THE MICHIGAN DAILY. State Savings Bank. OHIO CENTRAL LINES W. .1 Both , rrk8 11oVSeea i)ret Lne between 'Toledo, (oll- Win. Aol 15Dr . . aghnbuAthensfallipoli'., (harleston, 'W. Its. 11. Ide E F7ils Va'ad theSouth. Aok youaagent or i's .1 )11Po. 11. tr . 1 a 1l I I'' to i . ., 'i fort St., Pt'~~{;1. (Iittier isi- (he.i ni (l11e 'a IDtroit, SiNc1. MOTI''ON Sinuic, (G. P. A.. Toledo, 0. 'iti WOI' ISS 115 {?}l "RENTSC H LER + , (' j t 4 Maker of Photographs '' Eight O coktt+ ' ilnto92.7 +4 If yoa bar- e ofPI t or . . ollair Alarm Clocks... CALENDAR. + 0. H. LUTZ, Jewveler, ctlober1 8-Fe ncers' (flolb meeting. +*f 7 (1 00 6-0pllino f'l'niisZ Tnnrna- t, 109)i- S. lai Si. ;:1! niiit. 4. .ct. 8Met hln ivs. Albion (SUt. O-icihiclgan vs. Bllit. Money LoanedI ON Watches, Diamonds Or other personal property of value. Watches and Jewelry 1'e-9t paired. Bargains in Watches and Diamonds. Olffiee at residence, 3:11 E. Lib- erty Street, Ann Arbor, Michi- S anl. lHours Sto 11:3a, .. oto 3:.30o p. In. All Buosioess ('onll dential. JOSEPHl C. WATTS. nIRS. M. A. FINGERLE, GYM. SUITS AND BANNERS. 'MONOGtRAMS A SPECPIALITY. ,Next door to :Edwards Brothers, over Sheehans's IBook Store. Fotrsatyting in (te line of '' Framing, Call on Rentschler, K' Conter 7daitt and Hutron Streets. t'' Atnnual tne,-iog(If Ite Athletic As- soititiionciltltbe heldtinittUniversity tall Saturday, Octobet'r110, at1 p. to., for 11he' eletiott of base'ball attd track. (((ittiagers. I SWEET, Ptr's. NOTICE. All stttdetss'irittg ti ocote'o for tplces ott the busitness staff oIf Ih ((i1t~tttt(' at 331 I'actuttil sItreet, I tis ~Batb Supplies Towels' t Wa'-htRags ,rSpttngesr Ilatd-Water-Sttap Inoafalts 4. +,r r Toilet Watets rltirax 4..5 Everytitg 'yot teetd totmke 4. =t324SEYOUR'STUIE.IO x 3tb S. Main Street. $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN? Try 1he "1UNfVIBS1LY." Mann's Drug Store, 213 S. Maitt St. Everything to Make Yollr Room ! At LOVELL'S Corner Store. MARS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, The erofessionaal Hair Dresser 322 S. State Street, isp stairs,exndspc Try nmy Scientific Face Massage and TYPE-WRITING ZACHMANN & PETRIE Iit100iIN FRESH AND SALT MEATS. C. H. MAJOR & CO,, ...Artistic Decorators..., tr. . W sit u -1icisi v. tlor : Chs.lie's American & [European Botel Open. Day "rd Nighst I rigak, Dllill" t (o h th and (ine Room MILIt~AfL( 5HAttL, z5OWtINUs AtLrv ANDO 'fey ((tlr11lls(( a 00 i Itse k 209-211 N. 4th Avre. &6e ATHENS PRESS TZ2nd Floor.. Asihs'. ',u aids. 4 U~niversity Notices. INOTICE. 1Alt einsidult i-s tftr'\'ursii 9' squaids iepl) t in g s Isoon( s tissibli, lplltoguCplbis. No e''penlse(. 1ll .soiai'ur. GLEE CLUB NOTICE. wou ar'e'inlleliige this yu'ar, piieias1 610ii .tssretuee St. NOTICE, FRESHMAN CLASSES. 111 ordeir to (ldelotle tlile All-F'reshl football tamlt th eil'hig;hest tpossibli' ideree, ttiere wsill b'e no fre'shmlanl t'aintl5 tilhe11 ilassschelel(. Alt first ye'art tni'n,0whittar"fc"'tbtaltlnidlates- shulfd 1report flIP tilleAII-Fresh te'atm :15. T110S. It. 1t Ottl .'t''S. SOUTHERN CLUB SMOKER. The Southen t,tt ill ositlditan i- formallt stiiiikir. 'Ied'nesday ev'CI'lfin , (lOet. 7t:hat 7. at. Niebli's ll.,:,(; S. Stalte St. Allmnii'tsuti'rslIPri-iiiisi t StY THE lE 'CS1It;,NTS. Patent Lea ALB ERA THE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER. (flie 209 S. 4th Ave. 'honi' 18. 11est- detace 302 S. 5thu Ave. Phoine 3141. Aimbulancee on i'all. CLASS TEAMS, NOTICE! Iti acortdane iliw ittit lles gov - S. L. A. USHERS NOTICE. erit'tit classieamns, till eti-is, logo Ii 'Ihelres-ltillllici metig 01fS. I. A. '1' osithlia c'1111plls-inlist otftptayits, ushers in 1 oil iisit I lll mi ida ms-t tb' lhtancdudiitilleiby Ite talal- aite Ill (iat 1four11-tllI. It is verty toallils will lie alloowedl to entetheliC. C. 1IA1L.1NY, class serics as tie athlletic manatlge- iiie. Sic ri-i-ry. munt 1and,1'Varsity ritacht have idiecid- - cei lthatichelbestinitelrests of fotbilallNOTICE. I'll'sls of all freshitnen lassies ibe'co'-0 '1101111('1111) 1is111lii fl* " 'ita Y it itrto in tItthe' All-Iresht leoait. . mIin Roo171111111 ii ltlilS'fit]. IIAIIIC1Y it. usIE;t luY'T'ttK 17t1,SIiINI'. (1)4 Mtadison tSIrceiet. - - - - BAND TRY-OUT. Allfirt.iycear Illts anid Engineeris 1'1I-er01ittill beiatry-o11111 th muilst lie cexamine-d physfcally hbefiiri'1a1111il l I-ru',, 51Iemorial I]latlWi- N ovembelr 1. All iithers soil Iill lur. tiisiay. (lit.-7. al 7ctp. m. loiu-s fiit'examtinatonto l4i-lp. mI. ___ KEEIN[,.SFI'l'PAltIt'K. cxle 1hiiti t i'll c-I xpitteiliilrt optiianc.l All1(11oa- ul NOTICE--DAILY BOA RD. 1k111111 toitill 1111fesslin1111 Illemplyedi. [hii e 01will ib-a sI etig liPf01-Il- Neu-a-ey1' ;lase.I'. lit'uiilensesI.'d1iii- bers of te iDaily Bloardl ill toiitnC'. cal ed liunics 1repaiiried. Hal le's Jew- unoivecrsity i11111, Tloursday at, 12;:-17 eey Store. ______________ JOB PRINTING--MEYERS, 215 Maiti S. S.SPhione .01. lthe r Shoes KOLLAU F, The Tailor, 10Iltruin Si:. 1. T L, VJ T Z, Frc'dh I lostuuy'i, Ailt'ru-ilis, Stpar- row's. andIlu~ylers Chocoldates at ('lsli- 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET itig's Phuarttaiy. Giv'e 0us71n opportunity to figure ott your list. PRIC[S TALK.I We cats save yout money otn T LA W BOOKS--'''' : (NI-a or Secondu-Ilanudi CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, La 'l;, Ean Z 114 MONROE STREET, CBICAGO.Z z ANN ARBOR BRANCHI, 34o State Street, Opposite Law Nuilding l.4...4..4..4u.4..++ ? .44.44F44?t ?..4?.4? f 4s4?.4!.4?4^3"6^4,4 "I Ift I I I THE REGAL SHOE All kinds, all styles, always up to date, the most durable Shoe made and always the same price, $3.50, three hundred and sixty five days in every year.j ......AT... Mleyer's Newvs Stand,I 611 EAST WILLIAM STREET - ANN ARBOR, MICH. 4. ~1 *f4. 4 Our Geltlemel's Furilishifig Departmnt JUST RECEIVED r A large assortoment of Shirts and Ties FOR THnS SEASON.+ The Elffects and Colorings Are Beautiful SPECIAL UMBRELLA SALE for $i.oo oaau na. r C11*1m,RWeyer (ft Co. H. . a .1.s 4.r 4.r r4 .44+444.~4.4~4l~..I544.4.44.4.+4.4ot.444. Always Ahead - in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best., of Everything in Tailoring.