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January 30, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-01-30

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The t


Two Chances of Securing the-Contest
-Manager Baird Returns from
Eastern Trip - Stands and I
Stadium Inspected With
View to Future In-

Professor-Hurt Wrill Appear Before the Senior Practice Courtflow loirg Ar-
Class in Con-sttutional History- ranged-All Senior Laws Requir-
S He Will Disuss Diplomatic ed to Take Part in This Inter-
Questions in American coting Featare,

No. 89)

Judgetrenvansi Loc ure on "Lincoln
as a genoius-A stirring Portray-
al of the Marlyredi President a
It n 0 1 it I B Id iing, i'-as
<it _iO IILI ." lie

prove meet of -- - The senior si r, Iih :iiz
Perry Field. - Mondtay afternoono at five o'clock, ; roling cirrsirlerali lirriri
_______- PrrofessorAltberititrshoellHurt, Ihead i, oit ti ri
Manager Baird, whor has just retorn- of lire Histoiry dlepartmoent of ttarvard jury t riasare or root id, 1
ed from a two weetks' trip through the tUnivertity, rwutltregin trio seiteis itrefr~librsrofiii
East, yesterd~ay gave otrt an inttrview I five leturres erniitledr poai-rtrdt ~ tchn pntereut fhsvsise0icc
at the triveroity centers. Mr Baird IQruestiotrs to Americans History" this ir-eli.i
matte the trip fur tire two-fold puirpore rs e iletrn s rcto tePot .ir irrieasc,, ti
rf securing tire much-desiredi Eastern! ical, Constitutional, arid Social Htioo ai reils, t, --s
gstee fire Miciigan tis falt anti gaitn-' ry of the tUnited States, nosw'rundier to ret us si liriosa i -i
irr ifrrmtirrrealveli frirr tn-Professoir VanTsryne. Tire lectresotncyii1,11.r-1 r n i li
irginomtoreaiet ttreiIstbeift e-'povemns onrrFe-cry- Firtd. Twoirofletrsii-
lirrswl b eiee a ieoe leading asternr uiniverottieo are -stlbhelvrdetfveo- r l -,.ern
conoiderinrg a Michigan game serirous- clodc errnStMrnday, -Wednesday unitd rrerr iii Iii irr'ei
ly, althouigh the manager sitl not give Friday, and at three o'clock T' "a -ti si gne a arl i- - ..ini thei- ii
ourt their namt'outthtie arratsge- and Thrsrday, in tire recture rootmrofrIum-riti iii ~it1 ,11, niiihi
nmeott are clinchedi. 'Tappian Mall. rile- tnt illwhori ii s cli li-tior ii
Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columiao Profesor tHart it ocinsidiered to be ratioe--io iii - -ro I'l
arid Pennsylvania were the tointsovis-O(the hest autihority rot dipilomatic iris- Air. erririlrlai l s Itochatiif
ied try Mr. Baird. At each iif thu- Itory frorm the acadletmic standinrt in ido and s- rund 1kel-rii tll SC ir
Ire talkred foiothall anti his irropsosalo the coruitry today, As an historian, rridotil in suchia i aa rs to lii vc
swere heard swiths evident interest. critics molektim anmong tire best. lie toialawiu ri-I - , ii-re w
"'The Eaot is interestedrlin Mtichigani's has loire imoporant researchs work ittosmi,i11,ri idlyI I-ri, il-ce
success," said Mc. Bairn, "antifiully the state archives at Washinglitnurid is grea' uei sar
realines how rdsngerousroa rival we are the attendants then' stilt speake of his Iiihe ari-iiras iii i orJ. ini>rig
'l'lis is the reason why we find it 50 close atiplication to his self appoinied j uti irs-,ioi err I. ir;
diffictult icr arrant-cart Eastern ganme, task durinrg his stay itt the capitol, if not, all ofi ii w ara- -
'T'le college aurthsoritiestrelievi' trot The resutis of his labrs are nose-re- isoan e, tooil ii s- I'. h"Iiir
they wouldrihave all fir lose andn trth vealed to tire thorouighrand schrotarly' toibeitsedii ial therild11irti fr
ingto irgain in a sectiornal contcat, treatment cit the particurlar lihases in e I clii 's i-i rcourt..'li i-l
'Then there is the addederconsidter-atiorn Ameriran ihistiry sithirsrhile-hhal is lu'ein to belii ii ole or th
thsat every Eastern tuniversity tins atlbeehi on cu'e r-. tie rnsroritti-insV- Etie Vi 7}il i enn i st
least two contests whincs have beetserlal 51lumeis oiii Armericani tisiorirare -reached th ietil's isill [ie 1:
playedi annually fire years andtihie and c'ollaborratedil silth'rofessor ('li- Th'liicares o terIai r i siy large r
managers refuise lto ardanother trots- nirigoila"Gidite tinAmrictanri i Our- ill iilie 0 iihr- r i-, - iii n-niie'1,!
ing contest to their scheduile. Our re-ry"-irrrrafniiiIisloi-
rcotatofsanexhneust for a game is noise being consid- ,'leMeesoitthlii'faicurty' shoii havei- cxrcinterct 1 ii irs, rilit io
eredi, however, by the tboardls if run-he'ardl irofessor- Iartec-tuteat-rurlre sytamstruantd r ii lsriiil ini
trot of tsr-uEastern college's anti Ibe- he is a s-cryforcribile talkie,"A. Al m, firriri-Aciesrlev tatonioftliee o teri-ill h smscaridlwa ithsisitivle isia r
soltake Micihiganrin fil ex-t, toll. l itret.i lilihe subject-,"' saild5aeierrij glary, fail i IS - -Ii
"Its my search fine information sr-tick lr o f 1k'' historry d rlr-rrr,- it' ir ril- ir I--- -' ieta,-of
may be rusefui irnthse fuiture dev elop- Isyalltroorn. "Non' shrourli tijooall teec lli r ma fFryFed Imd hr hsopotnt oha o rmnn'md ooi the membersiii -
irugh sItiny of the athletic conitionsa arn. 'rW'e hoper' lt irveal' ery iri eefir Cliot, -:otr iduty lb-ingn , te
at the fivi'tuiversities visited.i Al ttdnlerisci'.''t -Inn IIoisil a' isilirr it
Cambridge, I inspecteod their nes stowa- C,,,,, wh___ Sr'iio ii i s shriffs. 'hel[
dium, an immense sterctuebittott TOOK TRUNK THROUGH WINDOW ' in oncnut1(%k- les-in, arein plie
tire plan of the ancient Greek eno- t';_'tr ir
tr. Although this biuilding cost a r-~isiduingli t'f sof
rotundi$250,000, it is as yet only an Mtiss Joaephrinre tie, nietUnivrsityn r. -;rrDileote' i c:ii'O,w i -
retreriment asnd competent arcirit,-rio co-iei, shoherfri' ends rloweirsien atrikitr 1toltry.I 1 'hi
doubt if it will standl the- test of ttne.tfrom tre rromThu'lrsdoay' nrr,ii i ,torv'f r ritr r,,ii ,
'The stadium is not wolly comletedir. hetre p taymes-nint f$,;fire alleged d ramirll manyrof l -
Harvard's athletic fheld is thc larestlaugo- to tire roonm, appteale oleplc i t i rvyf:ars.odyorsitneinstriii 111i] r r til n Saecra , i
in the counntry andi comprises 751 isropr-t y-beinrg fldin try la1inlrry.
"At Yale conditiosoat-c entirely dif- Utirriiierniff turn il liitis-i-nt ithiiilirs
feenTire standis, althoutghr try ex-tieliir-frererristi-11 ES eL 0 1ci
tensive, v-erecbirilt abtirne ighto yars T'h'er'larniladry-attfirstl, h asI---
ago, Peninsytvania hassuoili-c'thefiuset-iolialilossth'eithings to bie' Itrl(Cr i r-. --
stand qtuestion in anothsesway.Via- assay-, ibit late oenirited. i
tet- catuses the rdestr'tion of w*i ire Tiii'latndtlady reofusedrto iii ii Css 01 liii -,i r -
strurctureo and to remedy this Ike lERie'mnove asway runtiil thei$:;,alie., r ar 11l i -W
tPenn stands are roorfed, partilly 5 iit amsages causedribyiausenirrirampihadriti :.itin Ii-
slag which insures a water-light curs-teen spaidt. 'lwor friensds-warecalrrlediI "l - i°T
iring. 'rhe stiperstruetunre is t'uilt if upn itfiretrlls atndsrih tinitied
steel and planks,.'The stand syste-m efforts MtisIRice's ttlnk vstaknh i ~tcl, h
at Pennsylvania cost $I00,00, 5t sr ilcrot of eke irhosetirotigliSk sthe trswIino'rtr oclee1 .
the appropriatioinsofn $75i,000i for a - nm-sier
v-all arorund the field and $45ltiuf-r n REPORT GOES TO CHINA. Ihe I I
a gymnasitum are in proportion. _ lti(ci-red
"During my stay in Bosrton I itt- lutes" u,', nn i iI
opected several coincrete walls, whichr Gustaus oOlisger, 99t, 0'lawlst-well
knonrtni eaigadjura eodm:nwl
Irresentedt a goord appearantce as woell t iceo inswitrtiennijfrins tthalt intorder I Ito - bol
aspossessing great w "ac-n-srt- lisTewaes ltitivrcess entfro tehngtitinCisna. i r i n 1- i
ties'~;ze st o 11 rr


I -r ii Im ie
lifii - n I !A n-i
i as rli 1 - it
_ i it
1 r. 1 wairs
I-i, .1( ii-)I it
- \ K - I - - rae Mat-
t - li od t: re i il i
KAI it

, I I i i
t I - ;- -i
- n _1 - -

Iwhec re eis sreuctiiring trssw u in nit- - -- - t - -ay nt-b
fice of Mr . T R.Jernuigua n o t 1 tn ni- itini
STUDENTS SEE GERMAN PLAY, American consuli-geneerul 01tCshalro t!. knn "C oi Wre. I Ir'e-
kits letter countainnedl ikeftoll5owing n
Lovers of the German langunage tretig olrie ;n he n i I -- -i I i
were agreeably and happily entertained "taems rriciarnnrtiiiiloie I -no ec I I p r - i
here last night when the pretty play China Gazette, eneli hsei osi srl t2i i - -
of 'Alt Heidelberg" was Ipresenoted at hw pryitngmn tditis it ,o Incas M -i~ii n-i.ii'
the Athens Theater by the German ing room nit the swomen's gnrsit
Stok Cmpayof 'leelndIn heduring thto maskedl bull.(,annyouiroxi- STU DENT NURSE SILK. I
original tongue, the well chosen com-plitomkuwsnkaseyanmi
pany of actors gave to the large aund-its sway ho this corrnser-nitshe globte?"y' Thur ~~oluinlint iharrirrntnr,-en(iIn iI-
ience an accurate conception of the ________________ sumn hrrnlhnwtiaulIs u-n -i
quaint, charming production, nvriysuAi h a
The court customs, tire stundent life ADELPHI PROGRAM,. lue-st lrt-r eniinIt1I - Ii-e- ni ~ C1i---t
and the love of the prince and Katie s','ie 1 s-hn1nIisJn h uIn iII beith tur o~(f
were interpreted with success, The 'The AdielhitSoiciety sill rendrue ucnnenne =, e~itit nil a
fact that German was spoken through- folloiotng programnOt Satnurdtay, Janan- ____________;i:rllc flrthue Co-
out the play made the entire piece of ary 30:r REQUEST TO SENIORS, tindnibyltu ;
double interest to University students. 1 Paper-Hull,- -
Among those in attendance were 2. Debate, Resolved, That the dis- Sittings for Michiganenislan annd i ' W Y R a---NOTIE
prominent members of the faculty franchisement of the Negro in Ike class pictures ace coming in so fastn tet.lning nil tofn01,Neso
and German teachers, South is jtustifiable. and thus timec limit, h'eb, 15, is so shun-I t, :r tay Hi-nl in
So pleased were the managers with Affirmativet Sherlin, Davidson. that tt will be necessary for nosinP-I_ I 1:30I ll.Iinifor
the way tn which the production was Negative: Martin, Rodi. book as many morning sittings as pinsi t and trlan-
recetved, that the company will prob- 3. Discussion, sihie. cct i I- rI 'e ss. es
ably be secured for future dates tn 4. Critic-Lathers. H. RANISALL, :ti e'utsi i YN' orkSlSate ace
Ann Arbor. Business meeting., J. F. REiNTSCHLER. os- ealto Lho ro- st. 8_

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