THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Puritan Shoes For ro [atoy-rokon fias r P } i i {I I d1b 4 a CICAFRLTTLS (;rolvn in T1urkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. M0C55t L SMOKE. MARES EGYPTIAN SMOOCS CorkTips or Pini. Sv heCopons. f s R Te W, C, Kern Co' - ! ,. . 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. r, tals and Gowns made to or- ,~ otjj ~ der and rented. T n-rT ' ye a j lennants for all colleges and 'r , fraternities carried " 2 fA s r° " {oClass Pins. Class and Team ryyF4Caps. ___ ~ > Send for Catalogues. +MONEY LOANED ON Watches, Diareaonds Jewelry, and alHighs S Class Chattel a n d 4'+ Collateral Security. .BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFPIDENIoTAL. W. J. LOURIM. U P tom7 en' ingsielock Phone-4)1) . +5 O)5cc steers 9tt 1:30,51toa4:3. .= 7:00to8:30 1444 44+11+444414"+ + I +For a Good Cup of COFFEE OR CHOCOLATE Made Fight and Served Right Call on Te PENNYCOOK, TeCofectioner, 310S . St atest. D, Y, A. A. & J. RAILWAY DI TANDARD TIME' Per Ieroit half hearty frees6:15 a. se. until 6:51 p-xe.Then, hourly until t11:1.5, ForYpst- lanstlontly, at12:15 a,. .and 1l:45 a. um. Psor Jaks a orly freom 6:15 7155p. in. Tiheattt:1p1. m.sds1:15 .. Waiting Room, Huron St. W. of Slain. MANN'S DRUG STORE! 213 SOUTH "~AI N ST. o. D. KItEr, HARtRtSONtteeest,E ]'restdenst. V. ]'resident. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN AlilOI, MICHI. CAPITAL, - - - $100,00 SURPLUS AND PROPITS. - $40,000 State Savings Bank. W. J. Beeth Jue. V. Siheehaon Wmn. Arnold 1ir. V. C. Vaugihan Jas. H. ]Wads E. 5". tills N. J. Ktyer IJthns iarer Jo. Koch Prof. 55. S. Carp art Fraok P. Glazier Chtristiaa Martia can~l SELL FOR CASHKtlocal Your Business, Real Estate or Partnership Ne matter setere located. Sentdsme futll tpar- ticulars, prices. ete. Address CRAS. E., POWELL, B JV A O 4 4,+4 0 R EN TS CH L ER For anythingin tho line of 4 4 Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, 4 0' Phone 389-2r. Corner 1Mai and Huron Streots.4 TRIALS AuuAIN TODAY. Fountain pens at Gushing's. tf. Traier itzatrck tatd ysteday University students desiring to se- ;taintereFialatrcbeateyetee ifrdaycure positions to teach will find it to thaot ofthetwillkheandidtes in tmatheir interest to writs to James F. trytitof tt trck andtlteelo heMcCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- gymnasium this afternoon. cago. tf. Alihoutgh Joe Madtdock has ntt 9een __________ Arkansas, Texas, Mexico and California... Are bst reached via St. Louis, World's [air City, te Iron ~ OUntain Route Twto 1111l1 trains tottalifotrnia. Thredells talus to Mexico. l{'sstt dailtytraisttoTexas. Fourl datily tsales to Iflot Sprittgs. Six hllil t tale is t Littilse k. THlE BEST OP EVERYTHING. WRITE ME. Hi. D. Armstrong, T. P. A., 12:3:3 Xaslts'natt Ave., Ann Arbor, "itch. to the gymnalsiumo yesterday afternoton anod tossed it out IIoe forty fseet. Al- tee exemiuations are over, Ito sill tapse charge ot the weight, catndidates ansd bs-gill traitning. 1905 LIT. NOTICE. All of lent year's 1905 Lit. Base hal teeam relsort at Rentschlesr's Monday, Feb. 1 at 9 oscloek a. m. 88-90. VILER, Cept. IMPORTANT NOTICE. The 1904 Michiganensian, according to contract, is to be on the press be- fore March 1st, 1004, consequently all pictures, money, and copy must be in by February 15, 1904. . Michiganensian sittings, at senior rates, may now be had at Rentschler's or Randatt's stu- dios. tf. DAN McGUGIN, Manager. 1904-NOTICE. Randall has heen awarded the '04 Lit class work hy committee. All memhers report for free sittings for class picture. Photos at senior rates. WEEKS. Chairman. Pantorium, 1311 S. State. ' Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Clothes called for and delivered. Leave or- ders at Gushing's Drug Storo, or 'phone 582. $1.80 worth of work for $1.00' Tour eyes examined hy an expert optician. All the lat- est approved appliances and methods known to the profession are employed. Nest eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- cated, frames repaired. Hatter's Jew- elry Store. tf. Found-A placeto hay ppular sheet music at 10 cents per copy. See our window. Ann Arhor Music Co. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. Furnishes music for all occasions. Dance music a specialty. Address L. D. Bates, Manager, 808 S. 4th ave. 74-90. Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar- row's and Baylor's Chocolates at Cush- lug's Pharmacy. Typewriting neatly done. Senior theses given special attention. W. I, Willis, 1247 Washtenaw. Phone 803. 'tf. Bath supplies of all kinds at all prices at Cashing's Drug store. tf. 1004 ENG. NOTICE. Renttschler is the official photogra- pher for the senior engineering clans. Sittings may he had' at any time. J. C. WRIGHT, Chairman. JOB PRINTING--MEYERS, 215 Slain St. S. Phone 281. STUDENTS-Insure yoar Books and Wardrobe three years for $300 at a cost of $2. Removal permits granted free. H. G. Sellman, (115 William St., o. o. d. 124. At SALDII5G'S OFFICIAL INTER-COLLEGIATE FOOT HALL Used by all the Leading - Colleges. FootBalPant t-e front, lips and knees atdedslith fO inseeurledlhtisr andslli-'lSs 5 r . G. SPALDINGl & 5505. H ew Tork, Chicago, Denver. Se-lsie S tttiialssssot Basll Guside' foss190ted iltsed by sWtlerts sep P'rices t cstts. 1 k+ tGidn 2 E.Liber-ty St. 'a W;6e ATHENSPRS ~Prn ,ters 41s s grad Floor. Athen. TI,.etrOlg. sis.4sa' i °i-444444444.4444.I s " '44444'4 U, of M., Antiseptic Barber Shop AND BATH ROOMSL. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Proprietor. Pace Massugo a Specialty. 322 SOUTH STATE STREET, Fresh Lowneys, Allegretti's, Spar- Cl ' ~ row's, Huyler's, chocolates at Gush- jj jj, J(lmtug's Pharmacy, tf. Salted Peanuts, Hot Battered Popcorn, ?Crackerjack fresh During January all hair goods at daily. one-half off. Hiss Vaughan, near Candy Kitchen [5 IBR.Qar'.w Electric and Gas Fixtures, and Construction. Plumbing and Steam Work. All at Reasonable Rates and First-Class Order at J. I+. SCHVH'S, 207 E. Washington. v BIXL[R'S PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, the hook for all the pepple all the time, in all vocations; for Seine improvement. 50 pp. illu trated, prIce 1. Tested B gyears. Thre mouths' cerren endeulte sousne by author $7. Frsa brief tIme I will seed the btot and course foraI. Will lecture os 1phyules tratnt galrapld writing for 9100. or ose week fur $50t.. Conduelve ts healt and ulstre cure for sad writng. Individuality retained. Busineas Penis-n and one lesson, lo. Address Prof. 0 . BIXLER, Madison 8t. &0ogden .Ave., Chicago, I. 'Iz IIKIO ALLEY R Continues Its Excellent TRAIN SERVICE A~ ---YOU WILL FIND-- [OUR TRAINS-DAILY FROM TOLEDO Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDOA.Deri ACOLUMBUS. L. W. LANDMAN, G. 1.A.Deri - .. 40 go* Always Ahead in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR.- The Best of Everything in Tailoring.