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October 08, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-08

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The Michigan Dail
Yot's Whrlwinds will Face Two Summarized for the Benefit of the' Will he Enrolled this Year-Figures Strong Team is Wanted-A Prelimi-
Teams in Space of Fifty Hours. Daily Readers in Response to a for 1902 and 1903 Compared. nary Meeting will be held Tonight..
The Line Up. Student's Query. Lits' Big Gain. Old Fencers Return.
'his weeeifosthi- first ime in many The following lteler has een re- Acoring to the figures given ot About halt of the members of the
'-1;5the!it' .1 jeigits foolball 'temwiil ceivet and the Daily is gladt to pub- by Secretary Wde yesterday about ener' Clth of the University of
actitt- o oottsittg (letis Withintte alpthittreqtiretl information, lilt)more sudntsloare in attendance Michigan are ack and they will hold
sh ort sace of ilyihoturs.'t'otday at- at the tiversity tis year than in their fistoeet in tonight in the
: it p t. otnicWhilitwintds" will I tor ditlort- 1112. fencing room of the Waterman Gym-
lhie upl Sothbe teamt front Alitn I ant] atmong le many stdens who While a consierable idnrease In nasium Fencing is becoming very
and W 0iionly site aytof rest intteri-o rnotlttoWwihtal Itle new footballnmiers wao exectet y the oicials toptlar toth east antI wealanti is a
in te 'Varsit y ill Ibe wstirut's tre ndtt thy tey were made. they wre consiteraly stririse( at very asciating sort. 01l1 fencers
a'tliInsitilelott SOSttrdat. Bioi tTth f PeNtttrcross itcidentiniiiSattrtday's tt" great disparity ii theattetitance wttihltteenot lied a fti fori years
ihst isicougt to ifall vie tis iby aetitibrintgo te citatges tooy nint figres for 1902 ant 1l903las givet ittLaker a lively iterest i the fencing
titir l arge scot's, ltiouighliti is itt- very foritbily Wtitliyttttbitkindtiodiiay atd everyonie whit in cnecedt with
prtbliti' tl ttey witll bet'ite t'tttttghtolitevoe a lilteIspotacet te Tfhe itcrase in the literary tdepart- I the at is etthtsiatic tier it.
loIl oho ftost- mtatestgitist tes' rules. A RElADERit. met is ptacically all in the fresh- he first exhibition will te telt
it'hetttetelevett't ett tsolprviuts mnaiclass as the tdean's bookso sow itte fore art of Decembler
BesTIthe Chtatngts tittteiinthle fostball an icrease in the freshman class of when a mai to hnl first tlace will be
FlTe -lititosiillbeitinlstrucutlve as5rust'shis settott end, tits the Imain,ieve 5. Tretdecrease in the medical chosen. tibbard, woiiqiaifeil in the
si wititg ITettioress- ichit'tYos ttiasiTowatrtd itliiat ing tlbsosi-calledi" Masstdearimnt iireality is an icreasefial meet ot third place has gradua-
lilte iii tutheaywesights inc-telally,"whch hit ao intheils pas:catseid asthit'freshnman class is arget- that cl, wics taes the seletitn of a
C'at gaie, i lt' 10or f team stiuctatvrsi- criicism. the itte wich eneredi last year. The newe mattecessary Every ote in
ply a'te ierittiniti ofte gam,'.. I Tt' tos titpotntsilcantge ini the dectease is (tie to thie fact that last line ('ub has a chatce to cmttpetin
Th icktni- lt-tart till ll twill in tll nts'ls tprovits tha, wen'thelb alt is year tht last class unet the out c- this exhibiton.
prlaiiy ileiari-evine t'of t-tihardl Put1in ilaY liiiesnsthe tiewetty-five uiremettcsas graduated and the en- A strng teatiais desiretsti as to be
w itrc fthe lt ift-i' practicets talttigWyard'tl listhere mustiibe at last se- tiing clitsses for tie past foutrtyeas able fri compete wih Eastern teams
Ibislineen mnontihelii scrimtmage' line. attid aelent much smaler than fotmer- i an oportuitiy- is afordeti so a
I'l( pratice iiye'sterdayttY 0 Uon lbshllyen lerst r'ceivingthelball (the ly T'hie dential depar ment sotws a special retsest is made tth bose who
stit f lt tttheay clisers. lbut i tie lir "nle), matiy carry i beyondttltaling otfIli numbitlers. The large in- now aytyhingoitheti art to be presett
no1 t nuimit'attstrut tg. tic' inet'tf srimnmaige,.providledtalcerast' in the etgineeritg anti lieraty at oigt's meeting.
Th qad was somewhat r etuedeto initg si, lt'ersss'stie'scrimmage till tw 'deattnts however etp All woittnttedtid inmiare asuiin-
ill size,-there it ingijustgabout nien ints at itast. fiiyarts fromthle pointibtring-rit its gandttla to the figvie.
ilt forItsoitstivittsi . 'ots as wsheret'r'eiib al was5 put11in pay. si tties givn. 'flers is a cass tr beginter every
itt-ti payig motin'atteulnt itisweek Jl t.utheumptirirnay rapidly- calculat Sec. Wade's Estimate. ay ant fencitg is taught eactieve-
t ittrft'et~thle iiitl ifireitee onietittthis udistnce iisivrecmmnedtetthat- 'hetnttmber of stidents enrolein intg froteour tt six iti the fencitg
rims antitittIH1.-toni (1111 Grtaer jliii s'nt'h' e twoI s-twIsienty-fve yardtheliiUntiversity at this hlae (October ron.
paing it theii hailes atsoti-sieti'ctulattr citet-.hut'ielIibetmarislotft by al-li), are as followsestopared with ash Thetofficets of the organiaatin at-c
wot: may beit "'icel t-ti- i uiutthlins. ii's ytris apartanti yeariy' deartments: as follows:
'Pline-111p1foriithe game1'will ibe'as parallel to thus steii's.102 190 Presidetls-Franics'T. Nagorsh.
llots: Anolter impitrant cage afects Litrary deparment -1,260i1313 Vice-Irs.-Iarry Gradit.
. Wet-his ts rI-ton,. t fitittiIs. t'ormielytIhi- fulack ,Etnginerinig du-partm-nt..t...i56972 Se. atti Treas.-Earl Frotinghm.
i, I uti.atteri-kieintiuglih attlttytodtie lint' iclcat h-iurtfnt'tt ......42 371
Siut(.-shull. ittascrimmaiutg, tmightipai. te tietr Lawtdt-partett...........745 755
C t.-- tie y. itt-it i eultbhy iruninig ahittsl, tr Denttal ut-partmettii-n ..-..139 71 CONTEST WAS CLOSE.
I.iC Goin uthg. mitght himtslf scur-ttheliibhatt. Ti Phartmacy depaitt'ment. .....63 52 ____
P. itt Aladdoli or yt,. prisvini lilaudtitg this, i was tees- tuuti-upas tic deatmnt...66 6i3ii
R. IF. -ngaug a~yfoi.'his opponittts toiatta lcikhim _ Small Majorities in Order at the '04
Q. l-a. atu oploos" i,ictdvances. 'his at- 3,244 3,387 Eection-Bain won out.
ii I ti'aiuuuu tti lwats seei'eduuuto iithe stetathots
L.I1i it o-. Ritiisoiylrtit ~lti--li'iegisicrii after tisisdate last
It i ,aes hecsailyearrultaIdhenlii-mthe -r- - - - 8Vote was Large.
hois-htaitttntg batcliouthis own line- f It suinmter seson........L1
ENGINEES ELECTOFFICES. srriinage reedvc'the bl n thenTe .0 class eletio, ed this
,Ih eIErS1 iEEst aFFIC . -i tutu itl'.yri-ct s 5 iii' ill i netuu ttu rluab'- ttn. ei ex aet- afstottie euuyeroodutheIhtitlstethat
nieli eseii Elce h 10-myn tut, iistilt-i0tiltsite.by'runu- Jit-si" itt '''isi-' ye 4068ar fTe canpaign ias
lowuuin tg tc wtyi-tiio-ifiiiutcrs:t9 AMgahednorhiWelttucEth beei(.ougtio a fnisi ty the adher-
hitesietit:1,- I,51 tna uni tllt. i'it i 0it t-sn eenltutthedi by' a Secretay. sils at tofh the tBlaitt antiAdridge
ii,-r.C. 11. Smith. plyero h poigsd SCHOOL OF MUSIC SORORITY. tiesan thrvlyboutot
Seut nt 11 Angtt1ne ulercti~ug the catging ot a large sute 'fihree of the Blain
S iii' tiny B hi. .\ utuit hut ~~~Another is to be addedl to the tiIty e o- ht-I ut at iha
lii tat uts it - hi~oddit it luetc liti-tihichialreadyi etaisitii
I iiiiii ll Manti'e1tig t i. i, 'hotimsoinotu'cli-isrtattil'theiama shahl change lttaeiiiswii tsh ss ink iteeieuty, scretaryship ana.
i3sebll Ottuuttigi's t' Gai , ' ,'-iolshaftilts -is-yery-at-goalthftolloing An Arbor hhs time among the sli t ittutia T Ihi't heriie uffices a-ot
itaciItiitiagci -G. \\51.liri . to I hdonail aft-n conry goal dnt o he School of Music 'Te to te Adidg' canidates.
frtuumtuuhifA I ilt- Is-litdt thullttebgi-srrt s raie s eonto
Chi-mttugnt (iI-c'tithitthlueatsicBaof nmusical scholarship and membee- The oliwing record of the vote
ftt ttttirhi .u1.oituhe seconditalfgilthefein lis 'huphinitiiwithlte ciinfineditthse shotss the costess of te contest
Classitthuriatorht--hts7ym1tt.m utgenus. il excedilgy sitllmajorities:
~t hw tyante mstofte nus.uuailyga>
I tiPo lti-itt. S . hI'. alt at,1he1tgnnighi teilrs
1 a ua,~it1hi W.ll. lll Al, hitolleitocine-ut-nyeguanteo i S ii Ahta hI ota, tansit heroitschMaj..uen
- ~~~~ilthelii sith usthscornedi againt. shalt utstt hse-iiy bicime rit-I~ tetuu .11m 171
"EXPERT MACH IN ISTS'" BANQU ETliihave i' ttu itt nof eetivingthelbsktck luui i s-urce.''esuih itiIAinug- . 9
wlprbbygvafe soiltm-Althoti'h tit so-c alledi-il'' ine" unit hinttstg Ithir'1ic-off. this lastuitthaty ieafwsca futtc- ' ic- 't' u-'t-
lii.1111-e 51u~lt-i5 iiis f aatttgt-to ittstem ihebis(. its duringttghits'yea, iowever, ii Mis lleagtan....... 97
ofther-ut itaystautsadihly brok i- e inutihyiinult nuuul Tinaiue'oit hits-ctttnlhat thie purpose is Mis Any Savage. ........98 1
suitace;; ti tu tay' usel 1'tionutheeinglbdlytbeavowentor pushed downntan
ut-ti, tuu tustit uto ut- woo itt-it Au 'li' tfollowig a'ettie uctive met- tsisesilsI.aoci--til1
51 itaic ltu'ilnii' tyafi iiir'ht' s- foridtis platyr t weaesouts'lies:Misses Miii'M Davis,Eia Miss iait (Gootdie-....89
at Oysii"ut Ray ' diretlt t-atrtheilie h-t uehutgenbtneuha salht' s' i('tmitel.Frances (astary,
ittc bhettiia'ithutt' vuucttuy tt-iIiy this'umputiei tu e datgeous ietgia 'ots, Ltila Farin, Esthet''' aiu-
th ii' -f rss"inliii~t-s ucienty tein uiienty.ln ili' tyte.Sethze, Nra HuntGerttutde Wht- ('hat-ics i. haeshotm - 9841
A uuuu u-t-lv uuuu i'g toA otergayes u'tatss w uo-tg, Mary- Sto. S. Idiuy''tttto 4 5
s-rouhdli'hefuhutwtug uthci-wosritBnt-ll siiietgds penliueitwmulti'. The honttorary mimbers se Miss Oator-..
thins: - huuuhsun" Mat- Funrtholig ittnuopponet, the sideeRtthttMrti, Ms. J. L..tBabcock, anti Enesit M.tHalidauy.....98
titiltEttgiiet'-'ttiltuttinding shahl tsetolIweny yarus in-Met(-i.Eea.thlegA.Mcui - 9 2
Ciei ouot uftusiugth hat'"Beieu.Nit attettptt withltemate to have a tou it aai
hgacci'tnilOer "S. L. A." Biiulge. Iiicise itt a ree kick, whitn te op house thitsoyae untit othee mattes Aleirt Ii. arks- --.....78
MsitalWorsittfulCoa('uthPlas- utnetls chaegseuieforete ball is put are sttled. Herbs-t E.Cot- - -. .107 31
Nic'-u Coottu. itt pla the uenalty Is that they lose MISN STD TLOAE. BsblMage-
heatt I-iiimuun "Malta Vita" itl- fivi yards and that the balthit put in MISN STD TLOAE. iaettMunge
.__,_. I_._ ,.<,., .. a ,_ tharles .. Sutter tteo literery st- Otto . B en . .. .. .... 81

flay ain bl y' a aick-tivetat'dy-net t-a- ........
Siitu detiib Mnstanna" in their goal line. F'ormeeuy the of- uhtbwtuemsenomdsuuee ttc utntates - 143
"Duusna,- it-h, ('eu" Shnr."i~-o- fendieseey list thei fivi yareds. froim Atlantic City stome days agoi has 'feassk Matuagee-
cc I i'tlucluuh" Ahurcuge, "'hut'ibisyear te liniesman himsefbcit aueo oniealewry Wate S.Weeks- - 70i
hh'uuuui "ouuuu bstno u'cuutatn.soo tsto' it ue rutttc t-antduiecutlatuott, has been hiocateid in a Myo ry- - 535
"SenaoCaruk"'iui'lDuisi, ''Maiii Qitty" sitetpay un ubie ine, it' uitnecessary housupitaleuatPiosn, l
- -sitwil- -- 7i' - suthulrouugnettsho a bullets.tfter a kics. 'fhe P'articulhars have nob beti receiveidPietis-s-
Palmernti-n, "'huom eJohnsuoun" t d usochaks. linesman tieforie this simuity repuoiued but they w-hullnubtess lie fortiteom- Miss AttigailEly- --.....8
Ex-membersna ' Ianny" Anidrews andthiiese-toithue ulmpire. If the utmuptre itng soon.Me. Suiter is a membuer of Miss Ora t'uieth- --.....127 59 o. an eeas rsn. dcdsaantoesd n h ie-te'4ltcaso h nvriyfo rpees
m__ _____ nan against thu other, the bath nhall Thomnan, Mich. Miss Getorgia Whittemore...' 94
WOMEN'S LEAGUE RECEPTION. hue lbrought bsck to where it was It TENNIS RSLS Miss Blanche Enyart-...102 8
(Swing is a mistnke' the 14th anntuatlnpa nIsatbepae iu ih The resultts of the tennis toutrna..Itistorian-
ressuttisn given buy lbs Women's out chatuge in psositioun. ment so far are as follows: Parsos Miss Blanche Htarrington .. 98 2
ILetguu' to alt wotmen itt the lITniversot- defeated Owen buy default; Lee de- Miss Georgians Wiggins ...- 98
by was annouunce-d funr(Set. 8. Insteadt CHANGE OF OFFICERS. testedl Myde, 6-2, 6-1; Marnes won Miss Hettrietta Stratton and H J.
the bate shouldu have neat Oct. 22. Treasurer tDavis, of the S. L. A. banstfrum Parry by default; Lueitus de- Howard were elected unanimously
The recititin wilt bus given itt the resigneud and P. M. Harlan, frism Phi- featedl Swineman 6-2, (-2: Bunt de-E to thte respective offices of Basket
Btarburi Gymntasiuim. theAtngell wilt rags, has been chosen as his succe's- featect Pumming 6-31, 6-2; Kaufman de- Ball Massager and Membier of the Ora-
speak. sor. testedlIDay 6-2, 6-2. torical Board.

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