THE MICHIGAN DAILY. "The Nigara Fals Route" THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to - CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connctions at Cica go for 't, Louis, Kansas City. St. Paul and the West For inormation anti through tckets csll ser write to WV. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Arbor COFFEE jMOCHIA AND JAVA O r wnRoastisng Aiways fresh 28a epo.uond 2i4 Main S. DEAN f,. CO. New Brunswick Tables A REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobacon JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Sate Si, S. 1haeuestit receivedth te largest and ineat ine or Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever brught ta the city. Fine Lunches in Connection. Everything Neat and Clean. 301 S. Stale St. R. E. JOLLY. N[W T[RM1 DANCING GiRAN[R'S Oties and Astdtty, ground luo ot'n Mayntard nSteset. $ YOU CAN GET A Hot Lunch At Tuttle's, 338 S. State IiF-SONS N$3 2 ...DANCING... Stree PALACE &n PARISIAN .,LAIJNDRY AGENCY.. Offie ll East WiliamSt. tstte 657. Wrtsalled fr anti teliered pomtply fi'[F.DOW[[R, Aq. GEORGE BISCHIOFF, ILOkIST. CHOICE CUT rLOWI7I5 & PLAT5 Chapin t., between Huratn St. tid Diller A. ,a ,AS.o PICKWICK si A. - BILLIARD PARILOR and BOWLING ALLEYS Fine Cigars and S. ROTTESTEINI Tbacco. Prop. MARS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI,, The Professina Hair Dresser 322 S. State Street, lp stairs), etetds spe- tat invitation to the ladies to cati itter pate tos to inspect ter neit line of hair and toilet goods. Try my Scientific Face Masage and Alanicure. i a sss sĀ®aNfo +.soss s + A I I i R Ousr Great I Pro-Inventory Sale D 20 to 50 P. c. DISCOUNT ! ~VITS, OVER COATS a1 Trousers, House Coats Vrnderwear, Bathrobes i $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 Fsrek.y Shin-O 79c1 "4 STAELBER ft WVERTH F C 1 1 t t t ALFRED BENJAMIN &Co. 141ILORS 0100 .00 0 S O~ ~~ss o~ IIANOSI!ZRIIR, Caterer, SOUT. TAT4T EVOLUTION PROBLEMS. ALUMNUS DEAD. ______Mr. E. E. Ewaid, of this class of '88, In atddiitin to the course in the Ele-, Pharmtacy, late of the Bureau -ot Chientistry in Washingtoin,ditedi li ty- ments of Oirgantic Evotlittion (Zoology, pihoidi fever in Now Orleans on Sun- :l) the Zootlogical dtepartment offter's day, tab. 7. For the past your he has luring the present senmester an advan- bees engaged toe a chemical manutac- cedlcoturst' ott Evoluotioni Problems luring company ot Cermany, and in ('Zooloigy, a). j heir service was conduicting augar rTe eouirse is suptptlementlary toi the f uvorks near New Orleans. He will be roarse tnt organic evolutioin and aims xbuied at lila former houme in Michi- iio give a critical apptreciation of lbs gun. He leaves a wife antdt tne child. dlevelopmtettotf the evoluttittn thetiry since Darwin soil of the hearing of! Cointinuned from page tine.) that dievelopmntt in oilier fieldis of I____ knowledge. The theory tof erouotitun tfstict a oteants of culture on the part lisa so protfotiudlyinfluencedl psychol- lof asutuiations lit business sten. toes ogyy.ethics and social science, to say not mean moreflue the future tuf tur nottingogflithtter fielids, that ant ac- r outry in a musical way than iii- ltainluiie uith the grotuintduntilim-Ivitutal generosity.,tie itneersit wise- telt of this theotry is a necessary tart' ly directed. if the' equipmttent of the student in " 'Proumintent. amngt the itermaonent any of these fields, as well as of the orchestral organizatiounsot the coutn- bioloigist who has an interest in the try stands the :iittsbuorgh Orchestra. broadler aspects of his sulbject. It it Uoder the careful gideance if its gen- the purpose if the ciorse to give the at antdl gifted conductor, Victor Her. studient the necessary basis file appire- Bert, it has at eadlily increased in artis- ciating in some degree the imptort of tic efficiency tuntil it stands as repre- bilogy" aentative if the biest standtards of or- Somnewehatstore than half the time chestral pterformance. In tittering a ailit hi'devolted to oirganic evuttiton, sconcecrt by this torchestra, the Itniver- partictularly t the potta-Dat'wininan; sity Muicial Society feels that it is developtments, whiie the remainder giving its ptatrons a cocert which will tie deviotedtoli the evoltiotn if flue. will aales to the dliscriminating and itehavior of the lower animals arid ift musically intelligent audtience for tian and ill social and ethical evonlu-E whieh Ann Arbor is noutsit." lion. A dtetailetd scheduile is potstedl on Program. the bultletin btoartd of the Zotological Symphony, No. 8, in F Major-Beeth- Department,.liven. '(Tie coutrse will heetontductedi by lit-; Preludae, "Porsitat,"-Wagner. ferni membiers otf the Zooilogical 'trone Poem, "Don Juan-Richard staff, tach dlealig with those aspects Strauss. ttf the stujeet to which tieluaustde'vot- Baliet Suite', "Ruses i' Amour," Opt. ed estteeial attentitont. It is opten tot 6t1l-Glazotinow. those who have had a year's witrkt in a. "La Fricassee." (tenet-al Bioltogy andt the course ini Or- b. "tGrand Pas ties Fiances." gunie Etvolution, otr witrk eqtuivalent. Violin tolt. Mr. Lurigi von Kutnita. to the-se twtt cotursest. I fellosostu, Mr. Henri Merect. The first meeting of the class wilt c. "Biallahile des Paysans et ties lie heldi it Tutestday afterootn, Feb. Paysannes." ill, at 2, in Rttom 12,. toiversity Hall, andt thereafter at the same hour tin 1907 ENG-NOTICE. Ttiesdays and tThtursdtays, untless oth- erwise arranged.1 Caniduates for relay team rettort at Thoise intendling to tabs the course gymnasium at 5 p. m. daily for prac- should hirst consult Professor Reig- tics. hard. MARTIE DAANE, Mgr. NEW TOMK L 3 t 1 UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 0700 Pa-nk Avea., New Yor-k tila t upk, intIImidtofi ie d ii Newit totttt. li I si t it'su-, oitt It. it.. .5 SIXTY-NINTH YEAR Bagiers Sept. 28. 1904 te :)lii iilii - ti- Rev, Charles Cuthbert 'tall, D0D THMSRWEARopKeo ROWE S orNRY 326 N. 5th Ave. Bell Phone 457.+ ~WAGNIER CO"PANY, ,Imjortinq Tailors o 123 South Mrain Street, DOWN TOWN. Wewllb wt yuLAWS: We illbe ithYouagain in a few days with our usual stock of a LA W 'BOOKS it will pay you to wait. CALLAG HAN & COO wilding, LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO; 0ANN ARBOR BRANCH: State Street, Opposite Law Bt WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-G OODYEAR'S DRUG STORE