THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S$Mw/+ /riwMwMw/r1wMwMwMwMwM '" o i ' ' S*+Y'4 ' + ~ *++4sls+ ls++J'' a+l+i*.J+4 it'+++« ssb c. .++++:.+*++++ T +444 v^w"tr.W wv w ~If You Need Anything for :.D ihtE atis TPEW RITIN4G I I q)1s l 10 32tet.IStMi m t. Toggery ,ti.r,. ± n.i.^tH .L .ti , ewelr,^ r'tE 109lllS. Male st. ---AT PF~\/'P r'~ American & Europeanhoe CUTTING, & E CO. Op.enDay and Nigis + P leate esn- te i ttts andi Wine Roomss 4 BOWLING ALLEY AND DANCE IHALL. 09- ast A~f1D f ~4 lot Roast Beef fromo3:30t tolli. Mashed Pota- 109- I I[~~s Wa~iogtoTIy ourtfaous tenderloin steaks # *44 ++'r:++ +++w++nj++:+CI"+ ++i ' +:+'+++++,.+: .«Ir*. .1I.+ie -.e...-.I+ .+4.>.4 '209-21I N. 4th Avis, Sprains and Bruises. ~esst5G~~tI~ 7te tottrlover1 h ot it-{ ishttl tarhenstee Cwi- niM E c~tsWORa stritio Co tttet lit' on IIto geessy otlrttstoP st Vt / i asetth tti' Iee sm srino attnhdEbrattsettIIto.(I t t :. sthstte o uIdoht vetoma"re eaableeaeeedy h'ttt. fotrfe letet imed te, pI - itt l tentat equtattttt.ltttDr , oltl' Itae stiAai oytitt'--vttianOtitl snla nt x it fetally rttet t aocIt iee t te t tlti lsttt t It twtithteaslttnseltittrtttttliartsott an in t lse tthe eooeit,% 'she to rcs hxesitaee e otttttttdottt itg. to ok' k o ntoiteticasctite ty tipet at esa on ecan leaets ttottatif oth Patent Leather Shoes ALBEKT LUTZ, THE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER. 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET iS R E N TSCH LE R For anythug in thenlinettf 4 14 Maker of Photngraphs Framing, Call ua Rentselier,a > lPttee 389-2r. Cou1rner Mate ant dtiuron SLIreeLe. 4 44454444447 .A91444444 . Y r Linen and CU E ARE TH.ME3::.. Sarker's Collars are St li.T t Other brands advrtnirsee c NOT stamped "L msn V ns Sold by Wagner & Co.. 2 for 25 cts. FOR CORRECT EVENING DRESS WHATEVER THE OCCASION MAY BE WE APE WA(.XER 'r "TCO, ALPHA INU PICTURE. '[c ittoiligIorteAlptileNo ic it re t. 7Th trlt 17at 1 It. 01. 01 Rao- tdallos i ltriy. IG.IW.BAIINt_ lI. tecotl Ito tr Satutrtday, Feb. 1:. .geni-! Lst-Ltitits' ittotttiputsel.r. Lst ALPHA NU PICTURE. fir sloficeersof, tleo Alpta Nit Socie- aterso i Fteb.4altonetolockitiro5a Itcli itloMicipresidentt, vice-tresitdent, sertry, treasurter aiitlcritc 10rttt it1 tod 1aitheersIttivotheoratetor- j I A1N I1.1 IreshLto~twneys, Allegretits. Stile row'oseattdIHtyler's t'htocolate,,at Ittsh igs Pharnoicy.'sy'a Cs Pictures. DE IlkIt5 217 5. 1i B UI IN ALL COUt FOR AtlDar: Watch LOVELL"'S z SELL Your Business, R tiltares. prices.eto CHAS. E. P Lst-Il nvrctt oat IttexrleavyO. Typewrittngineatly tdtne. Settitte ti IC tale ,i matrl;IIotilt Iwtt52Iantt-hes egiven sptecil attenltio. W. 1.~ C.CC. NOTICE. Blatht stplpies of all hinds at allt' L AkT . E A~ .11 holerstlo ft f*C.C.repott0 rte tsig' ltg ttoIL5 ~ lI AtotT.rtioe Ite (Ii;liaces atis itus__________D___g__store. t ~ ~ Uf. BL t Fouirt A vt. I. ur e riay, ltlelary St It tel 12 tt tort. lrit" f IL t toti ittl.1904 ENG. NOTICE. IIAYI S, Secrretary. Rentscehler is lihe official photogra. - I G________ hoer for the nenior engineering class. Los-ar-~err Pen, Nto. 18. Name sittings may be had at any time. It motitb111hit s.oet.ptetplt, scate ottt ttarheol. Finidereaseore- J. C. WRIGHOT, hasvenevertsteditIuiitiHot -H P tuto It117 S. IDivinion. 91-92. Chairman. IChotolate. or-theouteld itt ORS c omitn.gmain antiagasit. Lost-A gettlermans pockef-book~on JOB PRINTING - MEYERS, 215 WI haive itttntfttta few mote Stutntay, Janutary list. Finder please MinSC. S. Phone 28t. reIgtularIt lit ttlls for t..t ,lng& Malleaux's ireturnto tt731 S. 121t street and re- - -_______ -l cive reoard. 91-92. Pantorium, 336 S. State. Cleaning, lir 5c 1n111ioc Prensing and Repairing. Clothes \V tt do w" ~Yor eyes examined by an t:ailed for end delivered. Leave or- expert optician. All the lat- 1cms at Cunhings Drug Store, or ...AT...ons approved appliances and methnde 'phone 582. $1.50 wnrth of work for known to the profession areemployed. 61.00. cated. frames repaired. Haler's Jew- Fresh Lttwneyns, Allegrettins, Spar- elry Store. tf. I rowes, Huyler's, chocolaten at Cush- 324 SOUTH STATE. toH g's F R AS tifttt FP0nd-A laceto fitly popalar sheet lt~rt~lits mnsic at 1s cetits per copy. See our Unisversity students desiring to no- window. Ann Arbor Music Co. cure positions to teach will find it to ___ teal Estate or Partnership -_fbn their interest to write to James F. locte Snd111 flltnr-Free-A beatitiful colcino e t McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Ci rassTxsMxc to. Atddrerss old songs will be given every pur- cago. tf rana,.eas ex? OWELL19W 1lakS chase of one dollar at Roof's Music - __House. wfs. Fountain penn at Cuehinges. adCaitria --- --Are best reached via 010U O L C St. Louis, World's [air City,j 'rilehitiloittg tip of aTelephiotic System wt eeyptsssible imod- h ellnimtprov5em~ent; the gvn fbtter 011111cevta wer erthoulghit Iron " u ia possitle beftier.ITo be honoralecorteonls anid jus~t ill every detail, I' o ntiipate requiireents. To toverctmelim ipediumentis.To he satis- Route fled swith nlothinlg short of the confid .nceanaid good will of esery citizenlt in the Two daily trains to California. Ths'ee daily trains to Mexico. WASIYEN W H MIE TELE "01gE O., Foue daily trains to Texas. Tr mitlIR RY Oi FICF: Lilert , street near Fourth. Poor dtaily trins to Ho tSprings. Six dtaily trttins to Little Rtock. .an Tae''THlE BEST OF EVERYTHINGO. e prncipe ofWRITE ME. MID N.en D. Armstrong, T. P. A., 3.Y5tA 1233 Washtenaw Ave., en e sCI(IAKLT1'LS Ann Arbor, lilch. Gtrolvn in Turkey. ___________________ fort, style and service. Perf ected in Egypt. -___-- ly Guaranteed. Enjoyed in America. ALMS1U A. 1NAL[, longs cannot reeL. 0c'., 'MOGUL SM0KL MAKLS LCYMTAN SMOKLMS View Phuotoglraphei- ;tore, or masl prepeid. ..0.Y'Teoo iyede n. ls ihs n CARTON MFG. rO. VioewTs osflint nrcmsro. dslitIn 26. Shirley. Man.Cor isanorshe an.s,,316 S. Plain Street, Ann Arborn~ Withveyothetuio.oupene0s. Whsat one sis takes. Comf Absolute] Metal trimme and $i, any s, C. A. ED Box 2t f ! With Seymour Studio. 'Phone 819 Always Ahead to -Styles., MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Bverything in Tailoring.