-he Michigan Dil VOL..xiv. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY,* FEBRUARY 16, 1904 No. %i R[fIIAY SENIOR LAWS WILL DANCE. ~ EJIRIO. GYM. TEAM GOES. PR 1N1NAY N . TE UNIR 10R'Ihe aragemetis have toli aicuti Will he an Exciting Affair - Trach Ill(, scndini the series of dances( The Great Social Function of .1905 cmpilleeil for thirexhibitioni le gyma arr anged by the Seniir aw class will nastic earn is to give il Ietrit n Schedule - Basehall Men Begin be ist onMndiiyteve'nig, Wash- Wat a Success in Every Way- Pet. ti, ai lhe \\eters High School. Work. ingio's birtiday, at (;ranger's Aai- Account of the Festivities. T' afairi will le pailcipatedi in by ____ e ________tle Tunr ,anil lii'gymnastic eams Saiturlay eeniingti hei' ttsti iiinor rak sWigtibe expt edi'thliietiitmit- 'Tht'1-903 J'" Hip is now a iing iot of the Dect roiltEasern ani tte letroit season itof 14 twil tie tortials openeitelet ii cars 'htas arrangedt a nutmer th(t;heod gn. a os ceral High Shotls. The gyitirastc hy the 'Varsity Ireiiniary e eii ir Te i tettiaiie ttttiiittlcearn has tieen woring alt winer I. greasstintres istitts tititt e tei fily itt aice withi the- lreriio s stripptedt of its gala attic, and has \aer n gmntiiati vtith ireathistitue est s e~itti maxitd 'iic- t1''li si ii~gvt yagain assutmedt its hbtsiness-like air; tnian g ymnitis ium t nd i thfew lay to get a line on tie e wii track. ma, ttur t iiltiS. Vi'hemuiiitc ill belii. ilieust fraterntiy houses have sent forth the o ght it nake aii enitastileshowing tat, ir able sitd for oetto intithle pro- last fair visitor, antI are again iistinec- he 26tilt Owiig ii ie arttuea ii iiiixi '-ret w ibean iedI sit a portrait ively students' qarters. All that is le a il aeliiti2iwigte soitattl cte ati ut riittt tftirt-otge \ siigtoi. l'ft of the hig sicial ees ste iatettoni ithWettiWi siee tie fatthaetil traitninguu . 'tittass'i'ii htgi f°i r memory, but it is a pleasant one.it lath Wal'p:tn Voa li ii litd, x iii nt the exatniltiitsitts, it is notii t l ii a ei 'itti onstitis of Mi tesxsts. Shea- ino tlatitutite oi say that thre'1915 Vt ti'iiii iiig Il hl hal ity tretrue iilttie iii lii hu e ttitntii i li uti i it a, Hait Hu wtas one itf the misi sccessful swngerr tgtzi aliogunitaIhe'ctat tieterliriss itre is tt t te t l trittiti. tinet itt Mihigan's stciety hiitry. li'e itiiit threisno'aletnten' -visiftors egan arrivinig Friiay _the_____________tion__ shichi then' wivlti ttitt an iiexi tirtiiThetg. They came frtim fat antid contest antt istbe aait eelWASI'IINOTON'S- BIRTHDAY. near, the faires yonig womntof a PR A SUCCESS. wiltlie many surprisex. lhei' xcl cnttitett. Friay aftertnooiit s shtoutl easily le the est ireiitiiit're Ainual Ceeatioy Law Students tsenttin shiiwingg Ie isitrs aottiti The Firt Performance of "Patience" ever itelidat t'IUtiterstyVlnday-John L. Wehster Will thiicimpus andtotwi.EnhsatclyReid-Eu Additiontal iiit'listilt Itbe'gisent' e( itusataliteied-'x mteet by lie- ftct that at it silt alsot C tsr , ntc--Snch ~ te fo ieirtiis ee sic elent Slists in the Cast. , otccr the first hiitie'seines ii ictass, His Career. ut nmuchl tastier. The cistaitttary 'elay aces fr thle ritamiontitstip f- avsoitlo n lc ittco y( T e is eionac f h o i the lititersity. Every casi ely' tl \avtigtt;s iri itay t',et'ira- cealetd the rafters sut Igtan furm ci letit 1'Iat ic .'wihh wiaitt givent antI the' track mntages' vs f'ti'et ri- thel t' rl i ttuit eet ot heii calit' In Ithle centieroriftle' hall littn te;Satna "a n t, t i ~teusi itts clsss vit itusxisi'ttit it ttr t i . etit itt xniist er. gtat lta ell. in which w-re imbled-t S ttiIit itts gainediI thlit' heaty these trials lt to e iettlit' e y s- u xttt N t tt ii 'tts s i tilttt e nit. Attti t'tattt ied wast cit ' gl s w vt'tl'ity l t-cs mesiitfiltsst itra i \itiitIt elsteiititstt'tl stivit evle'rgrteenh. Asousitemle cotnyi werfeef hriittw-t lttuh wTheutu i c t w tarchbe a rb siy phuettu tti'i- lt ttu ittu iiflttttu itlttgi iii tlt'w l Mchigstweekielwts re lt ttty I ttis 'tiireuprstty, te ThStat-c-h heul ittdor hn le dinire.tnd deonirnw ietacgrun. het.ortin c.i S.eY asprtttnd thyt.tr Syn -itc taiit fu it- meetsiistatfltlows: progasuic tittl-truh ii lti thitlct-i whnFeb ituuartuuu r elg- imintutuicer Several itt'ct rt i ti Shooti'''lto- Whil 2 res -soruhl eet okrol osiuinl usin. bot h orhsd ftetal ui ant he lteaiu. digpr tstitndwthe hiaf'sch5 'atu rts it t dor eatut w s orliltho it litt ae ws hewodi"icitat-u.yelo ctitiuwalco poeitt ha-s sng itt c go 2ht -irst'il it-ri- in er tus ntu hietsth oa ndi''iiU'nivei' ty. T ooth thsotrauttftauiitt isrwaubeghutt peparaorylcurse ullibustlshtNitriacrsHuttuhal Muachie --teshmeA ltun- ttiY. JSulteet-uc cd(c antti nht oitiiI'tt isi tt hit st are intt si a sm iu i t-nfor he a t'sall''uctitotn uthes M at- i tee-llyir c n lutes' chice.mfitinlciutO p ertaditn's !S;YN A R TE N TY a t e T ENatisstitio tsciate'aidi- sih item is thsbga e ssc teorday - -af -tornoontt.tsu itwas ' utily t1li l-htlii lesni-the wasdoor cael atsu putionPr abte itcustutft-"Patu-i-earle, il- yheafr. ateyWatwranutt' h **~ *flEU * %.E EJWE Micsuied twit sit -recivyeudgui the Whirlewthdasewse r eal tt ttoi ng d v--gehneraliIahpp alu uisewlvote( atIhu ani-i thtlfew sui ('tint 5werei i ri netitsttitt 'he'chfitus wasouthe uupart sandh itIia learnart'no -o uiu was u name iliid. - and_______________ev____________ thes ua andiece. tu ises' toe-ti. twa cantidateys taetedstouit ath ttie. stelanc-iit t iJess-.ieiRe hut-dsLuralet' Cci he, tthe tugcf-iusltrtt tukett-aitgndt-uului-tsJohneuui-l i ii'1tSttteIlebbiniu cas 'lcchtts whoI litful ~ at-rcts of the 5 got afteu-ntheus iattic t xutni-overi ii uitstIhes i tieant's!tuuItlgh ugefec asRaptcalytteu rounte seeayitenulu epltin u loutv chayeh s i helth uui that n ti hut- ii -. u he-a iiii itI tuRtu yuithu- it tuui u'i-l st sih cuutthe T E Swttwoy potsvei 'th-raltzc sig hs ut--imu isss-iutg(-I ututathcianty utofumpths'chifing.cetKaertw. tlitsfthir n dtu i ant fSitc tint svthe m-ainstuayisfiuthafthes-at-cin(for thi eutube D lyin]-rsnte h Atulthund tuutiuu of theu'uuu g hue-I -u -- ti iss ute i'tmalt tlt i '-e' ai iucs Tilt tits htoryus-wa t omuil w itlt io f ar0 teahre w e e a gotodI ii atilt l ueuts.t tt . -..h.h'..mliis.inth laudma iteetand en euman tor iut st. M.Itilwes werelits ithey Ihvesimtr -nth tlltuand i lit titIti t-yti-iIeithsduu i ithufhtw s e Iy chnIartus atl a i t and nv uttv te a s lr t le ssarhe' igellowsuts tt hl maelto clegNd wi eruted situe Miss 5 f thnelitjuniogs c assof 'et!ut orusBatt e itu cthis hu d ini thers- isda ftti yhtgis laste had eietti hut hush e it- Spir uti- 86 yhl tft mu ht i ghtingwasfenclwasyethecfina iutittG fhe'themia ll hutn-itt-al fe-ut ti vei se et e spsan t er ftbIt auu vll huen ath tutu he u i t his-n a tit- a s tuti ii hut I soli t i ,the ,'5 m a ut lhtsm a e i g, ue ti g shf I un thaedtut-hers antseoil thestronglittatjcint. Int uhe unstutu ft ha tt i thr h tut u oa uetelmi w ralCHrAL INcOieT e at nRT. land team lastluuuyearausiultheii uttading',iilithi tfr uit th-nour ac umiatil l yi ngu'lfuchc m s n tedutbewe ____________________r__ciu vedtu i fsche t fronitxx1111hut the maponthemshifting tus ce b uatoe. candidatheuu-i ifotny ttlteatiactitc'nhts position. tusuiiut'Iciuusst 7 tust tup thu andu iss hunt l e rehuua Anaghereltainahiss eas ing htdatntut su med in s sunt. , I - humras- iti1u:15kFainls Banmu st fthuckhus hts f lyr1 i i t- wit o rtvuihty the thes olees asoioe uru -ttu- anitiesitt-- ii 7t.thug a i onsut utulust t Oi Ii t h e-remoeretet wthpherfitennyceututu Stuu tis'n ts. ''Mu r iguam, werchigasnt.rThttis unber ill du- 6 wiiiht-n. the- d ae at-r it-e iiof vu- whsichrenwas heed paJonies ste w afte- i chii c tn'unte sgv-c h cotsBmtaseah hs t-utiiu t -chelortu of was inutuvehut heotdmetoit'eo asewasnntnleo cha nc r aieasn ws-r t gattmi-t utiusam-ti mufMsht'st EevatI ng telein og soit she etrocet '"ths tnlnft lr-Muuumuitmt hoe tuu itent ht llas a S ext St 'su'ilua n ce had ii lu lel s uth wa s as nlasesicbysathe haforsmatyton isel glamth ogis erpast.r in;;uc thei'uum fuitnuessusuiaiuuut a h ie Msfu h get etScis.isrnut situ-i'cTietoptragw i g m ep ated cicevtha- wey specisas i hentimugwil Ipit s limi h i ytu smithha s ttu i teio the -theahMiiayditaurataerhiunsgccessfulcuau-nl ice chemitihersedM~lf. I itrhiactt ttu-s viii r cbtculru-s dthedlawssia te on- 'the Januarych mhe'ttelttla to- chsrs ha inus'sl tsftnst mulI gt ai E sten gins. ise us andi sufnur afti rstatus.. is -sonh iclaeittu onnthe dstanchighsumadehrmetatm te,-mmuiiu5 huosihihty hatth scu'utcu- iltu-itt vhe at and eenin-vry tiestat icte Tht polloingcufesiite sevetat guic 17,'the-fourtultuhioncethufnui the iChorl Novembher t6e Nationual hRepubilicani Conuvetioniu at potems antI shunt stories, James .J. I the founduuer sit this'hBostuin Symsphnny Chicagou antI YWisconsini will tic ms-f Minine'apolis that unminatedl GeneralKnousen clintrnibuutes ans article fun"'The j Brche-strnahas bournet'rit-htrtuit in lihi- early is the year andtIhut- other twit Harriasonifor hresiudent, antI was chair- Malthig cutihie Articles ofcit 'iuetlera- efsorts i other-nparts mit tie country, deirahle opmonents iti a 'Thanksgiving;titati oftthueudelegaionu. lie-was-again titus," andhW. hI. Shaw onue tutu"lus- as wittiests te suppourt gist-utthat D~ay game, Noirthwsterntant inimme- ititusen-tthulugate at large- andh chair- tratituantihehis-Newspapter.'" grteatesit iof cocultoiurs, 'hesoduore- sota, have arrangeuduntststfor that Iman sit the stats- ueeegationmtohutihe Thonuas, fitChicagot, anti the estattlish- ate. Nationtal t'oncvenionm at St. Loutis in CONTEMPORARY FRANCE. menutcut thu Ptisbuurgh autdl Cincinnati 18lt. 'The lietutre cut this week in the ten- Brc-hestras. While 'it is triue that. PHILOSOPHY NOTICE,. - He has oftenchue-ituugedu b his ht es situt'ontemptirary France wilt he these halter ourganisatiouns art- neither friendls anth thit'press fete appotinmnt givesnicy Mr. 'Winthrop H. Cheerys' sndocwetd nnruveu i tc ussa Cnurse 155 American Idesas), will hu t-otcfilt vacanucies ini the Stupremce The subhject. is, "'The Anns, with spec- ltce Botstson. Symhonduy(Orchestra, it is continued the second semester as I5a. Court antI was stpokenc if for the sf-it at teference to Archifecture." The an sopeungquestitun whether -thesse mash- Prelimhnary meeting for udetermininig; iceoi ttorutney Gesneratcofitheks'Uniteud lectiure, which istt he hillustratedh, will tesfatiosutsofupiutie spirit,;;antI ahove hours, Wednesday, at 4, itinroom 21. States in Presidlent. McKisley's irst he giveut in the Museum lectutre roum all, of a true appreciations-of the valtue GEORGE REBEL. (Continuned on page fonr.) Feb. 17, at 5 p. in. I (Continueon page 3)