THE MICHIGAN DAILY. T> f aei as t>E REDUCED PRICES IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS C+T I G n "d~h Dress and Street Gloves, Bath Robes, Dress and tDuring the monsth of Isoosry sse will sellf Fancy Shirts, Hosiery and Late Styles in Neckwear A. All'24sad$,!5Suitsnd Overcoatsat....$20 00 U5 Z O All $S8 and 20 Salts sod Overcoasts at... 1300O The Clother r ALL REDUCEDIN PRICEDUR-t'.eJ- Lauiirh JAll $13 Suits and Overcoats .t .....1250 3 Bath Rg.obeua at Cat .217'outh Main"Streel.MACK & COMPANY. ... i° * t1 ii ° °°io i.l. t+++4.+ ++++.*+ ++ +H +++- + r* OTOGRAPHER H 1 12 1 E. Washington St. 000000000000oooaeooaoooo ®* * Established 1881 106 Huron Street, Eas BrR.CHFIELD'S FPINE TAILORING TRADE 4 o * We are prepasredi this seasoen to meet every demand, ase 1 3 we Save incrased thle Ditber of workmenltl. As u~sua~l ® we have Th~e Flziest Isie qf Woolomvs ill the ciety. ArttanSolskill will pretl ilfltttis our week ae in 0 0 the p at. We respectfully i i e toyour etnquiry I S. W. BUTRCHFIEL~D °4o oeo~oosooo ;ao~oo000ooso rOYSTEKCMBAY CATERING CO. B14D1ANQUET w tw H A LL. t, t IIANOSTiZRINLR, Caterer, Sou~yjlSTAlL S I IP. M. Daily, 35 Cerise I For.-Ladies anr~d Gsrstlerero 15S. State St. Phones 467 New Brunswick Tables AT" REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Ftn, Cears and Toacacoas JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. I havevust receivedlthe largest and liest lisle of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever git tot ile lily. Fine Lunches in Connection. Eerythinlg Nealt and Clean. 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. The Classes in Dancing gelot l, Wite acaemlsy oMalynlavrd rt. lmleetlas folllos: Lads~ies velusively, Satiurdaly lafltleos,4 o'lock~l; *iieltll'lll xclsve~ltly, Satrday Tuesday evenings, 7o'clockli.-tBeginnelrsre- C'all lat oficerfor furthler isnformaltion.l %ranger's Academyj. YOU CAN GET A Hot Lunch 0 At Tttle's, 338 S. Stamte 24[LSSONS IN $3 2...DA NCING.; Stree PALACE 6& PARISIAN 1.AUNDRY AGENCY.. Offiev 615 dast Williato St. tnoerse)7 Worh salled futr a111 delivered promsptly PHOTOGRAPHS CALL AT S[Yfr101R' SIUDIO a316 S. M1in St. \1!1 6AN CNTA thse Nagara Falls Route" TItE SIIIMIT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with dtret connections at Chicago for h. [oats., Kansas Clty. St Fal and the West. Gt,,~v ,~. sneor Aus +h 1 - -, sne M-+. rla iluttsorn CHURCH SERVICES. First Baptist Church. T. W. Young, Pastor. Presbyterian Church. J. IM. Gelaton, Pastor. 'ihe pastor will ptreach at 10:394115 "The Lamb of God." Bible schol will. Sutnday-10:30l a. in.; siubject, The meet at 12 in.; F. E. Jones, superin- parable of the potinds. 12 om., Sunday tend ent. B. Y. P. IT. a1 6:311;ipreach- school; I p. in., Intermediate C. E., leg aod song service as 7:311 with sir- 110 . in., Setnior C. E.; 7:30 p. m. molt on "The Valor of Life antiHttw sublject, "Exculses." to Spent it." 'rThe 21-minute song oer- Temtusircity the quotir is or fol- vice will be led by Rrihlittg's tirrhs- los'.tra Morning. 1"1will ring of Thy pttwer".. Sullivan Mrmorial Christian Church. 2"OLord, Most Holy" ..ilbert 3Conlltoll Solo-"But the Lord Preaching Sunday muornittg at 10t:30l imintdful of His ownt" (from by E. B. Long. J. A. Cauley will give "St. Paul") ....Mendellsohn a study to Prof. Coler's class at 12 i1. Miss Httnt. on "The Healing ttf tile Mail Horn Evening. Blind.". Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:110. Tbe 1.s1 ill extol Thee"....Maker 7:311 ser-vice will be unsder the austpi- 2Resnse........Shepard cee of the W. C. T. C. who wilt fuirti 3 rto-"Abitde, with me"... Chadwickt lob a speaker from withtttt thte city. Miss Farlin, Miss Htint anti Mr. Berry. ____ MICHIGAN NEWS NOTES. St. Andrrw's Charter. Next Wetdnesday afterntttn itste Henry 'Tatlock, Rector. lecture rooio of Tappan Halt, itrotfes- sor Levi will lecture ion "HigherIu- Ed-e a.7 in., usty7 .f . ,ttllltt tt v n"2 _ 1.-1,_ ,,.. ;,+, f < ; Money Loaned' 4ON Watches, Diamaonds vole:t. Wa~tches atid .1511'7lrrit" 'lois tid. lot-eis is Wss'tehut3 and i)iauullulls. Obt a111 iece 3t1'.Lb jT i1. J~tP"C. WATTS. J L.L17CT1 IC I0Ar.5 f ' " Electric Usssliisg U1shec~ Elcf tri ale Latosp5 s~a I t' nythingl o d' l a i vl's..,.p.o Soom1. Ca l it t i st urspay WA,5I'TENAW LICIT& - POWER COMXPANY. tCtr. tWe -kisctoa 'od tl. Ave. Pkts. 2735 morening Srayer and sermon; 12in.. Sunday school and Bible classes; 3 p. nt.,Sutnday school at Geddes; 7:30 evening prayer, with special music, and sermio to yotung people by the Rev. IWilliam B. Msaxotn, ID. B.. rector of Christ's churech, Detrttit. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran. IW. L. Tedrow, Pastor. t10:00( a. in., morning wttrship, wee- nmon: suibject, "A Steinking Contrast." 11: 30. Sunday schttol and Bible class' es; 3l . n., catechetical instructiton; 5 p. i., eceting wotrship, sermon, "In- trodurctory sttudy*ft the Lord's Pray- er;" 6:30, meeting of the Y. P. S. C. E. Subert, "Every Christian called to be aotissionary." Ltuke 24:44-49; leader, ucation ond-e orga0 zationof100111-11- - "- we-e .._' ence Academies" in the series tottConn- ' PAL1t;ip'S POFFICAL temporary France" The lerture is at = ItiTlE -COStIGIATE 5 oclocko. F OOT BALL _____Usedby altheLeuading The engagement of Miss Maizie E. ' FooBailiPants..SL.;uu'tfot, Wheeler tot Mr. Ernest C. von Ammtnttt / ld ixtetu's tilled tti) '905 Low, of Chicago, has been annoutln- tille15't ri 0. -ard(11 HS red. Mr. von Amumuo is a member ttf A. a. SPAG)INt&oROS.i the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. lncurpexlt i. ______NOr York, Chirate, Dener spaitiuu. stOlii.'l:1Fol tItal id Next Wednesday afternoto in the foritieitetlil ltyIt 1111-mt.tto lecture room of Tapptan itol, Pet.Pie10cits Levi will lecture on "Higher Etluta- 41. >4 -4 41 .r~4116'114'i' lion anti the O~rganizatiton ef Science Academies" in the series rtit"Ctemttl- ptirary trance." The lectutre is at1 5 Phone 5812 itclock. I ? ANOTHER STATE STREET STORE. a menmbter of the volsuteer haunS. ___ Wagner & Co. have purchaseud twit Unitarian Church. lots soutth of the Br. Vatighati prtttt Joseh H Crske, Mniser. erty on State street and will erect a Wotrship and sermon at 19:30 a. m.dobesrewta,4-otfnag setbect, "Applied Christianity." Sun- this opring. lay school at 72 is.; Young People's Religitous meeting at 6:39 p. m. Hamrt was nearly convicted ofttflb ______ mulrder of Polonius by stuentsofIth le Congregational Church. Yale Law School recently. They t1i11 C. S. Patton, Pastor. to decide whether Hamlet kille'd Poll otilus with malice afotrethttugt or1w as Morning service at 10:30. Sunoday insane. One mran btung the jutry anuS school at 11:41. C. N. meeting at 6:39 refused tut give in so the finatulll p. m. At 7:39 the pastor will give the stood, nine for ronviction uf istlruer rat of a oeries of five lectutres on! in the firdt degree, two for :,onvietlot the general topic, "Cltimate Concep- itt manslaghter anti oe or .tc"vlil. tions of Faith;" the lectuire fttr this - - --- evening being on "The Quest. for a Fer Sae-1 dress suit, S1-T ix 'a'o Theology." Students and str umg rs worsntutly ta-ire;ers'z e r,3: -1 7 especially welcume. So'.'t'haye r.81.-3 I $10.00 and $1.5.01 STAYS AND 9YtIRCI)4tys IWe give the Best Clothing Values. say ng you from $3.00 to $5.00 on (Every Sult or Overcoat yuu Buy. The halanee of the month our Annual Sale is on wer give jysou5'setr choice of our $10.09 $uits and. Overcoats for. $8.00 $1.0 Suits and Overcoats for $12.00 iI. L E qt CL TIW f .lS