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February 16, 1904 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1904-02-16

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EnteredIa seond ceass matter at the Ann Apropos of the interest cetered io e ac
Ii ~ uU Ct 1 fl ±Arbr Pst offie. Colombia Uiversity at the preset Nw ti
Z ; ollege yar, tl 17E. Washington street, a football game with Michigan, the
Sa ebasement fo r seeetrancet Pone 892 3r followiog iterview with Wilians R. TU
s IM ANAGING EDITOR Morley, coach of the Colombia eleven,LA
+tEMUROiY 'HOMASON will be of iterest to Michigan meo:
BSINESS MANAGER: "I believe in the west ero yoog
ROCEIt BSTON mao for a football player. I may bean
A s we have too large a lt~) n
EDITORSprejudiced, for I am from the west
stoc of anC DITOS:ht the expereoce at Colombia has
S tc ffuy attee. - - - tonetrs . EY~ shown us that a westernt mats is a de E IA
News.- - - - - J. S. .RALEYME IA
'ASSOCIATES sirable one.
y SUITINOS ! AND (tiffted Seenso, Roy Peebe.i V The western men, we find, havey
A. - I. rater. Henry P. Erwin more self-reliance and poh. They
* TI IOLISEIN IGS A. C. Posed. A. H. Ortnmeye. have lived ottdoor lives and have
Jseph, Y. Kerr. Stoddard S. More. btilt up good constitutions. Thenan
ohand we will sell eo. A. Osora. Haold C. Smith. selves."an
atrdcearce lrry H, Adrws. Alfred B. Koch. Coach Morley thinks there will e T/!
thm'it tI.lses ld .~ls radical changes in the playing rules T X
a to tmake room for oi BUSINESS STAFF for next year. "I believe," continued T X
C. A.Th'ompttst. wn. i. Lloyd Morley, 'That the rules committee (1!Al
aring and S u n itue r M. S, Kotltlte ILH. K. Lelhe mte B OK
Thos. L..1elsele. ' will do away with the twto systems of IS
Woolns. e sre ad Eitortody--CYDEL. DW l lay made necessary by the rtles ot
__odrs.B ueanI EiortdyCYDI.DW the last year. The comtmittee will For all deparments
clilbeoeyoutipla1c adopt either the old style for the en
calilh oeSbriptiet l'wlets pooer year, paable inr
adynrerdvanc,, A e e. Fff riteeseo aftr Nov. 1. 103, $2.u tre field, or it will have the entire of the University
Ofite ors:-12:30 to 13 and 630 to 7:30 to ptttinto effect from goal line to
H. IL p. m. Daily. Banen gal line. I am inclined to think thats
Addenn-RoSCOE . HBSTON, Bsns Man- the committee will tdecide in favor ol I VORK ALE.Al'
j O, ager 331 Packard Stree the checker oard idea, for it proved'
10 .WSINGT[ON STREET. Telephone 46. satisfactory to spectators during the i (
season. t do rot know that i cart to i ( h1JB o trs
4 l.***** !!!N60*4 express a preference ftr ither stylt
uin te of play."
Al hs W e 9CALENDAR__
All Ihis Weekerity i out otperae Pat iencye" at Athsens Miss Krikarian, whit livedl fr sone ! D O IT1' N W
N BY .V 5TH1 ''t)2itTH Theater, lete. ime in Armenia, will lead the Y. W.
kilO.C5'A meeting Thursday evening. 6:45
l o!t H r h t r g m t o 7 : 3 1. T h e t p i c o f M i s s K r i s k a r r e u Seo f l t t. r s te
Feb 1-5p.in Ilusraedletur an's talk has not been annoenced' i1 Paper A ttete ostes
seb 173 . m llusraetiI ctuebut her stbjet will pobably e The Cl tttf otesebe ck'sed deaft
____ o"The Arts, will sptecial ReferCet pelcs pet e yLte.t
ue ' t C A rchitecture eel France" People ef A rm enia. M is o K eikarian S Me M se r, F hS'.ter of Ne w
m a y a ls a d re s Y , W . . , m et Y t s eat s Sankte t T hitSl e
ty Mr. Y. H. Chenery, inl Nf my lsuadrssaYolume. . ee t on tain tst',Io llsstrated
ici.stn ettsrer, yOa ng Sunday ofternoon. eine, elofieae ones-
17f4 p .SPECIAL MEETINGS. ties letdIregur on tn eee-
OHutchins tn "Patriotism anti Reli- _____ ee o veiteet teeg le with itt
*Demontratioins of Foutain glen," at Newberry Hall. Secapmeinswilhebee eeyofN 4~~tx't Tebotok contee
Pens b- n tprtfrom New Fb n .Hepisr mihi .L ight this week at Newrry Hall ast rrelrttet:3t0tsets
liye exertl A Letutre cutrse, ire University £em64its7t eearteofo el psite.,te re ties'
inteUivriyfrmt6-1 ICris6:tia7As1tei rio aeaati'n ro hlio rvaeCrr
York City. Allowance made Hall. b.e series of talks to be delivereed Fr:- TWO DO0LLARS
S ~~Fe. 2-Saturday-Preliminary indoor day and Saturday by Prefessor Ceo !------
or old pelts in exchantge. meet, Waterman gymnasium' W- Knits tf lUniotn Theological Senei-
Feb. 22-7:30 tp. m. Celebration o1 nary.
"Founders Day" Address by Prof. ________
Flemming Carrow, in Sarah Ca- Y. W. 1C. A. VALENTINE PARTY.' I
" well Angell Hall. Subject, "Dr.
g Ge~~~~~~~Co. F. Frotinglbam," Professor, hTbwomnen of the Yurg Wemen's i h nvriyfo 8718.fCrsiMrhl nPiaeCroa
Feb. 2-Saturday evening-Mopkin- joyable Valentine's party, to the tnt- atih Peel.Wlgs','ae os on pee
son Smith in S. L. A. course, Uri- versity ils ast Frieay night. Tie tte corportonThett t hot
lee', retIt ,trelly ait of tier
k A COversity Mall. nsumber present was just large entugh 1 esr', te the sectitest' of Pro.
o every body ad a gotd time. Va-! ilgs','utes, OC olutme
SHEEHAN & CO., There will he an important meeting ntins games were played anti silbou SX OL A
Uettvrsity Botksellersr Sta- of theOs'ly Htoard today at tne 0 sto pcurswee rwniheprt
thnI at ngaes clos in the Campus office. 'anded with a taffy pull. The evening**
320SothStteStee. -wao spent so pleasantly that eleen 1 C. E. BARTHELL,
320 outhStat Stret. Wrinkle appeared last week for the )'clock came before any tnen expected
second time liss year in a Jtnior Hot it. LAW AND MEDIfAL BNOOs
l S~N N ntmber, which outdid anything that 325 S. State St. Second Floor
"Jester" has done for several years, HOITY TOITY." ANS ABO, IB
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. and recalls the excellence of fle mag- 1lll O!NO N!
aine in Rot. Wagner's days. The A pominent New York critic in
(pt i Stoelrel,000-suerplus, $l5.0.5 drawings are exceptionally good, the peaking of Weber do Fields' match
A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS jokes have local coltr without de- less comedy' uccess "Hoiy Toity"
TRANSACTED. scetdirig to personalities, and the eti- which comes to the Athens stieatte'
Clren', :Carles'. 5. Itseoh. P rs.; W. I). torlas are -well written and forceful. n Thursday evening, Febreary 1th
Harrimn. ess Prles .M. J. Fritz. Cshier. A few' nore otch numbers will accom- Said: "Audiences like it and that ts Y'titt l: It to your
-- - -" plis for Wrinkle the entd desired at the answer that knocks all criticism
0 flhillO1ERA t' beginning of the year' by those up in the air,. So on" as youe can get, face to LsSe WilliamIs'
0. Mi. }Martin TOR who were intrusted in its continued a hottseftl of people howling with oy, Shiaving Stick.
existence, and Michigan's "Jester" appauding andl encoring things seven
Otfies269 'S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. ReSt.- will once more e the peer' of all the times over, sed coming to the perfor
deore 02 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. hunmorous college periodicalo of the mane over again and agairs.ytt have
Ambulance on c'all. country, recorded a success." 9:.
I ~ ~DAN M.15$ABOLT, M~aagr
The Big Musical Success

[*fo ki ~ nsmt ~ H O I Y John Stromerg_
Saturday Evening, [eb. 20 WDOAR SMIITi
The Original $25,000 Productioanfrom Weber & Field's Music Hall; New York
_ 50 ~~SOPEOPLEOSpeial Prices-25c, 60Silo6T, $1,40, PrieBat
Season Tickets, $1.00 4 Single Admission, 50c CO"IINGM V ATSON'S ORIENTAL BURLESQIJERS1?

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