THE MICHIGAN DAILY. e . .. - ^r stir- - -i- - - +at- -f-4-soo- - -+ - --+-' --e- a- -e- -w. - -a - - Gjrok'n in Turkey. Purian s oesPerfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. Foror Fronts ~ al~~The yfW. C. Kern Coll. tnv -' "eas ~'~411 E. 57th St. Chicago, * orTfld LUIJ } f~i4' i 21)4adtowns astde to or- uI' (let, and reted. y '1 ,'i I ' st' . ts for all collegsand *. LU I '~ fiat et-iities carried °"111sVi Si-ad for Catalogus tMONEY LOANED ON ~ Arkansas, Texas, Mexico Complete [ine of Dress B~ootIs. Watches, IDiaita.nds. ' and Calitornia... Jewelryand all High V lass Chattel a n id "_" Are best reached vta Ann rborStoe, ~~ s fr1h~.~ BUINCollateral Security. AnnArb r Storq II IS. t i, BSINSSSTRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. St. Louis, World's fair City,j + W. J.LOURIM. }the Ufactory-lirocklo, Hass.' Roomc7tiHesningilockt. Phte s9.ll .. _. _4 For a Good Cup tif 4 + iwoytrt n oCaiona RNSCHLERFor anything in the tine of 'I [ Three dailsy i-tinst lMtito Mae fPoorps Framing, Call on Rentschter, Fliiidailtytalitst'Txas. tPhotne 389-2r, Corner Mlain and Huron Streets. + ordii traills to Hit Shi-ils. CHOCOLATE iSi l1l; -li ti itl CaIs. MdRihadSevdRgt ALPHA NU PICTURE. Pantortam, 336 S. State. Cleaning, : TaE BEST OF EVERYTING.S. Mad Rih adSevdiiht Tefis of tie Alphla Nit Socie- Preasing anid Repairing. Clothes WRITE MEg.+ Call ott af3,still ')Weeiiial. ittilall's. Thutrsdlay called for and delivered. Leave or- no * 2 rmstronq, T. P. A., feno, 4a n 'lc.Ti ir tCsigs Du tro PENNYCOOK, J incisth e p-tresidlent, vice-president, phone 582. $1.50 worth of wort for .13:li \Va-,,ttijait Ate.. Ttie Confeti'er, 3111s i. S. * tiLarytreais- ue n tu icefor both $1.00. {Ann Arbor, Hsicks. 4 *.. . . ills first tand t .(h (tecond semeesterst -j"+ + ' '. '. . .'. - an -tilt ci settils- ion ct itt-ato- Fresh inoner's Alieretee's.Spa-- f., Y,, A- A. & J. RAILWAY 3TANDARD TIMEtI For tDetroithalf thourly fromnt:5a. i.uti 6tI8 p. M. Then hourly until 1:15.l( I-iS Vtti lanti only, at12:15a m. asnd 1:4lai i.tFoat .acknon hoearly tram 6:15 a. m.util Then at 9t15 p m. and 11t:1. . Waiting Room, Huron S.,W. of Haio. MANN'S DRUG STORE, 2,13 SOIJUHfr1AlN I. DIAIN IT . ASSEMBLY AT GRANGER'S. The i-Assembty toiselii-eli--tialt.(ratn- sshe evesntng folilowsinthIle Juiorttt graumiofii1Is tittiters a-illlbe' datncedit Six itoirtu svnits itlit-icof lieAt-ails- its Orclhestrt-t silt Iurish tthe msaic. Mrt. and Airs. tGrantgs;t-wiltl takte it as plitsnt: a is polssibtle fitr-visfits. <)l1. row's, Huyleros, chocolates at Cush- ing's Pharmacy. tf. IMPORTANT NOTICE.+ The 1904 Michiganensias, according SFAtISO'O' OFFICIAL h to cootract, is to be on the press he-! IFOTRBALLEIT ore March 1st, 1904, consequently alltsdbyalte 4edn p3ictoten, money, and copy most he in -- Colltees5 by Febroary 15, 1904. Michiganensian _ iotitBtal luatsLaefot sittings, at senior rates,- may now he finie rlcedtIlatir asitti ±a nad at Rentschler's or Randall's sta- wtilcan sitips. 4 lion. t d . t. SPALDING & BS. 1 DAN McUGINI litorpirted. t DAN cGUGN, tew Tark, ChicaooDenver Manager. 5ps idiigs OiialisFoo-tBal ( uIt- .1+ I iifor5190. ieditby VItei Siump. 4 1904-NOTICE. triciiu-nstl. +4 Randall has heen awarded the '04 1++* .. ..° 4-l"' ."444444. X..0 atxEoa nauniSsouriEi' For Sale-Iilress sell, 1 Ttuxedo President. V.1Ptesient. S. W.i.ARKOkNu.Ctashiert i ortilly 1t1w1ice-; sire 36 or 38; at 702 FIRST NATIONAL BANK' Sit.Tlays-r. 55-91 OF ANN ARBOR, MICH., Froth Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar- CAPITAL, - - - $100,000 row's and Httyler's Chocolateo atCuoh- SURPLUS ANDO PROFITS. - $40,000 ing's Pharmacy. State Savings Bank. Typewriting neatly done. Senior theses given special attention. W. I, nttrt OICO. Wli.14 ahea.Poe83 W. J. Booth Jno.V. Sheehan ils 14 ahtow hoe83 I Lit class work by committee.v All inembers report for free sittings for ':lass picture. Photon at senior ratos. WEEKS. Chairman. ,, Your eyes examined hy an expert optician. All the lat- ant approved appliancos and methods s(nown to the profession are employed. 4BAILEY C$1.EDMUNDS. Skate 4irindinqo S I2IE. Liberty St. W' rod D . . 5aua lls 'New eye glacefitdlnssup- Jan. H. vade E. F'. Millsseiitelnsstpi N. J. SKyor Jtohn Hlaurer 'ated, frames repaired. Halter's Jew- --- loa Koch Prof. H. S. Carlitrt Bath supplies of all kinds at all Frank P. Gla-zier Christian Martin prices at Coshing's Drug store. tf. elry Store. If. I W~~~~tithlit1 1904 ENG. NOTICE. Found-A placeto buy populro het /6 ATHENS PRESS cnSL O AKlcl'Rnshe steofca ht ~ SELLruit ASH pherfotrri the offniceiagphotog.a- music at 10 cents per copy. See our ' ' P .f icklsenorpenineerngyclss. sindow. Ann Arhor Music Co. p i t w V 1ev. Bisiness, Real Estate or Partaersli Sittings may be had at any time. ~ rdFam.AIs l.i. ld N t itter wtaei eatod. :;nesllaii _ J. C. WRIGHT, Ticket for four shampoos-$t 50. 4 rdFor t4n k~r is tica lars. peices. etc. Address Chairman. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near Quar- '54'I' .....'44444444P4O4T44W.444444444''r's.tuf CRB E OELL BUFFsAO.Scry's tuf __JOB PRINTING--MEYERS, 215 Cra 'd ( A Main St.S. Phone 281. Fountain pens at Cushing's. t' . o ~.Atspi abrSo UlU ll ~JlU~ STUDENTS-Insure your Booksand University students desiring to so- Salted Peanuts. Hot Bluttered ; Wardrobe three years for $300 at a e ure positions to teach will find it to AND BATH tOl05. Popcorn, Crackerjack freoh cost of $2. Removal permits granted their interest to write to James F. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Proprietor. daily. free. H.G. Sellman, 615 William S. McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- Face Hassage a Specalty. Candy Kitchien ~d14cao g taote St.322 SOUTH STATE STREET Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. - Pdvinblng and Stenam Work. All at RenassnableRates and First-Class Order at' J. F. SCHUH'S, 207 E. Wasgnxgtoon. F BIX«tR'S PHYSICAL TRU~NING IN WRITING, [theohboo far all the pie f allthe time. ini altivocatioins; trhe llssimprovement. 60 pp. illustrated, price '1. Tested 15yis-rs. -Thrss moiiibs' 'ii espa dercsseaourse liy npxthor$f. For a brief time trwill send the boandacouse for $i. Wvi lecture ci phynieal trainngin ra p1dwriting tsr $110. oans-west- far SO1. 0osducive ta health *nOtd positre core for had writing. I td li ts iuYretsined. iBusiness Psnman aoad 0one lewon, t0e. Address Prof. 0. SIXIR, MiadisonSIt. & Ogden Ave., Chicago, III. NOCI1N6 ALL[ Ry.Continues Its Excellent HOCKIN VALLY RJ.TRAIN SERVICE"1 --YOU WILL FIND-- [OUR TRAINS DAILY ROM TOLEDO Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Teains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains , UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. [. W, [ANDMAN, 6. T. A., Detroit Yi~tO'~F444~cin~~c4w AlwasAhead I~styles. IfLWARD, THE TAILOR,. - The IBest of everything. in Tailoring,