THE MICHIGAN DAILY. - - THE MICHIGAN DAILY R~dI~~htiffl ~ lted s ecelieo'et'at he~n colg ear l at: 17' . Wa sg onsteet, S ale basemnt, flor. ie ntr ecvPe Seeh25' ± ~ U~t ~MANAIN I IIOR: S. EMORY 'PIOMASON BUSINESS MANAER: As we have too large a B HUSeE T iOiN stock of fancy lElrol tlS: Wse Aliii c-c - - -- lI .ET. S . r iix1 : 5 UITINGS AND ASSOCIATES: f :. - tlfo cc. v ewn 1{y Peeblels. : RO1JS[RIN%.S A .Pund. A. Ii.teyr ..,Jseh Ii e. So ddard . More. Id I. eewri . 1. iWaie .Laye. 4' on -hand we will sell Cle. A Obor. Harold C. sit. the atreuce prce i'ilns B o b .iert".CSifde L. Dw to hake room for our Editor Today-HENRY P. ERWIN. Spring and S itinin te r , 1 Oseriploo-Two OoGame eergeocr, yioiaielc1n. Woolen.s. Be sure and edaoIfdiel ]dinqent uttoier Nor. Y. 1"13, 2.00 call in bfore you plac Office Hors: -12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Daily. yoit ordr..t A ,~ Address-ROSCOE . HUSTN, Bsiness Man- zor rdr..4 t 1 * Laer, 33i Pacard Street. *Teephone. 46. G. H. WILD & c., l.8t~A~uNTO~s~a~jCALENDAR. ® Feb. 2-5'p. ino. Meeting iofthe Fresh- ® 1111 I 1rack 010101 caneidaeis in the T'HE GREAT G A M i A F~'/A,,eli 2 p. 11.Professor iHart of *~~ ~ IHarIvird liio01 "Amerian il loa X T 0 J, i'lappain Hillleicurrocomc. w Febi'3-64 Lrctre lby Pro- fessor'ilames111A. (raig1111 'The $ -CI IN *FU 1A 7 neftit t f ilileleSudy,'' iiNew- 1tO R.,i V 4ERY O. N H 1bisy flal. 41 ieill1-Wetdniesdaiy 5 p. .-Prof. Lervy 110 Higher Educatio," Tall pan Hali l. Series o111"'ontetmpo- 1r1ray France." Feb.i2Wdeay-Prof. Mor of Hai raid 1)11'Recnt Explorations 10niBiblical Laonds," Saal Caswell Fe.5 4-ITiursday, 8 p. m.--Faculty t Cocri, riee Memorial Hall. Fe.58 ,m Choauauqua C., N. Y. scaatNewberry IBall. iFeb. 11aid 12-Joint mieeing Mich. 1 Poltical Scice .As'io aid - : gtie o1 li. Alolipalities. Fetbch12 Friday"uiHp, Waerman Gymniasiumo. F ceb 2--Frilay-noe of Firt Semes- ] tel. SHE E Hf1T'S Fb 13-Saiiay eveing-Ino Uii- Mil1Cluis. 10ANN ARBOR, 320 So. Wow State Street Aeu Feb. ti-Wednesdfay-iitsburg Or- cetra, in CorlUio sere. I I~ @144141 f14@4@4o4 Feb.20- Saturda-Preliminary iidoor -- -A---- - meet, Waterman gymnasiom. The, nn Arbr SaVingS Bank. Feb. 2:-Saurday evenn-fHopkin- (aidral.. ee, $50;t10011. Surplus, 1710111 5011son ih in S. L. A. coroe, Uni- - tHsources,,00.0011vesiy Hal A GENIRAL BANKING BUSINESS - _______ 'TRANSACED. NOTICE. Oprtlttnseolares,. lscck. Cccs.; IW. 1). ___ Harriman Vie pres.;1M. 1 i,. C sitet Ater tmolrroiw, Febuay ,the ~~d3 SS~ee~sSe IDly 0111 not be issed unil Fbr- 1 - mtrin RURRAtL i ay 1.IS it :herefore reqested thai IREimCTORn all noices andI announemens of Offic. 20, 4t Ave Phoe 9 Roofs- events wiihn this period intended for Od~ene02 S. 4th Ave. Phone 3814, ipblicaton be Iplaced at the Camius dene 302S. 5h Ae. Pone 14. office before six o'lock today or a: Aumbulance on call. the downtown office in the evening. If one of the moor ialient purpois of a university is the broad, humaniz- ing effect s of ifs -culture, then Michi- gan lacks biif iiitle of reaching the iideai of a perfect university. One of the greatest aids 1o ibis is the public lectuire and' we have been faviired with many excelient ones tis winier. Yestereday afternooen ene cioiid step froim a lecture on the opera "Parsifal", teo one 110 "American Diplomacy." Anid on Weidnesday we have talks on the "Henefits.eof lBfble Study," "Higher Education in France" anid "Explora- lions in Hiblical Lands." The advan- tages 1o he obtained from the hearing of ouch diveroified talkes given as they are by men well abele to speak onthemo canoitlie gainsaid. They serve to countieract and minlimize the evils eof the present day tendeiicy toi special-~ esm aind onesidedness and do mach 10o produce the well-rounded man seo es- seintial in ouir modern, comielex civ- ilizaion. GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGEa. Acdabsfs tudlients at itie tniversity eef Chicago will leave shortly fleea coeirse lf tuiliy in Palistiine. 'Th.'ear- ly is inecharge of a professor, and daily class stork consisting of recitations, andl lecturescviii be ontieiineieued n'uiig thes jouriney. The tipi will last till' summer, and regular examinaioens iiet the corse still lee heldi en tile reiturne .Iesl: as muich credit will be eibtaineed as ifIthe woerk wcer'eleene at Itle'ull- versity. Now ihe eel-eels at Norhwestern nvriyhedbadaddcdo be'yeeidethe sfhaedow ief a dlouibt ihat' the managers of the Iroquoieis tieare were dteritly resisonsible fee tihe bre.- In the recent examinaionis al Mill- nlesoita aiiengineeirwas 1'xplledt fer criibbing, omakeing the eight e xpe'lled see far this year foer ibis oefft'ise. lapi sels if liapiel'salsio air' biniiee'lrl up peninilg anin ive'stigationi. Prof. Geo. F. Motoreo cf iHarvardl Univesilty. chairmaneof thr mail conm mittee sf the schooel in Calesiniie.still lectuire in Sarah Caswreli Aingell ihall next Wednesday, upon hi' suiecte'ioi "ecent Expioratitons in Btiblical L~ands". In connliectioen with lie receintex- ilelsion oef studenis at Mbininesotlatier critbbing Prlesiient, Nii'orhropsaidinil chlapel, "Are we training young mcin andi women at the university of MXinl- iiesota 10 go out intelthe steelllas frauids andt cheats?" Eckersall recently ran one lap sin the new C'hicago track in 15 secoinds. In the bowling match betweellthle faculity andi Reynoid's Clubi officeis the fiillowing scores were maeeby lbs faculty, under the leadership eel Cresident Harper: President Harper .....58 Dr. Goodspeed .......... 92 Professor Stagg ......... 25 Dr. Thompson ........... 57 Dr. Shepardsotn- - -......107 Total..... ....... 339 President Harper rolled the first btall which went intoe the glitter. NOTICE. All freshmen track team candlidates meet Tuesday at 5 p. in. in Trophty k tc-lr, icc ~ite. 501' P~art,,Whit orBla k Silesi, SldikgeRi ",Supporter it>- le, --- - 5. f oL~ l ~iliel - 'cie e loe. h I u he ipe i tet lu111$2.50 111 51 leti e.; O e tie -t t , kt "o e topl-ent S lipping..-.50 3Catnvtas Sbeec. rubtberr soles75e' auc -- -- ._.. -- -- $1.00 It'SliltER c Veetlellis. lietlt lees leWoeol. $ Golf Sweatier. iee'worhteted.Gilt 1111100t, try A. \S'bii' $5.50 ~DO IT1N1W: .V 1 4ler1tc t~ tti C'Ic I ieelleie-leee1e ,clle ese. .0 l le- tee c I ;ss e- sesl ell e Iti j I ileule , e e l Vse lre eel 'se i" eee tiedre ctsee use n0 1 iIIi ,Clle, t 11W, Mtlee * v C essr4elsle1eE hoolse n ± apr 1 -c tee l I l llTWO DOs LesL ARS '111 1 105> ~pct l asal nPiat opr-I tinS oI r ..o t . wih nf 1! :i nI ~ 41 nlc c rii 'I' i utlt 0 13 ba jtte pr Ie ll ttl 41 C. E.lBeRTH sL', _ LAW AD D IChAL BOK !326 S. Sate St. Second Floor. ® !!0®11010®0*010110®14 "A stiff ulpper-i lii' is softentd'd 1 r1e'- freshied by Williams' Shaving Stick. i ----------------------- NNOi ®Nf Niel I n. u. .vvlia, . vt-ctuu ,Ci. N N N N N e fa. ow. r ee s"ew Thfu bL1JIJNTS' [[CTUJRE ASSOCIATION3 II !( 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 I. IOpkinson Smith .I '. J N I V [ R b I T Y 3 1 A L -[ Saturday. Evening, Feb. 20 I 41.A mEHATHH JTJ DCAN M. 5ICAI5OLT, Maonger THREE NIGHTS COMMENCING THURSDAY, FEB. 4 TIe EieStc Company. Thtursday Ev-ening, thie Great o Enpte SockSensational Dranna IJESSE JAMES A True StoryvIFountded on Facts. - SPECIALTIES BETWEEN ACTS- PRIC[S: 10c, 20c, 30c. NO IlHER NOTE-Thursday evening one lady will tie adumitted lie with eatch paid 30c ticket if teserved ptreviouis tit6t'. in, VA .. 1 i 1 1 1 _. 1 eas -itckets, $1.400 A Single Admission, S0c T[ H COM[PANYf. FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. 334 S. STATE ST., Phione 342-2r