r r r wIll I"(0 'Fotun, ylichatlir1d11Hariing lDav- 'heri' is anmpe jsiiaion lfr t l'he ________________________ YOUCArGT ( ais I h al(f Lie, 'th.Lncky,"claim nook' by he (hicago Record - P 8 lbI ilneaa;'' Heiamo drad thal. is reaier'sejo'every' Pa Hot I~~un oh ~Kninod Itaint' lcwer,"Ib'y'11Clofs.nes srvie thal is withotlparalel ()IUIl. l A zTtte's, 338 S. State $xajr;" if Olt ineenlme's" b nrangl'ndlmpleteness Il aii- "1 1tit~t - ti" amr iceopson, and "trausark," ion Io theidpndIetlnews-afacilities by Geor~g 11. NletlcheC'n.lI, ery is-iof 'T'le Reor-erald, hal aaer re- Clnn. Prsi . Resri. 5111 contlainstls lo a siorI ilusraid eivel'sthe compllee news servic of 33 S. STATE ST. LESSONS IN $3 h*manlinterlelsC't" 1tory 1111tie eior- lb' NextYork iHerali and the Asso ¢', C,.~ s)' ..D N IN .. al Icanitdependil u11(1111a neve'r-failig niltha its new,,, olmns are spilpe- UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, Sate Street !surel f leIlIasantlentlerainent it meted iy all the speeial feares so Clothes called for and (ill' 11111heInoteworty fictonaut 11is always Iloplular with the housanila of readers, Delivered. Iocb fIn'dltoinis celninis, 193 i.will ie seen that The Reciri-Her- 55wrhiwoktr$.0 PALACE &. PARISIAN alil holts a uniqe place among the' RRLos-Anj J" [111, a wie' fantth ilgreat Inewpaer of te t'itd ..LUNDRY AGENCY.. tongldi chain anl a tree biiltSates 4 Laefrer digso w ite nglveFinoder retrnitoItDaly ________Phone 52 Office615 East OWiliamt nnt5iste07. 111( of il ho e :155.ALPHA NU MEETING. WoeS~~~~ eaTdtraddlerdpisity-'he Alpha No Society will meet Mr. [. DOWLER, Aqi. lioranl wneeting of thll'Misial Friday night instead o Satrday Clu__t'bs will be held in IRoom 24 itt Ini- night, A Linoln program will e li-Id PH T G A H versiy Hall 'Thtrsiday night a 7. en CALL ATj For Sale-High gralde piano, practical- Finder please return iir noltify BetaE. , S[VfrIOUR'S STUDIO ly lien. ('itap. Address Michigan lHaskins, 1007 E.Hiiriiiistreintd111re-; N N P NNNN N NNN N N ROT% U N DTA AG ET RI "LLEN'S FOR QUALITY."IN ,~LHGN ET~. $10.00 and $15.00 SUITS AND OVRCOATS ARROW BRAN D " The Niagara Falls Routse" We give the Best Clothing Values, saving yJQu from $3.00 to $5.00 15 CENTS, 2 FOR 25 CENTS T~ESLE I.±on Everg Suit or Overcoat yuu Buy. Makera of Clnet and Monaech Shirt AN9N ARBOR to The balanee of the month our Annual Sale is on we give you the CHICAGO choice of our BAND BOSTON$15.00andSuitscanOctss for $8.0t0rx, lbiumbern, NEW YORK $12.00r Louts, Kansas City. St. Paul amid the W~es.LA t , I M L .VRU E K)) ( i .I t i i r, ft Ptc fl& fie. For informaton and throgh tiehetscalltono ar f N + 1 NNr ON I+ N bone 667. 303 Z. SMate ESt wrIte ts W. W. CASE. Agent, Anmo Arhor. WE ARE _NEVE'R UNIEhRS0L4D-GQODYEAR'S DRUG STORE