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February 03, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-02-03

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Th Michigan Daily



No. 92

Unusual Preoaration for the Event. Michigan the Firt University in thej The Annual Midwinter Concert to be "J" Hop Visitors Will Have an Oppor-
Electrical Effects and General World to Establish a Course in Held in University Hall Saturday, tunity to Hear the Comedy Club
Decorations will Eclipse all Porcelain Filling. February 13th. Production.
Previous Efforts.
_ _ Iinsone-toinsnumerattle requtis Tthe university (Glee, Manidolin ttnd Owing to clhe success recently at-
The dtate for the 'trealt-uc ity--vent t ritoalnunilitheItnitvrsity Schttol ot Banjo Glitli will give their fifth anl- taimedl by the Comedy Clutb, the "J"
othe collee year, The Juanior HupIlentistre bin just tnstitutteid a tsst nual home concert in liniveraity Hall H-op nmanagement have prevailedl on
SFebrutary 12. the laitdaty ofexai-t graduat e torsin' t Por celain filling, a week fromt Satitriday. This is the thens lo repeat the performance as
111ion iforlihi seniester. The work Tis it situ in naidiequires much inst time that, the Clitshatave appecar- part of the after-exams festivities.
thtevrlottllers is tprotress- les gritnling ofthle ttoth, an less coin'cei in Ann Arbiir thin year ani thfliTheir entertainment will he in the
'Itpitiy. Nt liens iof the Oyieradw hauld it isnont subject to !cinceit will be a big event. The form of a matinee on Saturday after-
in lihas tientracii-tlfoir ret re~hlst ttii hean titttun itl, olarahe ad of theur-JstunorlHsp guests wilt atteitd the tutu-soon following the night of the Hop.
it It-s bndofDoritt sit i-slur's dtiartitling" Itihsntueeturther ad- ceit aind thteperformance wiltltie one At that time they will produce "The
tstrttofiKalaiat/utwiiltlntui iatagt~t hat itmay be colored sotftiht sticial functions of the Hop. Professor's Tragedy," the amusing
n uite saithalit pirvet soide-)I hit ittwilsntichianbadte toftooth.'A nspecial progranm has Iteen 'arrang- farce-comedy with which they matte
'. trfltlat reartand iKay& ttuMtchian is the fintt usiversity incit tor this coincert anit the entertatin- suchulta hit a few weeks ago.

'iftlb annual Concert of the Mrusical Clubs, Saturday, Fueb. 13---Uilversity Hall.

Co. uf flitrtilt have ,i(, con traitt o
lit iltvitatttin nilsit i lram
loc l -frm '-t pilttling;t he otfii iait 'i
tiiilit manaiement iitt thiseari aii a
lihegreatst strtet-titth-em-t is tst
wiiiht(hty proposeitoimaet ii most
iiiliii i l t ii i t ihe hist iiyiof ii hi o s
Iun tecete-ritilof st h i-ti-ai-it ii- itns
itlrl - ll i llI ittat t i tilt n-.iii l ii
witl ; tlitit fr mtihs 11it-l f-u it t
i-etiligih't"ii i ke 'it i;titi lii
t iilaitrii ilig ts wil i-itir'itlyien
tirc ie tti e tniiof tthe till tutu I th
clitler l l be h ah mass ofi elc tr, ie
't'is flora aMdt elcAN'r iil ibel iiis i'ie
mos toelun(ittmagnifiet i t it liive
yeta ti'inoditijunitr itt)eltit ta-
S iins.ii rthe ht elwilt onte l oriatitfte-
ions wainnaextndlit-tote acniitia
smviirbte hasll. teti ittairni'
(glu i a itt zei t tel le ect i- i rntrrII
itc lut tieotcortnir lhtenaehlarg
loaan fcriverlit"Ml" eatie of
equalyieitutiulie18tie"ithe junit ier
vies nerhwillietoaytie the at-e
hutasthe met:tliti n rr; ea
thy bt ts climtlits.Ileadtitoft
ii'' it'n antaneatrtiinclred I li
ashtstaftwasteentheeIC iftn, a
itwtitchinsard'ha teetitad(wlit.cht
wltan. iffLae. .eWeletrsurrnt W
use. F othrF.eP. Jovei.fIea-ureof
STATEvenngwCONV teNTicI N . rr

ti- uwwoidtoii iihatve nuch a.s taitgrat-tIosent wilhe a treati fotitht outlouf'he'.fraternities luave already made
ttueviturseni-hItetiu'ntnmatte an ltownuvisitours anut the tutdetibtttty. drrantgements for theatre parties and
appoiationi ttundiilanutiuet tutthe Is addtiton ftte tutmbes nthai wilt 'many uothttrs have signified their in-
--titls( i-tins rn toiicihigiat's alutmni.t he rendteredrbyItyhle Glee, Mandolittu envtioinuof goinig. The Comedy Club
tu tnt tobtitues Itong andtha anid Hanjoutbtts, fte Glee ClibQutar- is prtoununcedttty the members of the
fee ofi$25 wais ltlie tctarged.Ithisntette, conuposed of Messrs.IPareretfacultly atuthstudents as the best in
Knieidii iitourtet iisi udel'tn Idit ite Brenntan, fBery anti Woodwhnardt, nittyears. Iis tkeeping in line with
requesi-ts lfor aidmittatnesassonitgreat sing soniesecialties. the udramatic awakening which has
thtlils w u tas etned to eigteen. The stdent body aondfatutly atvevctute uun the' University. --
Th co -tursei-hasn ows-tuesnruniutg greatly interesteud in thu Clttbtntbun
tredyit an tutatd all tetuvnses year as if is the first tiote ini sevur- JOHN L. WEBSTER1 WASHING-
'11ipt ovin Ithet- 'tis-ursityt1rear at years ihat tte cleuts Itane hbettal- TON'S BIRTHDAY
ury. I hi ufatiltyv feil nioeenutragedtltuedstoIsgoo tiltono anttclenudedthri.ORATOR."
lut h a veii tutidueie'tt iiotmakie itass-The Christmas trip was a gretfsui-T h'te committee on Washington's
iii u ndtudmtutsniorsuto ithe cluss cess so every respuect except hunasueta- tbirthday celebration congratulates its
besies.ty and the management hopfes ho bh elf upoun being able to secure as able
_________________- able to pt the clubs usponsi sondsia stueaker as the titus. John L. Web-
EXAMINATIONS. footing truss theturocuedsnoittIhuis con-tti eriof Osmaha, Nebraska.
cert - li-hr. Wuebster, while notgeral
Thei tututia ucollege atihvities lhave Tickuets will he ton sate at Sheehanskn uaut the east is one of toe most
uahatedilanth craminug utilulate is fhe Btunk Sfore out Mosuday, Feb. 1,dltI a. rottminenut lawyers antI poblic speak-
n, h fo thut'comtinog examuinatitons m. Prices-Lotwer floss,$1.lilt Bat urs if his sectitun of the country, He
luau taiten terplcs.n htthe 1Law cha,7sat 5 eu 'lt uuu'r an atextensive law practice which
ti-hart uiuet theu examts.ntart lasmoe-withlibegisi at 8 o'clicl. i confuined almost entirety to the C.
i-ttu-andi th thutuer ideptartmntsiosiS. Ftederal Courts. In 1871 he was
Fridlay. 'It'heywi-llceutiunute unfit Feteb FRESH-SOPH MEET. tresiudenftf the Nebraska State Con'
rtor12,suwhten tenrt semester st-itusfional tConventiion; has fakcen an
u-hus--s The rival classes are nlready at active hartttn the pusblic affairs of his
stati asud has recently been endorsed
POST EXAM. JUBILEE. worku. Freshmen are highly ecouurag by thue republicans of his state as their
> cutlith hewipgospel. :ds th thema choice toe Vice-Presidential candidate
I tu litt-u soceial atMeMillan Hall tti hoigtpwelieitete tbth TudoreRoosevelt.
I itniiar aftertexamn promises to tue Sophomores have loaf their best point Mt Webter us highly recommended
u>mtiti tutuntiute. Due.May with ap- winners, Shank, MaddocekantiStew
t he committee ao an entertaining
liar in a ictultswinging act antI when art. putulic speaker oh extraordinary force
iiremuembteretihiaf he was at one The event takues place oun Februsary tetiisanalufyndhecer-
timet-bampuuineltubtswinger of- the 27 and is- doubly interesting hboth behearunehssyard wiltyunduth edlb on
I iut lSten thus us ditubly interest- cause of the intense classfcehng -and' intsyerwludobdy oe
to, lie Theuthwillnlshue wourkc by mem- because if gives the stuidents the fst1 oh the best asud mosf satisfactory in
lis us tulhetym.nt eamn; bowisug, re- chance flu get tin thetrotubabe 'Varsitythehistoy _oftheladepartment
resbeits asiu muiue team. COMIC OPERA "PATIENCE."

No-tice! Imxportant!!
The time limit for

the comic opera "Patience" in the
Sisfiosia Mubsical Fraternity's rooms.
This tpera wilt he given by the fra-
ternify Febroary 15 and 1t in the Ath-
en, Theater.
Sittings for Michiganonsian and
class pictures are coming In so fast
and the time limit, Fob. 15, is so abort
that it -sill ho necessary for us to
book as many morning sittings as pos-

The fUniversity Y. M.{C. A. will situ -
twenty delegate's tu the Statfe Cnven- - Is February 15Sth=
titus to be h-Id at Saginaw Ftbuary
131Vrig-3.+4G..J... t wt .J.G.G. JVIJ.t,.J.f...t

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