THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I THEI~ MICHIGAN DAILY Two weeks from today the greatest ft *~in -- ------ event of Michigan's social season will i nArbee Post Ofie be a thing of the pastThse Junior R educt" ~ Plished dal Mnayecpe)dsring the Hop of 1904 and its attendant iestiv- college year, at 117 E. OWashington street, ities twill go down in college history Sal I (aeetfor ieetac)Poe823 as the best of a long series of annual SQ I0± MANAGING EDITOR : successes. Every committee has done *'5 BUOSIN S MASGER its work faithfully and practically alt sOSCOE B. HUSTON the prelinminary arrangements are As we have too large aBUIESM AER pleteti. The entertainment committee EDITORS; E stock of fancy A Eltltios. =-_ - - BETttenKI. wALTOn is now endeavoring to bring ott osf" Nes, -J . 5. BLKY~n the latest comic opora suscresoos "Tbhe UTN A DASSOCIATES: Yankee Council" here for a matinee S UTNSAD Clifford Stevenson, stay Peebles, performance on the Satuirday follow- *A. M. Graver, I enry F. Erwin T ROhS[RIN GS A. C. Pound. A. 11.Otrtmeyer.' tog the hop. If this canntot be tone. Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. More, the Comedy Clutb wilt be askledto itre- 'Ida Id. hrowosrigg. I. Waite Jayne. on hand we will sell Geo. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith. tprodutce its successful farce'"The P'ro- ha:rry 11. Andrews. Allied 1B. Keels feosor's Tragedy." 'rho concert otf' them at redoced prices Tl~ioas 1i. lRoberts. Clyde L.. Iew. the 'Varsity Musical Clubs ois Sat:u'- to mlake room for our Editor Today--ARTHUR C. POUND. day evening will be anotiter pleasing) Spring ad S tu11 t srilo-o: lar s oaosri i feature of the Hop season. "TI::' adoan~c. I ifnv5qent after 1Nov. 1. 1903. $2.30 Yankee Cotincil" is bosoked at the Atlit- Woolens. Be sore anti- 1 ens Theatre for the night otf titeHop', call in: hefore you place O p.s Hur:1230to1:and6:0yo.:3biut tile committee hopes to induoce the yourordr. 4 14 .14114 Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business Han- management to change its date. ager, 331 Packard Street. __________ Telephone, 461. ITonc mc lt bne iar GOODttiit', S oi ita Cotton, 'lees Ie te4 or',, b:''.tlaek & swbite, 50c shits.-cut lit te~ :d, Itull fash- stondeach- -----$1,15 tPants, VWhite uoritlack Silesia, tie tirostItee bli----e 3 F'lii el - - - - - - - - 25:' Spastl ii:"Elas:tic Saupporter withs £1 sUlepi iv ocn olde.. - 0e ti,' fac f' 1i :1e . not bush- Indooir ttutnuiitiShoes, ine leasth- c,: ,tii:lertIllpeit;poles. Per Isym Si,:: '.. fndlete, liktskin Cavs Soestiber spoles, 5 andi - ---- --- - - - - .$1.00 Chtartuois i'u rsoper lpati'.25c SW[fAfIfRS Vest C'tltar,. bestltitbs sot, $5 tGolf Sitlater. Itie orated. Gilt bu ttotns. 12: V &- \'bito _$5.540 Walir's Book Stores, G, H. WILD & COj 10 .WAMI1INOTON STRULT. ITHE GIREAT GAME, MXCI'rIN G Ii EN ! FOR V IRi YON Ii t EA o SHEE HAN'SI DETROIT, 160 Woodward Avenue ASH ARBOR. 320 So. State Street * *@*@*olo..*@**oS*.,.*4 i The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Capital Stock, 050,000. Surplus, $175,000. itesosrces, $2,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. OrrICEnS: Charles F. liscoot, Pres. t;x. I. Harriman, VicesFres.:;5. J. Frito. Cash~ies'. Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 18. Resi- dence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. Ambulance on call. CALENDAR. Jan.,0-1.30 ipi. m.-Meeting of New 'Yorkiers' club at Oyster Hay.. Fetb. 1--5 p. m.-Lecttire by Prof. tart of Harvardl. Tiappan Hall lettiri'roost. Fbt. .-4.111 p. so.-Illustrated lectu~re by P'rof. Stanley on "Parsifal" it: Muttseutm leture room. let:. 4--Faculty cotneert in Free Me- tourist Hall. 'Toou utch cattnot be said in com- mentdation:s of the lan recently ptro- posed bty Micihigamuta, aiming at the tltituate formatiion of a Michigan club house, and it needs no defense in thtese columnsa, but it is not generally understo:od bow the banquet to be h~eldi is going tit get the club hsouse. At the first glattce the end seems rather far removed fronm the moans th are to be takes:, but a little con- sideration: will satisfy the tmiot shop- tiealthtiat the plan is going to work. There has been a good teat said abouit the atitarent laeck of fiuds on the part of Michigan alumni, but there can be little doubt tihat those who are inter- ested in Mtichigan have mon:ey to give if the y ^.n :be stiowI:thalist :1stonte ed atndIwilt be wisely s11011. We wilt never get a clubthbotuse until we have shown thtat we want onie atid want it badly. It is pr.feisely to serve this purpose that the banquet was propotsed. In this way the stuidetscans get togeth- er, thoy cant grow entistsiastic, they can prove to Michigan's friends that a club house is what she naeeds, what she wants, and what she is going to wvorks hard to get. When this is done we can count the months and not the decades, till we hanve the club hosise. is dead, ought to come to Michigan. Hauling a young lady's trutkthroutgh a windowe may not lie quite 50 rotmatn- tic as fighting a dutel for loot satge, but the principle is thoe same. who dniio-iooof sea lbrleua tion in fitting one for a luetativepos:- 0 lion is again aptly illtstratei. Jo:e0 D T 'r NO0W * Madldocks has bad an even ten offers ti: teach: the gentlie art oflfotoball, 0 GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. ± wOfiic , vc ihi:-esiind ideafti-. @ As an iticentive tii cultu:re'studly 0a i vsttet. li t. this iifferentiated from profesiosnal tain-: 3 eiiiisiiiiof 11t(IUIt iiiivrtieit- intg, Harvard College has tecently es3- pii3l: c. i- Oto tu-i: iitenistos niiiiil,it ii ctiv i, ave r tablished new Honors in Literatu:re-, ,* i --si 1re:- vidiiiiut c iieher ill ui6 H-onoirs are to be awtarded intw cxvi: li Sit pIi -. prieil ii it grades, Honors anti Highest lHonor 3 s : w% r gi lpice. a.ioi.vipe- at graduation. F~ousr requirements ob- iIii ~ iiiiii tamn: (1) A good readisng knowledge= TWO DOLLARS uf at least two languages, (ise aniet-- oe nmodernt; 121 a broad couse',iof readits" in at least tv- ti lluaturs' 0 une anceest, ono modern; (3) a get:i eral kinowledge of at least two liters- ltres, osne an~cient, oslo modert:, to lie tested by an examination; astdl(41) arhllaaPs special stuody of two subjects chosen lions.all onIiv teCopora one from an ancient literature, osne' wit It Pr'iof. 1Viil-tiv' casev o i - from a modern. The Honiors are' toi & t i-(1(41pr ituiuiilii:all: t- te admntistered by a cotmittee itf* t:Iv: viiiosi it io is itfl'rii. three each frohm the mo~desn langtuag * 1ii us -t, On oue 05 0SIX DOLLARS MhCHIGAN NEWS NOTES. * Atigiust Scbsmitdt, of thec Schoolthout_ C. E. BARTHELL, ! Mussic, wilt give his gradusatisig re- LAW AND MEDICAL BOORS vital next Wednesdlay at 4.30in Ith I ::- 32o6 S. Stats St. Second Flhosr. versity ball. This will tale ihe place o ASH ARBOR, MItCH. * of the regular Wednesday ppil~s' te- ®O®IO.f®0O ®i vital. Many kno~iw Mbr. Schidst atnd have watched his progress as tostoosit lie huost promising puspils in: tht' schiool attd this orgasn recital willibe- sometbing tine cannot afford to miss. Next Wednesday afternioion at 4.310 o ae cseiat Miss Elioabeth Campbell wilt give' a tfcs 02 Scotchs lecture recital in Frieze idle- refresheld. \Villiais' morial hal.itilgSjk For Sale-1 dress sisit, 1 Tu:xeido; worn only twice; sizo 36 tir 38; at 702 So. Thayer. 89-91 N N NN @N"@@ @0S0 f + @ O. 0000004®O!®Nf j l N THE[ SUDENTh' [[CTUR[ ASSOCIATION I. H~opkinson Smith UJNIVERSITYIH A L[[ Saturday Evening, [eb. 20 I I ;,;;,MT, fft @ T E AN M. .5IAhIOLT, Mahalsger Engagment [riddy, Jan. 29 ~famus GERMAN THEATRE STOCK CO. OF CLEVELAND, OH1IO Presenting the Popunlar Gierman Students Playj ALT- (old) HE[ID[LBERG A [arge Cast. Beautiful Scenery. Pric ~BestVCVs Reserved Seats, 75c and 50c r rices Balcony, 35c. Gallery, 25c. Seats on Sale Wednesday, 9,,a. m. Season Tickets, $1.00 4t ,, Single Admission, 50c TINKER i1,PANY. FURNISILELIS AND HlATTERS. 334 S. STATE, ST., Phone 342-2r